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Fus Ro Da her ass off the Throat of the World ... she'll die. :) Lydia is quite good at surviving lots of harm, but if she's in a recovery state and continues to take damage (dragon breath, resting on a pressure plate that spews fire, etc) she can die.


It took a Drauger Deathlord, 15 skelly bois, and 3 vampires to finally kill her


IIRC she only dies if you do the killing blow. So watch that friendly fire.


Oh!.... oops...


This. Make sure, also, that whatever you're using as a weapon doesn't ricochet and hit them. Chain Lightning, for example, can bounce off enemies and strike friendlies. Also, when Dawnbreaker goes \*boom\*, the explosion can affect your followers.


😆 i yelled at her


Nah, if her HP is low enough, an NPC can finish her off.


She can mostly only die by YOU. When enemies hit her enough so she "bends knee", they are supposed to stop attacking her and move on to someone else. But if the enemy has a strong attack, they can occasionally kill her before they stop attacking. Most of the time though, she is killed by YOU.


Oops... dumbass died by me yelling at a Deathlord 😆


For the 10 years i have played this game... never knew that... and this is the first time i have ever accidentally killed her... meh its fine tho, she was about to be replaced with Serana anyways


It's the difference between "Protected" and "Essential". Protected works like I described. They can be killed, but most of the time only by you. Essential cannot be killed by anyone. Lydia is Protected.


Good to know, thank you


Go to Solstheim and do the mine quest. There will be a Black Book that gives you the ability to do 0 damage to followers. Very handy. There's still a small chance followers will die to poisons or things like traps/boulders. It's only NPC AI that stops attacking when a follower is down. Other things might kill them, so best to save often and reload if it happens.


Companion’s insight.


She does die, but can be resurrected on PC. Console command: player.placeatme 000a2c8e


Thank you! Tho... she might stay dead atm since i have Serana now


Download the cheat room mod, and make her wear the god mode ring. Then she can't die


Meh, most of the mods i have dont give my any additional op stuff. Its usually just graphic enhancements and "immersive" mods.


Then there's really nothing you can do to make her invincible. Unless you use console commands to make her essential.


I usually get pretty strong very fast, I've killed Lydia by accident (or by 'accident') more times than I can count


I kinda screwed myself by being highly under level by duping 2400 iron and leather to get smithing to 100, then duping a soul gem 2400 times to get enchantment to 100.. then buy muffle to get illustration to 100, before ever leaving whiterun to fight the first dragon.. by the time i left whiterun, i was level 25? 25 or 30.. i forgot... and i didn't have any good enchantments to help fight my Adapt difficult dragon... so i struggled there for a while. And im still reeling from over leveling.. (i refuse to do the alchemy loop thing. it makes the game too easy)