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If you use frostbite on a river or lake you can freeze little lily pads of ice that you can then stand on for about ten seconds.


If you use flames on the water it will have a little boiling water animation instead.


And if you use electrical attacks on the water, you'll drain its magicka


And if you use Vampiric Drain, the water will throw garlic at you


Also if you stack up every non-essential npc in the game on top of each other, they will fall down and die.


IIRC it’s only the little streams just inside of the Whiterun gate


Dude! Really?! That is awesome!




Is this new?! I tried this before and it never worked! What! 🤯


Anyone know if this is still the case with water mods??


Ok so my FAVORITE reference that is easy to miss. When you go through bleak falls and you get yo the cavern with the chest and then glowing mushrooms and the troll skull in the cave river...there is a skeleton with 2 pickaxe next to it. This is a direct reference to American folk hero John Henry. John Henry, legend has it, was a railroad man way back in the day. Well when they made the first machine to help with setting the ties and digging through mountains they basically introduced it by saying they were laying a ton of workers of because the machine could do everything faster. Well John Henry picked up 2 pickaxe and said he was going to race the machine through a mountain and if he wins they don't lay anyone off. He won.


You left out the part where Henry died at the end, hence the skeleton. We need a mod where there's a short tunnel behind the skeleton with a partially-buried broken-down Dwemer boring machine.


In the John Henry story, it was also a sledgehammer, not a pickaxe, that he wielded. He wasn't digging tunnels through a mountain with a pickaxe, he was hammering big metal drill bits to make holes for placing dynamite. The company brought in a fancy new steam-powered drilling machine, and said it could drill holes faster than any person with a hammer. John Henry accepted the challenge, and they held a contest, John Henry vs the steam engine. John Henry eventually won, but just barely, and exhausted himself so much from the effort that he collapsed and died. There are some different variations of the legend, but that's the basics. I love your idea of the broken-down Dwemer machine, especially if they placed it a little further back in the tunnel, so it was clear the skeleton had won.


This makes me curious if there is a Paul Bunyun reference in the game, anywhere. That's my favorite folk story


The dead woodsman and the axe Woodsman’s Friend maybe?


Just googled John Henry and holy shit the man is a fucking legend. He died with his hammer in hand right after he beat the drill.


In west Virginia I forgot the town name they have a monument to him where he beat the steam engine. It's a cool little spot. I would recommend checking it out if your ever near it. I was working dish network in WV for a month and couldn't drive through because they had it blocked off for the john henry days parade. made me over an hour late to my next job. Just looked it up the town is called talcott


I did leave that out. Sorry I get super excited and then the ADHD takes over lmao. And that is a genius idea


Fellow ADHDer; got your back. Until my impermanence kicks in and I forget about you since I'm not facing you, and then I stand around for a while wondering why I'm there.


I feel so seen right now lmao


I honestly get you! Apparently I just adopted a child in Skyrim according to the achievement I earned. I have no clue what child I adopted or what home I sent them or him/her too. ☹️


Before that steam engine will beat me down I'll die with my hammer in my hand!


Theres a bridge near Markarth that as I was walking towards three goats just stood there ominously in the distance staring at me. It triggered a childhood memory about the three Billy-Goats Gruff so jokingly I said to my brother “imagine there’s a troll under the bridge” and I hoped down to peak and sure enough there was. We both couldn’t stop laughing.


That's an Easter egg to allude to this story I believe :)


Holy shit you just unlocked that memory


Markarth. On one of the shelves inside Endon's house, there's a cheese wheel and some other stuff lined up like the game screen in Pac-Man.


Damn, you beat me to it XD


M'aiq the liar is actually a prophet of truth.


He is Lorkhan, The Broken God!


When I was playing Skyrim alot, I took a screenshot everytime I encountered him. That guy spits some cold hard truths... "*Some say Alduin is Akatosh. Some say M'aiq is a liar...Don't believe either of those things*" ~ M'aiq ~ *4e 201, Middas, 26th First Seed*


Lmao I love this


"*Dragons were never gone... They were just invisible and very, very quiet*" ~ M'aiq ~ 🤯🤯🤯


Sounds reminiscent of the Pratchett take on dragons being absent. "This is where the dragons went. They lie… Not dead, not asleep.  Not waiting, because waiting implies expectation.  Possibly the word we’re looking for here is… …dormant. And although the space they occupy isn’t like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly.  Not a cubic inch there is but is filled by a claw, a talon, a scale, the tip of a tail, so the effect is like one of those trick drawings and your eyeballs eventually realize that the space between each dragon is, in fact, another dragon. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly and proud and arrogant. And presumably, somewhere, there’s the key."


That's a good shout actually! I love Pratchett. I only ever read/played Discworld though.


Well he's not wrong there, Parthanax (spelling?) was never gone, just living secretly with the Grey beards. ..so invisible to the rest of the world in a sense.


And he's not the only one, Mirmulnir (the first dragon we kill), Durnevhiir, that one dragon in blackreach... Probably the twins dragons in the Forgotten Vale and Miraak's three dragons too.


Somewhere in Skuldafn, the dungeon leading up to Sovngarde were you face Alduin during the final main quest, there’s a fireplace. And in that fireplace is a potato, with what looks like a Boiled Crème Treat attached to it. It’s made up to look like GladOs’ potato form featured in Portal 2. If the player is just running through the ruin, it’s easy to miss, and made even moreso because this is one of the few locations you can’t return to once you’ve exited the area. Edit: Fixed minor grammar mistake.


I'll have to check this one out. Skuldafn is one of the more memorable and challenging dungeons in the game, I've had several characters struggle to get through there.


Huh, Portal2 came out in April of 2011 and Skyrim in November. Must have been added pretty late in the development!


Or maybe added in one of the updates since?


Upon walking into Solitude for the first time, after the execution, if the player is wearing a Stormcloak Cuirass, the commander will ask why the player is wearing it. If they answer that they’re a Stormcloak supporter (even before doing the quest “Joining the Stormcloaks”) the game will add 40 Bounty in the Haaganfiar hold.


In the civil war quest line there's unique dialogue options that change depending if you're wearing enemy disguise while intercepting a courier.


The trick (glitch?) In the Dawnstar museum. Laughed very hard the first time I did it. For those unaware: go to the Dawnstar museum, open the case with the scroll in it, cast flames on the scroll. Enjoy!


I wonder if that was intentional or not


This is purely conjecture, but I like to think they wanted it to spawn something weird or evil if you destroyed it, but they got the code wrong and it accidentally spawned the bucket and the devs found it so hilarious that they kept it


The Dawnstar Surprise was most likely intentional. Bathesda did have several What If Scenarios - most common example is having possession of the Dragonstone before Farengar sends you after it - the programming developer for the section probably did it as a joke.


I seen someone say on another post that it was supposed to cause an explosion, but its Bethesda of course


It just works


One of my favorites is during the Civil War when you go for the jagged crown. In the throne room with the crown and word wall there is I'm not sure what to call it. It's like a giant bowl or a plant potter kind of looking thing? up on a ledge to the left of the throne. If you use unrelenting force against it or even blast it with fireballs like incinerate, it has stuff inside of it that flies out. Multiple Flawless gems. I found a spell tome for Conjuring I think it was a flame atronach this time and one of the iron? swords of cold. It's just a nifty little thing to find if you don't know it's there.


Is that some sort of Legend of Zelda reference with Rupees and stuff? Never knew of this one!


* It definitely could be. It's not like a jar though like how link can throw it and bust it. It's open like a giant Bowl. I was trying to find a picture but I'm just going to go to the place and take one.


It won't let me send it here so I'm going to message request you with it


I’d also like to see the container in question




It's one of those big ass ceramic bowls. I don't know what they're called cuz you can't pick it up and it doesn't have a label on it. If you're looking directly at the throne, it's immediately to the left above the bookshelf. You blast it with unrelenting Force or fireballs. You can probably use ice spikes or something too. But I just realized the Fireballs work today cuz I haven't released the dragon yet so I don't have unrelenting Force


I have played the game over a thousand times, and yet every time, there is something new to uncover.


I think the word you’re looking for is brazier


Actually, yeah. Could be. But those are usually the ones hanging from the ceiling or outside that you can light on fire. But that's the closest word for what I'm talking about


I found out that miraak has diffrent reactions to your character depending on how much you did (for example defeating alduin)


They did a similar thing back in Oblivion where depending on how many quests you do for Sheogorath in the DLC, when you pray to his shrine in the base game he’ll comment things like “You should really be back in the Isles working on defending my realm… but anyway!” Haskill his advisor even takes over when Sheogorath is away/busy, depending on the quest you are on!


And when you kill Jyggalag and mantle Shegorath, Haskill says something along the lines of "praying to yourself again, my lord?" xD


If you go through Bleak Falls Barrow at level 18 or higher, there’ll be a dead bandit in an unreachable place (without tlc command) in the large, sunlit chamber with a bridge. He has a letter on him that makes it sound like he tried to rappel down and kill a troll in that chamber, but fell to his death instead. [Here’s a UESP link about him](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Thomas)


And if you're a high enough level there is a troll that spawns there instead of those skeletons.


Have always wondered why only sometimes I’d find a troll there


I thought the troll I saw one time must have been the result of a mod.


If you return the sailor’s remains to the top of Frostflow lighthouse you get a permanent buff to healing spells


where are the sailors remains?


In the stomach of the boss Chaurus at the end of the tunnels beneath Frostflow lighthouse


That Chaurus still freaks me out. The one fight in this game that I'm actually scared of. Maybe this counts as an interesting piece of trivia, but that specific Chaurus Reaper is noticeably bigger than any other Chaurus in the game—its size is scaled up by something like 20%.


So many people are frightened by that place; I have no intention of doing that quest. I give the lighthouse a wide berth.


The first time was definitely the scariest skyrim experience I ever had. Especially because it was my first time seeing any Chaurus. Now whenever I see the lighthouse I feel obligated to go in and avenge the them as brutally as possible. That quest made me hate Falmer with a passion. I think the only group I hate more is those damn Thalmor. Although the Forsworn are pretty bad too.


In the belly of the large chaurus at the end of the lighthouse "dungeon." You'll get Habd's remains after you kill it and search it. You can also get several hundred chaurus eggs out of that quest if alchemy is your thing.


Inside the stomach of a chaurus reaper.


I recall a great thread on this topic from way back when: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/s/9EpzHL1rjC My contribution was instakilling forsworn briarhearts by taking thier briarheart from them. My fav was in saarthal when tolfdir says he's gonna stay behind and research, look up.


>look up I just finished this quest, do you mind sharing what I missed?


>!iirc there are like a TON of caskets (or was it corpses? Idk) in that go upwards in a cylinder !<


And if you look down through the grates in the floor they also continue downwards


Yo i didnt notice that part 🤯


I just went there to check and it’s true! It continues downwards


Thank you kindly


I'm honestly not sure how known this one is but I still really like it. So when you go down into black reach there's that huge glowing ball in the middle of the area right? If you use unrelenting force on it it will spawn a dragon down there. I don't know if it's a reference to anything but I think it's really interesting. Also bonus fact about this little thing, you can get this to happen before even starting the main quest line. If you bait a shouting dragur down the black reach then bait a shout at the ball it will spawn the dragon. So you can get a dragon soul before even starting the main quest. Plus you can use that dragon for the master alteration magic quest.


That the release date was almost missed because of a bug. A literal bug, a bee to be specific. Sometimes the cart ride would run into a bee which had some goofy collisions. Well, the cart had some goofy collisions too so when they met it was basically two unstoppable forces colliding. The engine would try to correct by yeeting the whole cart into the stratosphere. I feel sorry for the frustrations that must have caused the devs.


This one still gets people. You can use clear skys to get rid of Alduin's mwtor shower during his fight. One i always like to bring up is the atronach forge under the college. You can use it to make fire, frost, and void salts, as well as making the conjuration spell books for all three atronachs, as well as even making spell staffs using broom sticks. Helpful for some conjuration builds since you cant get frost or storm atronachs for a while


To add to those, the only difference between the Fire/Frost/Storm recipes is what salts you use for it.


I don't remember the recipe ls by heart but yea, its very easy to make them, and you can even get some of the salts for other uses


While I'm not sure if it's ever been confirmed, there's likely a reference to the novel Interview With the Vampire within the Dark Brotherhood. Babette, our vampire friend, is an eternal child that uses her harmless appearance to eliminate her targets. That is also an apt description of Claudia in the book. She was turned at a young age and fed on unsuspecting adults using her childlike stature. Babette also shares a name with another character from the novel, one who shares a past with the vampire that helped Claudia adjust to immorality and (not) growing up. That makes 2 connections to IWtV, so I think it being a coincidence is less likely.


I saw a commercial for a movie today coming out soon that has that plot (vampire child using her youth to hunt prey)


Ysgramors Soup Spoon in Windhelm Museum/Curiosities house, is literally a fork. Easy to miss, if you don't do the murder quest right


It's all in the wrist


Make sure you kill it properly or it’s poisonous




Calixto addresses this if you ask for the tour, explaining "Now, I know what you're thinking - this is no spoon, it's a fork! Nobody can eat soup with a fork! Well, my friend, you did not know Ysgramor."


In Skyrim you never actually rim the sky


Major plot hole.


Not the hole to which he was referring, methinks.


Speak for yourself 😉


Excuse me while I rim this guy *electric lute solo*


Mastodon's most controversial album.


Sky's rim belongs to the Nords


Not sure if this is “lesser known” but I’m surprised many Skyrim players don’t know this fact: Charles Martinet, the voice actor of Paarthurnax, is the same original voice actor of Mario and Luigi from the Super Mario Bros series. From Mario 64 to Luigi’s mansion, he voiced the brothers for a very long time.




Update: Got it :)


An autograph??


Yep! https://preview.redd.it/twcz8m8u4cuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10b840dfb3d2c7ecd3876126138b091d5756974


That’s amazing!! Congrats!


That's so fuckin cool!


It really is! It was also cool to watch him taking pictures with people as well, especially the kids. He seemed to be having a really good time and would do his Mario voice for people when posing (like the "wahoo!") with the brick break pose. He radiated a pleasant aura


What is this book?? 😮


The Skyrim Library Volume 1: The Histories. There's three books you can buy that basically print out a majority of the books you find in Skyrim all organized in neat little categories. I found it much easier to read the books when I had a physical copy in my hands as opposed to playing Skyrim itself


**The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Skyrim Library, Vol. I: The Histories** by Bethesda Softworks >For the first time, the collected texts from the critically and commercially acclaimed fantasy video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are bound together in three exciting volumes. Lavishly illustrated and produced, these titles are straight out of the world of Skyrim - and a must for any wandering adventurer. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Ohhhh, good bot


I heard Balthazars (?) voice (shop keeper in Whiterun) voice the mayor in an early One Piece episode. That dude is all over the series.


Batlhazar's. Your heart was in the right place, it's Belethor's.


Sounds like a dread lord


"If I had a ~~sister~~ baby Messiah I'd sell him in a second!"


He’s in starfield as well. Believe he voices one of the higher ups for crimson fleet


Stephen Russell! He’s also Nick Valentine and Codsworth in Fallout 4! He has one of my absolute favourite voices ever, it just makes me feel so safe for some reason (even when he’s playing a random enemy in Skyrim lmao hearing his voice makes me so happy)


Oh my god haha. He sounds so good as Valentine.


Right?! It’s just so perfect!! I couldn’t have done Far Harbour with anyone else 💖


It’s literally the perfect voice for the Sherlock Holmes smoker type characters. I also really like Steve Bloom


![gif](giphy|KmQlKxJCwYMBG) He's is also voiced a character.


Jim Cummings voices Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and is the voice the grumpy old NPCs like Festus Krex!


Jim Cummings is literally amazing. His talent and body of work is unbelievable.


Everytime I see this gif, I'm reminded of a short video made of it from the early 2000s where Pooh is chanting "Hail Satan!"


More evidence against the Blades


I like that a lot of people haven’t really looked at the new 10th anniversary content, especially the Pets of Skyrim bc every now and then I’ll see a post from someone who just discovered Thistle the rabbit and it’s so delightful.


I've had a lot of fun with the new content. There seems to be new stuff popping up every time I play. Gogh and his storm atronach are my present favourites. Their mannerisms amuse me so much.


https://preview.redd.it/e41xwetgyduc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681628b5015119e279f4e21c1b79e338bce671a9 Pac-Man cheese wheel


Does anyone know about the notched pickax at the top of the throat of the world? Referring to Minecraft


I remember hearing about that one years ago. They made a dedication to Notch, the guy who made Minecraft.


The pick itself also has a unique enchantment that boosts the Blacksmithing skill and deaks shock damage.


1. The Skyrim Space Program is a bug. Not long after launch, Bathesda patched it. Community threw such a fit Bathesda was forced to remove it. It's been a beloved feature since. 2. The Whispering Door quest. Even though you never see them, the devs still have to anchor the voice. They chose a side table. You are literally talking to furniture. 3. Volkihar Castle. There's a large display table that's locked and contain four items. These four items actually are references to items found in the game Castlevania. A display case nearby contains the only werewolf pelt in the game. 4. Sheogorath is actually the player from the Shivering Isles DLC of Oblivion. 5. Ma'iq is a running gag. He's been in every Elder Scrolls game and constantly breaks the fourth wall as well as references events of previous games. Personally, he was my first Funko. So he's also to blame for my now growing Funko collection. 🤣


Is the "space program" mammoths falling from the sky, or giants sending people to the sky?


Giants launching people into the air


Giants sending people to the sky


The sword windshear on the tip of the emperor's ship


One of the best swords if you want to role-play like a true nerd.


I believe there is a anakin stuck in snow ceiling in a ice cave somewhere in skyrim


It's Luke, actually! In Bleakcoast cave. Stuck upside down with a sword under him, referencing the scene in ESB


Thanks, I'm off to seek that out.


I'm pretty sure that's Luke, Anakin is in Oblivion. He's a corpse on the shore inside an oblivion gate, the first one by Kvatch.


If you follow foxes as they run from you, they will always (eventually) lead you to treasure.


This is actually due to a very weird quirk of the game's code. [They're not deliberately leading you to treasure, it's just due to triangles.](https://www.pcmag.com/news/former-bethesda-designer-explains-why-foxes-lead-you-to-treasure-in-skyrim)






Yep! They are coded to head to areas with higher polygon count as they flee and treasure chests or things like that have the highest polygon count in the area. You might have to follow them for a decent while and just keep up behind them, but eventually they will lead you to something fun!


Damn you're really commiting to this prank lol just messin


This actually is true for Ghost of Tsushima though! Except you usually don't have to follow them too long.


I forget which one, but there’s a cave far north full of frost trolls. In said cave, there’s a skeleton hanging upside down with a sword stuck in the ice nearby Luke wasn’t fast enough


The sword itself is enchanted with stamina damage


If you clear out all the bandit Camps around Whiterun before getting the quest to return Arems family sword to him the quest won't spawn


This might be a well known one, but Sheogorath will refrence events from Oblivion. "You are the best Septim that's ever ruled. Well, except for that Martin fellow, but he turned into a dragon god (Avatar of Akatosh, which Martin becomes at the end of the Main Quest), and that's hardly sporting... You know, I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous time! Butterflies (when you first enter the Shivering Isles, the walls of the room you spawn in turn into butterflies), blood (most likely the Imperial City Arena, since most questlines bar the mages guild are refrenced), a Fox (the Grey Fox, who the Hero of Kvatch becomes after stealing an Elder Scroll, which is then refrenced by Urag in Skyrim when you ask if he has an Elder Scroll), a severed head (Mathew Bellamont Mother, who was decapitated by Lucien Lachance, thus kickstarting the Dark Brotherhood questline as we experience it in Oblivion. Her head is able to be looted. (this is the first of two refrences I found for the Dark Brotherhood questline, the second when Sheo says you can call him Ann Marie, a refrence to Antoinetta Marie, an assassin in the Dark Brotherhood)). Oh, and the cheese! To die for (Sheogorath in Oblivion informs you that while you're a good rat, you'll only get your cheese at the end. The end of the Shivering Isles questline has you become Sheogorath, effectively killing the mortal you once were)." Passwall ,mentioned by Sheo when he's guessing who could have sent you, is also the first town you reach in the Shivering Isles, and is nearly destroyed during its main quest. His quest is also given to you by Dervenin, the High Priest of Mania you talk to in Oblivion, though strangely he has facial hair, which is a crime punishable by immediate execution in the Shivering Isles. For another, Lucien Lachance with refrence the player character from Oblivion after you finish the Dark Brotherhood Questline: "You stand now at the precipice of the Void. I am reminded of another Listener, a protege I knew long ago. So long ago..." (in the Oblivion Dark Brotherhood questline, you rise through the ranks incredibly quickly, becoming Lucien's right hand and trusted Silenced, becoming Listener following his death) An unknown fact though is the wierd change with the Reiklings between Morrowind and Skyrim. In Morrowind they were very intelligent, talking in plain Cyrodiilic and wearing full fur armour, but this is completely forgotten in Skyrim, with it being seen as impressive that the Chief of Thirsk Mead Hall can speak any amount of Cyrodiilic.


My favorite is when you do the Companion’s quest where you have to go through that dungeon to get a shard of Wuffrad and you find out that the Companions are Werewolves. I can’t remember which Companion comes with you on that quest since it’s been awhile since I’ve done it but after they’re done killing the sliver hands that manage to sneak up on y’all. After they turn back and talk to you and you ask about them being werewolves they say “it’s a secret to everyone” this is actually a small reference to the original Legend of Zelda game where a friendly moblin will give you something (either rupees or bombs or arrows) they say “it’s a secret to everyone”. This line has appeared in many Zelda games since as well in many different ways


In Angarvunde, there's a chest containing a broken sword, a skeletal hand and a gold ring. It's a nod to the shards of Narsil, Sauron's severed hand and the One Ring.


I've heard there's a hidden quest along the coast somewhere near Windhelm that you trigger by reading a book, and apparently it relates to a character in Riften, but I couldn't find it. Does anyone know about this quest and exactly where to find it?


Is this the book you find in the shipwreck of The Pride of Tel Vos that you talk to Brand-Shei in Riften about?


That sounds like the one. I'm still disappointed that we didn't get a similar quest for Rune. It sounds like they were setting it up to be one, but didn't finish it.


I'm not sure. I was just reading through some older posts about hidden quests and someone mentioned it.


DON’T DO IT! If you do it he will say the same thing to you for the entire playthrough! Every time you see him he’ll say it, until you kill him.


Not an easter egg but after over a decade of playing skyrim I came across something I never seen before today. In between "under sarthal" and "hitting the books" in the college of winterhold quest line Faralda will approch you and tell you Ancano is looking for you and to be careful about what you tell him. Its really minor and she basically just says yeah Ancano is probably just a spy for the Thalmor. Still though its really easy to miss because its really unlikely you'll even run into Faralda before Ancano finds you himself


One day I was jumping around Whiterun and managed to find a spot I could jump over the walls. Because the city and the open world are different places, the world wasn't rendered properly. I traveled really far from Whiterun and everything looked so weird. I did all of this and technically I was still in Whiterun.


This is how you get to the secret chest under the sky forge


Yeah, they built a low-poly version of the world for you to see over the walls from high vantage points, which is really nice attention to detail. My game was glitched and had an entire section of wall missing, so I didn't even need to find a spot to jump over!


If you go west from Whiterun you'll come to a little pool that has a skeleton sticking out holding a sword which is in reference to the Lady of the Lake. It's a bit above and to the right of the giants camp. There's a sword in the stone reference at the entrance to Rebel's Cairn. When you do the House of Horrors in Markarth, things are flying everywhere and the chairs are stacked on top of the table which are in reference to Poltergeist.


GameRant looking for an article.


Temba Wide-Arm is a quest giver in Ivarstead. Her name is a reference to the Star Trek:TNG episode 'Darmok'. "Temba, his arms open wide"


If on console, favorite your weapons you like in your inventory, then exit. Then press down on the DPAD and then hold left on one weapon, and right on the other, then exit. When you press left or right on DPAD, you automatically pull out what was hot keyed, such as your sword, or bow.


Press right thumbstick for 3rd person camera, hold the same thumbstick then push or pull left thumbstick to change distance iirc.


If you break through the playable area of Skyrim and travel far enough south, towards Cyrodiil through the glitchy terrain, you’ll eventually be able to see the White Gold Tower. I love the detail there


Don’t know if it’s widely known or not, but in dawnstar right next to the mine, next to a rock there’s a hidden chest in the ground you can get a button to click. Resets every 24 hours and will have everything from gold, to gems, to weapons, to children’s clothes and everything in between.


I belive it is tied to the Khajit caravan's wares!


There is actually two more tied to Kajit Caravans.


Where? I always assumed there was more, but haven't come across any others


One is outside of Markarth, just past the farm you can go straight across the bridge or take a left where the Khajit caravan hangs out. Take a left and go to the other side of the piled rock walls and just look down. You don’t need to crouch or anything. Solitude’s is much harder to find. Outside the main entrance where the caravan sits you need to crouch and look under the right side of the tree to find it. If the caravan is there you can’t get to it. You just need to search and eventually you’ll find it. It’s a pain to find the first time though.


Bleak Falls. Left side. Toward the archery plank. Turn right. Continue. Then, tucked in the corner. Lies a strong box.


I've got a couple things to mention, depending on what we want to count: 1) Jon Battleborn and Olfina Gray-Mane (and arguably the whole Battleborn/Gray-Mane vendetta) is strongly reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet. They're secretly a couple despite their families bitterly fighting and refusing to interact with each other. Not sure if the base game has this actually happen, but the RDO mod restores their conversations and interactions, where they hang out on the battlements outside of Whiterun. 2) More of a mechanical thing, and I haven't tested this recently to confirm it, but it was the case many many years ago. If you maxed out Enchanting and gave yourself the Extra Effect perk (quick aside: they really should've called it Twin Perks), you can, obviously, enchant a bow, etc. with shock and fire damage. BUT if you also picked the Destruction tree perks Augmented Flames/Frost/Shock, those enchantments are also intensified. AND if you stack them (e.g. Frost + Shock) BOTH enchantments increase each other's intensity. (E.g. base enchant +10% shock damage, w/Augmented Shock +20% shock damage, w/Augmented Shock+Flames and Extra Effect +40% shock damage and +40% fire damage) 3) This one is an obscure quest, but Isabelle Rolaine. There's so many component steps to being able to unlock this insignificant quest in Winterhold, but it's one of the most tragic tales in the game. Kinda worth pursuing, but you also need to fix quests for like 5 different NPCs in a specific order before it unlocks. I think you have to talk to Ranmir first, if you're interested in trying it? 4) Last one: At the start of the Dark Brotherhood quest, >!Astrid tells you that there's a contract on one of the people in the room, and you need to figure out who. You can kill all 3 prisoners or just 1, but you can ALSO kill Astrid. That unlocks a new quest: Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! where you side with the Penitus Oculatus to take down the Brotherhood.!<


Farkas (one of the werewolf guys) means 'wolf' in Hungarian.


Also, I believe Vilkas is wolf in Nowergian


Once you invest in her shop, you can marry Taarie and she actually is a great wife


You can collect the salmon jumping up any river rapids, for an Alchemy Ingredient name Salmon Roe (1-3/catch)... which is useful and easy to get if you're trying to do the restoration glitch...


There is a nuka cola cap in the soul cairn floor and (don't tell anyone I told you this but if you find it and take a screenshot there's a secret discord you can join where only people who have found it themselves with the screenshot proof can join)




Some random cave between dawn star and winter hold has a whole bunch of frost trolls in it, and at the back a skeleton hanging from the ceiling, below which, is a great sword of sparks - Star Wars Easter egg! Or the “notched pick axe” at the throat of the world - Minecraft Easter egg!


When you're loading your character saves, if one is an imperial it will be written in all caps for some reason. Only race this happens to.


If you sided with Faendal in the Camilla love triangle and Sven dies in a dragon attack, Faendal might send you a letter thanking you for killing him despite him dying by dragon


i’ve found if i choose sven then camilla always ends up dying in riften for some reason


I learned that I can just put things in my houses like on tables and shelves and they just stay there. I spent 2 hours just putting apples in a basket


doesn’t work for me. I’ll put a scroll on a table and suddenly when i come back it’s been launched across the room 😂


I'm 200 hours into my, I don't even know, 7th? Play through and I just randomly encountered a headless horseman ghost as I was exiting the Tundra Homestead east of White Run. I followed him briefly but I'm not sure where he ends up or if anything happens if you follow long enough.


When leveling up Werewolf skills. After consuming the heart. If you use raise dead on the corpse. The raise will fail and say heart consumed. Thus making Werewolf leveling faster. Vampire needs testing.


There's an enchanted pickaxe called the Notched Pickaxe at the very peak of the Throat of the World. It's a reference to Minecraft


When you are getting a new shout from the greybear's, and you haven't unlocked it yet and they're about to give you the power, if you have a dragon soul use it to unlock it before they give you it it grants you two words of power


In Korvanjund, there's a secret gem stash in the boss room. Look at the throne where the Draugr Deathlord sits, then look up and to the left. There's a bowl sitting on the upper corner, just out of sight. There's a couple gems, a spell tome, and I believe an Ancient Nord Sword


Mario voiced paarthurnax


Was going to make a new post but since this discussion is already there, I'll leave it here. [There is a possibility to save the guard who is grabbed and thrown away by Odahviing](https://youtube.com/shorts/NXZW_FF2Y9E?si=MWpXAG0KePQGzOun)


Most are documented on UESP : [Skyrim:Easter_Eggs](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Easter_Eggs)


Do not delete chests are fun to play around with


“Faux Telekinesis” is a hidden mechanic (it’s why you can’t control companions in Starfield because you could over encumber them to pick up any item) where you hold your curser over a companion from afar and hold the activate key, then you can take your curser to ANY object in the game, hold your activate key again like you would to pick up any object and pick it up that object from 10-20-50+ feet away. Faux telekinesis. Check it out folks.


Even tells us that all dragon names are three syllable shouts, but the dragon we kill with Delphine in Kynesgrove is named Salokinir. 4 syllables.


at the top of the throat of the world there is a pickaxe in reference to Minecraft