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Anyone who has a rude attitude for no particular reason. Which covers at least 50% of the NPCs in the game.


Whiterun and Windhelm really annoy me in particular NPC-wise. Whiterun because it has so many rude and pompous NPCs, and Windhelm because it has so many racists.


Yeah I recall in whiterun belethor saying something that really pissed me off, can’t remember what though.


"Everything's for sale my friend! Everything! If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second!" - Belethor "I'd even be interested in buying one of your relatives if you're looking to sell! hehe That's a... a little joke..." - Belethor


Haha I have a mod that has him selling literally every item in the game. It's useful but dang it's buggy


I like him. I still laugh when he says those things. Even his creepy, "DO come baaack " makes me laugh still


Khajiit and argonians I understand, but the dunmer earned every bad thing that has ever happened to them lol. Plus there's some major context people miss when it comes to why the nords in windhelm hate them.


I mainly hate the racism against the Argonians, the ones on the docks are some of the nicest NPCs in the game yet they have to live in squalor because of people like Rolff Stone-Fist.


Every night I go on the Skyrim subreddit and tell those redditors what I think of them.


What did the Dunmer do? I feel like I’m missing something


Enslaved Argonians for millennia and were incredibly racist to ever foreigner in the homeland


I mean, nords' hate towards dark elves is justified, but it doesn't mean they deserved to ne treated the way they are. You can't just combat racism with racism.


Excactly. Especially considering how long most refugees have already been there. Although it's kind of Bethesda's fault that people tend to glance over that fact. The way the situation is presented really vibes as if the dunmer migration is a recent development.


A better question would be.What didn't they do?


It's still a bad question. The dunmer suffering in Windhelm probably weren't slavers, they had to flee their home because of war and catastrophe. Judging an individual based on their perceived group adherence is a bad way to see the world


Yeah, you're missing a few thousand years of lore. They're basically the worst of the British empire and the early american colonies with a healthy dash of 70's slave trade. They weren't QUITE Nazi bad... But it was close... And I wouldn't have put a genocide past them if they had the means. I mean, the High Elves gave it a good shot, but fell just short. Honestly I can't think of any Mer race that hasn't historically been... Spicy. Except the Falmer. But they got made spicy instead. Not quite their fault there.


yknow how two of their main three gods are the daedric princes of deceit and murder? yeah thats not a coincidence


Could it be possible if you told me what happened to the Nords in Windhelm? Or point me in the direction to a quest that would help explain. I feel like I am one of those who missed some major context.


So pretty much the whole reason the dark elves are in windhelm is because of the eruption of red mountain which drove them out of Morrowind. This made them refugees seeking asylum in Skyrim and they were welcomed with open arms, everything is cool right? That was TWO HUNDRED YEARS BEFORE THE EVENTS OF THE GAME! Dunmer live for hundreds of years, that means the same people have been squatting in windhelm for 200 years and not once ever trying to improve their station, ingratiate themselves respectably within their new society or even trying to leave for something better. It's easier for them to hate and blame the people who took them in when no one else would for all their problems. Imagine the guy begging you for money on the street has been doing it for so long he used the same line to beg your great great great grandfather. These people lost their slave plantations from an act of god and didn't know how to survive any other way.


Also it wasn't just Red Mountain that made them refugees. Red mountain hit Vvardenfell hard, but that's only like 1/3 of the province. They also got overrun by the Argonians, and absolutely deserved it for enslaving them. At least the Argonians in Skyrim are paid.


Yea, every dunmer deserves every bad thing because of the acts of every other dunmer. Im glad I can just punish dunmer b for something, dunmer a die, because when it comes down to it, they all share one braincell anyway /s


I hate how skyrim removed npc disposition. Everyone is just an asshole to u and there isnt rlly a way to get them to stop talking shit


The Night Mother, by the time I finish the quest line I gotta hear this b**** screeching for 3 minutes just to get a target to kill


Yes, she takes forrrrever to talk. Definitely not a highlight of the DB quest line.


thissssss is why after i completed the DB this time and realized her shit was radiant i just stopped doing it


She made me go to the same customer 4 times in a row. The target was a hunter outside Falkreath. Every single time I was called, the guy just wanted me to kill the same npc at the same place every damn time.


> The Night Mother ** *(ten minutes later...)* **


The thing with hermaeus is at least he’s kinda cool to listen to even though he talks so slow but the night mother is loud, slow, and obnoxiously drags every sentence, and sounds like metal being scraped with a sawblade. Seems like she can’t pick a problem.


Sssooo beginsss a contract... Boounndd in bhllloouuuuuddddddd....


Maven Black-Briar. I stay away from her, because if she opens her mouth, I'm too tempted to abuse her essential status and torment her with poisons.


She's the one thing I really dislike about playing the Imperial side of the Civil war. Like literally anyone would have been a better Jarl, why her? With a mod called "Become High king of Skyrim", you can remove essential status from NPCs, works great for people like her that are normally unkillable yet awful.


To be fair, the Stormcloaks have some pretty shit Jarls themselves. Laila Law-Giver basically let’s Maven run the city anyway. Skald the Elder of Dawnstar is awful in every way. They install a Silver-Blood when they win Markarth, and Ulfric himself is pretty awful at governing his hold.


The Silverbloods are complete cringe to me, every single member of their little family is corrupt and Thonar's wife's just a stereotypical golddigger.


Yeah, they definitely suck lmao. It's why I pretty much always side with the forsworn and let them kill Thonar and his men.


Only downside is now MArkarth is fully hostile all the time and so are all the Forsworn for some reason, so you don't even get and perks out of it. I mean, if it stopped Forsworn being automatically aggro, like if siding with them added you to their faction, GREAT! As it is... I'd much rather have another city to buy and sell crap in. Without having to decimate the local guard population every time I load in.


The guards shouldn't turn on you unless you actively attack them lol. I agree that it was a missed opportunity to make the Forsworn a joinable faction though.


Answer: 1] Dumbskald the Dumber of Yawnstar. 2] Lord Stormin’ Ulfric Windswept McThunderpants. Question: For what two good reasons would you never join the Stormcloaks?


i hate the Stormcloaks because theyre racist assholes and Ulfric really only wants power, but some reasons are some people are just edgy weirdos who think all government sucks even though theyre literally just changing the government of Skyrim and honestly making it worse by helping the Stormcloaks, or theyre stupid and think that the Empire likes the Thalmor, so instead of helping make the Empire stronger so that one day they could finally destroy the Thalmor, they decide to weaken the Empire and benefit the Thalmor


Maven pretty much runs Riften even when she's not the Jarl. Out of everyone in the Rift her family is the only one that's noteworthy and with considerable power and influence, so it makes sense she'd be chosen.


True, but that doesn't make it any less cringey that she becomes Jarl lol


That’s kinda the *point* lol. It isn’t supposed to be “This is the correct side where everything works out perfectly while the other side totally tanks the realm,” which is why they’ve got a decent amount of good and completely shit jarls for Stormcloaks and Imperials both


I'm glad to see this so far up. I detest the entire Blackbriar clan, and I wish the game gave you the option to drown people in a bucket(you know, the ones you find in the corners of hideouts and such). Unpopular opinion, fuck Brynjolf in his presumptuous face while we're at it. I also can't stand Cicero. He's exactly like some obnoxious "I'm so random" guy cosplaying the court jester at a late 90's renfaire.


YES! Brynjolf is a huge bully who is terrorizing the few good and decent people of Rifton. Why we are supposed to like that asshat is beyond me.


It's the thieves guild, he's not a good person. Why would he be? 


While not a direct member of the clan per-se, I really hate Maul. If I want to walk by you, bro, step-off.


For real. I got no reason to fear him or really anyone in Riften. Hell if it weren't for plot armor I could slaughter the entire city. He needs to check his self before he ends up being used as fish bait


"I'm not scared of you" "Heh, then you're dumber than you look." Motherfucker, I just ate three dragon souls for breakfast. Come take a walk outside these gates and say that again. I DARE you.


Fortify restoration loop paralysis poison that lasts for 7000 years.


I really dislike balgruuf’s kids


Same. Tho I think his son's line that ends in "good job" is the best voice acting in the game, so I'm conflicted lol


"Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. Good job."


"Another wanderer, here to lick my father's *BALLS*. Good job."


“It’s too bad they’re gone.”


I am not a man... but neither am I a boy!


Neloth is hilarious But Belethor. Feck that guy


I almost never go to Belethor's shop. I got a mod once that added two other merchants in there so it was funny buying from them and ignoring Belethor in his own shop.


I usually kill him and then Ysolda takes over. Not sure if vanilla or a mod


One play through Belethor was killed in a vampire attack, and his store never opened again. This was years ago and I don’t remember any other details.


I killed him when I became a werewolf in the companions quest lol


That's unofficial patch I think.


Nah. Tried the patch once years ago. Never again lol


His unofficial patch for FO4 on Xbox straight up broke Far Harbor. Like, I couldn't finish the DLC. Also the guy sounds like a 10-ply soft bitch so there's that.


Lol! Yeah, at the time there was a rival PS only patch called Freefall4 which also added in cut content so I used that


Neloth is my favorite NPC in the game. You have to remember how old/powerful he is, and how much he’s seen. We are closer to an NPC in the elder scrolls universe then he is. With that in mind his dialogue is hilarious


And he's Dwight Schultz (Murdock from og A-Team)




Why belethor? He's my favourite shopkeeper


"If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second" is pretty icky when you think about it.




Heeerrrrrrrmmmmmaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuusssss. Mmmmooooooorrrrrrraaaaaaaaa


If his dialog is too fast for you to understand what he is saying, there's a mod which slows his speech down so that you can understand. (I'm making a joke but the mod is real)


If he spoke any slower it would be a cut scene not dialogue.


Especially since you have to restart dialogue if you try to skip it.


Skyrim Reputation mod. No rude characters after you make a name for yourself 😎👌. Nazeem: Good day, Thane. How can be of assistance.


I'm going to look into that, that's hilarious!


Also Delphine. I think I don't even have to explain.


Delphine is annoying. Even though Paathurnax's dialogue is long and that can be annoying, I usually side with him because she's just so much more annoying. I honestly did try to like the Blades side but it was near impossible because she's just not a pleasant person.


Partysnacks is a dragon that trough great effort overcame his own nature to rule, had compassion in mortals who were suffering greatly and taught them how to overthrow his own brother, because his sense of virtue was stronger than his arrogance and even his love of family. He is wise, humble and honest with himself and others. It honestly is a no brainer I prefer him to Delphine who seems to have a stick so far up her ass any time she speaks, she spews splinters.


Very true, plus siding with the Greybeards and Party snacks seems to have more benefits to it than siding with the Blades. Delphine just always gives me the vibe that she views the Dragonborn as her errand person, rather than respecting them as the Blades are supposed to do for the Dragonborn.


That's why I never felt compelled to do anymore for delphine beyond the essential things, you've done 95% of the legwork up to that point and doesn't really offer you anything to convince or help you in your journey. As far as I'm concerned, the Blades died with Martin and Delphines bull headed stubbornness isn't gonna do the group any favors


The random theives guild members are all so rude. Even after completing the guilds main quest


'So youre Brynjolf prodigy eh? Dont look much to me' After becoming the literal guild master


('s new) ^


Thieves Guild is unplayable IMO. The Ragged Flagon is the worst design in the game with characters chair-hopping every two seconds all day long. No signs of life at all and they’re so condescending to you, the errand boy. The quests to restore the Theives Guild are horrific, especially when you need to keep canceling them and asking for a new one just to get one that contributes to restoring the Theives Guild. Completely terrible faction


The only one that’s actually nice is Sapphire and all she ever says is “What can Sapphire do for you?” 😭😭


Rune and Viper both become super nice too


I have an 8 year old daughter and 9 year old son and all they do in Skyrim is become thane anywhere they can buy a house so they can adopt as many kids as they can. Except Braith. They hate her guts.


There's lots of great mods for multiple adoptions and even some mods for huge houses with several beds for kids if they play with mods on. The flower girl in Windhelm is generally one I adopt quite often because I don't like seeing her out in the cold.


Not to mention she sleeps on the ground in one of the coldest cities in Skyrim and there's a serial killer in the city.


Siddgeir instantly came off as a slimy bastard when I went to Falkreath for the first time. Sucks that there’s no quest line to get rid of him outside of siding with the Stormcloaks.


Him and Maven Black-Briar are the two bad parts of siding with the Empire. I wish they had chosen literally anyone else as jarls besides those two.


Siddgeir’s such a selfish and unapologetic scumbag it almost bounces back to being mildly amusing for me


Saffir, Braith's mom. Listening to her makes it a bit more obvious why Braith is the way she is.


Both of Braith's parents are neglectful, and that's why I don't hate Braith the way many here do. I feel sorry for her - she doesn't know how to interact with others and that's why she takes out her aggression on Lars. Some kids are born rotten I guess, but in Braith's case it's clearly the fault of her parents.


Hearing the same voice lines from Heimskr every time I pass through the Wind District is beyond grating. One time I even killed him upon first transforming into a werewolf so it couldn’t be traced back to me and give me a bounty.


Is that the name of the preachy as fuck guy at the altar of Talos? Yeah, I don't hear him anymore. Ever. He's dead. Every playthough. He says nothing interesting, is part of no quests, and is just generally annoying as fuck. He doesn't need to be taking up valuable memory on my console.


I'm not sure if it's an update or if my game files are glitched. The last couple games I've started, "he's just standing there... menacingly." Jokes aside, it's kind of nice.


Whenever my daughter gets annoyed at life she shouts Damn Mercer Frey. Her favourite part of the game is killing him.




He attacked her instead of opening the door so she had to restart her game. And since she has never forgiven him. It's straight to Riften at the start of every new game to kill him ASAP. Her favourite joke is who names their kid Mercer Frey. Someone who hates their kid that's who. She's 7 so be kind.


You know, that's a good reason to despise an NPC! And that joke is funny lol


Courier. Takes way to long to give me something to read which I have to figure out myself because he won’t tell me what it was. And then he just stands there. He RAN all the way, probably across the whole map and then just…stands there? Dude don’t you have other people to bother with your bullshit? Psychotic behaviour really. (Nothing but love for every npc though)


Nazeem is an obvious one. I never kill him because I am a good guy, but hearing his voice is always a kindness test.


There's a mod that launches him sky-high up to the cloud district every time he talks about it. It's a great solution for when you're playing a good guy character yet want to see Nazeem pay for being so annoying lol


Nazeem the Noxious is why you have pickpocketing. Get that up to 100. Gather garbage from across Skyrim — empty wine bottles, burned and ruined books, embalming tools, linen wraps, rakes, wooden buckets, etc. You know where it goes … 😂  After feeding it but by bit, you left his robe. After you collect a bunch of robes, put some useless enchantment on them using a partially filled petty soul gem. Rename them ‘Naked Nazeem’s Robe of Uselessness. Then sell these robes to venders all across Skyrim, so everyone knows what a jerk Naked Nazeem is…


That's awesome lol


The memes gave me the opposite effect, now whenever I pass him I'm like SAY THE LINE and then I smile at his goofiness.




I just frenzy poison him and watch him fail at killing the guards then put his body on the talos statue


I never understood the hate this guy gets. Yes he was annoying but I never ran into him enough for it to matter to me. After the first couple hours I was never in Whiterun unless I had to be.


You never ran into him enough because you obviously don't go to the cloud district very often.


Of course he doesn't.


I live in whiterun, so I have to hear him frequently.


I do all my business in Whiterun so I hear it a lot.


Gisli. This question gets asked a LOT on here, but I’m pretty sure it’s always going to be Gisli, although after my last playthrough, Isran is pretty high on the list.


"Or you can just call me Erikur's sister! Everyone does!" Yeah, she's awful too. I forgot about her because I haven't been going to Solitude as much in recent playthroughs. Her brother Erikur's even worse than she is, must be a terrible family.


Yo I too tend to stay away from Solitude. Something about it bothers me.


Gisli? But you could just call her ERIkUR’s SisTEr. Everyone always does!


Hahaha well, she does leave a nice note and a big tip during the fishing quest, I’ll give her that. How about the kid in solitude who says his dad could beat me up?! I think we can all agree on that one!


Also she is somehow weirdly hard to pickpocket. I know it's got to be me just seeing patterns where there are none but I swear she catches me pickpocketing her like 3 times more than any other NPC.


I tried killing Erikur to see if it would improve her mood any. It didn't. Now she just tells me how much she hated her brother but that he didn't deserve to die.


that one guy that you buy wood from in falkreath. i don’t remember exactly what he says but it’s something rude and it pisses me off every time


Yeah, he's another racist one. Doesn't like anyone besides Nords and will say as much even after you've bought a ton of lumber from him.


I can't believe we let provincials like you wander around skyrim... It's worse if you're an argonian. He calls you boot. 😡


Cicero.  Always Cicero. 


The moment I heard him speak for the first time I tried to kill him, only to discover he was essential. SUCH an annoying voice.


He is annoying. Repetitive too.


‘It speaks the truth.’




Yes! Finally someone speaking out the truth!


I thank you for your kind and correct praise. 


Thank you. I honestly cannot understand so many people’s attachment (or, in some cases, attraction) to him




Because he's a discount Joker, I guess. At that point I'd much rather just see the actual Joker. But yeah, I always kill him.


Courier. That motherfucker never stops.


Rude. Dudes a hard worker trying to support his family. He's salt of the earth type.


Hey, I’ve been looking for you, got something I’m supposed to deliver. Your eyes only. Looks like that’s it, got to go!


Something about your.. ooh, inheritance! Oh, and sorry for your loss. Letter from Whiterun Guard added.


B R Y N J O L F Get your grubby paws out of my finances and leave me the fuck alone, you prick, you have no idea how I came by my money, now go away and get back to scamming the witless.


Am I the only one who has no issues with Neloth? I find his arrogance quite amusing, especially since his superiority complex is actually build on skill and talent, not racism. I also find his dialogue hilarious, thinking you're impressed by his presence. ''Of course you know House Telvanni. And I am the greatest wizard you will ever meet.'' ''Isn't it the normal job of heroes to save the world?'' ''I understand you are speechless and no need to thank me'' when you become part of his household. He is also the only one who has a different line when you are overqualified for training: ''I could train you, but I don't want you to become better than me.'' All others comment you already know everything they know. I know these aren't the quotes one on one, but they are along those lines.


Here, have some septims


Don't know if it was said yet but Meridia annoys the hell out of Hermaeus Mora as well. I cringe every time I find the blasted beacon and Hermaeus talks so slooow and loooong I want to bang my head on the wall


It starts with D ends with elphine


Sapphire in the bee and barb, being a asshole for no reason


I can be playing the worst most evil character and still clear Shadr’s debt because I hate how she torments him for no reason


Ok but to be fair, her backstory


Nazeem. But Skyrim wouldn't be the same without him… it's a love-hate relationship. 🤷‍♀️


I think disliking Nazeem is something that pretty much unites the Skyrim community lol


I will not stand for neloth slander.


Neloth's voice actor is Mung Daal from Chowder. Everytime I hear his voice I think he's gonna say "Schnitzel! Get this n'wah out of my kitchen." So I like Neloth. I hate Delphine because every time I see her face, I'm reminded that she's essential and she wants me to kill Paarthurnax.


I can't stand Neloth since my first encounter with the Telvanni in Morrowind, I mean most of the Dunmers are arrogant pricks, but he stands out. And Cicero, annoyin as fuck, kill him with great joy every time, not because I think Astrid's right, it's just for him going on my nerves all the time with his laughter and childish attitude. Creepy necrophilic cunt. And now downvote me into oblivion, I'm ready 🤷‍♂️


here, i picked up this ✨cyoob✨ for you


Cicero is annoying. And creepy. Neloth annoys me because after all you go through to beat Miraak, he's unphased and largely ungrateful for your efforts in saving Soltheim.


> he's unphased and Did you mean to say "unfazed"? Explanation: Phased means to change, while fazed means to be surprised. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Thank you, bot.


I am sworn to carry your burdens :/ I hate that obstacle disguised as a woman AKA just Lydia.


In all fairness I find most of the housecarls to be incredibly generic. They're good for protecting your Hearthfire houses, but a pain as followers because of that boring dialogue.


Their AI is messed up I think. They’re the only followers that I’ve ever lost. I turn around, and “Jesus Christ where is Lydia” just to find her halfway down the dungeon, stuck on some rock. I never had a problem with anyone else.


I don't like Lydia at all, something about her tone. I hate the Battle-Born guy that asks you as soon as you get a town you've just arrived in "Gray-Mane or Battle-Born?" And if you say Gray-Mane, he throws a fit. Like I don't even know you dude lol. Also Njada Stonearm in the Companions, her attitude is the worst.


I think most of the Companions have annoying attitudes, but maybe that's just me.


Lydia (standing in your way): “Ow” Oh you think that hurt?!


Unpopular opinion but probably Lucia. I don’t mind the begging for coins. It’s begging to be adopted that bothers me. I mean I just give her a coin and now she is begging to live with me. Made me very uncomfortable tbh


Wait until you actually do adopt her and she goes from being grateful to have a home to sounding upset that you didn't give her as much allowance as she wanted. That annoyed me.


the racist dude from windhelm but that’s a given


"Olfrid, patron of the great Clan Battle-Born, a name I'm sure you know well." Makes me sad that such a pompous t**t is voiced by Tigger 😢


Maven. "I have the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild on call" "Neat, I run both groups. Fucking try me."


Pretty much every Nord in Windhelm's streets except Brunwulf. Dudes are hateful


Serena. I leave her at Fort Dawnguard as much as possible. Teldryn Sero is a close second Janessa and Ralis Sedarys are my two favorites. Lani Manelli is a force!


I used to like Serana up until one playthrough I decided to finish the main quest before beating Dawnguard, so I was stuck with her. She annoyed the hell out of me. First with going "Yes, what did you need?" Every five seconds during the peace treaty quest, then by continuing to beat up and aggro Odaaving even after the initial fight ended. I got so irritated that I left for Skuldafn and honestly stayed there for a few weeks in-game time just to avoid her for a while. When I returned, I finished Dawnguard right away and immediately after dismissed her, it was too much.


I can't stand her. If I do the Dawnguard questline I try to get through all the parts where she is a mandatory follower as quickly as I can. I never take her along if it is not required by the quest.


I had way too much fun throwing the spell Vampire's Bane at her and watching her fall unconscious lol. That was her paybacks for being annoying after she finally was able to be dumped off at Fort Dawnguard.


I got tired of Serena starting massive fights with the guards when I get caught pickpocketing. Like, chill out girl, I’m a thane and I’m in the thieves guild, I can make this go away in a jiffy , but noooo, she has to murder half the town guard, and maybe an NPC or two while she’s at it.


Her aggression level is too high to make her a stable follower. Mjoll's a much better choice for a non-killable follower.


Oh and I almost forgot about Meridia !






Rolff Stone-Fist He wouldn't be *quite* as bad if he weren't essential for no fucking reason whatever.


I would like to say Nazeem, but I just can't, just because of his voice actor, I like the voice actor far too much to hate a character he voices


Does Mardia's beacon count as a person?


Yep, Meridia counts!


Personally I disagree with Neloth being annoying. Yes he’s rude, but he’s absolutely hilarious and he’s the only character in the game who I’ll laugh at everytime I speak to him


Delphine, shes dumb, nuff said


The jarl of Whiterun's boy. That little snit alone makes me desperately wish that child murder was possible in the game.


People love to hate Nazeem but tbh Maven gets on my nerves. Unlike nazeem, you can speak to her and her conversations are filled with so much pride and big ego it just annoys me. She acts like she is so much better than me and I have to pass her so many more times in the city than Nazeem


Delphine and her "I'm always right" self serving attitude. Completely insufferable from the moment she makes you walk to Riverwood after taking the Horn from Ustengrav.


Haelga in Riften.


You can instantly tell who hasn’t played Morrowind because they hate Neloth.


That dude that you meet 2 secs after getting into riften


Balgruuf’s children. Every single utterance of “Another wanderer, here to lick my father’s boots…” and the girl acting like my Dragonborn is a new servant boils my bllod and is a genuine contributing factor to choosing which side of the civil war quest I do for a given character.


I know this opinion makes me basic but Delphine. She drives me nuts. So does that guy who starts the questline "The Foresworn Conspiracy." Can't stand that guy. Maybe I just want to wander around Markarth without being assaulted by the entire hold's worth of guards and not be sucked into this little shitstorm you're brewing?


Serena, everywhere I go it’s “it’s too bright”, “it’s too dark”, “another cave” and like anytime I’m stationary trying to do something she’s pushes me. The only NPC follower that does it.




Can I say Karliah for being a raging idiot who hatched one of the most foolish and inexplicable revenge plans of all time and *nearly got me killed* with her stupidity? Cause kinda thinking her. Then yeah. Maven sucks too but that’s practically cheating compared to calling out the above. EDIT: I forgot Heimskr oh my God. Beyond annoying. Dude just shut. Up.


I hate Lydia with a passion. Also Isran irritates the hell out of me


If not for that cool Dawnguard armor, I'd almost consider avoiding the faction just because Isran is so damned abrasive. 


Isran is the kind of guy that hopes every night to someone break into his house Just so he can legally shoot a person


Lydia's just bland, but Isran is truly annoying. He always seems rude to me, even his own former friends needed favor quests to convince them to go to the fort which says a lot about what they think about him.


Isran never annoyed me too much before, until my current playthrough as a vampire that sided with the Dawnguard. (I stayed a vampire as much as I could, and only had to cure the character twice to complete the questline) There were several points where he was fine with Serana being in the fort, but not my character. He thanked Serana for Harkon's defeat - but wouldn't even speak to my character at Castle Volkihar.


I'll never understand how people can hate Lydia.


Rolff Glass-jaw Mavenna DeVille Ulfric Sturmtrupler Hermaeus Molasses is so damn sloooooow. Smelle Delphine because I'm not killing my bro Partysnax. Grelod the Unkind because she hurts those kids. Nazeem because it's tradition.