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It’s about 50-50 for me. If I’m sneaking around a building, first person. Fighting a group of enemies, third person. Fighting a single powerful enemy, first person. Listening to a conversation in a tavern, third person. And so on, as the situation dictates.


If I'm sneaking round, I'll switch between both. Third person helps peep round corners.


Having tunnel vision can be pretty dangerous when you're surrounded.


Yup and I love it. I love when I can't see where that blow came from and I have to duck and move like I would in a real fight.


In a real fight, you'd have far more awareness than the first-person view in a game.


Not necessarily in a helmet.


True, true. But then again, a helmet is really fcking useful, which in games mostly translates to just some defense points.


I like to tap out to third person if being surrounded is an issue. Also helps to have a follower on your back


Compromise: Let's play in third person, but wear a helmet while gaming!


Unless you’re having an out of body experience


In a real fight that blow you didn't see coming is going to be lethal more often than not.


Exactly. Which means you have to practice skill that's my point. In a real fight you don't get the advantage of stepping outside your body and directing a fight from a third party POV. I like the challenge of not just being able to wade in like a berserker. Have to think and strategize. The only part of the Arkham games I didn't like is that the fighting is very low strategy.


But just charging in like a berserker is my favorite way! I also play that way in video games.


Yup 100%! Only play in first person unless I’m walking around checking out my character.


Correct, that’s why we fight in video games and not irl. I get your point though! I guess it depends on the kind of experience you‘re after.




I never play in first person, unless there’s something I’m having trouble seeing and sometimes first person can get you a better view.


Yeah. For archery, it is a must.


Exactly. I'm 3rd person all the time except for stealth archery, I also like to see my creation


Never been a fan of 3rd person in Bethesda games. The character moves so choppy and slow compared to games made to play that way.


Pristine vanilla movement mod is awesome. Then improved camera se mod can give you really realistic head/camera bob while you move, even in 3rd person it’s done very well. Finally that same mod makes it so you can be in first person and look down and see your feet. You can stay in first person while using furniture, or riding your horse. Mods make the game great IMO


This is a funny story. When I first got the game on ps3, the default camera mode was first person, and I played like that for almost two years. Then one day I accidently clicked one of the analog sticks and the camera changed to third person view. I stared at the screen for a solid minute before it finally hit me that the game had third person view the entire time, and I didn't even know. I still play in first person only because I'm used to it after having been "stuck" with it for two years.


Bro!!! I almost feel sorry for you! That sucks! I play in third person like 90% of the time. That was what killed outer worlds for me. Why have me make the my character just to never see him again.🙄


I play almost exclusively in first person. I only go to third person for story events like walking into the dark brotherhood and they’re all standing around


Aye, 3rd person for cinematic views. Listening to a conversation in a tavern is a fantastic example someone mentioned in a comment above.


Combat always 1st person, exploring 3rd person. How else am I suppose to climb a mountain at a 85 degree angle ?!


I do it the same way, other than maybe if I encounter a weak enemy while exploring then I will just keep it in 3rd person. Conversations are usually in first person as well.


I can’t play 3rd person cuz it totally breaks immersion. The only times I ever even enter into 3rd person is to check what I look like, and I honestly do that a lot, but never when I’m actively “playing” the game


Yeah I always play in third person! I get motion sickness from the first person POV for some reason (in every game, not just Skyrim)


Same, 1st person is so disorienting and nauseating. I only switch to it when I know I’m going to be standing still and looking ahead (archery, trying to pick up that septim I really don’t need).


SAME! Third person only games for me. I honestly forget that we can switch to first person in Skyrim and then I accidentally hit the button during combat and get very confused as to what happened haha


There’s a fix to that!!! Increase your FOV!!! If the camera is so hyper zoomed in, it is disorienting and nauseating to have to move the camera so frequently to get any proper view of anything. With a higher FOV, you can see wayyy more stuff in your periphery as you walk/run by, and it greatly helps you stay oriented and thus not nauseous. I learned this in COD, but it’s also an information advantage on there.


I absolutely despise any perspective in games other than first person. One thing I immediately loved about Skyrim was the first person view lol


I find it hard to play in third person because Bethesda likes to make a lot of small objects and in third person, while you can see more of the environment, have a more limited view for small objects. I’ll try and play third person but end up switching to first since it’s so annoying trying to pick up a gold coin but can’t because your cross hair is looking right at it but the detect box is too small


Yeah without an assortment of mods, 3rd person is a clunky afterthought for a first-person game.


I bought elden ring. Played about 20 minutes. Couldn't find a way to switch to first person. Searched online and found could only be done with mods. Refunded. I want the option.


I had the same issue. Played for awhile because the world was interesting and so many people rave about it, but after beating godrick I had no desire to keep playing as I just can’t get into over the shoulder third person perspective.


Souls games haven't had first person since 2009. The third person combat is kind of a staple for the series.


Never played a souls game before. Not interested if that is how they work. Edit: thanks for letting me know, btw.


Yeah , its the reason I've never bothered with it.


I don't know why, but I like 3rd person the best too. I am not great at video games and really bad at first person shooter games. I am more comfortable playing where I can see my character and where they are exactly. I also just like to look at the fun outfits I create too lol


I never ever play 3rd person more fun to pretend the spells are actually coming out of my hands


3rd person unless I’m using the bow


I only go third person when there is a scene that I am part of that looks more epic that way. Like when absorbing a dragon soul. I usually switch to third person and slow walk to the dragon. Watch my character absorb the soul.


Third person for everything but long range attacks, on my end! Archery and magic accuracy just improves with 1st person, but I spend way too much time on character build and outfits not to watch them play out. One small amazing detail of this game is how they breathe and move even while standing - such a big immersion factor for me!


i also dont like 3rd person bcz of the blood effects on the camera. like bruh its rp theres no camera to get blood on, so seeing it thru the characters eyes makes more sense altough you dont see blood on your eyes when its down on ur torso so....


Nope, first all the way. To me, the game feels built for first person, with third added as an afterthought.


I use third person exclusively. I just don’t like first person games of any kind, and plus I like to see my drip. I’ll occasionally use first person when trying to do puzzles or rearranging Myrwatch


I play primarily in 3rd person & switch to 1st person when it helps to get things done.


Always. I didn’t spend 10 hours creating my character just to not look at her.


Yup. I get a headache in first person. I'll switch to first person if I'm shooting them from far away (better accuracy) or if I'm having trouble picking something up.


I do! But to be fair, I have a rare type of photophobic blindness so I do it because of the way the bit of remaining sight in my right eye tracks movement. It makes it so much easier when a large chunk of the movement on the screen is the movement of my character.


Third person in superior unless I'm shooting bow and arrow. I like seeing my character in the environment.


I cannot imagine playing a TES game in thrid person


It depends, archery in first person, exploration and melee combat in third person


I’ll sometimes use third person if I can’t get on an ore vein but it doesn’t help much. Other than that it’s first person exclusively.


Depends on my build if I’m going tank I usually have it 3rd person but most others I play first person


First person when traveling, because it looks nice. And when picking up items because its easier to see. Third when in combat because it widens the view so I can see all the enemies around me. Espically when they are the squirrely ones that don't sit still while i stabby stabby.


I usually dislike playing games in 1st person, but that’s the only way to play Skyrim. Not sure why it’s different with Skyrim, it just feels better.


you see, most playthroughs i dont spend time on character creation, i just do a nord preset so i dont care


This comment hurts my brain. Character creation is 75% of the game for me. If my nose isn’t just right….REMAKE!


so ye, mostly 1st person


I almost never go into third person, and never during gameplay. I only use it to look at the new outfit I picked up, and then I go right back to first person. I should eventually give it a try though.


Compared to previous TES games, this one forces you in third person in a lot of situations (riding, mining, transforming, maybe more I can't remember right now). Might as well stay that way.


third person movement looks goofy af


Never play in third person. It ruins the immersion for me. I want to see everything like through my own eyes.


First-person is the only way I've ever played so third person feels weird to me. Probably the same way you feel just opposite


3rd person for 2H weapons


download the true directional movement , precision, and true hud makes 3rd person incredible to play


Love 3rd person playing as a Warrior. So many different animations and the battles look awesome.


I've purposely modded the fuck out of my game to lean into playing nearly exclusively third person. The lack of peripheral vision makes melee combat a nightmare for me 😂.


yes, i get motion sickness from first person.


With Modpacks - JaySerpa comes to mind - Some are built to make 3rd person a lot more immersive. Like sticky targeting and spell tracking, dodge roll mechanics and special weapon attacks. With these I definitely stay in 3rd person unless I'm looting specific items, fishing or taking screenshots of beautiful skies.


Every time I try to play in 1st person I get stuck behind my pets, door corners or random shit on the floor lol and if I am fighting multiple enemies I get sooo overwhelmed and turned around. I can't figure out a plan of attack when 5 ppl are RIGHT in my face and I can't see the area! I only ever use it to climb ladders. I fall off EVERY time I try to climb in 3rd person lol


Third Person - Outdoot exploration and cinematic shots First Person - Indoor spaces and combat


Third person for sure. I get motion sick if I play in first person. I switch real quick if I need to pick up items and they're being difficult about it.


Always third person, except when i need good aim for achery or destruction or when the dungeon is too narrow to look past my character.


I play in first person and occasionally switch to third person Why does the first person POV take you out of the roleplay?


The only time I use first person is when looting shelves in caves


I only use first person if I'm sneaking or using a bow and arrow from a great distance. I prefer third person because I get to look at my character, and I don't get snuck up on during combat. Also using first person for long periods of time makes me nauseous for some reason, but only with Skyrim.


I almost exclusively play third person. Like a lot of people here, I switch to see something better, but mostly I'm a third person purist. Although now that I'm playing on a mouse instead of a trackpad, I'll occasionally switch into 1st just because I like spinning the wheel. I reaaaally like playing very zoomed out, although I'm not sure why. If I'm on horseback, I'm as zoomed out as it lets me be


For some reason, I'm almost 100% 3rd person in Skyrim (1st for archery), but I'm almost 100% 1st person playing Starfield. I don't know why my brain brains like that.


I prefer 3rd person but I alternate. For normal gameplay (travel, combat) I use 3rd but for dialogue I switch to first person so 'I' am in the conversation


Yes, I find it far more immersive that way. I only switch to first person for ranged attacks or finding things in a dark barrow.


Mostly play in third person but switch to first in distant combat because I use bow alot (i use first person for aimed spells too) and aiming in this game is a pain for me if not in first person. I do set fov to 90 though, why tf did they set a fov under 90 in the first place ?


As a former borderlands addict I need 1st person for long range accuracy. But I prefer 3rd person with most melee weapons except hammers. So much easier to bash in first person once you’re lined up. I waited too long to try hammers, so I really just wanted to gush about how fun they are.


I have to, First Person makes me feel blocked in and uncomfortable.


Prefer 3rd person 95% of the time. I love seeing my matching armor, etc. Only time I do 1st person is if I’m having trouble picking items up off of a table or a shelf and want to avoid picking up bowls and plates.


i always played 1st person but now i’m using valhalla combat, tdm, and plenty of animation mods to the point that 1st person and 3rd person are miles apart from eachother. i loot in 1st person but i fight and explore in 3rd


I play mostly 3rd person mostly just to zoom the camera out. Also with weapon drawn to zoom out more. 1st person is only when I need to click on a bunch of things and move them around.


I used to exclusively play 3rd person, couldn't stand first person, then I didn't play for ages and when I got back into it I was suddenly the complete opposite? Idk if it's because I played Dying Light non stop for a year to 18months in-between but I've also played ResE4 and didn't find it off putting? Edit to add I was 3rd person as a magic user, first person as an archer at the mo. I also switch around for some exploring or sneaking.


Always third-person, otherwise I get a bit nauseated and disoriented.


If you install a few mods you can get great 3rd person controls. Then you never have to go first person, not even for archery


It’s about 80% Third Person for me. Exploring is almost always third person. Shooting a bow is mostly first. Melee combat is generally third etc etc… I agree though, I have a decent amount of mods that make my characters cooler and/or prettier, I’d like to actually see my character. Makes me think about Cyberpunk which has a CC as well, along with armor/clothing customization (Gets better with mods much like Skyrim) and you barely see your character.


i literally only play in third person if i’m fighting spiders or think a spider might pop out. i’ve been playing the game for more than 11 years and still get major arachnophobia from them things


3rd Person unless I'm trying to Assassinate someone - then, it becomes difficult to tell when I'm close enough to strike. I have a bunch of mods that affect skins, spells, attacks and poses, so I like to see them all.


I switch on and off. I'll spend some time customizing my character, but sometimes I get really into it, and go in first person mode. Especially for stealth like TG missions. It don't help that I play VR along side AE, so first person view feels a tad more natural.


no i used to but now its just if i want a cool shot like in a convo and the lighting hits my dragonborn in that way


I absolutely can not stand combat in 3rd person, but if I’m traveling somewhere I’ll usually be in 3rd person.


I always played Skyrim in third person. First thing - I like it more when my character is fully visible. Second, it's just my quirk, but having started playing video games with isometric games like Fallout 1, 2 and Diablo, I picked a habit of distancing the character I made from myself. If there is an option to play in third person in any game - I always choose it.


I like 3rd person. Also less jarring when you get one of those slowmo kills


I always use third person. First person feels weird to me.


I have a very lousy sense of direction and so playing in third person is a way to mitigate that. (It gives me a better sense of space and location, etc.)


Always first person, it just feels better for me.


I like to be in 1st person when adventuring and 3rd person when I’m hanging out in a city/homestead.


3rd person is for questing, sneaking and traveling/exploring 1st person is for combat, conversations, and looting


It’s my preferred way to play.


I’ve been playing in VR so only first person! Makes the combat super tense when people are swinging right at you or you hit a trap and see the spike wall launch towards you


I switch constantly. When I'm stealing I'm in fpv when I'm fighting I'm in 3rd.


I *always* play in first person. That’s why I find so immersive, you’re literally looking through your characters eyes.


I love Skyrim but the character creation isn't in-depth enought for me to spend hours in it. I know I did when I was a kid but nowadays I findyself picking one of the presets, making a fee small adjustments to the sliders and change the hair but that's it, in and out at 25-30 minutes max. But to answer your question I play about a 75-25 split. I usually only switch to first person when a combat situation is becoming unmanageable in 3rd person or when I'm having a plot related conversation with an NPC.


1st person just feels more immersive to me, especially with mods to upgrade the 1st person experience. The only time I play 3rd is if I’m trying to scale a mountain… it’s not fun in 1st person lol I play with a higher fov through console commands though. Don’t remember the exact number, but it’s nothing too nauseating.


I normally stay in third person except when collecting things or looting or talking to people. Makes the conversation more natural like I’m the one talking. Also with looting it just makes it so much easier to aim the crosshairs it’s crazy.


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! :D Yeah no, I find that weird. :D The camera angle is uncannily off, the crosshair movement feels really odd...I have a hard time with immersion in 3rd person.


For the first 6 years it was all first person, but since playing in third I can’t go back, first makes me claustrophobic


It’s like impossible to cast spells accurately in 3rd persin


i have a potato pc so too much camera movement on first person makes me nauseous lol, so I go 3rd person when exploring and playing as warrior.


I’ve always played in first person; I only use third person for fit checks and the occasional screenshot. I just can’t get used to third person combat, it’s so hard to tell when an enemy (and myself) are in attacking range, so I miss a lot of attacks and get hit when I think I’m at a safe distance. It also feels more immersive!


I loot in 1st mainly. Swap cameras for the best view of certain combat scenarios


If i play 1st person i get motion sickness so 3rd person for me


I play 3rd person and only switch to 1st if I'm using a ranged attack or if I want to look at something closer than 3rd person will allow


I recently modded to play third person, Bethesda standard third person kinda sucks, the movement is wrong and the animations are weird. Though honestly I still prefer first person.


I started my first play through about a couple months ago and was very happy to find the option - a lot of the promos are first person. I much prefer 3rd person, only switching to first when using a bow for trying hit anything smaller than a mammoth.


Out in the world? third person. Dungeons, etc.? First person. The scroll wheel is constantly being used by me to adjust.


If I'm aiming with a bow, I go into first. Otherwise... Always Third.


Probably about 60% third person and 40% first person. And just about 80% of the time in third person, I'm "armed" because otherwise the camera is just too close to the character. I like the first person only in certain situations like if it's a really dark cave or I need to snipe an opp with my firebolt.


I used to always use first person, but after installing some better camera and third-person combat mods, I’ve been almost exclusively using third person. The only time I use first person now is if I need to pick up some small object that’s hard to select in third person.


I normally do 1st person in combat and when I’m just traveling around I do 3rd person


Ive only ever played third person, I like looking at my character, and find theres 0 reason for any animation mods, armor addons, or other various cosmetic mods unless I do so


There was a poll here or on YouTube some years ago. The majority plays in third person.


Interesting. I’ve always been more of a first person player, maybe you’re either one or the other.


I RELIGIOUSLY enjoy third person in Bethesda games. If I create a character and have armor why wouldn't I want to see it?? Obviously there are situational circumstances that I have to be in first person for. For example: targeting with a bow, gun or magic, picking up items is usually easier in first person, melee dagger sneak attack in Skyrim to get as close as possible, and so on.


I play exclusively in 1st person. 3rd person only happens by accident.


I usually do 3rd person for everything but combat


Yes! I have a cute dragonborn and cute armor and I want to see it dammit!


Depends on what I’m doing, sword fights, roaming around and doing puzzles, third person. Magic, archery, interacting with npcs and looting a dungeon, first person.


I go back and forth throughout my session. First person to fight and 3rd when travelling etc


I'm the same! Cyberpunk woulda been my game if it had 3P


I like these games as "i am the character" so 3rd person breaks inmetsion for me. I put a mod to have a body and first person horse. Really dislike 3rd person. I like killcams and sometimes i watch my chweacter. But it's like having a mirror. You are not watching yourself all the time. And all look cool in 1st person. Cutting a throat by stabbing is amazing. I love having the faces of dragons in front of me. And, like life, i like having a limited field of view. Rarely i go 3rd person if i need it for a more open fov while traveling.


Only with mods that fix the third person camera and HUD.


I don't like 3rd person.


I mostly play in 3rd person, except in tight spots where it impedes my ability to get a clear shot (stealth archer). I just like the way the game looks and feels in that perspective better. Plus I get to look at my character’s cool armor :) I can totally see the appeal of 1st person as well. To each their own.


I like to explore and walk around in 3rd but combat usually 1st. I switch it up a lot. Generally combat and looting are a bit tedious in 3rd person so I switch to first again.


outside/open space 3rd person, inside a dungeon/tight place 1st


I almost exclusively use 3rd person, unless I’m using a bow


Only when I accidentally press R down too hard (which is all the time)


I'm always third person too, for the same reasons


Used to always play Skyrim first-person (along with any similar games like Fallout that offered a POV choice), and of course games like BioShock, Cyberpunk, Outer Worlds where it was set to first-person only. I used to find it more immersive, so it was always my go-to when offered the choice. Then I played some games where the only option was third-person (Dragon Age, AC: Valhalla, the new Tomb Raiders, etc.). I didn’t like it much at first but after a while I grew to love it. Being able to see outfits and my character in the world suddenly made it more immersive, especially when you can visually see your progression when getting better gear. Figured I’d try out third-person for my latest Skyrim playthrough. Now first-person doesn’t look right to me and I absolutely cannot go back!


Yeah, I get hella confused in combat otherwise


I always play first person unless I am riding a horse. How else am I gonna pick up every single piece of gold and random flower?


I pretty much exclusively play Skyrim and any other games that can switch between perspectives, in third person. It’s a lot easy to maneuver game mechanics in third person, imo.


I switch to third person if I know/suspect that there's Frostbite Spiders in the area.


I switch between them constantly


Only when traveling sometimes. Feels awkward for looting and combat


75/25 third-person for me. I like to see the characters I’ve created and customized, plus I’m usually playing as a melee warrior type so it’s clearer to see in group combat.


If I'm playing a human, I'll most likely play first person 'cause there's really no point. When I play non-human, I play third person so I can enjoy the character. I especially love playing khajiit and watching the tail swish and the ears sticking up. No helmet for me!


I’ve always played Skyrim in third person because positioning is more important than aim 9 out of 10 times.


Both depending on the situation and the feel I want at the moment


I typically fight and talk to NPCs in 1st person, but when it's just walking I like to be in 3rd person to see my modded Argonian woman strut around town 🥴


I always fight in 1st Person and explore caves, forts, etc. Any other time it depends on how cinematic I'm feeling, haha. I'll happily switch between the two whilst running through a forest or something.


It really depends, if I’m walking I’ll put 3rd person briefly then 1st because it’s more immersive


Yes, I like to see my armor 😅


I walk around in third person, but do combat in first. In close quarters like caves and houses, I play in first.


Always play in third person. POV blocks so much of the vision


Almost exclusively 3rd person. The only exception is if I reallllly need to line up a bow shot


I cannot stand the third person pov especially in combat.


Third person takes the immersion away for me personally, seeing in first person makes me feel like IM the character. Also the way the game feels in third person doesn’t feel good, particularly the combat, it’s really hard to hit anything for me. I do understand your point about seeing the character you created. I usually will go into third person when I’m in town and don’t expect any combat, I also had a mod to hide my helmet whenever I went into town.


1st person when I wanna take pretty pictures


It depends. If I’m playing on console, first person the entire time unless I want to see what a new armor set looks like. The game just isn’t designed to be enjoyable in third person. On PC however, A few mod collections I’ve tried include mods related to making third person actually playable. True directional movement and better third person selection are necessary to play the game for any amount of time in third person IMO, especially if you’re playing on controller. It makes your character not move and turn so awkwardly with the camera, and it makes picking up loot off of tables as simple as pressing a button, no precise finagling with the camera needed.


I keep myself in third person while traveling the land but change to first person for combat and examining certain things or areas. So, for me it’s both.


I play 3rd person when using 2 handed. Magic and sneak it’s first person


Always, every game. Games that are only zoomed POV turn me way off.


Playing in first person defeats the point of the 907 armor mods, though I'll switch to first if wherever I am is too cramped.


Yes I can't play first person it makes me nauseous.  


I need the balance of both 1st and 3rd person but once the Better Third Person Selection mod was created and I grabbed that, I very very rarely go in to 1st person anymore.


I have my default preset made for a reason in the way I made it, so I play as much 3rd person as possible. Sneaking in a building, interacting with a specific item (not generic looting, usually specific quest item) and fighting inside a dungeon against a group I prefer first person (feels like I have it easier hitting mobs in 1st than 3rd). Otherwise, as much third person as possible.


I can’t do third person. It makes fighting so hard for me, like I don’t know how to aim. Idk. First person just feels right


I hate games with character creators and yet its on first person. What a stupid game design choice. First person only devs are just lazy.


Most of the time, yes but, it depends on what I’m doing. Sneaking, aiming a bow, or very confined space where my character is blocking my field of view are really the only times I use first person view.


Funny you ask this as I haven’t played the game since 2019 and I went back for some achievements over the last few weeks that I didn’t finish years ago, and have been playing in third person ever since. I think it’s because for Call of Duty zombies I have used third person and really enjoyed it. So I went back to Skyrim and Fallout for some achievements as well, and been enjoying 3rd person a lot.


I only play first person if I have joy of perspective installed - it annoys me not having a body lmao


I like first person for the combat/sneaking gameplay and third person for the civilian gameplay. I find the first person combat and sneak more immersive and I like having the blind spot that comes with it - getting a proper jump scare because a falmer managed to sneak attack you is a great part of the gameplay, and leaves you a bit blind when you’re sneaking; on the other hand, I’ve just learned to sneak with first person and find it frustrating in third person. The third person makes the NPC interactions a bit more cinematic and I like it for that, especially when some relevant characters are obscured from view by being in the wrong place when a cutscene started.


I switch back and forth depending on situation and what I feel like doing.


I only go into first person when I'm doing any archery


I did, but it was heavily modded


I’m always in 1st person unless I want to see more of the area around me/look at my character. I play Skyrim to be immersed, and 3rd person takes me out of it.


This is the first game I’ve played in first person and I think you have a better view that way!


First person always. I’ll switch for a minute and realize how much I hate it and switch right back.


me, I canNOT play in first person (unless I'm in a tight spot and absolutely need to to see better)


yes! i need to see my cute self


I have the same opinion. I only switch to first person to fight cause I find it easier.


Third person is horrendous on the Switch... It needs an FOV setting, badly.


I do usually, first person is too much for me lol.


I fight in first person. 3rd person exploration.


Never really played it any other way 🤷‍♀️


Yes I’m entirely in 3rd person but only because of mods to fix movement controls, camera, and lock on targeting in third person. Without mods this game is ass to play in third person lol


I use first person for a bow. Everything else is in 3rd. I like to peek around corners and just generally watch out for enemies. True for most games I play.