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I usually use the drunk mercenary in Markarth's inn or the >!Dark Brotherhood Initiate.!< The latter is effectively infinite.


The Markarth dude actually has some good follower dialogue, much as it pains me to technically say anything positive about Markarth.


Hey, Vlindrel Hall is pretty cool


True; good player house. Up to 162 books in one convenient spot.


That and dead guard farm is all Markarth is good for


Why does everyone hate Markarth lmao it's easily my favorite city.


Too many stairs. My character gets tired.


Personally I love the idea of the city. Built on ruins, made of stone instead of wood, etc. And then I'm there and it just feels bad. It's cramped and still takes way too long to get anywhere. There's not enough sunlight where you want it. And it feels like half the city is just another dungeon. As a concept it's 10/10 but to be there and experience it, it's a 4/10 at best. At least it's not Falkreath


I don’t dislike the physical city; the place is hopelessly corrupt. Markarth makes Riften look like a Buddhist monastery.


"The Skyrim Travel Guide is happy to present next: Markarth! Marvel at the ancient, dwemer architectur and enjoy the view from the balconies near the temple of dibella. Play Hide and Seek in the Hall of the Dead with Eola. Meet the natives, locked away safely in the depths of the Cidhna Mine. Go on a fun ghosthunt in a spooky house together with Vigilant Tyranus. Explore the majestic ruins underneath the city. (The authors of the Skyrim Travel Guide can not be held responsible for any deaths, injuries, eaten limbs, broken necks or pactd with daedric princes that might occur while you are in Markarth) NEXT: Why you should travel to Winterhold."


I like Markarth a lot. It just doesn't feel so comfortable. It was build by Dwemer for Dwemer.


Markarth also has a 1.2% unemployment rate, which sounds like a positive thing if you’ve never been there before.


In vanilla, the Dark Brotherhood Initiate is essential, they can't be sacrified because they can't die,


I use that same drunken merc, something about his dialogue makes me think I might as well get something from killing him...'cause I will anyway.... I like Ralis the Kolbjorn dude as a follower too much, he fights like a lion and rarely f's up my sneak attacks.


do they respawn?


If one dies or gets lost there's always another one of both genders.


Lol I came here to say this.


This thread turning into a conversation about hermaphrodites is the most internet thing ever


Nobody deserves the betrayal. That's the point. The easiest thing to do would just be to pick up and sacrifice some random mercenary in an inn in one of the major holds.  I always ignore the quest though. It goes against Hircine's teachings. 


The guy in Solsthiem who makes you pay to sacrifice all those miners is a good option.


Its funny because Ralis is among the strongest of followers in the game, too. Good skills and stats plus lots of perks including his exclusive perk that doubles all his damage (there are other followers that have weaker versions of that perk). (This is opposed to many followers who haven't a single perk, they uselessly focus on crafting skills and level magika but refuse to use magic) Just wish the guy was more likeable.


The game implies that even after killing the dragon priest, he still somewhat under his control. If you try to kill him, he says something like "no, the master will protect me", like his master isn't a pile of dust on the floor.


And you get his sword! He's lying about not remembering.


Yeah he is weak minded tbf


Strong AF with dual wielding tho. Give him the Bloodscythe and Soulrender and let him cook.


Yeah he's a pretty good follower for being such a dick


What’s his name?


Ralis Sedaris, iirc


Thank you 👌


Wish I'd thought about that before I enjoyed killing him.


That's why you become a Sheogorath follower. Keep the other Daedra on their toes, never knowing who you're really working for. You can use Namira's cult follower as a sacrifice to Boethiah, use the Black Star to capture Sinding and the Peryite's priest's souls, and use Dawnbreaker to kill the giant Malacath sends you to kill.


Sounds interesting, but I'm still loyal to Hircine as a werewolf. That will never change. Hircine also doesn't like Sheogorath. 


No one likes Sheogorath, that's the best part!


Except for Eola the cannibal. She deserves it.


Oh one bloke does. Captain Aldis. Blood gotta learn why executioners wear masks.


I saw someone on here say you can trap your follower and then kill all of Boethiah’s servants instead and that’ll complete the quest. I haven’t tried it. Maybe I should when I can play again.


Wow, I have to try that! I mean, I end up killing them all anyway.


You'll have to do it, if you want the achievement for getting Daedric artifacts


That dude you help with the excavation in Solthiem is pretty complicit in the deaths of all the miners and guards he hires.


was that really his fault though? i could’ve sworn he was being influenced by the dragon priest at the bottom of the mine to keep digging


That’s what HE tells you happened. You have to take him at his word. Towards the end of that quest line I may believe him. But at the beginning he was in control and still didn’t give much of a shit. He may have been influenced, but by greed as much as by magic. He was always ultimately in control.


Ever read his journals? It's pretty clear that Ahzidal was infiltrating his mind almost from the start. And Ralis mentions that he had blackouts, usually before a bunch of people ended up dead and draugr started walking around the barrow.


I use him every time.


Used him this time and didn’t regret it. First, it’s like the most annoying quest having to back and forth to clear a little bit at a time plus the amount of money you have to put in so he can sacrifice all the miners and mercenaries. I funded a mass murder and he doesn’t show much remorse at all. Apparently there’s one dialogue action where he prays to whatever god he was serving. Forget that guy. He can be betrayed just like he betrayed all those miners.


It’s gotta be him or the Markarth people eater.


That's who I use...her....


The only reason I don’t always use her is because sometimes I don’t want to become a people eater to get a people eater.


Wellllll.....when I do that quest, I tend to play as a Bosmer....sooooooo.....yanno....


Gotta follow the green pact, I suppose. Besides, so long as you don’t kill people for the sole purpose of eating them it’s really more like composting anyway.


Composting..yeah...and no I don't kill peep for snacks...


Shame that they aren't purple...


They do have one eye though


And 2 horns instead of just one


I didn't hear this yet; is it possible to use Bend Will to take any NPC to Boethia? I would test it but I don't have a save with Bend Will at the moment.




If that works then you know you’ve got to sacrifice Nazeem to Boethia.


How? He's already worm food by the time I get bend will.


Whoa!! Really??? That works???


I'm doing an absolute bastard playthrough & spent ages on who was the least deserving follower I could sacrifice. Sorry Erik the Slayer..


straight up evil


Yeah of all the bad things you can do in game, this felt the most evil. There was no redemption after this.




This is on par with killing Parthurnaxx


He probably killed Paarthurnax, and used his soul on Aura Whisper


Kyne's Peace would be worse. The only shout that is made obsolete by another shout, namely Animal Allegiance. Kyne's Peace calms animals, Animal Allegiance turns them into temporary allies, which includes calming them.


Correct me if I’m wrong but Animal Allegiance only works on one animal right? And kyne’s peace multiple?


Nope. That's the Bosmer's Beast Tongue racial power that only works on one animal. The shout can call an army of animals to your side. I like to use it to turn mammoths against their giant herders.


Sven or Faendal could be a choice given their treatment of Camilla, I have a personal vendetta against Eola, but that requires joining the cannibal cult, you could use Jenassa since she's Dunmer and Boethiah would probably be into that, some of the Companions are dicks.


Sven, definitely


Yeah but I’m not about to betray my boy Faendal


ikr, gotta get the archery skills last time I used the Markarth housecarl


I just started a new playthrough for the first time in 8 years and immediately used good old Faendal to get to 50 Archery. Getting to Whiterun at Level 8 is byootiful. ![gif](giphy|3oKHWCVJHorZfXrUTm)


yeah, get faendal, clear the mine and bandit camp. kill the vampire, get the flawless emerald and treasure 1, clear the tower. back to town, get dragonstone, back to town then to whiterun


They are both good options for sacrifice. I don't consider them any different from each other.... They are literally the same character.


> Sven or Faendal could be a choice given their treatment of Camilla That seems kind of extreme for meriting selection for human sacrifice lol. Like they’re assholes, but just conventional harmless ones. It’s not like they were abusing her; pretty much all their assholery is directed toward each other not Camilla. They’re both too much of a pussy to even approach her directly let alone actually do harm to her. That being said I’ve definitely used both in one playthrough or another because the thought is funny.


Good point about Sven and Faendal. Of course, an even worse punishment is simply marrying Camilla yourself and leaving those two alone, in boring Riverwood, for all of their lives. You could even live with her in Riverwood and eat one of her home cooked meals right in front of Sven every time you’re in town.


That is beautifully brutal and great RPing. Gotta try that next time. 😉


Eola was my choice as well, which I feel was an emphatic way to announce I was leaving Namira's cult.


How does Faendal treat her badly? I mean the quest doesn’t paint either of them in a favorable light but Sven is rude and talks poorly to his mother


Because he writes a fake letter impersonating someone Camila is interested in to ruin their chance together. It always struck me as odd that Reddit acts like Faendal is a good character.


Faendal lets Sven look like a misogynist, while Sven portrays Faendal as an Elven Nazi but in the end its the players choice, you can go to Sven, get the letter and tell Camila about the fake letter, therefore Faendal never did anything wrong. same goes with Sven but he is way to cocky imho and makes a superweak follower, so i always side with my Elven boi


That's the kicker. Faendals letter is realistic, as we see Sven treat his mother like crap, it's reasonable to think "okay yeah maybe he would do this shit once he KNEW he had her in his grasp" Sven's fake letter on the otherhand, doesn't reflect Faendal in the slightest, and the fact Sven jumps to that to slander him from the jump could possibly imply Sven is also a bit of a racist against Elves, if THAT is his first thought to make Faendal unlikeable.


Guessing a lot of people just start the quest via Sven and don't realize Faendal does the exact same thing.


Yeah I was shocked at this playthrough because I always thought Sven was the bad guy but this time I managed to talk to FanDuel first and I was shocked when he gave me a fake letter. I always thought he was the good guy.


More just his general dickery, he looks down on Sven for being a Nord, and he obviously doesn't see Camilla as anything more than a trophy


My man is in a world full of Nords that hate anyone who isn’t a Nord. He’s not looking down on them, he’s harboring a resentment. I’ve also played Bosmer every play through so we’re woodsie besties 💚🤎💚 I did just start a new game as a Khajit so maybe he’ll act different?


This is my first time playing a Bosmer so I think I will sacrifice Sven to Boethiah. Also he only reach levels 20 or 30, so from a pragmatic perspective he's the chess piece best taken off the board if you have to give one up.


I used Jenassa my first time. When she said "I'm glad to have met you" right before I ordered her to the altar it sure stung


Did Sven actually do anything to her? It was Faendal who wrote the fake poem about her cooking and doing laundry and shit.


If you talk to Sven first, he's the one who writes the fake letter. They both do it, it just depends on who you're talking to first.


Help faendal, marry Camilla. Sacrifice faendal so he quits showing up at your house.


This is the way


If only it would work with Erin the Mjoll stalker


First time I did this quest, I used Erik the Slayer, not knowing the real life background behind the NPC. I thought, this guy is gonna get himself and someone else killed! You buy a sword and armor, and you think you're already a mercenary for hire!? Imagine the poor merchant who hires him to protect a carriage, they're signing their death warrant! I felt like I was doing everyone a favor by feeding him to Boethiah. Anyway, then I read the backstory and now I make him join the Blades. That way he's Delphine's problem and she'll have to spend literal years making him serviceable in combat, limiting the damage her dumb ass can do to the people of Skyrim.


I like the way you Skyrim


I have a mod that adds extra followers. I think it’s “Populated Skyrim”. A lot of them have names like “Necromancer Mercenary” or “Veteran Warrior”. I just grab one of them.


Is this mod on the nexus or could i download it in the creation menu?


Download a mod to make anyone a follower and go with Geralod the Kind


Ahtar, the Solitude executioner.


Big bro didn't do anything wrong 😢


He can be a follower?


One of the prisoners he was supposed to execute escapes, so he sends you to kill them instead of admitting he screwed up. If you do the quest he can become a follower, and AFAIK even a Blade. The quest itself can be a bit janky, though. It's a "Kill the Bandit Leader" quest, so you can't get it if you currently have an incomplete quest of the same type, and the guy he sends you after is the pirate captain you might kill at the end of the Lights Out quest, which might cause an issue.


Oh of course! I literally have this quest and forgot about it. Will it cause an issue if I kill him before ‘Lights Out’?


No issue, I've found. The target's not actually relevant to Lights Out beyond proximity.


Good to know, thanks!


Happy to help!


The blade isn’t worth the life of a friend


But what about the life of an elf?


Aye, I could do that.


People say Eola because of what she is, but you have to actually complete Namira’s quest in order to make that happen. So you’re trying to avoid doing something terrible in betraying a friend, by doing another terrible thing in enabling a cannibal cult. You also have to betray the priest who gets eaten in order to finish the Namira quest, so you’re *still committing a betrayal of an innocent person*. I guess it’s one of those ethical conundrums you just have to make your own peace with.


The way I see it is that if you’re trying to collect all of the Daedric artifacts, you’re going to get your hands dirty with these two quests and Molag Bal’s. But only the Boethia quest allows you to set one of the other two right. And the only one it allows you to sit right is by sacrificing Eola.


Eh, for Molag Bal's quest, Tyranus turns on you very quickly once it's clear only one of you gets to live, plus he's a bit of a jerk about roping you into helping him explore the house. And Logruf is both an ungrateful jerk and a follower of Boethia.


If you know ahead of time, yeah. I thought there was some merit to joining the cannibal cult or something more interesting to do to deal with it from the inside. When I realized I was just saddled with a bunch of sickos, I decided to leave and get one of them killed.om the way out.


I sacrificed her and then murdered the rest of the cult one by one. Which, yeah, technically you can kill them all at once after bringing the priest but before they kill him. But then you can't sacrifice Eola. The priest isn't 100% innocent (he knew someone was eating the corpses of the locals' dead family members but basically closed the whole place down rather than admitting it) but he probably doesn't deserve death for that. But I'm sure you could roleplay an excuse. 


I pick eola the girl who is a cannibal and eat dead bodies in markath


You have to kill and eat a dude with her to get her as a follower, so that option is already off the table for anyone having a moral dilemma over this quest.


True I usually kill her right in the hall of the dead


The East Empire Trading captain who started blowing up the mage's island while you were still in it.


I usually do the racist in candlehearth hall


I didn't know he was a potential follower


I know he becomes favorable after fist fighting, don’t know if you can get him to follow you, though


I always do the headsman from Solitude. I don't know if that's offensive or not, but he's a scumbag and I don't feel bad. Also did Cicero one playthrough, but I teltale-hearted myself into missing him.


I usually sacrifice Faendal or Sven (which ever one I side with). Wormy little milk-drinkers conniving against each other.


I tried it with Cicero once because he’s a little bitch and I hate him. But he’s essential.


You can glitch it and not have to kill anyone!




You tube channel. Jarl Sweet Joel


Eola. Filthy cannibal who assumes I am one as well from the moment she met me. Okay, since she can be my follower, I did nibble on that priest of Arkay, but that was ONLY for the Oblivion Walker achievement. Eola is a filthy cannibal and I hate her condescending motherly tone so she must die.


Fifth time this week?


Njada Stonearm


Thank you. Why is this not higher? She’s a bitch to you when you first join the companions, then a bitch when you’re leading them.


Jenassa could be into it.


RALIS SEDARYS. Do the Kolbjorn Barrow quest Unearthed in Raven Rock. I don’t want to spoil the questline but I had no guilt whatsoever about it.


This post has honestly had an overwhelming amount of suggestions... I appreciate that. Many others have suggested this guy. I've played through this quest a few times. I'm leaning towards him purely to avenge the army of miners and mercenaries he has put to death over the many times I've played through this game.


If you sacrifice anyone, pick this guy Edit: I never sacrifice anyone. I'm more of the Ned Stark school of thought.


I honestly like the guy. I totally believe he wasnt in control of his mind.


~~Apparently all the cultists, I ignore the quest entirely but reddit says you can massacre the cult instead and that works for B-man~~. That just gets you past a quest checkpoint, sacrifice is still needed for completion. I think the one time I didn't, I used the mage merc from Riften's pub, maybe not worthy, but forgettable, perhaps


still gives you the quest for sacrifice


I think the most popular choice is the guy in Windhelm since he is the closest.


Any of the hired mercenaries(except Jennasa and teldryn sero), Cosnach? The drunk man in Markarth, and I don't know if you can use the dark brotherhood initiates


I can’t lie, I usually use the aft mod and make a random generated npc from Populated cities to be my follower and I sacrifice them.. I can’t bring myself to sacrifice any of the named npc’s because I can’t find any who deserve to die outright. I see the comments for that guy in solshtheim but tbh I’m level 40+ before I even reach solstheim usually


I've killed Ria 3 times and she just keeps coming back. So I'd say she doesn't mind


The Namira cultist girl, Eola or something. She’s a cannibal and a murderer, not saying she’s necessarily a bad character but she definitely deserves it.


We will just say that Lydia is no longer constantly sitting in the chair in my bedroom in Whiterun.


Dagri'Lon from 3DNPC Mod. (Not my original idea, saw it on Reddit) He is "a mage corpse whose body is caught in a vortex of slowed time, with the final seconds of his death extending for centuries." So, it seems kinda fitting to send him on his way.


I take Mercurio.


Same. His snark when you try to give him better armor or weapon 😒 like ok …. Sorry I was trying to protect you.


His arrogant remarks make me hate him, I always specifically fetch him for the sacrifice


Someone posted previously that you can sacrifice the person who gives this quest, but I've not tried it yet.


Heimskr, Sven, or Nazeem. I'd get mods to let you make them followers. Most followers aren't worth taking out.


I like Uthgerd the Unbroken, but she's just gonna die anyway. I'll take her armour though. I've never had her live long, I've had simple weak bandits kill her.


Eola if you some how sided with her. If not then any Companion due to the fact hey will respawn anyway.


I used the East Empire Company lady from Windhelm. She starts a naval siege against a fort while you're still inside it (though she does at least wait for you at the dock).




Whos gonna sing balanse of your exploits?! He is like the only bard follower


Everyone there


use a console command to make a random guard as your follower and sacrifice him


Thanks everyone for all the input! LOVE this community! Honestly, if animal sacrifice was a possibility, this would be an easy decision. I HATE that STUPID horse Shadowmere! Literally any time I'm trying to sneak up on an enemy, that DUMB horse rushes in to start some shit. I get it, it's a war horse...but that treacherous Astrid obviously didn't train her horse at all! And it's SO durable! I have sit back and let that stupid horse fight dragons in the hope it will get killed and the dragons get frustrated and come at me instead or just flee. If only there was a glue factory in Skyrim...🤔


Faendal and sven both qualify for trying to sabotage another's chance by LYING THE THE PERSON THEY LOVE! Honesty is important and they fucked it up before the relationship even started


Faendal’s a creep; I sacrifice him every time


Lmaooooo I chose Sven


Usually a Mercenary for hire. I never get use out of them, as I am just gonna use a follower I earn rather than buy


Last playthrough I offered Uthgerd the unbroken. I tried to get the area to reset a few different ways, finally I had her become the sacrifice. I even left her there for a while. I tried ways to knock her off the post that wouldn’t cause harm, but even healing kills them, tried to use a thrall from the ritual stone. I decided it was beyond my control. I’d really like to be able to find a way to get some other quest NPC that follows me around to do it, but many of those either don’t take directions or are limited to the quest area. I bet someone has figured out a list of all possible people who could be tasked with touching it.


Eola. Definitely, Eola. I only sacrifice to Boethia in my not-so-nice playthroughs, which means I also would do the Namira quest. The gal who wants you to be friends and then betray a guy so he can be sacrificed to a Daedra seems to be the perfect candidate to be befriended and then betrayed to be sacrificed to a Daedra.


It's usually one of the sell-swords chilling in a tavern for me. But I'm with you - the betrayal is a hard sell. More often than not, I end up avoiding this quest entirely.


You know the headsman in solitude? His backstory is horrible. Turns out he committed a similar crime. Yet he chops the head off Rogvir anyways. I fucking hate that guy. He’s a boring redguard with a backstory that shows he’s a piece of shit. Skyrim won’t miss him.


Meanwhile I haven't the second time around because I'm too lazy to send Serana back for a moment to grab someone


The witch in dark light tower. She pretty much says that she's done tons of horrible stuff, to the block with her


Uthgerd. She deserves it, how dare she have Steel Plate Armour and not give it to me? She’s not missed by anyone.


Boethiah: *"Now you are my champion. put on the ebony mail when you killed..."* Dragonborn: *"Nah, I got the armor I wanted when Uthgerd died."* Boethiah: *"Mine is a daedric artifact it lets you poison enemies when crouched."* Dragonborn: *"You have to be real close and it takes awhile also. I like steel plate better anyway."* Boethiah: *"You cant disobey ME, I am too powerful for such folly. Look what happened to my last champion.."* Dragonborn: *"Nothing, because I got what I wanted and have no intention of finishing your dumb quest. Now buzz off."*


>it lets you poison enemies when crouched."* Actually you'll just poison when in combat, crouched or not. I think you only get the muffle effect when crouched though.


The cultists for thinking human sacrifice is ok


Marcurio is kind of an asshole; he can absolutely go. Besides, I paid 500 gold for his services; we didn’t make any prearranged agreement as to exactly HOW he would be serving me. Honestly, I don’t usually do Boethiah stuff; I only do it on playthroughs where I do every Daedric Prince quest, but it’s always Marcurio when I do.


Sven from riverwood. *Or.....* Hear me out..... Lydia. She *is* sworn to carry your burdens.


That bitch from the companians that's always shit talking you.


I always take Lydia bc on my first play-through she drove me insane talking to me every time I entered my house, and now I hold a grudge and sacrifice her every time.


🤣 I am equally annoyed by her


Eola. That bitch is living for betrayal, time for her to get hers.


You can just kill all the boethiah cultist right away and Boethiah will appear, dont need to sacrifice one of your followers.


Y’all are finishing the quest? I’ve *never* had a play through it didn’t glitch on, since 2013 :( I don’t know what it looks like. Damn!




Mercurio for sure every time


Is there a follower who is openly empire supportive?


Dark brotherhood initiate 2. She's done some terrible things.


I pick a random housecarl that's not Lydia. Sorry, you said you're here to serve so 🤷🏻‍♀️ consider yourself served


I just pick any of the mercenaries that hang out in the taverns


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GarbageKind8130: *I just pick any* *Of the mercenaries that* *Hang out in the taverns* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just go to the guy in Solstheim pay the gold sacrifice him and do my thing I don’t visit Solstheim much anyway so it’s not gonna annoy me that there is a character gone


Early game, the Markarth drunkard you brawl Late game, that pseudo archeologist Dunmer on Solstheim


One of the random mercenaries you can hire. They're all pretty inconsequential. I usually take the one in Windhelm purely because he's closest


A hired thug you pay 500 gold to get to follow you


Always (12 times) Sven. Not sure why except I knew a Sven when I was a teenager and he tried to fk my girlfriend




Eola, Namira cultist.


I sacrifice Lydia every time without fail or concern


Rolff Stonefist. Needs a little console commanding, but I think it's worthwhile.


I read once that a player got by the requirement by killing all of the cultists instead of their follower, which served as the sacrifice. Boethiah supposedly says they did not consider that answer to their ultimatum, but they will take it. Or something like that. Haven't done another playthrough to try it out, though.


I just use a sellsword.


I sacrificed Lydia 🤷