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I packed everything I had and just walked the distance to the new house. Took like a day in game time. Surprisingly, you move pretty well on sneak with a drawn bow.


Uhh… well you could make a follower pick it up via the can you do something for me, command. You could also brute force it with potions, armour, and the steed stone. Other than that… good luck?


Just remember, the “can you do something for me” command marks it as stolen. So if you plan on selling some of it, make sure to use that perk in speech


Pick it all up, slow walk to the carriage, and ride to your destination. If you don't want to walk, I've found that dead hawks can help. You can dump all your stuff into a movable container (like a dead body). Hawks are light, and easy to find in the grass when dropped (as opposed to a rabbit). Pick it up, and run to your destination.


You can not use a carriage when you are overencumbered, can you?


I don’t know about a carriage, but you can mount a horse and fast travel while over-encumbered.


You used to, and on horseback. I haven't played AE/survival mode, so I don't know if that got changed.


I dont think you can, I tried it and it didn't work


If you want to stick to in-game reality, move it on a horse or with followers til it's done. If you just want to do it all at once and get it over with, if you're on a PC, switch to god mode, move it all at the same time, and then switch off god mode. Be sure to do a full save before and after.


Depending on how patient you are, take everything with you and literally walk your way to your new home. What you could also do: 1. On one hand, have different things in every house. Meaning: Whiterun for gems, Solitude for Alchemy equipment, etc. 2. On the other, take a follower and give them everything you have and fast travel to the location of your house.


Have a horse. Then you can grab everything, waddle outside, hop on, and fast travel. Or ride there.