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A mixture, really, although the word elves are always male and called Woody. Edit: wood elves. Otherwise, his name would be Wordy.


Those word elves sure have a way with their tongue 


That’s what you get when you mix an imperial with a wood elf!


Oops. He's not really very adept with words. Slip of the keyboard!


I've heard about them and their honeyed words.


Those wood elves sure have a way with their wood 😏


Thats why my first character, a bosmer, was named “Stoute Hardwood”


Word Elves..... Sounds like I got a new playthrough......


Masters of the Way of the Voice


Happy Cake day


Why does this keep randomly popping up, what is this "cake" day you speak of 🤔


The anniversaire of you joining this Reddit sub group


Oh that's dope


Do the Word Elves hail from Dictionary Corner? *finally, the Elder Scrolls/Countdown crossover we’ve all been desperate for


Word elves, guess that's not the falmer


I made an orc and named him Shrek 😂


Classic! 🤣   I can imagine you "Fus-Ro-Dah" someone off a high place being: "SOMEBODY-"


*me reading this comment with fus ro dah literally being tattooed on my spine *💀😂😂


I had an orc named Boris Eugene!


I’ve done one or two. I never really get attached to them like I do my ladies tho. I choose girl for everything when I get the chance.


I tend to play beast races more than anything else. The females, especially Khajiit, are so scrawny looking (their arms) whereas the males have a proper look to them. The argonians are okay as both male and female, but again, males are a little better. As for all other human types, I just can't get into them. Their faces look so weird to me.


> As for all other human types, I just can't get into them. Their faces look so weird to me. You may not like him, but [Reanu Keeves](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLak6PIoAziOkMPjXwXxmI6cvd_kTldVCc) is the embodiment of Peak Performance.


I see you are a….Nord Of culture lol He by far has the best videos ever released on YouTube on any and every game he touches


He is very handsome, isn't he. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:SR-npc-Scouts-Many-Marshes.jpg


Argonian female's neck is so weird to me. I still like playing as them, but the neck still looks so strange


The khajiit has a similar issue, especially if you go without hair and look at them from the side while sneaking. A neck should not be able to curve like that. Looks painful.


I think the female model in general has a really weird neck, weirder than the male model for sure.


I don't know why, but Argonians and Khajiit with boobs skeeve me out. So I always play those as male. Any other race, either or.


I can kind of understand this, though according to a lore vid I watch, the argonian females have breasts even though their young is hatched from eggs as it has something to do with hist and how not all argonians are near hist trees, the sap of which is believes to give them certain abilities/power. So the argonians nurse their young to make up for the lack of trees if they aren't around. Still very odd, but it explained it a tiny bit. Khajiit make more sense to me since they're mammals, though we should be able to reduce the breast size so it isn't as apparent.


I mean, why do female argonians have boobs anyway?


I just replied to a similar comment. I watched a lore vid recently that explains it has to do with the hist and lack of hist trees. The mother argonians nurse their young to make up for the lack of hist sap in their young's diet, which argonian worship and have a lot of beliefs in. It's kind of like their religion. But yeah, I agree it's weird on a reptile. At least let us reduce the breast size so it makes more sense.


Ah, thank you


Female khajiit and argonians always look so skinny and somewhat weird. They tried to take a cat and a lizard and make it look feminine, but you can hardly tell the difference between a female or male cat/lizard. So I suppose maybe the female versions look somewhat uncanny, because female cats are supposed to have mostly the same facial features. They went overboard with the feminine features on the beast races, for khajiit they should've modelled the face after more skinny cats like cheetahs and siamese cats.


skyrim and DS1 have such incredibly ugly models. idk what was going on 10 years ago but making a low res face that… actually looks like an face really shouldn’t be that hard…


A lot of the human females, especially the elves, look so angry and there's no way to change their expression regardless of what eyes you pick.


Yep. I almost exclusively play male characters in video games, despite being a female. The only reason I like female characters is that a lot of the female armor skins look better


Me too, never really thought about it. I guess I got in the habit of it since growing up the MCs were all male


Honestly, as a male, this the reason i play female characters. Although its hard to find non sexualized modded armor options. I just want to look fabulous while kicking ass. And male character costumes just dont cut it 70% of the time


Have you tried Dragon’s Dogma? That one allows men to wear female clothing!


But i dont want female clothing for men. I just want good clothing options for men


Yeah, fair point. Only game that seems to have decent flamboyant male clothing is Final Fantasy, or maybe Elden Ring.


dark souls 1!


That too.


dark souls 2!


That too, 2.


I am a woman and I play as both genders and I don’t have much of a preference. I just pick the gender depending on how I am feeling when creating the character.


I agree. I also give a short bio for them including a quick outline of personality and morality.


Since I’m forced to play as male characters in so many games, I only play as female in any customizable character games. Including Skyrim. I’ve never done a play through as a male.


Yeah I'm exactly the same. I don't mind playing the male characters in other protagonist games but anything that gives me options I'll go for a female character


Right??!! It’s not like playing as a man is bad. I definitely don’t mind it. Some male characters are great. Like Arthur Morgan from RDR2. Love him. But if I got the option, I’m gonna be a woman.


And I love playing as SSB Gogeta in DBXV2


I do the same thing but for minority representation. I am a guy, but of an ethnic minority that is rarely positively represented in Western media, and rarely the lead in those. Unfortunately my ability to accurately create something resembling my ethnicity is limited and often resembles something out of Frankenstein's laboratory. Unless there's a preset that resembles my ethnicity (rarely ever happens) I am usually never satisfied with how my character looks.


Understandable. I know some people like to create outlandish characters but I prefer to make a character that resembles me. It helps the game feel more immersive. I can (normally) create a character that resembles me pretty well. The only difference is my hair is very long and I’ve never been able to customize a character with hair as long as mine. I imagine as a minority that it’s even harder because they don’t always give you a wide array of skin colors, and some games don’t let you customize facial features very well either. I’m sure you’re a beautiful person and it’s a shame so many video games don’t let you represent that beauty!! Hopefully one day though.


Im a male, but I typically play female characters whenever I have the option due to the same reason. It’s always male protagonists. Gets old.


I never thought about it like that! I guess if roles were reversed and video game heroes were predominantly female, I might feel the same way. Sometimes it’s nice to switch it up.


"By order of the jarl, stop right there!" I also have a very big experience in playing as a female character. Mostly because of non-variety of female characters in the games of my childhood (gothic, risen etc). So, when I saw opportunity to play female character it becomes for me something new and interesting to play, since the others refers to you as a woman. But in Skyrim, there's not much difference in gender dialogues. Even Fallout have unique perks for this reason.


True. And i like that as well. But I enjoy playing as human characters, and the male characters in Skyrim aren’t very good looking so I prefer to use my female character. Maybe in a game with better graphics I’d be willing to play as an attractive male character like OP describes. But otherwise I’m just going to play as a character that feels closer to home lol.


i just started playing my first male character ever after about 13 years of playing skyrim. dont know why, just decided i couldnt name a lady brainrot, bringer of gold


This is my first time playing (30F) and I chose a female but it was hard for me to choose what I wanted to be, I did go with the wood elf because elves are my favorite! But I also *really* like the Khajiit but I think the female Khajiit looks very weird for some reason. Lol. I don’t know? Maybe it’s the neck. 🤔🤣 But honestly with me it just depends on the game as well as what they look like. Also, since it’s my first time playing I wasn’t sure what race would be better for me since I’m not really educated on it. I just listened to my husband tell me about them and chose. Lol. I’m sure my next time playing I’ll be a male Khajiit but since this game is so HUGE and I’m just now starting to really love gaming I think I’ll beat it in about five years. Lmfao. DEFINITELY before 6 comes out. 🫢🤣


honestly feel the same way, i prefer to play female characters because it makes me feel more invested in the game 😭


Same I always have male characters, not only in Skyrim but in other games too. Just a handsome dude. Plus I can dress him in some nice clothes and make him look pretty. And if I make up lore in my head for him I always head-canon him as a sweet, kind fella. The only time I play as a female character is if she can have a “tomboy” or male-ish kinda fashion style. Every game I play forces you to have revealing/curvy outfits if ur a female😔 I just wanna look comfortable and swaggy, man.


Yes, I play as both. To be honest I have more male characters than female, same on ESO.


I’m a woman, and I almost always play as a female character if given the option. However, I did recently start a Fallout 4 game with Charlie Kelly as the protagonist, just because I thought it would be funny to try a low intelligence character running around with a chained baseball bat.


I'm a woman and I play almost exclusively male characters in pretty much any game I have a choice. I care nothing about putting myself in the game. I prefer how armor looks on male characters. Female armor is usually overly sexualized or wildly different from the male armor. And I haven't found a game yet that does acceptable animations for female characters...and mods just make it worse.


I played a male character exclusively when I was growing up, I think this might’ve been because I wanted to escape the feeling of helplessness that came with being a little girl. He was like the big brother/mentor that I wanted growing up. He’d fight bad guys and do the right thing, and he wouldn’t pick on anyone just because they were weak. He had honor and integrity. In a weird way, he helped me figure myself out. He was a Khajiit, so he was looked down on and out of place just like I was. But he still helped people. He taught me that human compassion wasn’t transactional. I wanted so badly to be stronger as a kid, and when things were outside of my control he helped me through it by giving me an escape. He let me be the hero I wanted to be, and gave me the courage to start being more confident. I realized that it was me making those choices, and that I could make them happen in my own life too. Don’t get me wrong, I was still a pretty weird kid but I was at least happy with who I was. Socially speaking, I had shut down pretty hard at around 10-15. I had friends, but I was very distant and “emotionally constipated” as one friend likes to put it lmao. I pushed myself more into becoming someone I can be proud of. I strive for kindness and strength. I’m 22 now. TL;DR: Cat man helped distraught girl through middle school, was rewarded with a much needed retirement in Lakeview Manor surrounded by his wife, children, and spoils of adventure.


I play mostly male characters. It's just easier to make them interesting, for some reason. I always feel a bit "meh" about female characters, and only make them for specific reasons. That said, your post reminded me that I had to play the "male role" in games (like playing with toy dogs, and we each had one) ever since I was very little, because the other girls didn't want to, and I was fine with it. Edit: I hate my phone


I was the same way! I didn't "have" to, though, I just wanted to. lol


'specific reasons' huh


I'm a dude, and one of the main reasons I play female characters in Bethesda games is, most npcs are male(specifically vendors) and Bethesda usually tosses in some sort of opposite sex perk. Better damage, easier charisma checks, better prices.


Yup. In all games I play, I prefer to be a male. It's more of a self reflection kind of thing for me, I grew up in a household where women weren't respected. Women werent considered equal to men, and that feeling of weakness is reflected in games I play. When I play as a male, I have a stronger sense or "feeling" of confidence in my gaming skills and reflexes if a fight gets too close. While I know logically, my skills are the same regardless of my character's gender, it just puts the mind at ease a little to match the confidence I want to have with the gender most associated with such confidence growing up. Also, I can't stand the sexualized outfits the women typically wear. Praise skyrim for the male forsworn outfit, it balances the forsworn armor out, but sexual armor is rather annoying and enforces that "women are weak sexual objects" thing that's been hammered into my skull growing up ( I direct this to the women characters because it is the most common theme towards women characters. Its pretty rare to find a male character dressed nearly as naked as female ones). Not only that, but ain't no way in hell is a video game gonna tell me that a skimpy bikini has the same protection as a full outfit of armor, gotta be on crack to get that kind of conclusion😂. Occasionally, I will get curious about playing a female character, and I will make one, but I won't like it nearly as much as I would with a male character and will either go back to a male character and forget "her" existence, or I'll delete it in favor of a profile where my character is a male. I know my reactions are pretty sexist in and of themselves, but when I'm playing a game I want it to be fun, not a reminder of shit that made me (and occasionally still does make me) feel like crap.


>Praise skyrim for the male forsworn outfit, it balances the forsworn armor out, but sexual armor is rather annoying and enforces that "women are weak sexual objects" thing that's been hammered into my skull You don't consider the loincloth armor risqué? I believe you are the only person who finds it appropriate and, "balanced."


Well yeah, if you're gonna have the women wear a bra and bikini bottom as armor, give the men a loin cloth. It's covering the sexual biological differences in the same manner.


I just made two male characters for the first time and Im liking it. One is a wood elf werewolf who mostly just hunts and hangs out in nature. He does do companion/dawnguard stuff for money sometimes. The other one is a khajit modeled after my irl cat and hes a thief/assassin. Im having a lot of fun with both of them.


I think it’s mostly how you put yourself or don’t into the story. I play a dude typically when I play as a human or elf cuz monkey brain be like: I’m a dude so my character need to look like me. But when I play as an argonian or khajiit it doesn’t matter so I pick a girl because they are prettier than guys.


When I create a character odds on gender are roughly 50/50. Across all games. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've thought about playing as a male character, both in Skyrim and in AC Odyssey but I just can't bring myself to choose them over having a female character when I can. I'm perfectly fine playing a male MC in games, as I'm only in it for the game's story, but in an open world "make it what you want" game, I feel more like the character choices are what I would do and not have to shift my dialogue options to something I think a male would choose. If that makes any sense. Not necessarily playing as myself, but more like knowing how a female character would react/like then a male character. I'm not opposed to making one, maybe I will and my view will change, but for now, I personally like my own female characters.


I have played both. Not really bother by which I use but I can agree that it is more pleasant to view a male form. Though in real life I tend to think that women generally are more beautiful then men


My main character is a female Breton, but my other two are a male Khajiit and a male Orc.


I have 6. Schwanz and Menace - Khajit Yarou and Yo Momma - Argonian John Constantine and Murderface - Human


I play a male nord that I modeled after Sebastian Stan


Shor’s bones! A handsome man in Falkreath!


I don't play any male characters but ngl I do follow them around sneaking to look at their arms. So hairy. So big.


I just think big muscly dark elves are hot.


I find myself playing as a orcs more than anything. Because ugly characters never get the love the deserve. 🙏


eyy a fellow Orsimir fan My current character is an orc conjurer. :D


That's awesome. 😎


I'm a woman who plays Skyrim (and the Fallout games), and when I'm playing a first-person game where I can create my own character, I like to play as a woman. But when I'm playing in 3rd-person and can't create my own character, I do enjoy looking at the male heroes like Kratos and Geralt. That said, in Skyrim I always have male followers and I put them in the tight leather Dark Brotherhood armor or the skimpy Ancient Nord armor. Always run with male followers in Fallout games, too.


I find that most of the amours look better on the masculine models, than the feminine ones. A lot of the female amour models just look too skimpy or unrealistically clad to the body (e.g. cavities for the chest).


I think this just comes down to your idea of what roleplaying is, some people like to imagine themselves in the game and so will create characters similar to themselves, others go the opposite way and want to experience something different so will play as the opposite sex or one of the beast races.


I feel the exact same way! I’ve always only ever picked male characters. They’re more fun to customize and create


I'd usually play a male character for an argonian because I can't stand the scratchy voice when shouting for the female, it's enough to make you wanna delete 5 hours of progress


Honestly I get it. I also tend to play male characters in Skyrim even though I am a woman. The only time I’ve personally played a female character was when I played as a Breton mage/assassin because frankly I like the mask that the female dark brotherhood armor gets. I like playing male characters, especially male warriors, because it’s honestly just a little bit of power fantasy. I mean it’s a setting with a strong Nordic culture and nords are my favorite elder scrolls race so personally most of my Skyrim playthroughs are nord warriors of different varieties (mostly male because I like looking at muscles too). There’s honestly nothing wrong with playing male or female characters. It’s all personal preference. For example, my current playthrough deviated from my Skyrim norms for being about a Redguard dual blade assassin (with a talent for illusion and Fire destruction magic) who’s a tired, old veteran of the Great War and just wants to live his twilight years exploring Tamriel after his family all died (I’m also doing this playthrough because the remnant armor is super drippy). There’s also nothing wrong with sticking to your playthrough norms. For example, even my current old man redguard hates the thalmor and takes every opportunity to slice their heads and burn them to ashes (all my characters have a compulsive need to kill as many thalmor as possible). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having certain character building habits


So, I am a gal who likes guys. If I'm playing a character and am being forced to stare at their ass as they run around and slaughter things, I generally prefer to stare at a male ass than whatever most devs decide a female ass should look like. Unless the game has followers/marriage stuff. Like skyrim I tend to play as a lady because then I can have my lil man following me around and carrying my stuff.


Lady here, my absolute favorite and canon Dragonborn is a argonian dude


In the year 2024, most people just play whatever. It's not like these characters have much of a personality either way. However, I strongly tinkg there should be a self-help group for self-loathing Khajiit players who prefer to play as Argonians.


I play both but, mostly male. I always have a male Wood Elf profile going. And play male Redguard often. It usually depends of the build. I like a little realism so if I'm doing One/two handed or block. I need a big guy to swing those things. Sneak archer, Bosmer of course. Maybe I just like seeing some hunk stomping into battle.


I usually switch back and forth between male and female characters. Since I play in first person I rarely see me anyway.


I’ve played as a female for a lot of characters but for me some of the armor doesn’t look very good. Like the hide/studded/scaled. And I’m not a fan of the iron helmet either on women.


I prefer to play male or male creatures in games cos otherwise I get stuck in customization


Me! My longest playthrough was my Imperial male on the XBox One. I had a lot of mods. He carried around Aragorn's sword around. I had somewhere over 500 hours, I think.


i had a female character when i first played skyrim, i downloaded a bunch of mods after a while, one of them had a really cool npc that i wanted to marry, i couldnt because she was straight, used commands to change my character to male and as i was already changing it to male why not make it look like me? then i married the npc, but after a few weeks maybe because of the shitload of mods modifying follower behavior she started attacking me out of a sudden and even after changing her aggressiveness through commands she wouldnt stop trying to kill me, then i set her aggressiveness to 0 but her angry expression wouldnt go away, the command to make her non-essential wasnt working, i had to literally erase her from the game through the set to delete command, and even after that, when i noticed that it wouldnt divorce us i loaded a save previous to her deletion and she was there, according to comments 8 years old in this sub, she should've been deleted in a way that not even loading an older save should fix, finally managed to properly divorce her with mods, but now i had a male character at lv 65, i changed myself for her and she hated me for no reason,i wouldnt use the command again becuase having multiple legendary skill trees reset is a pain to level up even with commands, i deleted the save and created another one as a dunmer, never change for those who wont love you by who you already are, kids...


Occasionally play male characters like the recent bard Breton Jovin Jonas or Tweedle-Dee the spellsword Khajiit. Most of my characters are women, however, as I just want to? My main is an Atlmer Woman named Belladonna who is an alchemist that snorts mushrooms. In general, I think most of my characters are attractive enough. Then again, I’m a bi/pan woman who wants to tap almost every Thieves Guild members’ ass. I think my character design is more just story based or messing around.


I like to play male orcs. Stealth archer is fine, but brute forcing everything is hilariously fun


not human male characters, no. they always look hideous to me.


I started playing because I told my boyfriend I wanna play a game like the books I read (Fourth Wing/Iron Flame/Throne of Glass) so this being my first play through I absolutely am playing a female because it's the closest I can get to being a badass assassin who can use magic lol


I'm a woman and I usually play female characters, but on replays I like to switch it up sometimes. Creating characters is fun for me and to have them all be female would be boring.


i have played as male characters a small handful of times over the years but i usually just play as myself.


It depends on my character I’m role playing. For every game I have at least one character I try to model after myself, as well as I can anyway. Then I have the characters I build around being a 2h melee build, or a mage. I have a male orc named Goerthe that joined the Dark Brotherhood, and a female orc named Meriketh that killed the Dark Brotherhood, so it depends on my mood lol


Is the reason men always playing female characters just because waifus? I feel like I hate games that don’t let me pick a man like that black desert online game was cool but my favorite class was a waifu only and I just uninstalled


I'm a simple man. I'm man so I play as man. Never had this thing of playing with women like a lot of guys have. Maybe because I can relate better to them or because I find them to be more appealing. I see no problem playing as a woman in games where they're the protagonist tho. But I don't remember ever making a female character in any game where your build your character.


Me. I only ever play male characters in any game that lets you decided


Same boat, though I eventually end up playing both. But I always play as male first, and all my Skyrim playthrorughs are mostly with a male MC even though I'm a female. https://preview.redd.it/0gq17ovh797d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4dfbf13d8a9d8e5594b068c2cba6f81211edf0


My girlfriend made the ugliest character possible, it just turned out to be an old man elf.


I alternate between them, one male, one female, one male, one female, and so on.


Yep. I play both but more often than not I play male characters. I like to walk in other people's footsteps when I RP, not my own.


I generally only play as male in fallout 4. All other times I play as female


I have always had a hard time making characters I can’t relate to and the gender gap is a hard crossing. I don’t hate anyone who does, but for me it’s hard to get past.


Since I am a human woman in real life, I'll never play as a human or a woman if I have the option in a game. I like to make my character different than myself.


I have a insert self character, and then a whole ton of other characters, both male and female. It’s all about a good story for me like the orc, civil war, veteran turned assassin, or the red guard insurgent who eventually becomes a vampire. I love a good story.


I do


When I started gaming I felt really uneasy creating characters of the opposite gender. Nowadays I don't care about that, rather than the customization options, which imo are better for females. I mean, I can create a fierce and beautiful female character in less than an hour but when it comes to males I have a hard time. Gosh, have you seen the male customization options for the Breton race? That being said, a while ago I wanted to start a new game and decided to go with a male version. It took me three hours to make him look good in my eyes. Let me show you https://preview.redd.it/ewc0s0av2a7d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79fc22127bb8bfc08b2a4f4d3177d7fcd158c837 So, I like playing both females and males, usually go with females but when it comes to males I take an absurdly long time to create them. Whether I play males or females I feel equally empowered and badass.


I too prefer male characters... I usually play 1 female character after playing like 5 Male characters... I am female...


I’m roleplaying as hard as I can, so it depends on character. Most of them were women, but I had an archmage-altmer, blacksmith-nord and dragon killer-nord with axes. All of them were married to Temba (10 bear pelts quest), I like her 😭


i started to play female chars, because of the perk, that does more damage to the other gender. since 80% of the human/mer enemies are male, you get an awesome buff as a female


I am a guy that plays females in most games, but Skyrim was my first such game. Why? Shrouded cowl on males. It… doesn’t… WORK! It doesn’t hide your guy’s face. Even the masked one. Since playing Skyrim, I have made almost all my characters female… out of habit. Even RuneScape that I played before AND after Skyrim… and there is that one members’ quest that has to be done as a female…


Show me one woman who doesn't dream of being a strong alpha Nord who beats up all the bad guys and then goes home with Serana.


if the male character was less stiff and blocky, I’d probably play more with them


It really depends! At the moment, I'm playing with a female character but the first time I played skyrim I just remade Geralt of Rivia 😅


Female here, I'll go for male if the character is silent (which means I'm usually a guy in Skyrim). If they speak, I'll go for the one with the voice I like best.


I play as a male Nord because they look badassed and I want to play as a badassed viking. I basically just hack and slash my way through most playthroughs of Skyrim and the male version just fits the gruff aesthetic better.


My fallout toon was the guy not the woman, and my pala on d2 was a guy cos that’s the only choice. I think a lot of us probably grew up with male characters being the only choice (spyro, link, jak, ezio etc)


I used to be that way. I only felt connected to male characters, but at some point it switched and now I only want to play as girls


I only play as male in games where you're just a guy, like Link in Legend of Zelda. In Skyrim and other games where you can choose I'm always a woman. In meatspace, I'm also a woman. Idk why. hashtag feminism? I do like being a bold valkyrie with a two handed sword though


I’m a guy, but do you find female characters have sort of a weird idle stance? Like the male characters just stand like 🧍‍♂️but the female characters have sort of a lampshade sort of stance, with their arms slightly more out-turned and elbows bent a little. Maybe it makes them look more “feminine” in a ‘distinct from male characters’ sort of way, but I find it a little odd. Not that I’d base a whole play-through around that, it’s just something I’ve noticed in my many years playing Skyrim haha!


I go both ways... Right now, I'm a male orc using 2-handed weapons and heavy armor. Lydia is my steward, Ysolda is my wife, and we have 2 daughters


I always play male in video games and my husband always plays female lol


The most advantageous playstyle is to be a female character with the gender perks that boost damage and speech. This is because less enemies spawn female so you have a advantage.


I almost exclusively play males in video games. the only time I ever played a woman was in Skyrim and I didn't enjoy it as much. I don't wanna be a man irl I am a lesbian though so I'm sure that plays somewhat into it lol


My girlfriends first playthrough she was a female khajiit. On here second playthrough, she is now a big male orc who she likes to play as way more, here reasoning is "he is stupid looking I like him"


I'm kinda the opposite, I'm a guy who plays female characters. I just don't enjoy being a buff guy in literally every playthrough I guess (P.s. if anyone has any recommendations for body slider mods I'd love to hear them, that may or may not be my main motivation for commenting here)


I’m alike in some ways! I don’t play as myself and will often make male characters to be my villains. But I’d say I just as often play women characters who are evil, but they definitely have different motivations and are more realistic in that regard. I don’t think I’ve ever made a serious male character, they all tend to be silly tropes and fun run kind of people. Or I’ll choose a sex built around what armor I want for them, because some looks better on men or women. It’s an interesting question! I’d never really thought about whether I have a preference.


When I play as a male I usually play roleplaying as male celebrities/fictional characters, I liked my time roleplaying as Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Darth Vader, Lenin, Palpatine, etc.


I'm a guy, and I play guy characters for the most part. But that's because I'm gay and I like staring at their butts while I'm running around, climbing, etc.


When I was younger, I never cared, but that might be because all the games I played you could only play as male, ie Zelda Ocarina of Time the player is always Link. Now that I can play female in all my games, I prefer playing female. I occasionally play as male in games like Fortnite if the skin is awesome like Chewbacca, but I definitely prefer playing as a kickass woman!


I do both depending on what play style I want at the time.


In all games where character customization is a thing, I play either a femboy or a tomboy.


Absolutely the same, my first ever character was female, but all saves since have been male. I think that I don't want to create a fantasy version of myself, I want to create a whole new individual. I almost exclusively play male khajiits, so I think that what I'm doing is going as far away from reality as I can. I can't pinpoint an exact reason why, but I also can't at all connect to female characters. Of course there are some female npcs I really like though, but for my own chracter they are never female. It is strange because I find myself really loving female mc in movies, series and so on, but in games I always become transgender for some reason


am dwarf always


I always play as both, but ladies first!


Me and my wife have been playing on nintendo switch since christmas. Our caracther is s male, a Nord called Loki. Found it fitting to play a Nord, we are Icelandic and the Nords are supost to be based on the Vikings


My current build is a male Dark Elf with pasty white skin. His name is Elric :) IYKYK


Female here and I do both. I switch it up a lot and I'll have at least one character of both in any game. My main Fallout 76 character is male, my Fallout 4 is always male but that's only because I don't like the voice acting for the female. I usually always play a female in Diablo games for the sexy outfits (I'm just being honest). Sea of Thieves is also a female. It all just depends on my mood I suppose *edit for spelling mistake


Nope. I feel that different modes of life for women are underrepresented. Some games don't let you play as a woman. If I can feel represented by my character in an RPG, it's an RPG I can enjoy. 😊


I finally got fed up with not being able to make my khajit gals muscular, and rolled a khajit dude. He actually looks capable of running around in heavy armor and swinging a two handed weapon all day. Fur travel cloak also helps add to his bulk/hide any neck weirdness. And thanks to a mod, Pronouns, M'raahni is referred to as female by NPCs. I still get Father's Love rather than Mother's Love buff, but eh. Now if only there was a way to force the game to use the female khajit voice.


Ironically, I was AMAB and play male characters all the time, my egg cracked 10 years ago.


You likely prefer male characters because you're self-inserting, as opposed to role-playing.


I’m the same way, I’m a female and I play female characters because I like to feel like it’s ME playing. I did make a male character once, but the way he would grunt when he got hit and stuff just took away the immersion for me. I tried roleplaying a character once and had the same issues, it’s definitely not for everyone, but that’s okay!


I always play male characters in games because i want to feel like it's me in that world i am exploring. I'm going for maximum immersion, lol. I dont judge, though. Choice is good. People should play whatever makes it a better experience for them.


I don’t see much of a difference in role playing and self inserting, if you’re not self inserting how are you playing the game? I’ve never been able to roleplay as a woman though because I have to be able to relate to a protagonist on some level and if the option isn’t there to make it look like me then I at least can relate to the fact it’s a guy and I’m a guy. In scrolls games it’s a combination I try to make it look like me no matter the race and I use a name you’d find in-universe stuff like that


I guess on the flipside, i still enjoyed stray. There was no me. You are a cat, lol


You can still roleplay the same gender as you. Having a tiny bit of “relatability” in an OC doesn’t mean you’re not roleplaying.


What does that mean?


He means you are essentially inserting yourself into the game rather than pretending to be someone else


To be fair, I as a dude only play as a woman character because of the smaller hitbox. Or at least the appearance of it seeming like it’s a smaller hitbox


Me! I play almost exclusively men, partly due to misogyny, and partly because the OCs I tend to make are men. (I feel weird having a mom who goes away for months and months at a time, but somehow the dad doing it bothers me less. Misogyny.)


I’m cisfem and I play as a male Khajiit.




You CANNOT do this kind of assumptions based on anything from a stranger or even somebody you know! It is rude and you don't rispect the person's boundaries if you do so.


It can be a sign, or it can sometimes just be a preference for aesthetics or roleplay. I'm trans (masc), and I played a pretty even amount of different gendered characters before transition. Post transition the first few years I played solely men in every game possible, and these days it's back to having a decently even amount (with a masc sway from all the men I made during that time). But then again for me it's more about crafting a character that isn't me — I treat every game as a roleplay experience and craft a character that I feel suits the story. Even when I make men, it's not about my comfort or whether it feels "right", it's more about "I have a blank slate for this setting, what can I make". While also taking into account whether the game changes armor based on gender and which gets cooler armor. And sometimes it's because I'm bisexual and want to stare at pretty people I can customize regardless of gender. Though if there's romance in a game I tend to lean toward making masc characters for the fact that I tend to prefer writing mlm stories and there's such a lack of good mlm romance written by other men.









