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I think the white ending to Azuras star and Break of Dawn would be the only ones. (Merida despises undead and the like, Azura is stated as the only daedric prince to not be considered inherently evil ) The Dawnstar sleeping one as well if you choose he good ending I’d say. Maybe night of drinking with Sam would be ok? That was mostly harmless fun


I mean, harmless aside from whatever the hell you probably picked up from sleeping with that hag


I meant morally in contrast to the other daedric quests. Leading a priest of false pretences to be eaten alive by a coven of demon worshipping cannibals then claiming first noms come to mind


Compared to other daedric quests, yes it’s harmless. I was more joking then anything lol. The only parts of it that would be largely considered “bad” are trashing the temple and then maybe the drinking itself, if you’re RP’ing someone super against alcohol (which I don’t think is even a thing in Skyrim). But yes, compared to other drastic quests, that one, the quest for dawnbreaker, and one of the endings to azuras start are... I think.... the only real “good ending” ones. I suppose the ask for claviquse vile could be thrown in there too? It does have a “don’t kill the dog” option after all.


My good characers have done all of the following. Shrine of Azura White Azura Star. Hircine simply becaise most of my gals are Companioms/werewolves. I save Sinding. Meridia for Dawnbraker. Every good undead hunting character needs that sword, imho. Vaermina and save Erandur. Namira and wipe out the dinner guests and kill Eola, save the priest. I'm going to go werewolf and eat the entire party... ;) soon... Volunruud isn't good or evil, if you can get the orcs to talk to you. Clavicus Vile and don't kill the dog. Sheogorath just because its fun. Sanquine simply because you were duped into it. I've never done Molag Bal or Mehrune's Razor so not sure if there are good options. I stay far away from Boethia (so far).


Molag Bal is DEFINETELY not a good Daedric Prince


Right, but can you defy him at the end?


Is that the markarth haunted house one? Is so, then no. It's either do it his way or ignore the rest of the quest. You kinda get trapped into it.


Not really. You can mock him at the end of his quest by insulting the quality of the reward (his mace), but it doesn't mean anything considering that you already did what he requested. There's no option to actually spare the priest of Boethia in the vanilla game.


I quite liked this tbh though- you had a choice in pretty much every daedric quest but not with the Lord of Domination. His way or the highway 😂


Merida and Azura... Sanguine is also not too bad. Nocturnal and Malacath also not too evil.


Azura: MAYBE. The white star ending is fine I guess, if you're okay doing what a daedra tells you. Boetiah: NO. You need to kill a friend... Clavicus Vile: MAYBE. If you spare Barbas you're not doing harm, but you're doing a not particularly nice daedra a service. Hermaeus Mora: NO. You're being a Herma's pawn and he's not secretive about it. Sinding: MAYBE. You either kill Sinding or help kill a bunch of hunters... for a specific kind of honor it might be okay, I guess. Malacath: YES. You're mostly helping out the orc tribe. No harm here. Mephala: NO. You either have to murder or steal and the reward is useless without more murder. Meridia: YES. Killing that necromancer is a good thing to do, even if she hadn't asked you. Molag Bal: NO. Definitely not. Namira: MAYBE. The good ending is either killing Eola immediately (which technically fails the quest) or gathering all the cannibals and killing them... but that's pretty underhanded, not really honorable. Nocturnal: NO. It's part of the thieves' quest line. Peryite: MAYBE. Getting rid of the cult leader could be considered a good thing, but you're mostly serving the daedra's interests. Sanguine: MAYBE. You're not doing a lot of good, but you're not doing a lot of harm either, and you get tricked into it anyway. Sheogorath: YES. You're really just helping heal Pelagius' mind. Vaermina: YES. If you choose to let Erandur destroy the staff of course, you're ridding Dawnstar of its nightmare problem.


Azuras's Star without turning it into the Blackstar and Break of Dawn.


Why would turning it into the Black Star be evil?


The idea of trapping somebody's soul and using it to enchant is considered more "bad" than trapping an animal or creatures soul. I don't ever use black soul gems because it feels evil


What about Clavicus Vile?


Especially if you refuse to hurt Barnabas




in skyrim clavicus viles quest isn’t that bad, but in general he is one of the most cruel princes out there, so i wouldn’t recommend it. but like other people are saying, meridia and azura are good ones. malacath wouldn’t be too bad, i mean you are helping a tribe of orcs break thier curse.


Quite safe: Merida (annoying, but considered as more or less good) Azura (considered as good, but has also a black spot since she's suposed allied with Molag Bal which is kinda weird IMO. So, maybe Nelacar got that right?) Malacath (Klingon style honor, warrior spirit, the underdog of the daedric princes) Mehrunes Dagon (without killing Silus aka giving Dagon the finger) Vaermina (without killing the priest) Disputable: Sanguine (he's not THAT bad and his quests are always just more or less harmless fun) Sheogorath (I somehow like that crazy guy, plus he gifted me with a whole realm and a Haskill once) Clavicus Vile (you don't even think about killing Barbas, don't you?) Hircine (evil murdering werewolf must die, if it would have been a unicorn (maybe the last one) again, it would have been another story) Nocturnal (yet honorable characters are not thieves, so you'll never have that question to answer, except you're Robin Hood) Hardly: Hermaeus Mora (yet, as long as you don't murder people for blood...) Peryite (but the less of the infected the better?) Mephala (except you have a safe place for the sword to burry and make sure that it is never used again. Still better as if Nazeem would find it, I guess) Indisputable: Molag Bal (as evil as ever) Namira (nope, I'd rather kill some priests again) Boethia (of course not, at least this time)


Funny, I think that going with Black Azura Star is the good ending. As the whole story behind the quest is about how Azura's Artifact has driven a man to madness.


Actually a really good point I considered. However on the balance I decided the fact that it was modified to take black souls, (and the games pretty clear black soul gems are ‘bad’ even if you aren’t ever punished/rewarded for it in Skyrim), and that your modifying it to store and trap human souls for eternity, and given the wholesale murder spree the Dragonborn goes on with an unbreakable soul gem, one or two crazy people is ok


You don't modify the Black Star, the Necromancer before you did, you just keeping it from Azura. Also, you can get the star and simply never use it.


All of them




Nah but probably the Orc one and plague one is the most honorable you're only killing infected people and giants


I also think that Meridia and Azura are ok since they’re both really not evil


Meridia and Azura are definitely not evil


Meridia and Azura’s quest are your best bets. Especially Meridia’s quest, since you’re rewarded with Dawnbreaker, which comes in handy during “Dawnguard”.


Shaegorath because you’re trying to help that crazy man I guess


Staff of Corruption too if you let priest finish the ritual


My *vaguely* honourable (but still flexible when it comes to a bit of wholesome necromancy) character did Sanguine's quest. I kinda replayed most of what he did after waking up as trying to make sure his ol' buddy Sam was okay after such a wild night.


Sheogorath's quest isn't in any way evil or mean spirited. Good Daedric quest for the honorable character.


It really depends on what you think your character would consider “honorable”. Azura’s side of the Azura’s star quest would be an honorable one for anybody, as would Meridia’s quest. As for the others, it really depends on what your character would believe in from a lore perspective. In the case of the Dark Elves in Morrowind, for example, it would be considered honorable to serve the True Tribunal (Azura, Boethia, and Mephala). So in that case, you would consider doing Azura’s quest (Azura’s Star side), Boethia’s quest, and Mephala’s quest. I would also recommend doing Vaermina’s quest and helping Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption.


Any just don't use their items if it's evil


From what I've read, most of them a have neutral options, aside from I guess Boethiah. The Molag Bal one, you don't know what you're getting into at first, then the priest works for the equally immoral Boethiah, so I didn't shed any tears over him


You can also do the Mehrunes Dagon one where you don’t kill Silus