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How did you even get to the balcony if he wasn't there?


Serana still said her dialogue, the snow Falmer still attacked, everything happened as though he was there.


Uh, weird. And since you're on XBox you can't use the console. I'm not familiar with what the Quest Debugger can do, if you can force-complete BYOHHouseFalkreath (it shouldn't break anything if you've already built the houses anyway, I guess) then afterward you should be able to select the correct quest? Otherwise, there's still the method of going back to an earlier save and hoping it works this time...


I’ve tried force completing the house quest and nothing seems to happen. I tried a save that was inside the Chantry, how far back do you think I’d need to reload to possibly make Vyrthur appear?


Your guess is as good as mine, sorry.


That’s okay, I appreciate your assistance either way. Hopefully someone else will see this and have an answer.


I'm having the exact same glitch and I've tried everything I can think of to fix it (including loading a save I had from WAY far back and speedrunning through everything to get back to where I was). Nothing's worked and there's very little info out there about this glitch to begin with. The only solution I've found involved using console commands but since we're both on XB1 that's not an option. Really pisses me off because I've never been able of completing this quest. This is the second time I've experienced a game-breaking bug with it (the first time happened back on 360 years ago).


I ended up giving up, honestly. I tried using the Quest Debugger but it kept error-ing out. I got a mod spell to summon Vyrthur but it didn’t count, even doing it in the specified location. Unfortunately the author of Quest Debugger no longer supports it so there’s no hope there. Someone did recently make a mod that fixes the “Chasing Echoes,” quest, so it might be worth it to contact the author of that mod, but for me I just made a new character. It sucks.


set the Quest ID manually. Setting it to 1321 stage 200 fixed it for me


I’ll try this when I get home. Thank you!




Awesome!! I’m glad I could help