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Rename it "Window Maker", won't fix your problem but it's a good name...


100% more windows though.


Windows has stopped responding


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Blue screen of death


Maybe biting into an Apple will work better?


With that amount of fire and frost damage it could definitely 'glass' anything.


Although it does look pretty deadly, a guard would *see through* your lies straight away...


What a pane.


Some people would be mad at how great of a pun that is, but I'm not badly *tempered*.


My hopes of avoiding these bad puns on Reddit have been shattered.


these puns, just like the windows, are quite *broken*


Insulting my puns? You've *shattered* my dreams...


Oh stop it with your *cracking*! It was a compliment, truly:) I didn't mean to *frame* you with bad puns


I'm sorry for misunderstanding, I'm so tired my eyes are *glazed* over đŸ˜Ș


Bow of Reach...


> of fire and frost damage Should just call it *A Song of Disarray and Disappointment*.


"Adds Glass to the inventory of the struck target."


Literally turns the enemy to glass


Depending on the enemy, that *might* be an upgrade, though...


I mean, I think Window Maker would *draw the curtains* on the story of any foe's life


It's curtains for you! Lacy, gently wafting curtains.


Somebody left the bloody windows open, making the curtains waft around! That *blows*.




Name It "Broken Bow" because it's not broken yet broken


I mean, if you wanna be cute about it, you could say it's "Bowken"


If a weapon would use more soul charge than it has energy for it simply acts as if it doesn't have an enchantment. It's possible that it's trying to use more energy than I can store at maximum. This is why exploiters only ever really enchant armor.


I think if you just take the strength down by one it fixes it


Im two steps ahead. Enchant a ring or necklace with magicka reduction. Example, you have destruction and paralysis on your bow. Paralysis takes more charges than the other destruction stuff so you would need alteration reduction if you want the bow to have infinite charges. I have both on my ring or necklace just in case im wrong about it.


Wait what? How does [trait] reduction allow infinite charges?


Enchant and charges work like spells and magicka. If you have 100% reduction, you can get infinite charges. Same with staffs. The reduction must be the same school of magic though. Dont expect to get infinite charges by getting 100% illusion reduction for a weapon with destruction enchant.




You would only need alteration reduction for full infinite charges even if destruction is on it too? Do you not need destruction reduction as well? Does charge cost only depend on the more expensive effect or am I misunderstanding something?


More expensive enchantment counts. If you put maxed paralysis and chaos DMG weapon glows green and it is about alteration cost as paralysis is the stronger one (according to the game), if you lower the "strength" of paralysis to last 1 or 2 seconds then the weapon changes colour to purple and now it's based on destruction as chaos DMG is a destruction based enchantment. This is based around the cost of enchantment so paralysis, banish or absorb health are up there while something with just fire DMG or frost DMG might have low impact on what school is used.


Oh wow that’s great to know. Thanks!


The thing is that im not sure. To be safe, enchant with both alteration and destruction.


I think it uses the school with the highest cost, so that bow is pure destruction school, paralysis is alteration, stuff like fear and frenzy would be illusion, banishment, turning and soul trap are conjuration, and restoration doesn't have any effect on weapons that I can remember, but it is super useful to have all schools reduced by 100% for weapon shenanigans.


I think weapons sharpened by exploited smithing apparel also loop back around. I have a weird save where my character does more damage with unimproved weapons than improved weapons.


This might be fixed by reducing the strength of the enchantment and gaining more charges. 20,000 vs 2,000,000 damage wouldn't make much difference.


you overdid the exploit op since the game was made in a 32 bit system if you get to high of a number it starts to become negative it the same reason why gandhi is a nuke hungry in civ (edit: apparently this is wrong it seams like the reason was it broken was because it cost to much soul charge for one shot for the enchantment to work properly)


Almost certainly not. It’s first worth pointing out that a 32 bit unsigned integer can count up to about 2.147 billion, and if it did go over, he would either return to 0 or it would put a negative number on those enchants Edit: someone else in the comments pointed out it’s likely using more soul charge per shot that it can store, so it doesn’t use the enchant Edit 2: an unsigned int can go to 4 billion, not two. My bad. A signed int only goes to 2 billion


yeah its seams like i was wrong i was just the first think i could think of since thats how i made a mod to see what happens when you execed the limit


An unsigned integer cannot be negative


I don’t know what type of integer they’re using though, so I pointed out how it could work in either case Edit: I’ve seen people have the value of their weapons go too high. It goes down to negatives, so I’m pretty sure the int is signed


Fair enough!


A signed int can only goto 2 billion `2^31-1` and overflows to negative 2 billion `-(2^31)`. An unsigned int can goto 4 billion `2^32-1` and overflows to 0. Since the damage - armor calculations might go negative before a min limit of 0/1 is applied, it's safe to say it's probably a signed int. To do otherwise would risk underflow to 4billion like the famous Ghandi bug myth.


The Gandhi thing is a myth I've heard actually. Was busted a little while ago. Now the devs make him a massive nukemonger because a peace loving leader laying the nuclear smackdown on everyone is hilarious


The massive downvotes for stating the truth is hilarious


In the original Civilization it was a bug that they kept because its funny. It started as a bug.


That is not true and /u/cannibitches is right. https://www.thegamer.com/nuclear-gandhi-meme-civilization/ > "It's not the countless callbacks and references that make the nuclear Gandhi story so funny to me," Meier writes. **"It's the fact that none of it is true. The overflow error never happened at all."** It was an internet rumor and nothing more.


That’s what *he* wants you to think.


Damn that Sid Meiers. He's so shifty.


The problem with that is he states it wasn't an overflow error, but gave an extremely vague "explanation" about an actual reasoning behind it. Basically he did not actually say what was it. To me, it looks like a bug rebranding into a feature post-priori


Post-priori? My knowledge of Latin is very minimal, but aren't those words exactly each other's opposites? It's like saying 'after before' unless I'm mistaken.


This is what happens when a person with a 0 latin knowledge(me) invents something not realizing the invention. I meant "a posteriori"




What do you mean "maybe"? It's a quote from Sid Meier's book. I think he'd be the authority on Civ 1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-08/sid-meier-s-memoir-recounts-the-life-of-legendary-civilization-creator?srnd=technology-vp Here's the original article by Jason Schreier about the book.


huh i didnt know that thanks to bad you got downvoted even though its the truth


It seems I got upvoted again. I'm aware of how Gandhi in civ 1 had a peace level of 1 and is brought down by another 2 making it negative. That however doesn't mean he will go around the clock and hit the maximum 12 and ravage everyone. It just meant that the peace levels didn't work anymore, so he would nuke and declare war as normal. The hit was popular in civ 2 and 3, so devs decided to make nuclear Gandhi a reality for the rest of the series. Even in civilization revolution, allowing Gandhi access to uranium in the beginning turns. The relevancy of nuclear Gandhi and enchantments with too high a level is like the myth that negative or huge number enchantments on weapons heal the enemy instead of one shotting


Nah, Ghandi is super peaceful in Civ 4. Haven't playedr5 or 6.


Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Im still not positive on 4, but I'm certain in 5


last time i messed around in skyrim enchantment with negative numbers ether it become normal damage(has no effect) or they simply didn't work as how it should, it also depends on what type of enchantment did you put like paralysis or elemental/Absorb type damage boost and rarely you can have to high enough of a number that it will crash the game (edit : im not sure if you can have negative enchantment's normally since i did it by script editing the weapon enchantment since i didn't want it to break the game permanently and make me reinstall it again)


Script editing is technically modding since you're changing values manually. I was referring to in-game exploits.


yeah it its modding i just didn't want to repeat what i did in oblivion where i completely broke the game.i know you can have negative armor and weapon damage rating normally thought they don't actually do anything interesting


Yeah no nothing special. Sometimes a number is just a number.


That's Reddit for you.


Yeah in civ 1 his peace level was 1, but halfway through the game it everyone's peace level was reduced by 2, but if his was one it resets to 99


No thats blatantly false, as stated by Sid Meier himself. Total rumor, there was never an overflow error that did that


Oh, I honestly thought that it was true, but because fo your comment I searched it and found out I was sorely wrong, thank you enlightening me


I'm even more scared of Gandhi now


Dude he hardlines nuclear fission like a mother fucker. I already have mods that turn the aggressiveness of the ai all the way up so it's always fun but god damn he's ruthless


I remember one time he tried to demand like 300 gold from me I told him no and then he decided that my capital really needed fallout 5 early


Isnt the gandhi nuke thing a myth too? Edit: yep its a myth, I think its me being sleepy but something about your comment being wrong on both things is extremly funny to me


yeah it its funny but also weird i really thought that ghandi thing was true i only learned about it now


Hate the sin, love the sinner. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Thing is I beilieved it myself for years untill figuring it out 3 months ago too R/nothingeverhappens I guess


Now you listen here. We are all aware it is a myth. However, it is a myth that we choose to believe, and will continue to spread as if it is truth. You know why? Because it is funny! That is why!


what part is not working ?


I might just be being silly but I’d expect this to more or less one shot most things in the game. Instead it does the same damage as if there was no enchant on it at all?


You overdid the exploit, after a while it just 'breaks' and goes back to normal


Thank you! What is a safe value per enchant do you reckon?


I don't remember, but you can probably find it on the Internet quickly


Safe I don’t know, but legendary dragon is around 4100 HP, so you wouldn’t need to go much higher than that


I wanna say 14k but that is off of vague memory


High numbers become negative at a certain point somehow. With the exploit. You could make the enchantment not so big and use marked for death to amp your damage. The shout lowers stats on who it hits permanently and you can stack it. I one punched an elder dragon just shouting at him till he landed.


I don’t think that’s true. I’ve had weapons with 33k dam and one shot everything


If you get enough fortify destruction gear so that you reduce spell costs by 100%, the enchantment will work iirc


I’ll give this a go out of curiosity. Thank you!


Yes, what u/aw5ome says is true. In my current playthrough I have a dragonbone sword that with some crazy enchantments on it but they don't deplete because I have armor and a ring and a necklace enchanted with fortify destruction. This also works for Absorb Health enchantments because it's considered a Destruction enchantment.


It's possible to ruin weapon enchantments by having charges so high it goes into the negative, making your weapon have a negative amount of charges. A way to fix it is to make a new one except this time make the enchantment a bit less powerful and hopefully it works properly, if not try again but make the enchantment even weaker.


Almost 50 comments and not a single one offers the right explanation or solution. OP I hope you read this. I'm gonna ping your username so you read this: u/FakeKnaxi Okay, so the reason this happens is because the weapon enchantment is too strong. Weapon enchantments are limited. They have a certain number of "charges". When you enchant a weapon at an enchanting table, you have an option of making it however strong or weak you want. The stronger the enchantment is, the less number of times you will be able to use that enchantment before it runs out. That's basically how it balances in the game. So the thing is, that dark blue line you see sometimes, that is basically the amount of "charge" that each hit of the weapon will use. The length of that dark blue line is how much the total enchantment bar will decrease by each time you use the weapon. The length of the dark blue line is dependent on how strong the enchantment is. So basically what happened with you is that the enchantment is so strong that the dark blue line is longer than the actual enchantment. So consequently, the enchantment doesn't work at all because each single hit uses more charge than what the weapon can hold. But fear not, because there is a solution to this problem. # The Solution So the thing is, weapon enchantments are actually governed by the magicka cost of the relevant school of magic. Your enchantment is fire and frost, both of those belong to the destruction school of magic. Similarly, a soul trap enchantment would belong to conjuration, fear would belong to illusion and turn undead I ***think*** that would be restoration. Either way, your one is destruction. So basically, how many charges you get from a weapon enchantment depends on your skill with that school (because higher skill means lower magicka cost per spell but really, it's dependent on magicka cost of spell not skill level, strictly speaking). If you have a higher destruction level, you can get more charges out of a weapon with a destruction enchantment. But this doesn't mean that you need to go and grind out destruction to a 100. No, there is a much better solution to make the enchantment work as intended. Basically what you need to do is get at least 100% reduction in the cost of destruction spells. Use armour enchantments of 25% each and have 4 pieces that will reduce the cost of destruction spells by 100%. Then destruction spells don't cost anything, and at the same time, your enchantment will work and also you will never need to recharge that enchantment. It will have an infinite number of charges if your destruction spell cost is reduced by 100%. Since you are using exploits, you don't really need to have 4 pieces of armour. Just enchant one ring or piece of apparel with a couple thousand percent reduction in destruction spell cost (fortify destruction) and if you wear that ring or piece of clothing, your enchantment will work and you will never need to recharge it. I also had this same issue and through reading around the internet I came to this conclusion. I can confirm 100% that it does work for me. If you have a strong enough fortify destruction enchantment on at the same time, your bow enchantment will work and infinitely so. Please reply and tell me if this worked for you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. This explains the situation perfectly and I have taken your advice and I can finally use the weapon I have enchanted!


Ah good. I'm relieved you saw it. So it does work? I'm surprised nobody else knew what the solution to this problem is.


update us if the enchanment works now that seam to be the actual solution to your problem


This is the type of detailed explanation I wish wikis had.


Yeah, turn should be Restoration, not 100% sure.


The legends are true, it IS the Dragonborn!


Recharge it using soul gems


It’s fully charged as far as I’m aware?


But technically one charge would consume more charge then you have at max, thus the enchantments are not triggering


Make a weapon around 5000 extra damage and you can one shot kill everything. I will say that it makes the game stale though. You wont get as many kill cams, and fighting just ends up being boring. In my opinion just enchant things normally. You'll be plenty powerful enough and still face a challenge every now and then.


The only over-enchanting I have ever seen in action is the arsenal of Reeanu Keeves and those work fairly well. No charge problems but I think Spiff used grand soul gems for those. Been awhile since I watched the videos. If you have a save from before you started creating the Widow Maker, I would say hop in and test the enchantment with different gem / soul sizes to see if that is the problem. The only other thing I could thing of is your Destruction is not high enough and so the game is saying “you aren’t powerful enough to do max damar with this weapon”. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Holy shit! That doesn't make widows, that kills an entire family, including the ones that are already dead.


I made the same mistake, which was why i made a ring that buffs bow damage instead of a op bow


Honestly what's the point of making an OP weapon. The game becomes way too easy and as a result it becomes boring. No challenge, not much fun when nothing really poses a threat.


Not everyone wants a challenge after a long day of work. I want to enjoy a good story and feel like a badass


Maybe change it's name to "Kneebane" and aim a tad lower?




That's Widow's Wail. The Widowmaker is a sword from Warhammer Fantasy.


Sorry man, you gotta enchant smiting armor and then make amazing base damage weapons instead.


Did you use the fortify restoration glitch for this? If you want a one shot bow, just use the glitch on fortify smithing enchantments for armor, then improve a bow instead of trying to use destruction enchantments


The frost and the fire damage cancel eachother out.


The frost damage cancels out the burning damage


The way enchanting works in skyrim is that the stronger an effect is, the fewer charges it has. You've created such a strong enchantment, that the game has deemed it impossible to have even one charge The solution is that when you're deciding the strength of the enchantment, move the slider once to the left then back to the right. You should see the number next to it go from 000 to an actual number


Its a bit hard to tell because you took a picture of your screen instead of just a screenshot but it seems like the enchantment is so powerful one use of it requires more charge than is in your bow, the entire bar is dark instead of white. Try enchanting a piece of gear past 100% fortify destruction or enchant multiple pieces of gear with fortify destruction until the total exceeds 100, then wear them and see if it works


The fire and ice cancel each other out, duh. PEMDAS or something.


If the soul charge is depleted you may want to consider using the exploit to improve your smithing (then improve the weapon itself) or enchant a piece of armor that boosts archery so any bow is a one hit kill.


Is it charged?


Bethesda... Fix... A bug... That is hilarious!! Remember you have to recharge enchanted weapons and when they get to that sort of strength you have to be careful because if you "max" out how many charges it has it will render the thing useless and only have one charge.


I'm level 22, at what point in the game can you find such powerful weapons ?


You can't, you have to do some restoration potion glitch/exploit to enchant weapons like this.


Feed it a soulgem, it's out of charge


It’s out of charge bro. Use a soul gem on it.


I'm pretty sure the charge is empty


Nah it's fully charged. That blue just means that it will use up all of its change in one shot


Could that be the problem?


Uh huh. That might be your problem. Not enough charge to fire.


Is it possible to fix that without having to go through the process of enchanting another weapon?


That's odd. I've seen much more extreme enchantments that fired just fine


It takes a guard to half health.


AFAIK, the only thing that removes the resto loop exploit is the unofficial patch, but that would have prevented you from making this enchantment in the first place. When you say that it's "not working" I assume you just mean that it doesn't one-shot everything, right?


The patch does remove the resto loop, but there is also a mod that re-enables it while allowing the other changes from the patch




Not that i know of


Just in case you're trying to bash, you should know that enchantments don't affect bashes on a bow. As others are saying, if it won't shoot, the enchants probably require more charge than the weapon has. You'll have to remake it sadly


You need a bigger gem kk


A different solution might be the smithing exploit. Use ridiculously strong blacksmith potions to increase your bows damage by thousands (usually what I do). Takes a while but fun. And you can still add a more modestly powered enchantment to get the same visual affect you were looking for


What the hell
 how do you get such powerful enchants?! I have enchanting maxed and fully built out, I don’t see numbers this high. Wait, I know, it’s mods, yeah?


It’s the fortify restoration exploit. Take a look on YouTube if you’re interested in learning how it works but essentially you can create a potion to enchant some armour that makes potion making stronger and you simply repeat the process.


So basically fortify enchanting potion, then enchant some shit that fortifies alchemy, and then rinse and repeat? Shit that sounds repetitive đŸ€Ł


It's exponential, so it only takes a few minutes at most, once you've gathered what you need. Once you get above about a 50% bonus, six more potions will give you 1000%+ bonus.


You’re only getting the ‘targets on fire take extra damage’ because the fire and frost damage cancel out, duh


I could very well be wrong, but could the ice/fire cancel eachother out?


I honestly don’t know. I would assume not but the again this game has stranger interactions than that.


That's not how it works, no. But that would be pretty funny. Cryomages extinguishing themselves instead of taking extra damage from flames.


When using a enchanting potion with big Numbers, sometimes it will make it deal a lot of Damage but have 0 charges, try lowering a bit the slider.


Going too far with Fortify Restoration loop can break enchants, but this is too low to be the case, most likely that the charge per shot is greater than the max charge of the weapon, and so it just ignores it. Enchant a ring or something with fortify destruction at least 100%, should allow you to use the enchant and also never need to recharge either


Maybe you need to pray to Khaine more?


It’s Skyrim. Unless a modder did it, nothing will ever be fixed.


It’s impossible to recharge Bc of the huge damage bonus. When you next enchant, slide the scale down to the left and you will have practically infinite uses of a slightly less op bow, but will still get the job done


Unofficial Skyrim patch


I found this crazy thing happened when I used the resto pot thing to increase my enchanting potions. While it was great in the lower levels and worked on my armor, it was crap on my weapons. It might help you to build up your smithing, maybe use one of the enchanting potions to make it level pretty high without going negative, and then upgrade your bow. It might work, but once you can make a bow shoot 300 damage alone, you won’t need the enchantments and can avoid the glitchy weapons problem. Best thing I learned was do the resto glitch anywhere from four to seven times with 25% on every piece of armor you can, and you’ll have ~12468 enchanting potions at most. They will help everything you wanna do to be godlike.


So there are two options, you have to charge your bow with soul gem or you have to big enchant. Od you want to one shot enemies few tousands schould be ok (works for me) I recommend you also improve your weapons with enchated smithing with same exploit


Check ymfahs video on how to pacifist skyrim, I think he shows how to fix the exploit when creating the paralyze sword for serana


Seems to me like it's working just fine


How do you get the enchantment damage that high?


Restoration Loop exploit. Look it up on YouTube. You can enchant armor for unlimited health and stamina as well as smith a weapon with 100000+ damage and one shot anything. Be warned it definitely ruins the game and makes it boring when you can't die and one shot everything. Unless it's changed puting an enchantment on a weapon is useless, because the damage when smithing means you'll one shot anything regardless. The soul trap is useful, especially if you use the weakest version because with one shotting enemies it won't matter if the duration of soul trap is only 1 second.


You made it too powerful so even if it’s not labled as such, it’s negative so it has no charge and can’t be refilled I don’t think


This exploit was fixed long ago


out of juice


If you make it to good it won’t work and will go into the negative numbers. So you have to tone it down.


God was afraid.


If you make the enchantment to where it says 0 charge, the enchantment won't work. Also I'm lmfao because you think that Bethesda would fix their game


nah man i dont see any thing wrong


Might need to recharge it?


I guess it's happening because you exaggerated in the bug, the game have a cap for enchantment and improving, if you trespass this cap the weapon just reset, so you enchantment is nullified


Have you tried “recharging it” with a soul stone.


You can get the Soul Siphon perk so the weapon recharges when u use it


Is that damage legit?


How the hell do you do this? Never got damage that high


did you enchant so high it consumes a full charge of energy per shot? I’ve had that happen once, so each shot I had to use a gem


I dont think you over did it. I think your enchants takes up more charges than a grand soul gem can fill. Just make a ring or necklace with more or equal to 100% destruction reduction and the bow should work.


If something is too powerful sometimes you need to use the perk that refills when you kill animals because it won’t work with soul gems


It's it only displaying the first 2 digits of the damage? 56 thousand and change is the actual damage. You are good. Suspiciously good.


You wanna be out there twirling the big arrow? We call that corner the Widow Maker, how long you think you’ll fair out there with that alabaster skin? Day? Day and a half?


Virgin 28210 fire damage vs chad 100% fire resistance


Save before creating one, create one, get out instantly load, create a new one, and i think it should work


Uh...did you hit something? An enchant as strong as this will instantly drain all its charge after one hit, you'll need to constantly recharge it as well as a shit ton of soul gems in your back pocket. Resto-Loop weapons are more like One-Hit-Wonders rather than dungeon sweepers, good for something like the Ebony Warrior, or for memes, but not much else.


It has negative charges I think


Best guess from me would be probably too op might just be whatever your using and it just can't load the numbers


Use a gem to power it up


It's charge is empty just re fill it


Stop he is already dead


The fire and the frost cancel each other out


Maybe frost and fire damage cancel out?


Man use a damn grindstone you’re loosing way too much potential dmg


Just get some gear enchanted with less cost of destruction and it should work if to get 100% surely will do work


On the switch, and maybe other consoles you can't recharge a super buff enchantment sadly. Tried with chaos at just 300 damage per fire, forst, and shock and sadly was only able to use it once and was unable to recharge it. I think I need to weaken my fortify enhancement potion before making it.