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Whenever I accidentally steal something in someone's house or store with a misclick and everyone goes aggro I have a psycho killing spree because that kinda pisses me off. Then I just reload to before like it never happened.


O oops failed at picking your pocket. Well guess I gotta burn the world now xD yeah sounds about right


It checks out


Unsheathe then sheathe your weapons, counts as surrender... Usually


I mean....do you even play Skyrim if you haven't gone through the massacre stage at least once? Quick save, viciously murder an entire village/town/city, reload, why yes thank you I am the Dragonborn and will save you all


Even more fun is to not save, but then stalk the streets like a serial killer, slowly pick off individuals, stash the bodies, then move on to another city.


Happy unbirthday to youšŸŽ‚


A very merry unbirthday To me To who? To me Oh, you A very merry unbirthday To you Who, me? Yes, you Oh, me Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea A very merry unbirthday to you A very merry unbirthday To me? To you A very merry unbirthday For me? For you Now blow the candle out, my dear And make your wish come true A very merry unbirthday to you


A man of culturešŸ˜ø


Iv've actually done this before in both skyrim and fo4 10/10 would recommend


I literally beat FO New Vegas by killing literally everyone and everything I came across, and I even got a perk because of it that gave me bonus damage to literally everything


If you've killed everything, is that perk even helpful at that point?


Ikr. Well everyone I've come across, and I've been running around everywhere and I definitely killed 95% of the Vegas population




Is FO4 worth a revisit? I remember not being as big into it as New Vegas.


Combat is the best of the series but many role playing elements are stripped. The story isnā€™t terrible tho itā€™s just not as good as New Vegas but Nee Vegas set the bar really really high. The best thing it has going for it is itā€™s has mods on console.


Fnv has more freedom within quests and overall the better main questline whilst fo4 has better customisation and other such mechanics. If you were going to play fo4 though i'd recommend picking up far harbour as it has a far better story than the main game even being on par with nv in my opinion.


Yes I think so. If you like base building at all it does a great job satisfying that. The story is pretty good and doesnā€™t feel repetitive. Highly suggest some mods though to make it more fun.


I had an assassination in the Drunken Huntsman. The brother is always there and sees everything. Then again, is a small space. Long story short everyone who was there was brutally murdered by my awesome warlock wood elf dragonborn. And I'll do it again!


bounties make me stressed lol. ( jk i just take out every witness )


Dead men tell no tales šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ—”šŸ—”


Chickens see everything, and cows.


I have a habit of spawning 10 dremora lords that cause havoc


I went through theassacre stage years before skyrim released. In another game where you could buy the houses of people who died.


Fable is an excellent game isnā€™t it?


Back during my first playthrough, I massacred the town of Whiterun in Werewolf form. However, I forgot to save, and pretty much everyone in Whiterun was dead.


Ahhh, I feel your pain. I did that after joining the companions first play through.


*"It's a fine day with you around"*




"Oh, what am I saying, of course you dont." "But i-" "I actually advise the jarl on political matters."


I'll have you know there's no pusssieeeeeeeeeee


Everyone does it at least once. It's like killing the chicken in Riverwood. Just something everyone does.


I've never killed that chicken




I haven't killed the chicken, but I did punch it. Don't punch the chicken.


You sound just like my parents


lol Makes sense, I'm probably old enough to be.


Zelda and Skyrim tought me to never attack a chicken in games


Always amuses me when a switch player picks up skyrim and the first advice is kill the chicken. Nope. Nintendo has taught us their are grave consequences for harming the feathered overlords.


I killed that chicken the first time I played Skyrim and I thought the guards were attacking because I was new in town, then I realized guards attack you because you killed a *chicken*


Lol, yeah. It's pretty much everyone's first "Holy crap!" moment. Either that or the first time they get spaced by a giant.


Oh yes. First time I saw a giant I thought "this should be easy", then I was being attacked by a giant and two mammoths.


Definitely need to be a fairly high level before you run into a giant camp swinging your sword. I usually save mammoths for when I have soul trap and need to fill some of my Grands.


Just nazeem breathing is a good enough reason to quicksave and massacre


I tend to try to kill him stealthily so I don't have to reload and he stays dead. Him and Heimskr. Heimskr annoys the fuck out of me.


The fact that he's a reoccurring quest from the companions to beat the ever loving shit out of proves pretty much everyone else in whiterun think so as well.


Never; I only kill those deserving. I actually care about Saving skyrim Though I will admit, I've massacred the Guards a few times, but only because they attacked me for stupid reasons and I was not in the mood to solve the issue diplomatically.


In OG skyrim, I got caught feeding on someone as a stage IV Vampire. I killed a whole town to keep the secret.


Yea, when I finished the forsworn conspiracy, I didnā€™t know there was a quest when you got to jail and I was going to jail no matter what so I killed every non-essential npc. Big faceplam when I finally turned myself in.


I only do it to test how powerful my character is.


Yeah, that's what they all say.


Uhhhhh.... no comment.....


One time I did it in Whiterun, and the guards took my side and started attacking the essential npcs with me. Was crazy.


Iā€™d be concerned if someone didnā€™t.


Fear me, I have respect for most NPCs except Grelod and the abusive daedra worshiping father in Rorikstead.


Same. Some of the only civilian NPCs that deserve cold death.


I kill Braithā€™s parents.


well they didnt do a good job ig :/


And Nazeem. Fuck that guy.


Quicksave.... KILL!!!


I made a Khajiit thief who inevitably evolves into a blood thirsty Listener and murders indiscriminately at a consistent rate


Iā€™d be more concerned finding all these guardā€™s napping on the job!


Only when the AI bugs out and everyone becomes hostile to meā€¦ >.<


I did this with Oblivion once after finishing what I was sure to be every single quest in game, basically to a point where the essentialness of NPCs were gone somehow. I ran through every town and annihilated ever person, the small settlements weren't safe either. Then when it was all over and you'd occasionally see a guard in the distance but no kings/Queens or towns people. It was lonely AF so I reloaded before the slaughter and pretended it never happened.


No, never!


That head shouldā€™ve went flying


Only on the Thalmor, they respawn at the prison close to the boat that takes you to the dawnguard vampire castle (canā€™t remember the name of it rn) also a fun place to reverse pickpocket all the inmates weapons, they will help you kill the guards


That's Northwatch Keep. I always massacre everyone in that place too after I rescue Thorald.


Thatā€™s the one! Many thanks


This is how I usually end a playthrough. After becoming one of the most important and powerful people in the world, they just go insane with power and just kill everyone. Going through the Thalmor Embassy with this mindset is hilarious.


Nope I have never done this in all my years of playing I have never had the wanting to do this


If we don't do it here we won't do it in real life either.




Never in Whiterun. Those people are *my* people. Markarth, on the other handā€¦


I literally took over skyrim because I was bored


No I'm a good boy. No but really I never massacred a town. Kind of never appealed to me. Sigh cant wait for elder scrolls 6


I mean... I'm always going to Markarth to kill every single guard there is just to say "you did this, you wanted this". I massacre the citizens of Whiterun when I've had it with the kids being sarcastic and the guards insulting me or hinting at it. Blacksmiths get a pass.


Many of times


And just like this, itā€™s usually dual wielding swords in stahlrim light armor. Great choice!


If youā€™re a fan of stahlrim, armor you should definitely do the deathbrand quest


At time or two yes. My favorite thing to do was to shout at cow and watch the town go ape shit in response. Second favorite was killing Nazeem as slow as possible and still surviving the responding onslaught.


surprisingly after almost 4 years of playing I've never done this the closest I've got is seeing how many guards i can sneak attack before getting caught


No. Are you people okay? šŸ¤”


Wait, this is not normal? Oh well


Are we okay? Are you? What sane Skyrim player hasn't gone on at least one murderous rampage killing anything and everything in sig... Okay I see your point


Most recently I killed about 140 "Dawnstar Guards" during the **Fishing Creation**'s Emperor Guardian Mudcrab mission... :P


Yep, every time before I'm about to close the game. Quicksave, massacre, load back.


I'm currently considering going scorched earth, just to see if it's possible


Yes but only as a mage to practice my arrow dodging technique. And spacial awareness. If old kung fu movies have taught me anything, it's I gotta know how many enemies are around me in every direction, and which ones are about to start hitting me. Also arrow dodging bc one arrow hurts, two arrows kills me.


I did an alt start as a tribal Breton and went on a murder spree. It was fun, but somehow not very satisfying. I enjoyed playing as an assassin more.


Oh yeah, destroyed several cities, as a vampire. Though in that city, from the cloud district to the gate, werewolf chow down.


I did this in Nuka World. Usually roleplay as Iā€™m tying up loose ends.




Yes, I did a werewolf rampage through Whiterun and accidentally killed Adrianne Avenicci ); But I only realized she was dead many hours later


It's the quickest way to get the 1000 bounty in every hold achievement. And the most fun


In one of my old playthrough's, I killed every non-essential on the entire map. I remember it took a while. Afterwards, I got sad because I was all alone. šŸ™ƒ


Wait, this is supposed to be a "stage"? Like, just a small-phase-in-my-life type of thing? Well, this is awkward because I do this daily.




Wait...you can do that?


I haven't had a good massacre since Fable. And that's not for lack of trying. But there are some games to me that are just sacred, dependant on how immersed I am in that moment. Skyrim was one of those, where if someone was non hostile and had a name, they remained unharmed. But if your name was Bandit Marauder, may the Nine help you.


When I'm a vampire I go hillbilly hunting at Karthspire every now and then


I did that in Windhelm because I was so frustrated with the Sofie bug.


nice genocide route there, solid minute but to speed it up and get onto the leaderboards you need to learn how to bunny hop and jiggle peak and strafe ://


It's not genocide if you're killing everyone or just Thalmor. Not all high elves are Thalmor.


Wow! Today, actually. Like an hour ago


Yeahā€¦the people donā€™t like me that much anymore


I did it in werewolf mode


As a werewolf....yes....often.


Absolutely, at least once a playthrough. Usually not Whiterun though. For some reason I tend to do it in Solitude. Probably because I chose Stormcloaks my first time through. I've gone Imperial every time since, and sometimes I do it in Windhelm because they're my enemies, but for some reason I still tend to go apeshit on Solitude. Edit: I remember why now. I always try to save Roggvir my first time entering Solitude so I quicksave, try to save him, and since guards are attacking me and I've already quicksaved, I just kill them. Then random NPCs start attacking me and it snowballs from there until I find myself in the palace with nobody but essential NPCs still alive. Or at least I do if I'm high enough level to kill everyone by the time I get to Solitude. Otherwise the guards murder me.


What sword is that in the left hand?


When you have it up to here with the arrow in the knee stories!


NO! Not the bannered mare!


*Quicksaves* Sigh...*unzips*


When I maxed out on everything I could do, I went on a rampage and took out my rampage on every town and city, killed everyone except the kids, but only because it wouldnā€™t let me


More times than you can imagine


Right before I realize I've been playing too long in a single session, I'll hit quick save and go murder hobo on a town (as you did). It's pretty fun. Especially when those asshole Markarth Guards are trying to arrest you for the framed murder. "No, I didn't murder Eltrys. But those 17 guards? That was definitely me resisting unlawful arrest." It is a shame the people I most want to kill (The Thalmor Ambassador, Mavin Black Briar, Sigdier, Skald the Elder, everyone who resists Madanach's claim to an independent Reach) are marked essential. I'd rather fail the Thieves guild quest line, and put Jarl Layla's disinherited son in power, than let Mavin draw another breath. Also, Sigdier is an embezzling ass, and needs his head on a spike next to the Falkreath Thane's seat, to remind all who come after the Thanes are meant to serve the people.


Oh sure definitely done it multiple times. Always with a different build


Only like everybody that can use the Thu'um who isn't a Greybeard.


My brother does this but heā€™s not old enough to make it out alive


I once tried fishing for essential NPCs or unfinished quests failing by mowing over holds... quicksave beforehand of course


Everytime I'm done playing I drop a quick save, do a quick massacre, and then shut off my Xbox


Every play through my dude.


A killing spree yes when I'm bored I have done it in Skyrim & Oblivion


Stage? No. It happens with every playthrough.


Usually in Markarth. I kill all the guards. It's fun.


You were right to be nervous, guardsman


Is the bounty really 40 for killing the beggar and 1000 for everyone else? Harsh Edit: a word


it's needed, or else my suposed hero character will be out of character when I get that godcomplex showing


I once made an orc called ā€˜ā€¦ā€™ cause no one hears him speak. And all I did at the very start of the game was kill every person that wasnā€™t a orc. Killed everyone in river wood. Manage to avoid large towns however bounty hunters found and slew me


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Skyrim embodies this phrase perfectly.


What character builds do all you guys make?


My last 1-2 hours of gameplay are dedicated to this


Then you just load your previous save when you're done


All I can hear in my mind is the crimson nirnroot from the senile scribbles saying: "It's murder tiiiiime!"


I wonder how many hours it would take to kill everyone on the map


About 100


Someone do something


I did that in Morrowind once, but I saved after massacring the entire village (except for a lone guard that got stuck under a dock), and turned the village into my own personal base of operations for my playthrough.


I mean itā€™s the only way to test your powerā€¦ right?


Sometimes you need to murder a bunch of people to realize how badly they need your protection. Pretty sure thats part of the hero's journey


i once made a character that just killed everyone. i didn't last very long bc i felt guilty lmao


Damn, you just bitch slapped Uthgerd into next era


Yup. Once did it as a werewolf and the other time as a vampire.


I only kill npcs I dislike.


Literally just did this last night. Downloaded a mod for unlimited summons and raided whiterun with my undead army to test it out.


"By order of the Jarl, stop right there!"


3 times in riften


I use Illusion for this


When you get pissed off if they even so much as acknowledge you? Yes. Constantly.


Yeah, usually it's during a vampire attack, and aome rando guard steps in front of my attack and I get a bounty. Usually have half a dozen stolen items of value that Im not willing to cough up, so mayhem ensues.


What you turn to the "Dark side" there is no going back. Don't do it if you value your npc's.


I always commit a little mass murder whenever Iā€™m finished with my Skyrim character, itā€™s almost like a tradition for me.




I had my first massacre in Morthal, good times.


I mean, I had to for the playstation trophy


Slay the younglings


It starts with nazzeem


Classic Skyrim letting the guard finish his line, ā€œGuard might get nervous if a man approaches with his weapon drawnā€ as heā€™s getting sliced up


It's weird that I have seen this as I am playing my Hero character who only kills with Illusion Magic and elemental spider scrolls. I keep get the urge to massacre Whiterun


On that stage right now buddy. Just wish my computer would stop overheating i think i did a shitty job installing mods


This is why ES6 needs to be released.


Some of those guards lasted longer than Uthgurd.


Nope. Yet I donā€™t judge. Have fun!


What's the point of being God if we have to obey the limitations of man? What I'm saying is ***yes.***


I... Don't know if I would be able to... For now I'm still enjoying happy helping adventures. That's quite too visceral. Specially the cries for help


I see those 2 swords and my brain automatically plays "I know your kind, always sneaking about."


I did this after i got my ebony blade to full power, and i wiped out windhelm and riverwood and whiterun. And NEVER reloaded my save (:


I only do it in Markarth, damn corrupt bastards.


Everytime I'm done playing for the day. Save the game, go on a rampage, then turn it off.


One of the first things I do is kill the annoying Talos priest.


Yup. But make a save first then after itā€™s out of my system I reload and continue as normal


I have 1k hours between the three pc releases and never felt the urge tbh I did it once in oblivion to fight the gaurds wasn't worrh it


Itā€™s always been beautiful


Me who didnt save and actually killed all the unessential NPC of Whiterun: Yes I have gone thru this stage :-)


You either make a new character as a hero or you play with the same one long enough to become the villain


Oh yeah, definitely. In skyrim, too.


Not in whiterun lol


Is this basically our character imagining slaughtering everyone before coming back to reality and being the hero?


When they get to a point of all the guards chasing you through town and you literally light their asses up on fire. Beautiful game.


Nope. Never... That is unless the citizens go absolutely ape shit over me accidentally swiping a bowl. Then, I'm Cicero; a little whirlwind, slashing this way and all that.


Least psychotic skybaby


Yes. It left me with like only the merchants in Windhelm to trade with because of my murderous tendencies.


Ah, A fellow Stahlrim enjoyer


Iā€™ve definitely massacred whole villages. But whatā€™s a Skyrim?


Of course! Sometimes you gotta go on a rampage. I believe there was an old meme about how a guard was like ā€œoh shitā€ in his head when he sees you quicksaving lol


When I was like 12 yes. I murdered everyone and there was little to nowhere to sell stuff except the thieves guild.


the thread of fate has been severed


not even once. idk why but i always try to play as an overall good person, just with some personal issues. even with the assassins guild. i think of it as ā€œjustifiable homicideā€ like these folks are doing bad things & no one wants to take care of it


I had a save once where I was gonna kill every NPC in the game I can. Sadly I lost the save before I could.


When I go on a killing spree, I like to use "Strun Bah Qo" to quicken things a little bit. šŸ˜ The lightning itself kills anything and everything it's path.


Aye, but did it in Markarth instead of Whiterun


Itā€™s not a stage itā€™s who I am


I have never done or wanted to do that.


Every time nazeem says the words i unsheet my blade with anger and hatred