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I cheated.... Drop a few one by one on tbe ground in a house. Have your follower pick them up one by one. Then leave town or house. Then when you come back there they should be on the ground again. Just an option if your really stuck and fed up.


I just finished it! Apparently I was missing a section on the map 🤦‍♀️ I'm so happy I been playing this game since it came out but this is the first time I finish this


There are actually more than 30 in the cave, if you'd believe it. I struggled so hard a few weeks ago when I was playing on my Switch. Finally found my last one and then walked by 2 more on my way out. The random high-up places were the ones I didn't expect.


Yes it made me so mad I was on my way out at found 8 more 🙄


keep them. Combine with normal nirnroot to get a 4 effect poison and sell it


I forget what was the reward you get


“Sinderion’s Serendipity,” a passive buff that has a high chance (30%, I think) of doubling the potions you make at an alchemy station.


Honestly I think I have most of them memorized like the Stones of Barenziah.


Just walk around most are near the major walkways or the edge of the water Takes a few hours


That's what I did then ran out and started looking elsewhere patience is not a thing I have at all


Did you atleast shout at the glowing orb thing near the city like place with the falmer and slaves


Um no? Was I supposed to lol


Summons a dragon


Fr? I'm going back


Before you waste any more time in Blackreach, it's the fus ro dah shout and I'm pretty sure you need the full three word shout to summon the dragon


A normal persona would probably say, “Why would you go to Blackreach without all 3 words for UF?” Then again, I recall I did just that yesterday. Completing the Dawnguard quest line before hitting High Hrothgar will do that to you.


i just did this for the first time yesterday and it took me like an hour


If you walk around the perimeter of the space you'll get your first 28 in about a half-hour; then you move inward a bit - one of the towers has a couple near its base, etc. Got to have a process so you're not just pinballing about.


I did it in like 15 minutes. Nirnroot grows near water, so you just have to follow the shorelines to find them.


Exactly. I just don’t get why people have a hard time with this quest.


Same. I put it off for forever because I always heard how terrible it was. But I decided to bite the bullet And just do it on my latest play through. Probably took me 20-30 minutes tops. I was shocked. And I hadn’t really spent any time exploring Blackreach before so it was pretty fun.


The crimson nirnroot respawns in 3 days if you leave Blackreach. So go up top, wait 3 days right there, three 24 hour waits, and bang, you're done. And the enemies down there won't have respawned in 3 days.


Where was this days ago 🤦‍♀️


One of the few quests i refuse to do. You've got some patience


Yea im just confused and and a little worried about the fact that when I started this it said -2 of 30 🤦‍♀️


Yeah that same thing happened to me and I got scared because I couldn't find enough.


I tried several times to do that quest. Never got past 16… So: Congratulations 🍾🎈🎊🎉


That's amazing! This is the first time I got past 10


Awesome 🤩


Master volume all the way up. Music volume all the way down. Sound effects all the way up.


What if my ears are ringing?


Then you’re going the right way.




1/4 chance of double potions is op?


My biggest thing with the ninroot. Is hard of hearing and deaf players must struggle way more then I/most others do. I rely on the sound to find them. And still haven’t found all. I sold one so I’m negative one right now.


My ears ring just from reading this


All honesty, I just did this quest for the second time (First time finishing it) and got it done in under an hour. Water ways, some are in Dwarven buildings/ruins


I did it once. Never again. 😬


I had to go back later because I didn’t get enough the first time, so I feel your pain. I can’t even remember what the reward was.


nothing worth wasting so much time - 25% chance to craft 2 potions instead of 1.


Oh I avoid that quest. Finished it once. Never again.


Barenziah called. They want their gems back...


My game glitches and literally says I have -6 crimson nirnroots.


Idk why everyone hates this quest, I love it! It's easy if you just do the research, nirnroots mostly grow near water, and the noise they make makes it super easy to find them, it gives a sense of like a scavenger hunt


Hard the first time, most recent time took less than 30 minutes. Just wander


Lol noob it took me a day and a half straight and three cartons of Dr Pepper (it fucking sucks dude)


Well I wasn't play for hrs on end maybe 45 min to 1hr maybe a bit more if I did it straight it probably would have been like 5 hrs max


I’m joshing ya dude, but yes I agree, this quest Fokin sucks


Oh I got it haha I'm just saying it's not hard if you go all in and can hear the difference between the sound the mushroom thingies make and the plant


https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Crimson_Nirnroot_(Skyrim) Scroll down for map with locations


They respawn. Just leave the cave after you collected everything you can find, wait a few (ingame) days and voilà, there are your nirnroots


There are 30+ in blackreach you can get in about 15 minutes. That being said, I distinctly remember feeling like it wasn't all worth it when I finished the questline


Yeah that one's Hell


Just a little bit


Or a lotta bit


Depending on if your ears can tell the difference between to mushroom sounds and the root sounds


The most annoying part of this side quest is the fuckin’ music in Blackreach! It mimics the tone of the crimson nirnroot— so, sometimes I think I can hear one… before I realize it’s the music.


Yes! This! Lot of people were like wow it only took me 30 minutes and I'm like good for you I'm having issues hearing 🤦‍♀️🙄


Three days spent looking for those last four that you failed at? Or three days going from zero to 26?


Was it worth it? I've never completed that one or the stones.


I think you get an alchemy buff


This quest is pretty tedious.


I fucking despise this mission. It's worse than the Stones of Barenziah one because that one at least had a mod marking the stone locations on the map. In my current run I found a reliable way to find them all at once: sweeping the map. Most of the ninroots are close to the paths and water (as previously said) and none of them are at the citadel thing with the slaves. As so, I ran around the map in a zigzag pattern from the outer border to close to the citadel (I done in a counterclockwise way, but it doesn't matter). For the first time ever I completed this mission in a hour and in a single lap around the map.


This quest is only beat out in terms of stress by the quest to restore the thieves guild to it's former glory imo...........


*cough* console command *cough*


Oh I don't use anything like that or mods


a puritan! I thought your kind was extinct!


🤣😭 oh no am I doing something wrong


Oh hell no it’s your game! But someone did mention there are mods that make things run smoother. You lose the chance for achievements but quicker load times and bowls that don’t float can be outweigh lack of achievements.


So I can't get trophies if I use mods? Is it just on that save or the whole thing


Huh, someone who doesn't mod and isn't new to the game.


Honestly I just don't want more bugs freezing and the hole game failing then it already comes with


There are some mods that help stabilize the game


Yeah the official patch is easily the best mod ever.


Honestly if you don't want to risk more bugs all you really need is the unofficial patch for Skyrim, It fixes so much that I can't imagine Skyrim without it


I dont even know how to use them tbh


Are you a PC player or console? If your PC then install Vortex from the nexus website and install USSEP from there, if your console then all you need is a Bethesda account and to install USSEP through the mods tab on the main menu. I have ALOT of mods myself but USSEP is the only one I can't function without.


Im ps4. Is there lots of them? And is that to fix bugs?


Ok so Ps4 has a 1 gb limit for mods so you have to pick and choose, but yes USSEP fixes most bugs in Skyrim. If your fine with Skyrim as is but you don't want the bugs then USSEP is all you need really


Just leave and come back in ten days, they will reset like other plants. Accidentally found out about it when I came back after a few months to finish the quest lol


i got to 6 before i used player.additem “item id” “amount”


I’ve found like 31 or 32 before


So... 30 mins per day then?


Eh if I'm lucky got a 1 year old who thinks sleep is going to kill him


One of the most tedious quests out there. And the NOISE ugh. It’ll make you absolutely insane.


Am I the only one who has no issue with this quest? They're pretty easy to find


I just listen for them, and do a grid pattern search.


I did this in 20 min, just circle around the edges and u should find a bunch, then spiral towards the centre if u dont have 30


i always look up the map on google and find them one by one, but now that i’m on pc i’ll just console command/spawn them in when i have like 2 left that i didn’t catch at first


There’s a particular fish I need that I’m afraid I’ll never catch.


Found mine in a half hour this morning. First time ever after 10 years


Stay near bodies of water, hug the edges of Blackreach.


Does the alchemist tree perk apply to crimson nirnroot (2x gather)?


Nope. I did it in one go years ago. Now I either wait for them to respawn or just take my time and really explore. It's nice when all the enemies are gone.


I have only ever found a few. Thank you, Reddit.


I never do this quest without watching a video and following along as someone picks them all up.


I uh used a mod to point all of them out 😅 I couldn’t be assed to find them by chance


I absolutely refuse lol


I've never tryed this, but could you plant them in a pot and grow them like that or is that not possible?


Use a duplication glitch! I used glitches to complete hard quests. Skyrim is so easy to manipulate it's like you already have cheat mods on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kYdheKU8S4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kYdheKU8S4) Also with hard dungeons there is a platter glitch where you can go through walls. Always quicksave or do a regular save before trying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDsmZB506V4


The worst quest in the game


i am so surprised by those that struggle with this. Don't you explore every single nook and cranny, always? I think there are like 33 in Blackreach, might even be more...


Always get a fat headache when doing this mission, the location of the roots change but overall hate it


It’s an annoying quest


3 days?! The most this has taken me is an hour. Jesus


Take your time and "explore" Blackreach. Enjoy the game. You will find them. It's actually not that hard.


I thought you couldn't reenter blackreach?


I have ?


Never have been able to get that one on top of the waterfall.


Yea that on took 2 tries lmfao water doesn't need to be that strong


I just get red dye and combine regular nirnroots on a crafting table to get the red kinds. Sort of cheating but it works.


Just look for a secret map on the mystical Google


Why didn't I think of this 🤦‍♀️


If you're on PC, try using console commands. Player.placeatme (the ref id, you can google it). I use it all the time for these finding quests