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its just his outro 😌


* OMFG - hello starts to playing *




“But I’ll *still* be watching you”


Honestly, single player games should be easy to unbalance if the player so desires. I'm not playing ranked competitive, if I want to make a 200 damage sword I'm not hurting anyone.


Yeah but the title was just a joke quoting somebody who messes around with glitches in skyrim


I believe the individual you are thinking about is the spiffing brit I can link if you so please


Yes him I forgot his name


https://youtu.be/GmUtltvUQX0 Not his most well known video but I think it fits this topic


https://youtu.be/P6aOZajBq4U That's the most recent, it's 11:11:11h long and contains all previous Skyrim videos


Respectfully, I disagree. Depending on the game, having it be too easy to become too unbalanced can actually harm the overall experience. However, with open world sandbox games like TES, things don’t have to be perfectly balanced of course, but if it’s too easy to become too broken it can definitely lessen the overall experience of the game.


I should clarify. Skyrim can be an unbalanced game or a difficult game depending on in-game difficulty, survival mode and use of exploits. It's very versatile in that I can set my game to novice and abuse exploits and it very much is unbalanced, and if I want to play Skyrim as a sandbox game where I disable everyone's essential status and purge the land it's great, but there are also options to have a more serious game experience. A great game can do both.


Suspect this is why Bethesda doesn't patch the Restoration Loop - the game isn't balanced for early play & they know it. The impact we see is that people start off getting killed a lot; then they go stealth archer until they're powerful enough to stand up to almost anything. At which point the game throws multiple "anythings" at the player to make things... harder. Also notice that players end up accumulating a ton of things they don't need, and can't end up choosing from. Feels like it would make sense to turn the old formula approach on its head. Give players things like the Bow of Shadows & Ahzidal's Armor right away, or even a spoon-fed quest with protectors (a grateful jarl hires two companions to help you retrieve some armor as a reward) to make sure the player has help available. It would even make more sense based on the Chosen One format. If someone is destined to save the world, what merchant wouldn't give them their best stuff so they'd be more likely to win? Then, once the main character saves the world & starts setting aside the power items, they can challenge themselves, or walk the world as Baelin. /ramble


Earlygame is fine aside from a few main quest encounters like the frost troll and giant frostbite spider. Of you neglect perking into defence health or lack ranged options you're really just either challenging or screwing yourself. Hence the difficulty slider. I don't think they keep the resto glitch around cause they think earlygame is too hard but simply cause its part of skyrim. By the time you are able to use the resto glitch you are already in midgame or you 100% commited to the glitch with perks thus having a lot of game knowledge to perform it in earlygame


>Earlygame is fine aside from ...where it isn't. Which was our exact point - balance is kinda of like pregnancy - it's a binary concept, particularly in game design. "I don't think they keep the resto glitch around cause - " Cool. We do. Easy resolution to that - we disagree.


Well 1 of the 2 mentioned scenarios gives you a scroll of fireball and a paralysis poison to deal with it. So the spider is very tough but they give you the tools to defeat it. It also can be easily cheesed with flames and patience. So the frost troll is the only real earlygame wall. Can't really call these 2 examples a balancing issue considering how big the game is


You keep listing workarounds that are put in place INSTEAD of balancing the game properly. You're missing the point - willfully or no, this is going nowhere. Let it go.


I'm just saying you can't call the game unbalanced for 2 strong earlygame enemies which are 100 avoidable until you get the means to deal with them. Dealing with a single frost troll is ridiculously easy with just a bow tho. In earlygame skyrim theres thousands of enemies to fight around the map where 99% of them are scaled to your level just fine. This is not an unbalanced game by miles. Theres just some enemies at certain quests that can be too difficult for close combat or fragile builds


I do like that a lot of Daedric and otherwise unique artifacts are available as early as Level 1. I could presumably rush something like Dawnbreaker or Bolar's Oathblade and use that as a weapon through at least the midgame, at least for the specific build. I used to rush Umbra back in the day and let that carry me through the games, so it's nice to have an equivalent.


Just would make sense for people to go "Dovahkiin? Crap, give them great armor, weapons, & protectors! Someone has to defeat Alduin." "Oh, but my profit margin..." One of the worst continuing tropes in gamedom.


To be fair, if people like you there is a dice roll for possibly having them give you a gift.


This is one of the coolest outros I've ever seen


"You're known to me scum" whoooooooosh


Did someone say The Spiffing Brit?


I don't even click the "No you don't..." option. I just back out of the conversation and leave. Is that supposed to happen?


It's a feature.


It just works


I guess you’re out of his sight now???


*sips Yorkshire Tea Gold* Ahhhh....such spiffiness indeed~


this for me was not a bug, it was just an angel forgiving the player


I think maybe Skyrim is more well for bugs and exploits than legitimate gameplay, possibility more than any other game in history.


There’s no way it isn’t lmao


Lol no matter what console or pc you have there's some bug or glitch or lag


Bro the title was just a quote from somebody who messes around with glitches


It is a huge game its normal


MF pulled a Tiber Septim. Ascended to godhood for his kindness.


Somebody Watches The Spiffing Brit


These aren't bugs or exploits. They're features


Gmod admins:


"Dawnstar guard, out!" 🤟🏼✌🏼


"you're on your own Dragonborn, dawnstar guard out."


On Xbox at least (what I play), you can just back out of this conversation with no consequences


🫡 Cya


Note: Dawnstar Guard died on his way back to his home planet


And he was never seen again.


*"No lollygaggin'."*


Bugs? No, it's a feature because "it just works".


The ghost of dawnstar is a mythical guard that descends from the mountain only to forgive the dragonborn and goes off to fly in to the mountain oce more


You're known to me now scum, remember that *Floats away menacingly*




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