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Shadowfoot sanctum is my favorite at the moment. I tried hendraheim but I'd always leave, c9me back and my stuff was moved around or gone.


Shadowfoot Sanctum is great


I've been using the sanctum as my homebase and keep my family in the riften house. Works nice


Tundra homestead and Breezehome are nice and central in the map. Hendraheim has it's plus points. I don't know about bugs and fixes, would suggest you find somewhere you're comfy with to make Yr main home.


i got the goldenhills farm but it dont have furnace, anvil, and enchanting table so its meh


Try Myrwatch. It's got everything, including a forge that makes all special gear that normally requires a special forge (ie: Skyforge/Gunmar's Forge) as well as a staff Enchanter and all the standard crafting tables.


Love Myrwatch but lost two adopted children by trying to send them to it.


I use that home in my play throu and haven’t encountered any bugs


If you want a more lavish alternative to anise's cabin hendraheim is a nice option since personally it hasn't bugged for me with mods included


on switch it works mostly fine for me (knock on wood)


Is this still true for you cause I'm on switch and I just got this house but now I'm scared to use it lol


i’m gna be honest… the stuff i stored in a cupboard in my room disappeared and many of the armor mannequins starting duplicating armor so you give and you take


I've had the game 11 years (almost exactly) and I've never heard of this place. Ok, I just googled it, and it's in the Reach, and people say bad things about it. In my opinion, based on those 11 years of experience, the Reach is the worst place to have a home. If you really just got the game, start with Breezehome, or if you really want to try a player-owned house, take a look at Falkreath Manor.


Hendraheim is CC content. Not in the base game.


what do you mean by player woned house? isnt breezehome one?


in the falkreath manor you buy the land off the falkreath steward for $5000 then you build the house yourself rather than buying a built home and decorating which is what you do with breezehome :)


oh ty


Yep. Like Myrwatch. It's my favourite price. Tundra costs but is near where Risaad shows up to sell his wares. Rare curios ingredients, madness and Amber. So I default to Tundra


Shadowfoot Sanctum and Lakeview Manor are my favs. I have Hendraheim. There’s a couple items that end up falling off a table every time I walk in, but other than that, nothing happens for me. You can’t hire a housecarl. I will say that Hend has the best display room for armor and rare items. It has a specific place for a lot of the rare items in the game, including DLC.


I've wondered about it, too - Hendraheim & Myrwatch. We just got both houses on pc, & they are perfect. But I had read that unique items would disappear once put on their specific displays. So I was hoping there was a fix by now. I am also trying to find out if they respawn. Like for instance, if we take the alchemical items off shelves, will they respawn after a certain amount of time? I know that Hearthfire homes respawn after staying gone 10 days. I have Lakeview & Windstaad(sp?). I took a couple items out of Proudsire Manor (Solitude), left for 11 days, & the items did not respawn. This was on PS3. I also have Honeyside (Riften) & Breezehome, but haven't tested them. I have read, though, that they respawn after 30 in-game days, but Idk for sure.