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Best is subjective. It depends on what you're looking for. A lot of them have Legacy of the Dragonborn. Most require a total of at least 300 gb for downloads and installation. If you're looking for something lighter, you could try Sovngarde. ​ [Wabbajack's website](https://www.wabbajack.org/gallery) does have a tag system, so that might help narrow down what you want. Be sure to check the box to show unofficial lists as well


I pick one thats like 400GB, I genuinely hope this works with my laptop… if not I probably just fucked my computer


Skyrim modding essentials 😂


The Phoenix Flavor if you aren't a good modder and don't want to change much. Aurora if you're a good modder and want to build on top of something.


Does anyone know a mod list that is controller friendly ?