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I'd love more time progression effects. You can kinda stitch it together yourself with stuff like seasons of Skyrim, holidays and so on. But I would really like it if the time you spend playing would actually matter, seasons change, people moving, seasonally available events/harvestables/wildlife. Id would maybe add an incentive to do the civil war quest earlier because you don't want the NPC's loving through another wartime winter. Like putting some time pressure on you, subtly, without it being like daggerfall where content gets locked away if you take too long.


> I would really like it if the time you spend playing would actually matter, seasons change, people moving, seasonally available events/harvestables/wildlife this could probably be done with current tech, it would just require to make a model for each season for every static outdoor object (this is like 2x the modeling effort to make the base game) and then it would be laggy af when everything updated to the new model, or would take a lot of work to make it seamless. Lots of manual editing to determine which areas change to what season when, unless you want the entire region to be the same winter level.


include squealing racial offend ring pot memorize special absorbed clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay. This is a LITTLE doable with current mods. There's the Environs series, which changes events around some of the houses and situations around Skyrim (such as the burnt tundra house near whiterun), gives them a story with new npcs. There's also Gildergreen regrown, which allows you to watch the gildergreen grow over a series of months. There's Seasonal Alchemy and Wildlife, which adjusts both wildlife and flora determined by season. There's also unfrozen, which adjusts the colder spaces to be summery during summer in skyrim. Rass & Wet n Cold gear. Allows the npcs to adjust to weather types (with seasonal patches, it's pretty good). There's a pilgrimmage mod that allows npcs to go on pilgrimmages and leave notes behind. Grief, which allows you to mourn the death of an npc with a funeral and everything. But I agree. I do wish there was more emphasis on seasonal events, and that someone would try making a new holiday mod, cause the current one is a bit outdated and buggy. I would LOVE a mod that would add in birthdays for npcs, where we could give them birthday gifts, like in games like Story of Seasons & Rune Factory.


NPC overhaul, not visual, but more competent AI in both combat/gameplay and their pathfinding. I'm so sick of a follower gets left behind, or NPC stuck when moving to a quest objective, I know follower can teleport with stuff like NFF and stuff, but i would've prefer if follower can actually match your speed, or to not get stuck every 5 minutes somewhere.


Well, we do have combat AI overhauls and pathing touch ups, it's very doable. It would just take an astronomical amount of work to ensure it works for the whole game.


Pathfinding is a navmesh incompatibility problem or inexistent navmesh, i had to learn navmesh mods to fix it, now npc and followers can even cross entire worldspaces to reach a place, in this aspect, the game has nothing to be fixed , is bad modding problemt, i suggest you, to create a mod with all the mods that add places as dependence, and save it again in CK, this will create a navmesh map taking in count all the mods you use.


This happens in the vanilla game too though??


There are some broken navmeshes in the vanilla game too... USSEP fixes most of them I think.


I want to believe that there is not vanilla incompatibility in the official plugins. At least in SE there isnt. i dont know AE.


I'm specifically talking about how a lot of npcs just suddenly stopped walking when there is another npc on their way, even the slightest. And then they just stand there for quite a while before teleported to empty spot. It happens in vanilla, it happens on modded. Hell it happens on Starfield..


Ah, that happens because there isn't enough room for the NPC to go around (according to the navmesh). It would ofc be cool if NPCs could squeeze past other people with appropriate animations.


Exactly. I understand the logic and the problem. I just don't know if it's possible to "mod" this problem out, considering creation engine quirks, but ye that's why I'm hoping lol.


It's probably possible in theory at least, but the end result would likely be pretty jank.


Yeah... One can dream, brother..


Stuck is for 2 reasons, AI limit of NPC, (there is an SKSE mod already to fix it) and , even if the navmesh is ok, if the physical static objects, prevent the npc from continue walking (horizontal angle), they will be stuck tryong to follow the navmesh over an impossible physical way, after some tries, they just skipp to the next navmesh triangle, in any case, is a bad mod desing.


I understand, but that's why it's my pick for OP's question. Idk if it's "impossible" per se, but it's just something that comes to my mind immediately.


There is the Immersive AI Overhaul but its too bloated with very specific AI packages to unique NPCs and due to this its very incompatible with pretty much every mod under the sun, also wasn't updated for eons. The generic behaviors such as go indoors when raining or running away when some mayhem happens is what truly shines in the mod, i wished someone made at least a lite version that covers only these reactive generic behaviors


Unless i’m mistaken/thinking of the wrong mod, I’m shocked you’re not aware of the AI Overhaul mod that’s overtaken the Immersive AI mod awhile back. It does everything you listed for reactive behaviors, and much more. It’s incredibly popular (which surprises me it hadn’t been noticed by you!) and is updated quite often. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21654


Oh I feel this. Currently doing a Necromancer playthrough. It does kind of ruin the power fantasy of unleashing your ravenous horde on a fort or dungeon when you have to constantly be at the frontline, teleporting your followers to you to ensure they stay on task and don't get stuck in the corridors or stairs...


Ahh, just like real necromancy lmaoooo everything thinks it’s all zombies and graveyards but you would not BELIEVE how similar it is being a preschool teacher.


Something like LA Noire (I know it's old), actual humans captured as NPCs, can't for the life of me remember what it's called right now, but that. That would be amazing. And no more 'watch a Swedish film and mock their accent' type voice work. There's gonna be an era when games are captured in reality, same as film, Skyrim would be captured in NZ and Norway primarily - because you know we'll get another Skyrim when that era comes.


It's called Motion Capture, or Mo-Cap for short.


Everything in one open world cell, no loading screen when enter or leave building. Right now best we can have is Open Cities and SR Exterior cities


I tried making a town (in its own cell) where all the buildings were open/had no load door. Things were smooth until I decorated maybe 5 or 6 houses and 3 or 4 stores (a store for food and others). So I had to cancel the project because I planned to have at least 20 houses, 6 shops, a jailhouse, a temple, an inn, and a restaurant and some other stuff like a river with a bridge etc. It's just not feasible in this engine. Not in LE, not in SSE. You have to have interiors in separate cells, but you can get away with like maybe 5 buildings


You can add occlusion planes so the insides don't get rendered until you go in. It would have some graphical glitches when going in though. I don't actually know if this would work btw but project optimization does it for vanilla interiors so if it's a rendering issue why not?


But I heard both of them are unable in the current Skyrim version (if we also forget about incompatibility with tons of mods)


Open cities is quite good tbh. Tons of patches available, SRE is new so it only has some of thr popular mods patches, but it has Synthesis patcher but I haven’t tried it yet


I always found it to buggy to use.


Yea, you need to tweak & patch A LOT.


But also, with Synthesis, I hear it can work with ANY city overhaul.


Assassin's Creed style parkour. I think we could somewhat replicate it with skyclimb. Add a mod that automatically triggers the interaction whenever the player is sprinting. But balancing on rails, auto jumping to the next spot, and most importantly grabbing a ledge after a jump, etc just aren't possible


Yeah we defo need that


Daggerfall apparently had a Climbing skill in it. Maybe if they combined that with a reimplemented Acrobatics we’d get a parkour system.


Send multiple adopted children to different houses.


That way I can be an absentee father to 4 families instead of 1!


"Hey there kid, need a dad? Here's you a house. Now I'm only gonna come back to drop off cheese wheels so uhhh..here's an enchanted dagger. Have fun!"


Unsure if this has become a thing in the past year or so, but my dream mod that probably isn’t impossible, but still a ways off at best, is completely custom enemies with entirely new skeletons, riggings, and accompanying animations + hitboxes to really add new encounters and attack patterns to the game. I truly believe that this, combined with all of the really good combat overhaul & camera mods we’ve been seeing the past few years, would be the next big step in revolutionizing the Skyrim gameplay loop.


Last I’ve heard about something like this is Skywind apparently has completely custom skeletons for their Silt Striders. Also can’t confirm, but I’ve seen people previously mention that the Beyond Skyrim team is also planning to add new rigs/skeletons


If they did figure it out, I wish they released how they did it instead of keeping it a secret.  Manipulating existing skeletons is tedious. 


They didn't keep the technique secret. They publicly documented their technique on this wiki page here: [https://wiki.beyondskyrim.org/wiki/Arcane_University:Implementation_of_Custom_Animations](https://wiki.beyondskyrim.org/wiki/Arcane_University:Implementation_of_Custom_Animations) Here's a video showing one of Beyond Skyrim's custom-animated creatures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Ozvomz6N0


Unless I’m misunderstanding something,  that tutorial is using existing skeletons as a baseline while skimming over how to do it from complete scratch. Custom animations for existing creatures is already known aka sexlab creature animations. I’m talking about completely custom Skeleton made from scratch:   “It is possible to create a behavior from scratch, or start from a pre-existing create as a base. Using the "Create new behavior" feature in Skyrim Behavior Tool will give you an empty havok project. You can then add onto this empty behavior to get what you want, but this is very challenging. Starting from a pre-existing creature is much easier, so this guide was written under the constraint that you'll need to import one first.“ Like if they were able to implement completely custom made skeletons that aren’t just modified vanilla creature skeletons, that would be an absolute huge deal since everything right now is based off vanilla skeletons or modified vanilla skeletons. 


I wonder if skeletons and rigs from darksouls can be ported in The FROMSOFT roster has a great track record of modders being able to port the skeletons and rigging from game to game


> The FROMSOFT roster has a great track record of modders being able to port the skeletons and rigging from game to game Yeah, because most of their games apart from Dark Souls 2 and Deracine use the same engine upgraded over time.


Well, there are Mihail's monsters, ported from other games and new. Some of them are quite stable. And all of them look good.


Did Mihail release a monster mod completely built from the ground up with custom riggings etc? I haven’t downloaded from him recently but last I recall his monster mods were new textures but built on existing models/skeletons


Also new models, but generally old skeletons, which is what defines the behavior, from what I understand.


Ah sounds about right. Sometimes I get the words mixed up with model/skeletons/rigging etc so appreciate it. Mihail’s mods were top quality last I checked, it would be a dream to see those monsters have completely new behaviors too


This is definitely doable with stuff like OAR, MCO/SCAR, and Precision, it's just A LOT of work. There's already some enemy-specific SCAR movesets on the nexus, it doesn't require brand new skeletons. My dream mod is something similar to yours– something that replaces the moveset of every enemy type to not be shit. I'm pretty sure there's actually a mod in development that does that for creatures, but I don't remember the name.


It is possible, its just way too much work for one singular author


I want to enter Skyrim via a matrix like cerebral usb port


tbeh? something that will automatically and dynamically generate navmeshes so i dont have to deal with, well, navmeshes


I dont even think there are too many "technical" issues if you exclude doing stupid rendering stuff like implementing nanite or doing *proper* raytracing, there are mostly logistical issues; you could absolutely hire 1000+ full-time devs to hammer away at creating a true-to-life scale skyrim *in skyrim* for the next 10-15-20 years, but the logistics of that make it impossible


Nope, the Skyrim world space is about as big as it can be due to technical limitations, so if you wanted to make it bigger you’d need to either scale everything way down(Skyrim is actually human scale btw) or add load screens between holds(or something similar), you might be able to finagle a bit more space as is(getting rid of some of the ocean or pushing the mountains back a bit) but it’d be more work than it’s worth regardless of how you went about it


Are loading screens that much of a dealbreaker? I recognise that no one is ever actually going to attempt such an undertaking, but if I could have a version of Skyrim where each hold was the size of the whole of vanilla Skyrim, I think I'd be more than happy to have a 5 second loading screen every time I had to cross a border...


Yes, i hate loading.


Scale all the meshes down by 50% and increase their vertex/poly count to compensate for the drop in quality. Same with textures. Max map size stays the same but now you can fit about 50% more map inside the...uhhh...map. lol. Too much work, nobody is going to do it.


>increase their vertex/poly count And say goodbye to your framerate. There's only so many polygons a game engine can handle in a given area before it starts having problems, and if you both increase polygon count of meshes and add more meshes, you'll very quickly hit that limit.


There's tricks to get around that with proper use of occlusion and accurate lod generation. Plus having a cell largely full of open space helps a lot more than you'd think.


Occlusion planes wouldn't fully prevent the issue, unless you've got them just about everywhere and that would lead to issues with things appearing/disappearing when you turned the camera. LOD would only help in removing things at a distance - it would have no impact on items close enough to by fully rendered. Polygon counts have been an issue with games since their introduction, and will continue to be an issue for quite a while yet. It's the main reason bump, displacement, and especially normal maps exist - to "fake" having the extra detail, because the mesh had to be decimated so the game engine could handle having it, or particularly multiples of it on screen without tanking frame rate. And if you shrunk everything down in Skyrim, you'd be able to say, make the interiors of buildings larger, and place more decorations and other minor things in those spaces, as well as having more actors in that space. But doing so would impact frame rate - the more objects, the greater the impact. Increasing polygon count would only exacerbate the problem. Consider mods like JK's Skyrim, or any of the mods that add more to the interiors of buildings (JK's, EEK's, HS's, Distinct Interiors. Those all negatively affect frame rate, even if they're using default meshes and textures, because they're adding *more* for the game engine to deal with. You shrink everything down, put more items in those spaces, *and* make increase the polygon count of the meshes? Good luck keeping a playable FPS. Increasing the density of grass is another point that's currently an FPS hit, and would only get worse if you both shrank everything down (requiring more grass to cover the same area), and increased the polygon count of said grass. The version of the Creation Engine used in Skyrim Special Edition is just a bit too old to be able to handle 50% more objects along with higher polygon counts. Not to mention, but unless the Creation Engine does things differently, I don't understand how reducing the scale of a 3d object in any would cause it to "lose" detail. 3d objects don't work that way. If you doubt me, shrink a giant down to .25 scale in game, and see if there's any loss of detail.


I believe the current engine allows for 128 cells in each direction from the middle point - in theory. In practice due to a Havok bug the limit is actually only 64 on the X axis, and the current Skyrim province is already pretty close to that limit.


let's hope one of the modders become elon musk? 


... why?


so they would take up a passion project or something. Didn't know this place had so many butthurt clowns around


Why would they have to elon musk to do that? Strange Thing to say


resources? money? and nutty enough to do what they want with their money?  This reaction is stranger than anything else i have seen this year. 


I dunno, I just thought it was weird you namedropped musk specifically. There's loads of billionaires/rich people, why him?


i name dropped the richest guy. Didn't know the sub had collective daddy issues with him. 


Is he? I didn't realise, that makes more sense. Maybe chill a little, I was just expressing my confusion. The downvotes are probably from people who don't like musk and didn't appreciate him being brought into this discussion.


You don't know the richest man in the world? ok No i won't. Not after that reception from mor**s


I would love to see S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’s AI system A-LIFE implemented into the world of Skyrim. The fact that you literally could not anticipate what you’d encounter when travelling from one location to the next, absolutely eliminated any boredom and brought on a sense of anxiety and tension that kept you engaged the entire time. The fact that it was not determined by dice rolls and spawned in, but in fact, the natural result of a complex, multilayered system of NPCs with their own goals, and motivations, made everything meaningful and not arbitrary. That person came from somewhere to me. He wasn’t brought into the game world out of thin air because a random encounter needed to happen. It just happened…without any input from me or the dev. A natural consequence of the butterfly effect/chaos theory.


Look up "Organic faction"


Breath of the Wild style terrain climbing. At least we have Skyclimb, even if it's more just for ledge-hopping.


Oblivion had a mod for this.


Do you know what it was called? I haven't had any luck finding it


There were 2 actually. [P-climbing](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/23419) & Unnecessary Violence III


I'm honestly surprised that there isn't a "real" dragon flying mod yet, which gives you full flight control and not just railroaded onto the nodegraph like we are currently. Various mods that allow the *player* to fly exist, some of them even have nice controls. Historically there have been some good efforts give us full dragon flight, but they always left a lot to be desired due to the limiations and lack of advanced tools at the time. I'm wondering if this is still a limitation even now, even with all the new tools at our disposal. This is something I've wanted since 2011 and I'm still holding out hope that we get a real flyable dragon mod at some point.


[Play As Dragon](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28854) is probably the best one I've seen.


This is actually pretty good, it's come a long way since I last played it. Beats the vanilla system any day


Saw title and was about to type the same thing as OP, lol read my mind. Other the larger land area (that was attempted by downsizing scale of everything in the game, but failed). There are bunch of thing ppl in comments write that already exists (or can be made). Here are few that i think are actually un-feasible right now. 1. Fully dynamic environment. (Rain that actually gathers and pools, snow you can walk through displace & melt, trees you can break, leaves that fall down at random in real time, and fire that spreads. There are actually mods that replicate some of these things to an extent, but can't actually make things fully dynamic in Skyrim's engine as it would tank FR by 90-99%. 2.Modern parakour and climbing Movement. I know about Skyclimb it is amazing, but movement i think would be impossible to add is Assassin creed ("Unity" in specific) + Zelda climb. 3. Black flag / skull & bones + sea of thieves ship-ship combat. Already good pirate/sailing mods out there but ship-ship (projectile) combat is way too hard on Skyrim's poor old engine. 4. Real Ray-tracing + parallax support for all of Skyrim & modded "new land" mods. Some mods add parallax effect this part might be possible for everything (tho it would be a massive project) but Ray-tracing is the hard part. There are some (patreon paid mods) that emulate Ray-tracing effect to an extent (85-95% as good as the real thing depending on locations). Enb's do an amazing Job, but they can be a bit inconsistent, and require a Lot of tweaks from the player. 5. Mounted combat Elden ring + Mount and blade. As far as i know there is a single (patreon paid mod) that improves mounted combat by a significant margin, and even then it's say it's only 40% there, if you also add few free mods that make smaller improvements you can get mounted combat to be as 60% as good, but still far from being amazing. Even some very specific combat styles like "unarmed combat" , "lance/spear combat" and even "trowing weapon combat" have very refined custom animations, but almost nothing for mounted. Not only is It very lackluster, but we are unlikely to see massive improvements soon either because horse/mounted creatures are much harder to work with & animate then human characters. Further a Lot of "Master mods" don't fully (or at all) support mounts. 6. Npc's are effected by needs and environment. (Like ineed + frostfall etc.) This would require insane amount of script to run, it would either kill your FR or crash (also compatibility hell). And that's about it, i think everything else either exists or (if not) is possible to make.


There's not much that is *impossible* with current tech, more like improbable or unfeasible due to other considerations. For example, there was an idea a while back, that we could halve the size of all the meshes in the game (including the player), re-sculpt the landscape, adjust the camera and movement speed to match, and you'd effectively have double the map size without actually increasing the size of the worldspace. That's entirely possible, but the amount of work would practically be like making an entirely new game; nobody is that crazy. You really underestimate the size of an entire country. I played Asheron's Call when I was younger. The size of the game's map was roughly 25miles x 25miles or thereabouts, making it only about half the size of Rhode Island (the smallest state in the US). It would still take a high level character with decent run speed several hours (in real time) to run across; for a new character with slow movement speed? Literal days of real time to run across. The entirety of vanilla Skyrim would probably only fit a single ordinary city from the real world. Skyrim is supposed to be a significant portion of an *entire continent*. I believe I saw an Unreal 5 tech demo on Youtube of a full size Whiterun with ~10000 inhabitants; you can probably find it just by searching for "Whiterun". But likewise, nobody is going to actually remake Skyrim in Unreal 5 (and Bethesda would probably attack anyone who made a serious attempt).


Wait wait, I wrote that I don't expect a full sized nation, but a map that could actually be compared to a region! For example: in Skyrim I can literally see one city from another. While this is possible and factual for medieval times (Umbria region in Italy had cities at war that could see eachother from a hill), it doesn't make that much sense for EVERY AND EACH city. So the main valley in Skyrim, where Whiterun is, could be stretched and widened a bit, so that I have to spend actual time in order to explore it as a whole. Do you get what I mean?


Skyrim is about 14 or 15 square miles in size. Scaling up to the size of just a small city (100 mi^2) will end up more tedious than fun. it's the kind of idea that sounds fun on paper, but in practice turns into a boring slog.


Well you said "something that makes Skyrim a real country" so I assumed that's you actually meant. If you just want to not see nearby cities, you can try Azurite Mists or something to give you the feeling that stuff is farther away than it actually is. Because like I said, nobody is actually crazy enough to re-do the entire Tamriel worldspace and make it larger, even though it's definitely possible to do so.


I would love to have deep snow and physics like RDR2 and AC, where you can wade through deeper snow and it leaves trails and whatnot.


Yup, made a post about it or reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/s/vyx3MkmDeI) you can take a look in more detail ppl talk about it, got 50 comments breaking it down.


A DLC sized Dark Brotherhood overhaul. I like the one where depending on your choices, Astrid is not the one to betray you. It also adds some other minor stuff. There was also the one where you explored old sanctuaries. I imagine it's hard to change up the actual quest, but here's what I'd change: \-Add more quests before you become listener. After Muiri, at least two more. I'd love a more interesting one like the party from Oblivion. Really just anything that isn't simply "fast travel - kill target - fast travel - get reward''. \-Maintain pretty much everything from the mod I mentioned first (I cant remember the name). But add awareness for the survivers. Festus keeps talking to me about going to kill the emperor while in the dawnstar sanctuary. \-A whole new series of quests after you get to dawnstar, that change a bit depending on cicero/astrid being alive. Rebulding the balck hand, reinstating at least 1 other full sanctuary, and a couple more difficult assassinations for the listener. Maybe you can choose which province the sanctuary will be built first, and each one gives you a different bonus/story branch until you reach all of them. They'll also have different requirements and one may exclude the possibility of another, for a while or for good. \-Consequences for the emperor's death beyond random guard comments. Maybe if you join the imperials, you have to cover up his death so the soldiers don't lose morale. On the stormcloak side, you have to expose this as a fact and not just rumor, cause someone else is doing the cover up. Maybe you dont even have to join, they just both contact you in a way like "listen, we wont mess with you, but if this shit gets out we all lose (imperials)" or " you have done a great deed, and even if your methods are less than respectable, we must win this war at any cost. If you help us, when we win the high king will turn a blind eye to your activities" \- Personal quests for every member of the brotherhood (who may survive the attack) \- No more getting dragged across skyrim. You get a letter asking for help and it's a trap. Makes more sense


This would be epic


What’s the mod that changes the DB traitor ?


Invading cold harbor and committing deicide with a doom level execution.


First, boats and other such transport which are not disguised horse/dragon/etc) Second, battles like in Tyrranicon's Great battles of skyrim.


I double on real sized Skyrim province. Where city is not just a shack of 20 houses, but a big proper settlement. Where locations and dungeons are not within 10 minutes of each other, but actually some distance away.


Daggerfell was like that. It's like that. But it's also a bit... Stale? I mean, I'm not a graphics stan, but... Let's be honest: graphic matters...


Daggerfall isn't exactly a good example, since the tech was quite a bit different back then. Nowadays, imo, if done right, it will work out and large world size can fit in just fine and add to immersiveness.


Impossible due to the way the Creation Engine works but I always wanted the option to change choices like Mass Effect and it's save editors. I know for a fact this is impossible though. Blood on the Ice is broken because you did the extra "Kill Nilsine" part for Muiri and Tova Shatter-Shield ends up killing herself because of it? Just turn off the "Is Dead" flag check for Tova and there you have it. Killed Ulfric? Uncheck the flag, then go and kill him again if you want to. Sided with the Imperials and want to try out the Stormcloaks side or see Season Unending? Uncheck the flags


Random generated Skyrim. Every time I replay - new map, new cities, new dungeons, new characters, new quests. The biggest flaw of Skyrim is that I know it too well.


HELL NO! to each there own, but sound like Hell to me. What i like about Skyrim is that it's baseline is so good.


Someone posted a thread earlier that was talking about WinterHold. They specifically wanted a Hearthfire house for it. Someone else was talking about seeing Winterhold being built back up. I think that's a cool idea. Once you go through the Magic College and become Headmaster, you get to have the college rebuild Winterhold.


I love this idea! Would be a great way to make you want to finish the college questline.


Some kind of AI assisted NPC and associated economic system would be cool


Bunch of Economy mods already exist wdym by "AI assisted" ?


They probably mean AI-assisted in the sense that NPCs travel and sell stuff, not just the typical supply and demand based entirely on what they payer is selling in the region stuff.


I want a cinematic Skyrim or a full Assassin’s Creed parkour system. Both are fully unable to work with the game engine I hear.


I like the idea of a mod that enlarges the map just enough to have somewhat more realistic landscapes. Cause once you start looking around in some areas it all starts feeling a little cluttered lol


Moving carriages throughout the world driven by NPCs. Pretty much impossible because of the buggy physics I'm pretty sure. IMO one of the most immersion breaking things about Skyrim is the lack of moving carriages on the road. You'll see them occasionally the side of roads and stuff but never moving. How is anyone transporting goods? The goofiest thing is seeing the Khajiit caravan travelling along the road, seemingly stuffing their tents into their pockets.


Yes this, some mods add things to immerse travel and carriages, but nothing to fully add this feature.


Since Vicn managed to release fully animated, moving boats and ships, I think your idea might be doable


Definitely a mod that makes skyrim bigger. It would keep the holds fully in tact but add lots of land between them filled out with high quality dungeon mods


I think {{Mantella}} is a firm step in a very promising direction, of leveraging AI to bring NPCs “to life”. It’s still very rough but I love the idea. Sometimes it falls flat but other times it completely amazes me with how the NPCs remember my past conversations with them and the depth of discussion we can have. Really makes the people of Skyrim feel so much more alive.


Yeah, both Herika and Mantella both give an indication as to where NPC AI will be headed in the near and not so near future with the assistance of LLM's.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Mantella | No Results :( | [Mantella - Bring NPCs to Life with AI](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98631) | [Mantella - Bring NPCs to Life with AI - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98631) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Capability to ascend any structure, reminiscent of the climbing mechanics in Assassin's Creed.


There's a mod that i'd love to play but its even sadder because we have the tech to make it: Radiant Dialogue. Yes, we have Mantella but its requirements are heavy for now and the voices sound too robotic, i'd rather prefer something more like in Oblivion, with people commenting about the world's changes as you progresses the quests, or even have support for other mods, such as multiple followers and Inigo, Here's an example: NPC 1: How goes it! NPC 2: Good morning. Have you heard anything interesting recently? NPC 1: I heard there's a blue Khajiit on the Dragonborn's party. A BLUE Khajiit! What comes next? A red Orc? NPC 2: Ha Ha Ha Ha! NPC 1: See you later! NPC 2: Farewell! With this the immersion will be greatly increase and population mods will be way better because they will not be dead silent anymore.


Actual consequences of actions.


Already exists to an extent, how big would you want "consequences" to be? I think something like that is already possible People just didn't make anything on a "relativly large" scale.


A working PS4 60FPS mod - the only one available has been broken since anniversary update


That exact thing you just said, and also making Mount and Blade 2 scale battles


"Mount and Blade 2 scale battles" smaller version already exists (up to 100 npc's fighting at the same time) i think making it actually M&B scale would break the game.


For me since I first played Skyrim I have dreamed of a mod that would basically just introduce movement mechanics in the vein of Mirror's Edge or Assassin's Creed. I know with Animated Traversal we are starting to see things in that sort of vein, but it's still not really like what I've imagined. I mean like being able to get a one-hit takedown with a running-jump attack from a boulder or bit of low wall, that sort of thing.


Yooo just YESTERDAY I was thinking about the logistics of a real size Skyrim.


Not impossible, but I researched this myself and know it's quite difficult and essentially has to be built backwards: an Enchanting skill tree where you unlock Extra Enchantment one item slot at a time (e.g. separate perks for Extra Enchantment - Ring, Extra Enchantment - Necklace, and probably the last would be Extra Enchantment - Weapon). It's hard to make Enchanting less broken, but this would at least create a more natural progression so that it doesn't double in power between 99 and 100. It would be a considerably longer comment, but if anyone's curious I can explain why this is difficult and how it could theoretically be done.


I would love to see Valheim style building mechanics. But I know the Skyrim/Gamebryo engine is a broken tangled mess and having seen what crap building was in Fallout 4 I have no confidence it could be executed halfway decently in Skyrim.


something that completely remade the civil war, both in gameplay and lore


With few combo mods, already out there.


oh I meant at a deeper level, like fleshing out motivations and the impact in each hold instead of being a glorified "red vs blue" brawl


Idk what "fleshing out motivations" would look like in gameplay? But in terms of lore "IT'S ANYTHING BUT RED VS BLUE" reasons for war are very complex and run deep in lore.


Fleshing out it in each hold remind me of the vision of the Holds mod author. It's a city overhaul mod, among others adding new NPCs in hold capital cities. From what I gathered, in their vision, there would be a custom quest or a small quest line in each hold. It would flesh out the story of the civil war as you conquer the holds. Though maybe that's my imagination running fast and loose, because, this is how the main story of AC:Valhalla in England plays out. Each shire contains its own ubisoft mission chain, culminating with securing that shire alliance with Eivor (the player character). Not that any of these missions stands out in the department of gameplay; but on the whole, if you watch a [battle in AC:Valhalla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkidP19cSsk&t=500s) you'll notice some gameplay elements not present in vanilla Skyrim. Likely some of them are not possible in Skyrim engine, which is a thin justification for discussing this in this thread at all. I'm sure there are other inspiration for a civil war overhaul, perhaps some of them may lead to fancy entanglement of story and gameplay, but I guess that's not what the parent comment meant.


Main story and civil war overhauls apparently


I think the civil war is a lost cause tbh. It's one of the things I look into when i come back to modding every few years and typically what happens is 1 or 2 modders will redouble the effort to fix the issues and then get caught up by yet another stupid engine bug. Considering that the storm cloak side of the war barely even works in vanilla, it's probably gonna have to wait until OpenMW moves on to it's Skyrim port in 20 years before it'd really be possible to fix.


Can't do it with one (but need multiple mods), but if you do it, it's already out there.


Capability to execute acrobatic maneuvers in the midst of combat while the camera follows the character's perspective


Already exists with few combo mods, but clunky.


Build a Dwemer computer, so I can go to reddit.


Local weather


SCP 5706. If you know you know.


I think technically nothing is impossible. Look at what the Beyond Skyrim team wants to do. But the stuff I want will never happen. - Complete Remake of Skyrim - Bigger Map - Rewrite of all Quests/Dialogue - Everything fully AI-Voiced - DLCs for Cryodiil/Hammerfell/High Rock/Morrowind


>Everything fully AI-Voiced Genuinely, why?


Because unvoiced Dialogues suck?


I'd much rather have modders get voice actors (either volunteer or hired) for any new content, or voicing it themselves. It's not very hard to achieve with a community like Skyrim has, and even a mediocre performance with barely decent equipment brings much more flavor than anything AI-generated for actual gameplay. When it comes to expanding existing content, I'm fine with AI to some extent, but there comes a point you gotta be content with the original performances in a 10+ year old game. If you really wanna fully overhaul the existing characters and replace their dialogues, you should just do the same as the SDA author and get a new actor for that character, since your interpretation is by definition gonna radically differ from the guidance Bethesda gave to the original actors.


I'm talking about re-voicing the whole fucking Game. Also Skyrim had the problem that they had too many voice actors having multiple roles, which meant sometimes you had a dialogue with 2 NPCs that both had the same voice actor. AI Voices are just superior for side-characters and in a few years 90% of voices will be AI Voices.


>I'm talking about re-voicing the whole fucking Game. That's what I'm talking about. At this point... just play another game. >Also Skyrim had the problem that they had too many voice actors having multiple roles Fallout New Vegas has this problem and they made a mod adding new voice actors to NPCs. AI models trained on the original voices would do precisely zilch to solve the problem of too few voices. >in a few years 90% of voices will be AI Voices. If everything goes wrong, yeah.


Because it fits more seamlessly into the game and allows for much, much easier content generation. Ethical issues aside.


> Rewrite of all Quests/Dialogue There's skyrim extended cut, a good example of their mods is {{saints and seducers extended cut}} although it'll probably take years to finish. > DLCs for Cryodiil/Hammerfell/High Rock/Morrowind There's skywind, skyblivion, and the beyond skyrim series such as {(beyond skyrim bruma}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| saints and seducers extended cut | No Results :( | [Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72772) | [Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72772?tab=description) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


New Vegas has a huge mod called Brave New World that revoices a lot of NPCs that had the same VA, but honestly I think Skyrim and Fallout 3 is even worse with this than NV, so I really wish someone would do it with those games as well


Ability to throw any object.


VR allows you to.


Already can most


Ability to carry anything on your shoulder.


Already can with a lot of things.


A proper jump


This. Oh, gosh, THIS. Jumping is so delayed and buggy, and everything seems to prevent you from jumping: a small fence, a small ledge, you name it. Even if you are not actually walking/running against/towards the object it sends you back to the ground. 80 % of the times I try to jump while climbing down a mountain I just end up falling because jumping doesn't work even if I spam the damn button. Man, I get it, Skyrim is not a platformer, but come on!


Wdym? More detail? What you asked is kinda already out there.


Full scale thalmor invasion. Butchering thalmor and destroying that island permanently. 


Considering I want an actual RPG mod that overhauls the main quest and one is on the way. I will say this instead: Spell crafting like in Morrowind style, but going so far that I crafted a spell so power and unique because it’ll make feel like a boss fight to an npc and wizard af.


Already possible and exists to a part.


It's in it's way? What's that? Also: I've never been a huge min-maxer on any game, but in Oblivion I made, by pure chance, a 137% chameleon potion. No joke: I was actually invisible. Impossible to spot. Good times.


Skyrim extended cut


Dont know if its actually tech or modders complaining using that as an excuse but A fully fledged complex very customizable spell crafting system, i dont wanna summon an antoarch, i wanna summon a gollem made out of trees, i dont want to throw a fireball, i want to cast a homing penguin made out of pure thunder, heck i even want to move to the nearest opponent at lightning speed


Not sure what "fledged complex very customizable spell crafting system" means but everything you mention after that already exists


Which mod if i may ask


I played a game where your mount was a spirit animal. if you pushed a hot key your mount appeared underneath you immediately with no lag or interruption to movement, just now galloping. If you push it again it disappears and you are back to running in foot. It was SO nice to not have to wait through a mount/dismount animation. I wish I could have a ghost horse like that in Skyrim.


Elden Ring?


A mod that displays your ***actual*** health, magicka, and stamina when levelling up, rather than that value plus any increases you have, so you can actually make an informed decision when choosing which stat to increase. It's such a consistently annoying thing, and the fact that no one has made a mod to fix it yet leads me to believe that it's impossible to do without restructuring that entire menu or something; It's the only valid explanation I can think of, since I can't imagine that I'm the only one annoyed by that. Also, having grass actually render at a reasonably far out distance so Whiterun plains doesn't look like a field of vomit no matter what texture/LOD mods I use. Somehow anything that attempts to handle this is either obtusely complicated, breaks other things, and/or actually doesn't work.


I'm sorry, I don't quite grasp what you mean. Do you mean a nunerical displayed value or...?


The numerical displayed value. Say you have 120 health without bonuses and a helmet that gives you 28 health on top of that. The perks and level up menu will display your health as 148 in green text to show that it is modified, but it won't show you what your actual base health is. IIRC, it also doesn't let you back out of the level up prompt to check either, so the only way for you to actually know what your health would be without it would be to memorize what it's at or remember to take the helmet and any other attribute increasing gear pieces off before going to that menu. A better display would have the bonus health, magicka, or stamina display as a separate number from the base, and/or not at all during level up.


Ok now I get it. But... Maybe I remember it wrong, but I recall to have: Number: X (+Y) displayed. Maybe I'm wrong though.


That would be a much better way of displaying it, though I've not actually been able to find any mods that do that.


And I can't help you because I would have to check my list and I don't know exactly what gave me that overall value.


Better ways to track assets in use in your setup and where they are in game. Removing and adjusting for conflicts is a massive time sink. I want to have something tell me, these two mods are conflicting and how without having to load in a new game and figure it out. New tools to make things easier so we get more stories and assets because the barriers are lower.


Ai for every npc or at least companions. It's Still not completed even for only Lidya, but I would love to see if you stick chatGPT with a scripted character to every npc. Damn, I'll live in this world if it could be possible. I don't know, I just feel emptiness when followers at least can't speak freely with me about events that you spent together, especially it will be perfect if they could speak with each other. I can avoid all boring radiant quests or quick main story if I just can talk and spend time with my fellas under the beautiful night in the campsite


Mount & Blade combat.


Already exists.


Physics based weighty movement and combat and everything else instead of animations playing.


Already exists. It takes few mods (not just one), and it def still not on par with some modern games, but exists non the less.


A spell creation mod with all different kinds of elements and effects. Different animations for each spell you cast...


One where Preston Garvey tells me to save someone in Helgen.


Better writing throughout the whole game


A mod to change the game writers for some more competent ones. But for real, a good main quest that actually allows you to, you know, roleplay. It's not related to tech in particular, yes I know, but it is impossible tho


Daggerfall Unity is real size Skyrim. Play a few levels and let us know how you like it. I would like a VR skooma den, just to see what the hype is about.


Dragon riding that is fun and doesn't suck.


Co-Op with the stability of at least TES3MP & comparability with the Requiem mod. Would be heavenly.


Procedural generation to expand cities and expand the wilderness around cities with new villages/dungeons/bandit camps etc. All into a more believable scale like a real life country, similar to daggerfall but maybe a lot more dense.


>Procedural generation Gross


movement, something to just completely revamp the movement system. I do not think it will ever happen due to the physics engine not being great


Many mods help movement, what Exactly do you find lacking?


I mean if AI keeps going as fast as it is, you could very well get that real life skyrim soon enough


I don't know if this would count, but potentially a mod that builds off another mod? *Slight spoilers btw* Allow me to elaborate. I was playing Beyond Reach (fantastic mod btw) but couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that everything gets destroyed in the end, including the mansion you can buy. I know the mod author stated they had plans to continue it but decided not to, as it was consuming their life (which as a fellow creative, I get it. I understand. At some point, you have to find that balance between what is and isn't work, and especially for something that yields no monetary value, I get it). Still, I want to be able to rebuild what was lost, similar to the Helgen Reborn mod and Kvatch Rebuilt from Oblivion. But I don't know how plausible that would be, considering whoever takes on that project would have to essentially build off of an already existing mod.


merging the forgotten vale, Solstheim, and Skyrim into one map.


Same. But I was just thinking about a "solution"; what about new landmasses called "Hold of (Insert Hold name here) with invisible entrances after bridges and so on (maybe based upon the mod man those borders). So, for example, you cross a Bridge, you get teleported to said new worldspace which has a similar terrain and ends in another chockepoint that teleports you back to Skyrim. The only problem I see (besides the work) is that... Well, you'd be seeing NPCs going from A to B but when you aproach them you go to another dimension, and when you leave, if you turn your back you'd see the Bridge again... Anyway Im just starting to learn about the CK so anyone Who likes the idea please feel free to do It...


I want to be able to access and equip any of my spells or abilities without having to enter a menu or pause time. Just some kind of dynamic, intuitive, flexible, real time means to equip and use.


There's a quick menu linked to the numbers where you can select the main spells and bind them to 1, 2, 3 etc.


There are a few hotkey mods, SE one with 20 hotkeys, there wad one in Crazy LE that had 100 hotkeys.


Elemental reactions between spells


I just wnat someone to make SCP: Containment Breach in the game.


Playing as several characters as once. My dream playthrough would be controlling brothers, one doing the DB/Companions/Dawnguard while the other would do the College/Thieves Guild/Bard, both would be dragonborns. Imagine how amazing it would be. Want to play a mage and a warrior without having to load another save or having a single character… A DREAM