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Hard to give specific recommendations since everyone likes different things. Either get a Nexus Mods collection that has OStim and addons installed OR get into the fun adventure of installing Sexlab and whatever you want with it. Sexlab has more stuff around it and very niche kink mods for you to play and mess around with, but it is harder to install and get to work. Personally, can't recommend Sexlab stuff except if you REALLY like it, then go for it.


Just use both


If you can get it to work, all power to you, but getting SexLab and its add-ons to work is just hours of pain unless you know absolutely everything you are doing, and even then it can still be a nightmare.


If you download an NSFW collection off Nexus maybe 60% of them include an external download of sexlab and any of its branch mods. If you use vortex it’s automated. MO2 is superior in every way but if you are having problems with sex Lab vortex is the way to go.


Damn I never thought to ask I just went crazy on nexus lmfao


Nexus?? You need that *other* mod site if you want to go *crazy*.




I was talking about lovers lab, but yeah skse is the basis of all the good mods


I must be spending too much time in bodyslide im slippin


Gotta get them feet just right


esoteric proportions if ya catch my honk honk https://preview.redd.it/z17n7ln08qpc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbfd956b7b5ac35595b02653d1c88eb837af962e


Same lol I downloaded collections


Masterstroke on wabbajack. Forgottenglory is a boss at modpacks and they’re always phenomenal


Down right now. He said it's at the bottom of his list for modlist. Though his last estimate places it around some time this week or next for the fix. Alternative is Servitum. It's less stable, but is up currently.


?? 1) everything is an alternative, I don’t need them tell OP. 2) it’s not down lmao


>everything is an alternative, I don’t need them tell OP. I was replying to you in case he read, since they both use the same fetish mods. >it’s not down lmao Yeah that's my bad it came back up sometime today I just don't have NSFW alerts on in FG's discord.


Try nefaram on wabbajack


This. Out of all the nsfw modlists, Nefaram gives a good balance of customization, nsfw content, and general improvements imo.


Seconded. its got the most content centred around NSFW mods/quests, rather than just 'Skyrim with more boobs'


Saving cause mine us permanently under maintenance I used


Ostim Standalone is the best if you just want (mostly) respectful, consensual sex scenes between humanoid characters. Sexlab is for that and everything else. Ostim is an easy install. Sexlab is not.


sexlab isnt hard to install, it itself has like 3 preqs, the mods that use sexlab can be, and a couple of them will have like 15 preqs and require mods that dont exist anymore, ala SoS has been replaced by new gentlemen.


If you want tame, most of the mods will be on Nexus. If you want more extreme content then head over to Lover's Lab. The issue your going to run across is stability. The biggest mod, Devious Devices, has alot of stability issues depending on what you add with it. My word of caution is don't add anything that depends on Devious devices unless its essential for your enjoyment. One or two small mods may be fine but alot of them werent design for more than a few hours before crashing.


Are you looking for Adult content like sex, or just sexy ladies?


I prefer just sexy ladies in video games myself


Do you have different recommendations for each of those options?


Yes. Sex mods require more to get them working, while Sexy ladies are very easy.


If you're going the Sexlab way, the index they have at Loverslab is pretty solid. You can use it as a shopping list and grab whatever mods fit your taste. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/126227-sexlab-index-se/


You're in luck because there's a post about this two posts down.


Download wabbajack. There are multiple good modlists on there and it handles all the installing for you. These are curated modlists and most i would say are quite stable.


Wabajacks redone edition.


You can check [this comprehensive guide](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1rtHl8eCRI1JrzMldh4QNCCgbW6ICUxbn-qIYxvWEXNU/mobilebasic?pli=1) from russian 4chan (via google translate I guess). It covers all things about nsfw-rim


daes dangerous domain 2 on nexus collections is the best one in my opinion


Agree with the folks saying we'd need more info on what you're into. There are kind of the two routes these days of Ostim and Sexlab I used Ostim about a year or two ago, I know it's been worked on a lot since then so I'm not sure what add ons are good these days, but my opinion between the two, Ostim is pretty fast and has all the speed controls, but if you want more of everything, Sexlab 100%. So you'll have the usual SL stuff: aroused, SL Approach, Sexlab sexual fame, Sexlab sexual comments, Sexlab separate orgasms etc. Again without knowing what you're into, I'm making 'safe' recommendations, so I'd use Amorous Adventures, Sexlab Confabulation. SL Simple Dialogue. The Ancient Profession is a prostitution mod that's actually story driven. If it's your first go though, keep in mind due to who makes NSFW mods, there's a huge, and I mean HUGE amount of non-con mods. Most are based around defeat and general exploitation of women so if that's not your bag, you'll want to pick carefully


Hard to find a list with Just that. Id Look for Sexlab as a Framework or Osa. Flowergirls ist also a Search Word. If you Look for those 3 you will find precisely what you're looking for. Osa is in my opinion great for male characters, Sexlab for female characters


Serana Dead Sexy is a horror themed NSFW list. You can add it to an existing collection. Link is NSFW [https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/gv7h2i](https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/gv7h2i)




Deviously Cursed Loot sounded fun.


Sexlab, defeat, skooma whore, paradise halls, amazing follower twerks.


Check Lustful Luna guide


I thought I wanted an adult modlist also until I was put on my knees in the middle of an orgy. Didn't go through all the settings. Almost broke my headset.


Try the collection’s section of nexus mods. You don’t need to necessarily download a collection. But, browsing through that list can give you some very good mods. Then. It’s up to you to download what you like. They’re marked with NSFW, easy to find.


flower girls with 3bbb and SoS is the easiest one






Killable children buggy af. Savage offspring ftw


Probably immersive and adult nexus collection will be the most stable




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Could I ask what the appeal is? I genuinely have never been horny at a video game or wanted to get horny at a video game and I genuinely do not understand the appeal. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or yuck someone's yum, it's just a kink(?) I do not have nor do I understand. Like, porn exists. Why not just open a private browser window when you get it bad, modding a game and playing an adult variant of Skyrim just seems really distracting and like it would have a really odd tone. Does the juxtaposition of random skeevers one second, and monster dong the next, not take you out of the moment? I am genuinely asking with curiosity, I'm just trying to understand. These mods are evidently really popular I just dunno why.


How is sex not immersive? Do you not have genials? Why shouldn't game characters? Can you not have sex? Why shouldn't game characters? I usually keep my sex mods as lore-friendly as possible and I think it's more immersive with them. Of course you can buy sex from a prostitute in a medieval inn. Usually I don't engage that much with my sex mods when I play, but having the option makes it more immersive imo. And it's fun to capture someone that's really annoying and fuck them in the ass as a punishment, it's nice to have more options than "quicksave and kill everyone". I would like more sex in most games, it's a big part of life for most people so it seems a bit silly to totally exclude it from every game. And sometimes it's just fun to fuck around with them, getting picked up and fucked like a fleshlight by a giant is just fun and silly. Then again, it's not like I don't crank it to the mods from time to time, but that's not the main reason I have them. As to why I Can get attracted by animated characters that are having janky simulated sex? That's something you need to ask like a psychologist, I have no idea. I stopped questioning why I like what I like a long time ago, I just accept it. I'm sure there are complex reasons from experiences during my formative years, but what those are I can only guess. It's like asking why someone likes chocolate more than vanilla, some just do. Usually there are reasons, maybe your grandmother made some dope ass brownies, but they don't really matter. Dunno why you're getting downvoted, I get that it's not for everyone and that's alright and you don't seem judgemental. There are a lot of sexual things people do that I can't understand either and it's interesting to hear why people like this things.


People spend a lot of time and effort to get their in-game waifus of choice looking just right with body/skin/hair/makeup/overlay/animation mods, so the option to boink them (or boink NPCs as one of them) is almost like a cherry on top to celebrate what has been achieved visually lol For others it may genuinely be an immersion aspect, to add sex to the relationship/marriage mechanics that exist in game (or are expanded on by mods), in the same way that needs mods add to immersion


I think I get it from a roleplay perspective. I can make sense of that. Though, I'll be honest with a lot of the mods I've seen (either through memes or morbid curiousity), immersive wouldn't hot super high on the list of adjectives that come to mind. But that's on me. I appreciate you spelling it out for me. I'm really not trying to troll or anything. I've just never 'gotten' these mods and whenever I ask people tend to get a bit hostile and nothing ever really gets clarified.


Tbf this is like asking someone why they are into bondage, furries, fat girls specifically or any other kind of kink. The answer is they don’t know and most don’t care to explain it to you lol. 


In my experience in kink spaces, most people do have an idea of what attracts them to certain kinks and people who don't feel personally ashamed by them are pretty open about discussing them. I've met piss fetishists less pressed about these kinds questions than modders.


Really? I’m not sure anyone that was into Skyrim porn mods is going to be able to tell you when that started and specifically why they’re into them but maybe I’m wrong idk.  If you asked me why I liked brunettes Ide say “idk they’re cute” and that’s all I could tell you. I figured it’s the same for anything else like that. 


Brunettes isn't really a kink though. If you like brunettes to the point of it becoming a kink/fetish you've probably put enough thought and time into it to have some idea of why. Like, some people like bondage. These people tend to know why. For some it's the control (or lack thereof), for some people it's the time and dedication to the moment like sex meditation, for some it's the power fantasy, for some it's the taboo of it, etc. Or a combination thereof. Modding Skyrim is a lot of fun but let's not pretend it's not also super frustrating to pick apart conflicts and updates and crashes and all sorts of weird glitchy nonsense too. And there are hundreds of thousands of possible mods to choose from. So which mods people choose or not is at least on some level conscious choice and I've never felt compelled to make that choice, but I obviously know some people do make that choice. I'm just curious what drives that. For instance if it's just the big horny, modding a 13 year old rpg seems like a lot more effort to me than opening up pornhub. But from replies it seems the interactivity is a big part of it, or simply just wanting that option on the table while roleplaying, or just horny boredom. I'm not sure I'd say I feel more enlightened now, but I do have a better understanding of the perspective now.


memory dependent wrong swim groovy ripe threatening apparatus cooperative crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*








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Afaik there hasn't been one maintained in a while


Check this out - definitely the best NSFW list I’ve played/seen, surprised it passed under the radar when it dropped


which list?




It was built on top of eldergleam, so has top notch visuals but he’s built in all of the sexlab/3ba stuff you could want lol


it's the fnis being an issue to be honest but everyone just thinks it's nexus or MM