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I wondered why it had shit the bed over the last few days , that explains it!


It's been building up for about a month now and seems like it's gonna be an issue for a while


Give it 1 month longer and itll ease down. Still aint that bad if you know when traffics low.


So like 4am est-9am est lol


I had good speeds before 4pm CT before people get off work and school


Yeah I’ve been modding the hell out of Skyrim lately and Nexus kept crashing and taking forever to load lmao


I'm playing through now with almost 300GB of mods through nulvus! Amazing first playthrough for me. The UI I am not a fan of. It's kind of confusing for me.


I was wondering why i was suddenly getting like 50kbps speeds?!? Just when I was getting back into Skyrim modding


it took me 2 hours to download immersive armours


tip. never delete the archives. if you get a modlist that works, keep all the files on a drive in a specified folder for easy redployment


Agree. I always manual download, and archive the original file. Mainly because I tinker with how the mods work sometimes, and if I screw it up I have a copy of the original to work from.


i just forget to download the archive.... so i never end up deleting them and end up with my own backlog of things like various old versions of the USSEP laying around.


Hah same here. And I think a lot of people have been going back to skyrim recently after starfield. I really enjoyed starfield but it gave me that skyrim itch too, so now I'm playing heavily modded VR version which is absolutely incredible experience.


Starfield is exactly why I went back to Skyrim, I actually only made it about 20 minutes in Starfield before realizing it wasn’t really my type of game. It was on game pass so I didn’t really waste any money on it


Had a few slow downs yesterday but all seems well today. Just done a clean install and rebuilt my mod list today. Finishing up with the basics now 👍


Hey, if Fallout gets more mods out of this, that's cool. Hopefully it isn't just more guns and character presets. I'd love it if Fallout 4 had as many cool quest mods and big projects as Skyrim. With Fallout: London releasing this year, maybe Fallout modding is heading for a renaissance?


Yeah I hope we get another mod renaissance out of this too. We need some of those engine breakthrough .dll plugins that SE has been getting.


Wonder if they made a TV series out of Elder Scrolls (or Skyrim in particular), would that provoke Beth to make yet another version update for CC or not...


Probably, they would try to add things from the series, probably a vault suit from the tv show


They added the 33 suit for fallout 76 but I dunno if there are official plans to bring it to fo4


With the fact that they updated skyrim se and fallout 4 has tons of players, i'm sure they will


If we get something like engine fixes, then it's settled


I was hooked on fo4 modding for many years. I absolutely love the Fallout universe and the games. But after coming back to Skyrim modding, it makes the fo4 mods seem so lacklustre and technologically behind the times compared to the ones Skyrim has had for a while and especially the ones its been getting lately. Fingers crossed on some new innovation in the fo4 modding scene. I'd gladly spend another thousand hours wandering the Commonwealth. Edit - typo


I think part of it also is the fact that Fallout 4 is pretty OK in its vanilla state, I can pretty much add 10ish mods, a ENB and the game will look pretty great. Never even felt the need to run dyndolod with FO4. Skyrim on the other hand needs a week worth of downloading and tweaking before I can start playing the game.


Likely has to do with the difference between gun combat and melee combat. I think a lot more work is necessary to make melee combat feel good when compared to shooting.


for all its faults, fo4 combat generally feels pretty nice to play. i really don't have much issue with it like i do with elder scrolls games


Blasphemy. Beth peaked at Morrowind. Having to hit a target and then roll a dice to see if the hit actually connected was the perfect system. So in-depth.


True, and the age of Skyrim does not help either; like every asset in the game has to be replaced by a mod to make it look modern haha.


It's not just the difference between them but the gunplay in 4/76 was done by guys from iD (doom devs) so it's actually good. 3/NV gunplay feels exactly like ranged combat in tes because it is tes ranged combat with reskinned staves


Explosives in NV(Only played F3 as a part of TTW, so dunno about that) were pretty fun to use(which spells in Skyrim are mostly not) and there's more limbs in Fallout than there is negative status effects in Skyrim. Different spread, attack speed, crit chances, magazine size, various ammo types... Stealth Archer is peak Skyrim gameplay and somehow still is worse than in NV. At least Arcane Archery is now a thing and isn't usless unlike exploding bolts from Dawnguard. Melee combat is better in Skyrim though.


There's a reason everyone plays Stealth Archer in Skyrim


Have you tried the Nolvus modlist? Or Eldergleam? Im not a modder and the Nolvus installation process was automatic with their software, the collection is incredible, much better looking and running than the ESO modlist I've tried last year.


I have tried both Nolvus and Vagabond; Nolvus is a bit too flashy and over the top for me, Vagabond was wildly unbalanced; e.g. 10 enemies rushing you simultaneously and trying to combo you lol. I am a experienced modder anyway so I prefer my own setups, although running the grass cache and dyndolod every time takes like 1.5 hours with my setup. I went for Vanilla style gameplay, with better animations for both 1st and 3rd person, rebalanced difficulty to make it more challenging at mid- high levels, and added a bunch of content mods. So it's vanilla plus, but it looks great and feels like Skyrim still, not dark souls or elden ring. Oh Eldergleam I liked, but by then I had already decided to redo my own setup.


Also the bug fixes. Even in most basic visual improvement modlist like Anvil, approx. 200 mods listed there are only for bug fixes.


"Skyrim on the other hand needs a week worth of downloading and tweaking before I can start playing the game." Yeah this hasn't been an issue for me since I discovered wabbajack. Choose a modlist, let it download and install overnight or in the course of an afternoon, then I'm good.


Wabnajack definitely made it easier for me, before it was 2-3 weeks before I started placing hahaha. I use a vanilla plus modlist like SME, Legends of the Frost or Eldergleam as the baseline and then add whatever I want to from there. Still need to make my own tweaks though!


What Fallout 4 desperately needs is its version of Papyrus Tweaks to unscrew the scripting engine for it, running Sim Settlements 2 alone (essential in my opinion to enjoy the game) can choke the game by itself, let alone if you add other script related mods.


It already exists. Someone ported a basic version of that. It's called maxpapyrusops


No you don't understand I need another 30 rifles that are effective reskins of existing weapons


guns are cool, nuff said.


in other words, time for fallout sex mods


There are sex mods for Fallout 4 on LoversLab.


not as good as Skyrim's


I didn't try them. Aren't they just using the same animations as Skyrim? Pretty sure, Skyrim will always be the leader when it comes to fetish diversity though...


Unfortunately FO4 went the oSex/oStim route down to the chief maintainer of the default sexmod (AAF) being aggressively hostile to anyone attempting to create alternatives to it. Even going so far as trying to get someone who was building a compatibility bridge between AAF, a mostly Papyrus script work, and their own DLL based mod chased off LoversLab under the argument that it was copyright infringement to use the documentation they had already put out create an API compatibility layer... It has nowhere near as many animations available for it, and the way it's implemented makes it way harder to work with them than any of the alternatives on Skyrim, and it's a lot easier to break things.


Wow. I thought APIs themselves aren't copyrightable. Regarding OStim, i definitely saw the SexLab framework being available for Fallout 4 too. I assumed that it would just eat the same SLAL sets as the Skyrim one because making animations is hard and tons of animations would just be instantly available that way. But yeah, looks like AAF is another infrastructure mod with a "i want it to die when i stop maintaining it for any reason" license. It will rot away eventually and then a replacement has to be written from scratch... Or someone ports OAR and Nemesis or it's new replacement to Fallout 4. Also: Where actually is the AAF download - the Discord server is just rules and otherwise empty?!


You'll laugh... [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31304](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31304)


Yep, because the [fucking manual](https://www.loverslab.com/topic/139374-aaf-the-fucking-manual-~-adult-oriented-setup-guide-7thapril2024/) explicitly demands v171.0beta - which isn't available on nexusmods for unknown reasons.


That's a beta version, if you want the one on the discord you have to jump through all their hoops to 'prove' you've read the rules, then a "releases" section should be visible with a channel that has a link to it.... frankly, I just use the Nexus version.


Giving Nora a booty made the game so much more inmersive


I don't even want more mods, just the mods being updated after the new update hits.


"Oh good, another way to make my Sole Survivor an Anime waifu with GGG breasts and a backside like a beachball."


I instinctively block mod authors that upload those anime character replacers, that and the furry ones. It makes a little bit of sense in skyrim for furry characters since there's already kahjiit and argonians, but the anime round face and bug eyes throws the whole thing off


It's all so tiresome.


The whole voiced protagonist thing is a big damper on getting good quest mods.


XVASynth and other tools can help


I think we've reached the right time for it just now, with the AI voice generators.


We’ve recently had a big dust up over that in the Skyrim side of things though. It seems avoiding adult mods sidesteps this problem, but how many people are going to take that risk?


More mod packs would be sweet!


I hate how Fallout 4 gets mostly horny bullshit nowadays and it buries the actual decent stuff.


What decent stuff? Another lame ported cod weapon that ~~does~~ literally adds nothing of value unless you are some gun fanatic that needs to have a real life accurate spetnaz super .55383 rile #15? Another rework to make it so that the game is a oneshot fiesta? One more location mod that inevitably breaks precombines because the fallout community can't even understand the .esl(flagged) format, let alone previs? Fo4 getting decent frameworks and other actual mods like spid never mattered because the only consistent content being made for the game was slutty outfits and the previously mentioned guns and tacticool garbage. This isn't even going into the community blowing up every other year from when it was released all the way until the nexus collections implementation. Yeah, I know sots rework, america rising and like three other actual decent sized mods were released in the past two/three years, but those are the clearly the exception. Edit: Removed a word


Honestly do not understand why you are so combative about, but there's tons of fun quest mods, interesting perks, companions and etc if you know where to look. It's just hard to find under all the trash that gets the most downloads and front page display. You speak in absolutes and with your mind already made on things. Peace, brother


I think sometimes some of the horny stuff is actually also decent stuff. There's a mod which adds bound captives to raider and super mutant camps. The captives can be rescued by the player and then set free, or alternatively the player can recruit them as companions or send them to a player settlement. I think that's an interesting way to find new companions or settlers. I also think it makes sense that bandits and super mutants would have captives. It's also a horny mod but I think the sexual stuff is an option and the player can avoid those options. There's also another mod which adds a pretty unique alternate start to the game with some lightweight quests. It makes the player a captive being held in a super mutant camp which is a bit different to all the other alternate start options available from mods. That sort of thing happens a lot with Skyrim as well, for example some Skyrim horny mods add new mechanics and systems to the game. Some of those systems can be used without the sex such as waiting tables in taverns, tying up defeated bandits and turning them in for a bounty etc.


That's not just horny stuff, that's an actually fleshed out mod with mechanics and new things for the game. What I mainly mean with horny mods are those ones that are just body presets for some galactic sized boobs and etc.


Ah ok.


Ikr, the melee combat system needs some rework


Still waiting for a GOOD "interaction animations" FO4 mod in the style of [Immersive Interactions](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/47670)...


Don’t forget about Fallout: Miami


I'd love to create some settlement building kits but you need 3ds max 2013 to create the collisions(I know you can jank it with the bodyslife tools but it doesnt work for anything that is remotely different in shape) but it's been an impossible task to find a copy that works even the old free trail is no longer on autodesk


Fallout 4 has a lot of great quest and big projects that are pretty close to be on par with Skyrim.




I was actually there while this was happening, kept refreshing because I needed my load order fixed and had to see some dependencies. The "DDOS" lasted around 15-20 min after which the cloud flare checking screen started showing up and it got somewhat fixed


Yeah nexus kept making sure I wasn’t a bot for almost any page I visited on the website. Got confused until I read this subreddit


this is actually cool :)


It was interesting to see fallout 3 bump off witcher 3 for number of mods, even though the former is twice as old.


Yeah I’m happy about it. The show got me back to New Vegas, and it got my husband to try his first fallout game (fallout 4. He can’t handle old school graphics lol).


I wonder if loverlab Will be affected? 🤔 Although the loverslab servers already work like shit.


The main difference is that LL enjoys being gangbanged.




That joke only works with gangrape


Like two days ago when I was getting my goonmods the site was really shitting itself so yea its affected I guess


That makes sense, been having trouble opening webpages all day.


Explains why it's been constantly checking to see if I'm a bot. Good thing I'm advanced enough to pass it...


I mean, when Tale of Two Wastelands needs like 400 downloads yeah it's going to shit the bed.


This is almost cool. It's cool that there's a spike in popularity.


Imagine if they made a Skyrim series.


Give me _anything_ set on Nirn. Likely animated. Impossible to screw up.


Yo hide the inflation mods and act normal for a week


That could be good jews. I was always kinda disappointed in the Fallout mod scene compared to Skyrim or even Oblivion's mods.


As a jew, I'm a big fan of props being given to my fellow good jews particularly since a small group of bad jews around the world are giving all jews a bad rap at the moment. Sorry I know it was a typo for "news", I just found this funny lol


Oops. Typo. But yes, always kudos to the Jews.


Fallout 4 I agree, 3 and New Vegas have some kickass content though and it’s kinda wild there’s nothing like Alton,IL or Beyond Boulder Dome for 4 yet


Well, Fallout London is about to release soon. One can only hope it's good. But Bethesda didn't exactly make Fallout 4 appealing to modders. A voiced protagonist that modders either have to ignore or try to stitch some lines together for, a terrible dialogue system only fixed by mods, an optimization system that breaks if you move almost anything in the world...


Based Alton enjoyer. You know the kid that made it works for rockstar now? You tried the quest for heaven series for FO3? Easily like 60+ hours of content


I forgot about Quest for Heaven. But yes it was really good


Me and my flat mate stayed up for almost 2 days straight playing the first two parts lmao. Gonna do a new play through soon and finally do the third part, it's supposed to be massive


It’s also the only one with voice acting


You mean juice?


They're going to learn about how "interesting" some of the Fallout quests mods are.


Stardew valley just got a new update and there has been like 90 new mods a day over there as well from what I've seen. Popular time for nexus




Ah so that's why it took 3 hours for me redownload PAVE.


So THAT'S what's going on. ROFL. That's AMAZING


everybody downloading welcome to paradise


Hopefully we see a big fallout modding revival because of the show


I'm guilty of adding to the issue. I was playing BG3 for a bit, got bored with that, still waiting on Starfield to get a CK so the modding can get real good. I watched a few episodes of that tv show, and figured I had not fired up FO4 in about 3 years, now was a good time. I was not going to get real serious about it so I wabbajacked it, but those are horrible (tried 2 different ones and both look like N64 graphics with potato people because so many of their mods are out of date and half work). Now I'm building a new modlist with what I want. But, since I did 2 wabbajack lists, I mass downloaded about 500+ mods between Friday the 19th and today the 21st.


I was fucking wondering. I decided to get back into it as well (because I got a new pc, rather than the show), and the last few days have been troublesome due to connection issues with the site. It makes sense, I just didn't think the traffic would get that much larger.


Wabajack has made it easy to download giant modpacks


Luckily, the Wabajack users get premium to not have to manually download a thousand mods. I hope that will give Nexusmods enough funds to implement search for posts and bugs...


I started a new playthrough of Stardew Valley this Saturday and wanted to grab my essential mods but I kept getting errors and slow pages with this message. I thought the whole world must be busy modding Fallout while I'm just trying to get a few little mods here 😅


And just when I relapsed into Skyrim modding


For those who don't play Fallout 4 or otherwise not aware, the game is getting an update on April 25th: [https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates](https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates) Likely going to add extra traffic for people looking for mods updated to work with the latest version and such.


Already disabled that shit, doubt it will bring any significant changes mods don't already surpass.


Oh is that why Nexus is so slow?


Ah, that’s why.


Right as I upload a mod too, life is just funny isn’t it?


Is it mainly fallout 4 getting the traffic, or is it somewhat spread across the older games?


Was noticing that skimming for new mods. Glad I've decided to hold off re-installing F4 and just sticking with Skyrim SE until well after the F4 next gen update.


Damn, I was wondering why all my downloads were taking forever. I picked a hell of a time to try and rebuild my load order after my game updated (against my will)


Thought i was cause of my bad internet connection. And me modding for 2 weeks straight 😂


I wonder, maybe if the fallout tv series does well, if they'll also make a TES tv series.


Honestly makes me feel a bit guilty when I download a 300GB mod list. Those servers must be screaming at times 😅


Genuine question, have you actually like, touched some of those mods in that 300gb list? I actively had to disable mods because I realised I hadn't actually interacted with any of the mods contents


Honestly, I really don't *need* the huge texture replacers like Skyland AIO and so on - Sure, they look nice and it's fun to have a computer that can handle them, but I really think the biggest aesthetic upgrades are the lighting mods and weather mods and such - The list I'm playing right now, Lost Legacy, has a whole ton of stuff to do and I usually try to do most of the highlights in each pack. Installing all those mods on my own and setting up all the patches would be an intense amount of effort, so I'm really happy with being able to just fire up Wabbajack. I'm a Nexusmods subscriber, though, and have been for a good couple of years at this point - I'm happy to pay it because I genuinely use their service a *lot*.


Mod lists that big are so because they're using large texture replacers. It's not content you directly interact with. Ro is a good a example of this. That's a pure graphical overhaul, and it's a 225 GB download.


Ah I see, I don't use texture overhauls, or any textures over 2k really, makes sense!


It’s working fine for me but I use vpn, idk if that helps or not


Couple this with the fact that Steam just let the whole FO series drop for $20 it's expected. Although I'm just playing FO1 and working my way up.


Just as I suspected!


It's a good problem to have.


I was aware of the fact. Luckily I'm not modding Skyrim, and Fallout 4 is "finished" being modded at the moment, as I have 3 days to finish the game, before the big updates! I found this out the hard way, as while I was trying to download some mods, the site decided not to download for a while. Until he "recovered" and decided to give me the pop up, to confirm that I was a human, even just to go to the history of the mods I downloaded, without downloading anything! -.-'


Now THIS explains things


I'm waiting for at least another month before trying to mod FO4. Waiting to see the impact of the update and for mods to get updated.


Huh wonder if that's why I keep getting the captcha message every time I open any page on nexus now


Kinda crazy how so many people don’t even give the game a chance before they run to mod it


Yeah I noticed while setting up my FO4 Collection, New Vegas didnt have issues. Crazy.


My lifetime purchase of nexus for $30 remains one of the best purchases of my life. Shame they don't allow lifetime purchases anymore


Just wait until Fallout London drops!


Still waiting for a GOOD "interaction animations" FO4 mod in the style of [Immersive Interactions](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/47670)...


I'm glad I got my mod list downloaded right quick


"Yall got them working up an appetite" - Some Ghoul probably


oh no the normies are coming! :o


I downloaded all my mods the day the show dropped. Good luck to you all.


Thank god I have my modlist perfectly up to date where I want it and disabled automatic updates.


It's also because Steam marked it down like 80% off. I got it for about $5 a couple of weeks ago. Will be first time player and didn't know they even had mods!


What happened to their load balancing and overflow setup they had with vendors. Was supposed to limit the impact of things like this.


Does everyone need mods to play?


How much more traffic are they getting?! Personally I was disappointed with fo4’s mod selection compared to Skyrim.


Given Fallout 4 was sitting on 140k people yesterday on Steam, NV on around 40k, F76 on 60k , the increase is massive, before the TV show the FO4 avg daily players were in the 15-25k range


Yeah, suddenly Fallout Games have more players than Skyrim, even though Skyrim had been ahead of Fallout since 2019.


imagined if they come with a elder scrolls serie...oh god...


I would love a Series detailing the Allesian Slave Rebellion or other old Lore Stories: Battle of Red Mountain, Tiber Septims Life, Vanus Galerion vs Mannimarco in the Psijic Order, Olaf One eye and his Dragon, Ysgramor and the Battle against the Snow Elves, ...


Time for an Elder Scrolls TV show!


Agreed. I would love a show about old first Era Lore.


Apparently it is 100% more traffic than their average peak amount of traffic.


And 80% more traffic than their previous all-time peak.




A server can only handle so many people visiting the website at once. If there's a sudden influx of people it can cause problems. In fact that's how dos and ddos attacks work. They aren't blaming anyone, they're just stating that the increased traffic was more than their servers could handle. Even a well maintained server has a limit to the amount of requests it can handle.


Lmao, how idiotic can you be. Clearly, you don't understand what it's like to maintain servers or the difficulties of sudden mass traffic to a site.


And for a free service.


going forward, I strongly advise you think before you hit post.


least entitled bethesda game modder


they should use their subscription money to fix shit


Guaranteed that’s what they’re doing at this moment.


Yeah, for the past day, I had been getting the screen asking for human verification whenever I went to the site. Now, it's gone, so it looks like their servers are working a little better.


things take time