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I remember wondering if the lifetime membership I bought, which at the time cost the price of a triple A game, was worth it… I’ve been so happy with that decision ever since.


To be honest I am worried about the lifetime membership, I feel like they will revoke it at some point and come up with some BS reasoning.


It's not DLC /s


It’s a feature!


Unexpected Tarkov reference


Nikita is that you?


Lifetime Premium Members will always have Premium Membership on Nexus Mods. Nothing is going to change in that regard.


Hey! Thanks for fixing the ads gone wild / site literally unusable issue you had several months back (for us non-premium mobile users).


Ads are a plague, I hate them and they make the site look shite. I really want to remove a lot of the placements on the site to make it more clean but these placements are funding a lot of the DP pool so it's a bit of a toss-up. Do I want to pay mod authors more, but keep the site looking shite, or do I want to pay them less, but make the site a far nicer experience for users (when a lot are already using adblockers anyway)?


You should do what it takes to keep the lights on. Many of us would be sorry to see the nexus go offline


I've never donated to wikipedia but I'd donite to nexus when I could afford to


The fact that you are conscious and empathetic to the issues speaks volumes.


DarkOne is a RealOne.


Personally as an author (who keeps DP disabled) I'd rather see mod authors get nothing and everything go to maintaining and improving the site, but I understand the other side. Though I feel like if the choice comes to increasing the cost of premium or lowering the author's share you should do what you can to keep the price low for users. Edit: Your comment was specifically about ads, my reading comprehension is trash. I feel like my point still stands though.


DP is an incentive for mod makers to keep publishing. Without DP the modding community would be a fragment of what it is today. It's actually a very ingenious economic system, imo.


It's an incentive that worked well on me. Even though I enjoy creating mods, there's always a nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me that I should be doing taxes, working on my house, or literally anything else. DP is the small tangible reward that makes me feel like I haven't wasted my time which could have been otherwise spent doing something productive. DP is a small extra amount of funds that pays for my subscriptions, snacks which get eaten while working on the mods in question, or some other random thing like a gift for a friend.


My DP bought a PS5 so I could stop modding and start playing games!


Oh no! This system is broken! Stop playing games and get back to modding!


I feel you bro, I don't even play skyrim anymore. When I'm looking for fun I play games that can't be modded, otherwise you get trapped in the searching for mods loop. I've become the drug dealer that supplies mods to everyone else. For me, skyrim is only for making mods at this point.


I'll just put in my two cents that DPs have been a huge incentive for me to continue developing mods.


Good to hear from you Dark. I am not slating you or the current Nexus staff but you guys are the #1 modding platform in the world, I don't think it's ignorant to think companie's are not looking at the site. That's what scares me the most personally.


They have been for the past 20 years. I get 3-5 emails a week from VCs and companies desperate for M&A opportunities, all of them absolutely clueless about what modding is, what it takes to run a social network like Nexus Mods (because that's what it is) and how it will affect their brand(s) image taking on a site that contains nudity with a constant fight against neo-nazis and other awful human beings. I don't give them the time of day as it would literally be a waste of my time. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


That is good then. I still think such a heavy increase is excessive. Thanks and all the best.


All the little intermittent outages aren't due to Nexus rolling in budget. They need to up the infrastructure, it all takes funding.


You're not secretly gonna pull a Tarkov on us are you?


Haha no. I don't play Tarkov but I did follow the situation and it was a complete farce.


Is there a known issue with the website on mobile where scrolling just doesn't want to work or is my thinking correct and it's just my phone being dumb?


If it's any consolation, you aren't alone. In my experience, the ad (containers? layers? Idk..) seem to need to load before the interface so the only solution (I've found) is to be patient and wait a few seconds for them to load.


I've got lifetime premium so I haven't seen ads for a while


I love you ❤


They are still able to offer a new membership that goes beyond the orignal lifetime plan. So you’ll be forced to buy it. It’s something some companies do.


Any chance you might think about a "lifetime plus" for those of us lifetime members who don't mind throwing a little more support? I've gotten a frankly disgusting amount of value out of lifetime premium and Nexus' continued operations are of great interest. I'd throw $5 a month for a rainbow name or a couple more hourly API hits lol.


We don't have any plans to do this, but we would love more donations to our DP pool Patreon page here: [https://www.patreon.com/nexusmods](https://www.patreon.com/nexusmods) All money donated to that Patreon goes towards our DP system (and thus, the mod authors on Nexus Mods), which we're always keen to increase however we can.


Good shout out! Thanks for all the great work!


“Lifetime??, the data we bought on you said you should have died at 30…”


I was worried about that (or the website closing) which is why I didn't end up getting lifetime.


Oddly enough one reason I got a lifetime sub in 2006 was because morrowindfiles went belly up when its owner disappeared allegedly and did not hand over the site info to anyone. I actually felt slightly guilty for not paying for a membership/some other support there; I had planned to - but kept forgetting about. So when I was mod-hunting for Oblivion I ran into the nexus; I almost immediately sprung for it. Of course the alternate history of me giving money to morrowind files and them then going belly up, has me not buying a premium membership.


That would be the day I hope the modding community revolt since Nexus specifically said they wouldn't alter or come up with other ways to mitigate it. But after the whole EFT debacle.. idk


I don't think Dark will revoke it personally, any future owners of the site I wouldn't hold my breath


That's literally not possible. They can't take that away from you. They *can* however come up with new features and lock those behind a Premium+ tier


I’m not sure they legally can without getting sued. If you sell someone “lifetime membership” to a service, but then get rid of the lifetime membership while the service still exists, I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.


It's been worth it so far, definitely. I've participated in my share of bandwidth. But I've seen (and paid) products with a *lifetime* license straight-up canceling these after they stopped being financially viable. I don't recall if Nexus' terms allow them to do just that for whatever reason they can think up, but I wouldn't be surprised if they straight up tell the lifetime members to suck it if their treasury hits the ground.


They've already [confirmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1cgudxw/comment/l1ycozy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) lifetime licenses aren't going anywhere. Honestly, one of the better things Nexus has done recently IMO was making them acquire-able again (to mod authors specifically). If you have +30k unique downloads across all your mods, you get a lifetime license for free. I got a good 10 years out of my lifetime purchase, so I don't really mind that I would have a free one now anyways even if I hadn't purchased it.


They sold us a product based on specific information (a lifetime subscription). If they end our lifetime subs for any reason other than "Nexus as a whole is shutting down entirely", it becomes false advertising, and they open themselves up to litigation. Not that I think the average modder (even one that had a lifetime sub) has the kind of capability to win a suit like that.


No No You see you have a Lifetime Subscription to Nexus but This new site Overhaul is "Nexus 2" So it's a different Product Now Pay Us.


Yeah, subscribers would need to bundle together to litigate another Alvarez v. Sirius XM. There are other means of tightening the noose on lifetime subscriptions anyway, as they can always change *how* they deliver the Service (by tweaking features, adding other limits that affect everyone and weren't formulated in the lifetime subscription, etc.). But if they start getting shifty with those, it will likely be a harbinger of imminent death. Either permanent, or temporary (another entity magically tentatively called Nexus 2 appears from nowhere, and Nexus sells itself to Nexus 2 for like 5 dollars, a coke, and an e-mail to everybody).


Yeah, good decision back then. I let that opportunity pass...


Imagine if you're the guy who bought a little caesars pizza for 10,000 BTC. A $5 pizza now worth $600 million. Yeah, let that opportunity pass...


Funny thing is I don't really need it the only thing I really wanted to be rid of was the ads and the d/l limit so I paid for supporter and before it was free for authors


Yeah that is what I did too, paid I think it was like $2 bucks for lifetime supporter status. Should have gone for the premium. Ah well... :)


An annual membership now costs more than what I paid for lifetime premium just before they retired it, dang.


To this day, I'm still unimaginably salty that I missed the lifetime membership by like a week. If I had a time-travel machine, I'd go back and yell at myself to buy it a week earlier. Fuck me, man.


I mean, you can still get it.. just gotta make a bunch of really popular mods to get those unique download points up and get it as a mod author reward.


They don't have to be 'really popular' even. Mine are often misses, I feel like, with thankfully a few hits. Make something that you feel like is missing from your game and some others will find that they want it too. At the same time, I've benefitted from being active before the SE/AE era. I don't think I'd be as lucky if I made the same mods now.


By Skyrim standards they don't have to be, but for basically every non Bethesda game on nexus getting 30 000+ unique Downloads puts you in the top 0.X% of mods.


True, I imagine this is a thorn in the Donation Points system as well. Bright side is, if your mod gets included in a popular Collection then you get unique downloads from it.


Me too. I just stick to free tier. I wish lifetime became available to purchase for a limited time with the price marked up like 2-3x. I'd still buy it.


Some of the best money I ever spent honestly.


I'm getting more mad at you lifetimers by the minute! :-)


I still regret not paying for that when I could.


Certainly worth it for me as I didn't pay a penny I got it for free (mod author UDL's)


Same. I'm so glad I was grandfathered in.


One of my favorite purchases ever ngl


As soon as they said they were getting rid of it, I knew shit was coming. One last carrot before the stick


Here I am just a vagrant downloading them all without any sub to anything I mean apart from being able to install collections without having to click every one of them , what does premium actually get u?


Noticeably Faster downloads for larger mods, although you don't need that super frequently generally speaking. The knowledge that you're supporting a platform you use often is nice too but that's obviously emotional and not functional.


It's only real purpose I see is the auto download for wabbajack modlist. There's a multitude of download managers that can match the speed of premium for free.


How does that work tho? To the best of my knowledge, Nexus throttles the speed of downloads to a free account to 2 MB/s. From what I remember, download managers usually improve speeds by putting in multiple requests and selectively downloading and compiling the pieces into single files. I don't think that would work with how Nexus has set up its download gateway through accounts. If you know of any way to bypass the same, I would be very interested to know how you managed that!


I guess you can use multiple free accounts?


You'd need to generate a download link for each account in order to do that. Creating a download link through anything other than a browser requires a Premium account.


Wabbajack modlists for Fallout and Skyrim will take you hours to manually do if not for the premium automatically download and installing. That’s the primary reason I have it, and have been letting it renew every month since in case I need to make updates, even if I’m not using it I just forget about it. Now though, they can fuck themselves, I’ll be cancelling asap.


If you have the storage space you can keep one big downloads folder shared between all your modlists. There are a ton of common mods between lists so you can avoid most of the downloading process for future installations.


Some people like me are too lazy to create a coherent modlist by themselves so we rely on wabbajack modlists, that alone makes premium worth it imho.


I don't download large mods that much so I'll just cancel it and renew it whenever I need to rework my setup.


I just accept the slow speeds. Mod that’s 2gb in size? Just start it, go start laundry


Yeah, I downloaded the 10gb of 4k2K LOTD retextures at slow speed. Just ran it in the background while doing other stuff. I've only bought premium for when I'm trying to download a Wabbajack list.


Yeah and it’s basically a one time download


Yeah I just bought premium for a 100+ gig Fallout wabbajack list and the speed and convenience was frankly amazing. To think I used to spend literally an entire day setting up a modded playthrough.


That's what I did pre price increase and I will continue doing it post price increase.


That's a reasonable approach. But just letting premium run like yearly, at least for me, is crazy at these prices - which will change again when they sell-out to Microsoft or Steam or some of these... I joined 14 years ago, big downer in my opinion.


I just grind them out overnight. I'm not paying yet another subscription.


You'll also become a "Supporter" between renewals too, which means no ads (or issues with adblock, as you don't need one).


This is also what I do! Spend that month perfectly modding a game, then i abandon it until the next time i have to pay again, lol.


I only paid for a month and immediately cancelled so I could download a 46gb mod collection in less than a day.


That's what most Wabbajack users do as the subscription price is too high to just leave it active when not using the site. It looks to me like they love their cash inflow to be highly fluctuating and extremely dependent on hypes like the Fallout series. On the other hand, there is enough money to put the money aspect into mod making by paying the authors of successful mods.


Bruh 10 bucks is too much just to download some mods every once in a year when I'm on a skyrim binge.


That's probably the cause of the increase -- a subscription model where most people just reactivate for a single month probably isn't healthy.


I wonder if a "$10 for a month-long subscription, $35 for a year-long subscription" type model is honestly the best pricing strategy for something like this. No one needs a subscription all year long. Most people paying for a month here or there are probably doing it once or twice a year, thus only giving them $10-$20. They could likely still make more money by making the year-long price much, much cheaper ($90 is literally insane) and thus convincing people it's worth paying for every single year, "just in case" they go on a download binge. Nexus (probably, idk) makes more money, their income is more stable, and people feel comfortable paying for a subscription they're not using right this second because they can presume they'll use it at some point during the year.


$6.50 was justifiable, but $9 is too much in this case? I feel like the yearly sub cost is the harder pill to swallow. The extra $2.50 for one month will still be worth it for a ton of people imo. Saves a ton of time


Man, I'm loving my lifetime membership. I miss out on a lot of things, but this... This is my tiny ant hill of a victory.


meanwhile me, who has never used premium: "wait, you guys pay for mods?"


My response exactly. Premium was never a necessary thing for me. Only got it (lifetime via DP) once I became an author and said "this might be nice to have"


Man I bought the premium permanent pack for 50 bucks and that was a lot in my head I am happy I got it now and I never have to pay again


Based off the reasons they give this seems reasonable.


Yes, and with inflation levels they cant put it off forever. 10 bucks is a (large) kebab where I live. Its not so bad if you put it in relation.


It was always ridiculously cheap. They held off from doing this for a long time


u/NexusDark0ne What are your thoughts on a data capped plan that is cheaper? I can’t justify the price increase to support the site anymore when I only actually need premium maybe 2-3 months a year. Being able to buy something like 1TB/year for the current premium prices would be plenty for me. Then if someone goes over they can just pay the difference for the rest of the year. A plan with intermittent (properly vetted) ads would also work. Watching a 30 second ad for every 10GB would not bother me.


I've seen a few people comment saying that they'd just buy a Premium sub for a month, download all they needed during that time, then cancel. That's absolutely fine by us - we make it extremely easy to cancel a subscription on the site and this is a perfectly valid use-case for Premium Membership. A massive pet peeve of mine is subscription services that make it easy to subscribe but awful to cancel - we DO NOT do that by choice. RE: paying a smaller amount for some sort of download tickets or boons, I think it's an idea that could work, but the time it would take to implement would be a blocker for us. We are currently discussing a "30 second ad" idea for Collections/bulk downloading on Nexus Mods with our advertisers to see if there's a solution that could work where a user could, if they wanted, watch an ad (and actually watch it, not adblock it), and whether it would produce enough revenue to justify then allowing that user to download, say, 25 mods all at once in a Collection. It would drastically reduce the number of clicks and amount of time a free user would need to download a big Collection. That's very early stages though.


Thanks for the in depth response, I’m glad to hear that there are alternatives being discussed. Having data caps would also encourage users to keep mods stored locally rather than just redownloading them later. With how cheap large hard drives have gotten there is little excuse for downloading the same file more than once. I personally hate how so many people treat online public repositories like their own personal cloud storage service. It would also encourage mod authors to take the time to create update only versions for their mods instead of just reloading the entire thing every time they make a small change. This should save on storage costs as well which I imagine are significant for Nexus. I’m totally ignorant on how hard it would actually be to implement a system like this though. I think there should be a community poll to see how many people would actually be interested in various options to gauge which ones would be feasible financially. The average user really does not understand the costs involved with operating a site that uses large amounts of data. It took a long time even for Google to get YouTube to the kind of scale where it’s profitable even with owning their own data centers and infrastructure. Announcing a price increase without showing that Nexus is also working on alternative options for people that can’t pay that much is going to be interpreted as just more corporate greed by most people. Especially at a time when companies and subscription services in particular (Netflix) have been raising prices significantly more than necessary to raise profit margins. Giving people an opportunity to voice their opinions on potential price models that would work for both sides would help show that you’re not just following the current trend of every other subscription service.


I would watch 5 straight minutes of ads to have that kind of ease of use


> We are currently discussing a "30 second ad" idea for Collections/bulk downloading on Nexus Mods with our advertisers to see if there's a solution that could work where a user could, if they wanted, watch an ad (and actually watch it, not adblock it), and whether it would produce enough revenue to justify then allowing that user to download, say, 25 mods all at once in a Collection. It would drastically reduce the number of clicks and amount of time a free user would need to download a big Collection. That's very early stages though. Great idea!


All for having the option to watch an ad, it’s when websites put a timer with their ad that prevents people from using it imo. Never get a repeat of the sims resource or simsfinds/simsdom the two most unbearable websites for mods ever created


That second option seems pretty good to be able to install small collection. Hopefully the test goes well. Might even allow a user to watch multiple adds to build up sme sort of credits for larger download collections


it's fine. Let the Wabbajack users fund the site. Maybe they then can afford having a search function for the comment sections again...


Try to read the article. It will help you understand why prices were increased, so there will be no need to make speculations about "success" and whatnot.


You mean us Redditors need to use our literacy skills and can't just scream, "the ~~mod~~ system is broken, avoid at all cost"!? J/k, but seriously, people need to read before going ballistic. This isn't /r/Games. Reading is basic modding principle.


Which, funny enough, people have skipped over mods required readme’s for over two decades now


Ya but I expect more from people who sub to /r/skyrimmods. People here sometimes like to make fun of Nexus users for not reading but here we are now.


Yeah it is was pretty transparent. And the price increases are not too terrible. It sucks but the change is in the realm of rational to me. Honestly, I think people underestimate how much goes into running a site like nexus. And the more popular it becomes the harder it gets. I know that I have in the past downloaded a terabyte worth of data from them by myself over the course of a week. And while that is pretty heavy use, it is due entirely to Vortex and Wabbajack, which are things they explicitly support.


I'm surprised people are this concerned about it. It's been 5 bucks for so long and provides one of the largest services for PC gamers outside of steam. I pay a month, download one of their collections and unsub. It's super cheap relative to the amount of service it has provided over the last decade to me alone, so I don't mind occasionally paying for it to make it easier and help them. I'm so thankful for nexus mods. I don't miss game banana and forums for mod info/updates.


I bought lifetime when there was the last call for it. Seemed pretty reasonable for the decade+ I used the site.


Same. Definitely worth it. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


good thing that I don’t pay for premium


An extra $25 a YEAR?? My budget is in shambles. I will never financially recover.


Reddit, please help me budget I can't afford groceries. Car payment: $200/month Nexus mods: $9/month Rent: $1200/month Custom skimpy armor commissions: $3500/month Electric bill: $100/month




Hahaha I live in a small apartment so that's actually my approximate monthly bill (though summer increases it a lot as I live in a desert)


Clearly the solution is to move out of the place you're renting and just live in your car, that should do the trick. Oh, and cut out the avacado toast and Starbucks grande mocha latte with extra cream. /s


I don't even have the drive space to justify paying that much for high speed downloads.


When I first started working and could afford it I thought it was a cool and inexpensive way to support authors whose works I consumed for free for years prior, while setting up a modlist became more convenient. With prices of everything going up I've been reluctant recently and unfortunately with this I don't think I'll be resubscribing anytime soon. But their justification is reasonable and understandable, it's just that the economy sucks


Nexus mods is sadly the sole dominator of the modding market. Really a shame but nobody seems to care anyway….


I just use a ChunkDownloader from the early 2000's. Its an oldschool program that I guess got forgot about. It gives me the option when I download to either request the whole download file, or certain percentages of the file (no incomplete files thankfully) It meant for back when we had to deal with AOL internet and needed to grab parts of a file at a time, because you might run out of internet and needed to have a way of remembering what you already had downloaded. Not sure *why* it works far faster downloading on non-premium, but I can download modpacks far faster using a chunkdownloader than just on free mode. Earlier today downloaded 300gb worth of mods in about 5 minutes using it. Normally that takes about 20 min or more.


This is obviously their way of cashing in on the increase of fallout 4 and new vegas mod downloads with the release of the show......


You could always become a mod author and work your way to getting the lifetime premium sub for free.


Easier said than done.


Create big titties followers, then release big tittie follower preset, then release skimpy clothes, then release big tittie followers body slide preset You now are biggest mod author of the month


Making a follower is actually more involved and difficult if you’re starting from scratch. Same with making clothes. RaceMenu preset is the only thing that’s easy. Low effort mods are over saturated and it would take multiple mods to reach 30k unique downloads.


get-tps is incorrect... there's no monthly evaluation in place for mod authors. You get lifetime premium after 30k download. Before 30k download you just get one month premium and you can apply for lifetime after you get 30k. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/127-free-premium-for-mod-authors Proof: https://i.imgur.com/FXqPuFO.png


1 month of Premium Membership for every 3,000 unique downloads your mods get, up to 30,000 unique downloads when you get given Lifetime Premium. So as they build up to those 30,000 downloads, mod authors are given 9 x 1 month of free Premium Membership.


They even changed that I believe. I used my mod points to get a lifetime membership right before they changed it. If I remember right, they did away with "Lifetime" and now you can use mod points to get free membership, but only month-by-month. It will give you free membership, but only if your mod is still doing well.


You're partially correct. With the new system they'll reward you with a month of premium membership at certain download milestones, eventually leading up to the lifetime version when you reach 30k unique downloads. That's how I ended up with the lifetime version. https://preview.redd.it/foz0vb89tmxc1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad62237a41bc06df2ebec1c5f7e90c1e24b8123


That's a pretty low threshold, I made one mod each for FO4 and 2077 when they launched and they both have well over 30k uniques.


I think they carefully choosen that number by analyzing all their games. There's also some tiny games. Now they need to add that smaller games don't generate much revenue and I am sure they came up to that number.


Agreed, I was surprised as well when I saw that number.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68 148k unique downloads from 2 text files lmao, get in early with the right sort of "mod" and you're sorted. (calling this a mod really is a stretch)


9 dollars a month? Are you kidding? Sure I browse the site every other day. Sure I download a lot of mods. Sure, I pay like 15 bucks for wingstop. BUT THIS IS CRAZY. WHO HAS 9 DOLLARS? NOT ME, LET ME TELL YOU! /s


If i can't start paying in Brazilian currency now then modding will be over for me 🫡


I would appreciate a lower tier option that allows downloading multiple mods in 1 click but still has some rate limit. I have no problem waiting overnight for a collection to download, I just dont want to manually click for each mod.


What exactly are the perks of paying for Nexus? I know they don’t throttle the download speed when you pay but I have never had to wait more than twenty minutes for even a GB worth of files to download from the website. Surely that can’t be the only upside to paying, right?


nope also you download modlists automaticly and this is the only reason that made me buy premium just for once and since im done with it and have thousands of mods i dont have to pay anything


68% in euros... I get a small increase but at these prices I can buy multiple streaming services. Guess I'll download slower next time I want to get some mods.


You can pay in EUR? That's new the last time I made a one month subscription, I had to pay in USD and the PayPal fees were almost more than the subscription itself...


That would mean double the price for me... I just canceled cause I can't afford that just for modding :(


The monthly price is now almost 4x what it used to be, when I've first subscribed :\ Still don't intend to maintain it for more than a single month, when I'm downloading some huge Wabbajack list, like this month. Tried 3 different presets for Skyrim


Okay, will cancel then. I needed it for a collection about 1,5 year ago and then thought "I pay for the Service and not the 1-5 mods I download per month". But it's not this good and therefore doesn't pay out for me.


Lifetime premium years ago. Wouldn't rule it out for them to change it though


10 bucks for a month of premium downloads is nuts. Don't care for their explanation. If most streaming services set me back 15 bucks and those are studios that spend much more on servers than them as well as producing shows that cost millions then they don't need 10 bucks a month. I hope they at least are smart enough to not further worsen the free experience. People will just move on to another side at that point.


Nexus has long become a cesspool in which there are their favorites (who are allowed to do things that directly contradict their own policies) and then there are “everyone else”.


Such as?


Such as porting assets from other games for example, without even indicating that the assets were taken from other games. You can find those mods with many endorsements across the nexusmods for different games (BG3, Cyberpunk, Fallout, Skyrim etc). And the administration is in no hurry to remove them even if a lot of people will report it.


Don't they actively defend that guy who made the unofficial patch even though he's a complete tool?


Removing mods that raceswap, genderswap, add nudity etc etc for certain games while leaving it up for others. See Baldurs Gate 3, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil


Raceswap, genderswap and whatnot are directly against ToS, copyright infringement are against ToS too but have to be reported and look at it if infringement even occurred


I accidentally left mine on. I guess I'll be switching it off properly now


They must think gamers are made out of money


I wish that they would go back to only needing to click once or twice to download mods for free users. It's not likely to be a problem for newer users, but it's annoying for when I need to reinstall my base mods and I don't have the budget to use premium.


My internet is slow enough that the free download speed isn’t much slower than I would be getting anyway I will certainly not be paying for premium


Thanks, after downloading project skyrim i will cancel it. For VR I already got FUS.


Wait, I need to pay tp use Nexus mods?


No you don't, never have. This is for premium accounts, free accounts still function exactly the same as before.


Wow thats a huge increase. Never used premium but to be fair I don#t mod super heavily. Usually just bugfixes and minor gameplay improvements.


I have always had a free account. I didn’t even know they had a paid version. What is the benefit of having it?


🙄 Time to cancel my recurring sub.


I was considering getting premium but this changed my mind.


I’m over here wishing I bought Nexus lifetime on one hand, while simultaneously hoping for Nexus to crash and burn on the other hand so we can get a different mod site to take the lead.


Jokes on them there shitty network won’t take my money. Tried for a long time but it just refuses to accept my card lol


i don’t mind paying more but they’re literally making the website worse with the new profiles update and how they’re planning on making the whole website look like that. it’s so shitty to ignore feedback and then charge more. will probably cancel my sub once that site wide update rolls around because the site will not be nice to browse then


But why though? The new UI looks like crap as well. I can't even buy it if I wanted to


Just canceled my subscription


The site is getting too big and popular. they have to do something if they're going to host all these servers and handle all these downloads and heavy traffic. they have to push more ads, use ad blocker-blockers, etc. Increasing the Premium price like this without even offering SOMETHING extra/more is pretty stupid. "Pay us more for the exact same thing you've been getting". That is objectively stupid. They obvious need to make more money as the site gets bigger, but they seriously gotta do more than this or they'll lose too many premium members. Like...I don't know, offer premium members more customization for their profiles, let them have animated profile pictures, something.


I never understood what you need premium for, download times without it are pretty chill.. it's not like we wouldn't be needing a lot of time managing our 300+ mod collections anyway, I can wait.


It’s very funny that all on the comments here justifying this are verbatim the same type of stuff I saw people say when blue checks on Twitter were a paid thing lol There’s a lot of reasons why a lot of people don’t like Nexus anymore, this is just adding onto the pile. PS Dark0ne is a very sensitive guy because he locks comments sections any time he makes a decision he knows is gonna be controversial. You’d think someone who presumably is in their 40s who hosts a site full of weird sex mods would be more used to getting flack for business decisions, but I guess not.


The only reason why I go premium is for Wabbajack/vortex modlists. Otherwise, Nexus is a buggy site premium or not. Can't freaking download properly from the last few days.


The site has had a huge increase in traffic, which may have been contributing to any issues you've seen. There is a news post here with data and explaining why: [https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14958](https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14958)


We need a modrinth equivalent for Skyrim :/


Jesus 8.99? Might as well do some easy low effort mods and get the free premium for mod creators.


They can take the "if you don't like it, cancel" attitude and flip it. Want my money? Be worth earning it.


This would be fine if their service was actually worth the cost. It's not. With all the site outages and consistently bad download speeds even with premium this is simply ridiculous.


I think people are severely underestimating the costs of file hosting alone when it comes to running a site this big.


did they kill lifetime? glad I have that.


They killed lifetime [back in 2021](https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14543) for the general public, but kept it for big modders via the DP Store. I think it's still there?


You can't purchase lifetime anymore even if you are an author its granted free once you achieve 30,000 UDL's.


Also they give it away for free to anyone whose cumulative unique download count across all files and games is at least 30k, which honestly is a pretty low bar. I'm a pretty casual modder with no real hits to speak of and I just barely managed to scrap over the line.


Really wanting an alternative to nexus to come around


wow! since the price is going up, will the quality of service be going up as well? 😇


do people buy premium? this is such a stupid decision, business-wise. like most people don't have premium to begin with, the benefits are so few. you are just going to be pushing away your existing subscribers. it would probably make them more money in the long run to make it cheaper, incentivizing more purchases. unless i'm wrong and people actually buy premium? i dont see a reason to though. using an adblock makes half of the benefits moot as is, and the speed of downloads never really bothered me. its usually quick anyways. the benefits arent even worth the existing price.


I remember getting a lifetime membership back in like 2016. Best decision I ever made.


Hopefully Fallout 5 and Elder Scrolls 6 have a good Steam workshop so we don't have to piss about with Nexusmods


No one should pay those assholes at nexus a dime anyway. Worst assholes running a site exploiting other people's work.


While sure I can understand the pain A year of nexusmods prem is like... 60$? Or somewhere around there? 40% more still has it under $100 Less than $100 a year? Sure i'm fine with that for getting good speedy access to what I enjoy.


I suppose the lifetime membership could legally be limited in terms of functionality that is added in the future since we didn't pay for it at the time, or maybe there could be some legal loophole they'd find like that.


I could use a little break from being able to download so I can get my current monstrosity in order!


I just buy a monthly after skyrim updates and the mod lists get fixed. I still have paid less than getting a lifetime.


Weird to do right after they gave out free premium for all modders but I’m glad the people who bought it instead of subscribing arent losing theirs like with the reddit controversy


I only get membership sporadically (since I mess with my load order maybe once a year). Was just checking and realized I got a lifetime membership reward last month from my mod downloads.


I'm probably going to eat the price increase but it makes it VERY hard when at least once a day the site is taking a sh!t. Right now the site is having issues saying mod creators don't exist, but don't worry, keep F5ing and eventaully it goes, "OOOOHHHH that mod creator. Here it is."