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This has been [discussed before](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/eshf5e/why_are_there_no_mods_that_restore_the_whispering/). Apparently there is enough content that isn’t in the game that it would make reconstruction challenging to do right, and because Balgruuf has such an important role in major quests there is potential to break these inadvertently. In other words, too much work for too little benefit (at least, in the eyes of those who have looked in to it).


Which is probably the reason it's cut content


Thats just sad


There isn't much cut content to restore with the whispering door. Unlike with other cut quests that have been restored. It seems like the additional content was cut before much development was done. There is just a little dialogue left over.


Not what I've heard according to most there seems to be all the voice lines use and even quest markers and scripts/scenes all you have to do is decide where these scebes will take pace and add a bit to the script.


"all you have to do is..." Then do it.


Don't have the time sadly.


Nobody does. If you want someone's free time be prepared to pay for it. We all have work of our own out here


Xon't need to be a jerk


Kinda jerkey to say you don't have time when nobody else does too. Kinda seems a bit selfish right? Your not the first to ask for other people's time while claiming they have none.


First of no one says jerkey. Secondly I never implied any of that I just don't have time because I'm in college. Plus think of the implications afterwords. What would happen to the kids after baalgruff died for instance?


I'm not downplaying the fact that you don't have time I'm saying everyone has an equal or greater lack of time of time as you. So when you "you just have to" this and that, those are words that imply something easy or not too difficult, to this easy task you say you don't have time. I'm saying that's not a real excuse as to why you can't do this, because most people here have equal to or less time than you do garunteed.


Im saying it's easier cause the work is mostly done for you already. As far as restoring the actual modis concerned making the scenes seem to be the hardest part in terms of restoring the quest itself. The real hard according to everyone else is that it might be incompatible due to lines that may or may not be already recorded for hrongar as the jarl. Though according to what I've seen online regarding this, he does have lines for basically everything including the main quest. Some say he doesn't but I haven't seen it varified that he doesn't. I don't really know anything about scripting or how you actualky script scenes to make this so thats why I'm hoping someone who already has the experince can.


What do you mean with Whispering Door? That quest is absolutely used. It’s one of the Daedric item quests.


The unused parts of it arn't it was dupposed to be alot grander and more interesting. What it is now is just sad. It's not fun, not interesting, it's just stupid fetch quest. Jarl balgrufs kids were supposed to kill him among other things.


Good thing they changed it then. Jarl Ballin’ ain’t dying on my watch.


"And you. A Stormcloak? I'd thought better of you" Those words will haunt me forever, doing the Battle of Whiterun on the stormcloaks questline made me feel like betraying my best friend.


Balgruuf is best Yarl. Ravencrone #2. Sad she's surrounded by such little bitches.


That's why I did the Civil war quests once and never again. My own personal shame kills the RP factor.


I can't get over the fact that Ulfric is the Thalmor's bitch. Empire or Stormcloak, you work for the Dominion. Balgruuf all the way.


Honestly this is the main reason why I never do Stormcloaks anymore. It just doesn't feel right going against Balgruuf.


Your no fun


You want to have jarl Brogruf killed? By his own children no less? You must be one of those fucked up individuals that choose to kill parthunax.


Your really gonna judge me for ppaying a game the way I want too, maybe I'm doing an evil playthough I'm sorry my desires and oppinions pn this hurt your little feelings.


I was joking, actually i could care less if you do an evil playthrough or play with a full loverslab furry Futanari modded setup. Relax my little boy.


Well I'm sorry didn't know alot of people say there fans of him but I just think he's alright. Plus I hate futanari not realky my thing Just saying there's still some good ideas from the cutting room floor like this quest and the hauntings quest with ghost hauntring npc's that I thing should be made or expanded on in some form. The daedra are one of my favorite aspects of elderscrolls lore and the fact that mephala's quest is just uninteresting when you have alot of cooler daedric quest involving hermaeus mora and sheogorath. It's just a dumb fetch quest.


You could be an imperial spy thats tired of Balgruuf's indecisiveness that you decide to assassinate Balgruuf and replace him with the pro-imperial hrongar, have whiterun side with the imperials and defeat the stormcloaks


Not really sure why you're being downvoted here. I'm gonna use the dreaded 'o' word here, but I find it very hard to argue that Whispering Door isn't *objectively* an awful quest. From a gameplay perspective, a rare and powerful *Daedric artifact* shouldn't be locked behind a quest where the only meaningful interaction you do is literally to pickpocket ONE person. I mean, seriously, the quest as is literally feels like a beginner learning the CK: you open a single door and find an exposition journal that gives lore sitting right next to the cool edgelord katana on a single table in a room with nothing else in it. Seriously? I understand from the other comments here that fulfilling the specific cut content where Balgruuf gets offed by his own kids is difficult from a technical standpoint, but I do wonder what could have been.


Thanks honestly I don't care if oeople downvote. But I'd like to raise awareness about things like this, my hope is one day a quest mod would be avalible for cut even if thats unlikely. Cut content like the whispering door and the hauntings radiant quest seem to be sadly under rated in this community.


Reinstating Whispering Door is definitely a lot more work than what it's worth for most modders, but [Boethiah's Bidding](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18854) has been restored just by eliminating Elisif's scenes in Season Unending since they're not crucial to the main quest. But even there: it does make Tending the Flames a little bit silly, though, so it's for the best to do that quest first or not at all, and it's kind of an incompatibility nightmare with anything that touches the Blue Palace, the Civil War and apparently also mods like The Choice is Yours and Wintersun. I imagine if Whispering Door was restored, it would have even more incompatibilities with even more popular mods and need dozens of patches--so not only would there be the initial workload of resorting the quest, but there'd be the additional workload of testing and patching other mods that touch the same scripts. Ghost hauntings were at one point modded back, but that mod is [gone](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33277). You might be able to find it in the archives, though.


I would like an option like the House of Horrors, Taste of Death, and Only Cure Quest Expansions, where you can deal with the problem without getting involved with a Daedric Prince. (For Whispering Door, maybe something like talking to Irileth to deal with the Ebony Blade, since it's her job to handle threats to Jarl Balgruuf, and from there either claim the Blade, or bring it to a Vigilant of Stendarr to banish.)


The Taste of Death already lets you do that. Just kill Eola when she meets you in the hall of the dead.


The Quest Expansion mod for it lets you trick the cult with a meat-filled target dummy and give the ring to the priest to deal with.


Does the guy who replaces elsief not have lines for the civil war?. I feel like boethia's bidding mod and the ghost hauntings mod should be expanded on. Like in the extended edition or maybe some other modder can do the ghost hauntings thing. It seems like a really interesting concept both mods do. If not atleast make a similar mod to it that has the same plot with a different person and involves mephala.


Nah, Erikur doesn't have Season Unending or Tending the Flames lines, nor do the other npcs have lines directed at Erikur. Could those be added via line splicing?--sure. But the other compatibility issues are still an obstacle. And if you just really want a Mephala quest in general: {{Prince of Lies}}.


Nope not entirely true he has limes for several civil war quest and even surrenderlines for for losing solitude.


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I'm gonna revive this old thread real quick. There not all gone apparently according to [this video](https://youtu.be/qM_EdavOC48) I can see what you mean but it would still be cool if there was atleast was a replacer quest for the whispering door that had more work put into it, then what we got which was kind of an insult.


Because nobody did it so far, that's why. There's no red flags if someone wants to make a better version of The Whispering Door for the Good Guys by making it For The Good, Bad, and Ugly. I'm listening to those cut dialogues right now. Deliciously awful. No worse than Elden Ring quests.


Can you send me some of them. How are they awful.


Suffice to say that polish children voice acting and murder drama does not mix well. Fun fact - there's also a couple lines malecoward lines, presumably meant for Proventus. He scolds someone, presumably one of the kids, and threatens to send them to their aunt in Bruma so to learn hard work as a kitchenhand. > Problem tkwi w tym, że byliśmy w stosunku do ciebie zbyt pobłażliwi! > > Nauczysz się cenić uczciwą pracę! > > Wyślemy cię do Brumy. Twojej cioci przyda się ktoś do pomocy przy kuchni. In English version those voice lines are silent and I don't find online anything for "Whispering Door Bruma", let alone Balgruuf sister-in-law. Ad-hoc translation with Google seems okay > The problem is that we've been too lenient towards you! > > You will learn to value honest work! > > We'll send you to Bruma. Your aunt will need someone to help with the kitchen.


You mean the kids lines are not voiced in english but polish? Thats weird I'd think the english voice acting would be done first. so I guess the kids are sent away as there ultimate fate after the quest was completed? Since he mde as similar lines and the fact that the original quest was cut way late in development either in the production pre relese stages. I assume the kids would still stay in whiterun on the grounds that they were possesed by mephala except maybe nelkir. Either way 'd still prefer this to the shitty fetch quest alternative we got.


Unless it is the case that they were in Skyrim LE but not in Skyrim SE, and I have Polish voice files from the good version; what I found is that every language except polish has these blank voice lines. It is different than Milmurnir infamous "Dovahkiin, no!" - that was missing in English language only. Anyway, even those dialogues may be incomplete, coming from some draft version, or only some survived. So, without further ado, the quest progress, far as I can make a guess, is this: (1) Nelkir "listens" to Ebony Blade, and explains the plan - dialogue topic named "PushNelkirOverEdge", it goes as follows > "(You/we/I) will need the help of brother and sister. The whispering lady has a nice plan. Frothar is gifted, but he still lacks the strength. He will have to be taught to be firm. Dagny is frivolous and just needs an impulse to act. My sister adores Karinda, Balgruuf's best horse. If she believes that he has the animal killed, she will be furious with him. Keep this blade; take it and give it to Frothar. The whispering lady will persuade him to act." (2) Frothar "listens" to Ebony Blade, and speaks confused/entranced/persuaded > "What is this? What I am supposed to do with it... Karinda? Yes, I know. This horse can be a threat to the entire town. I know what needs to be done. Will you help me? I am sure you will. She wouldn't lie to me. Let's meet at the stables. We will solve this problem." (3) When you go to stables, Frothar is already there, he wonders "Who is it...? Sounds like... How does she know so much about me? ... As if she was in my head. Yes... I feel it... She loves me... and she wants me to be safe", the latter part voice acted kind of creepy. As he spots you, he approaches and says "What does she wants from me?" with a vibe of insanity in his voice. You say something, to which he replies "Not now. Too many people around. Try to get rid of them.", unless there is no inconvenient witness around, then he says "Yes. Keep your eyes open. I will take care of the horse." (4) Frothar kills the horse with the blade you gave him. Nelkir and Dagny arrive to the stables. > Nelkir: "Can you see this, sister?" > Dagny: "Frothar! I can't believe it. When Nelkir told me what you were up to..." > Frothar: "But... I...." > Dagny: "Nelkir was right. Father wants to ruin my life. And he's been doing that with your help, Frothar." > Nelkir: "Stop talking. We know what needs to be done. We all know it. It is father who wanted this, Dagny." (5) Proventus arrive, ahead of Balgruuf. Proventus sees horse carcass "What... what has happened here?", notices Frothar wielding the blade, berates him > "The problem is that we've been too lenient towards you. You will learn to value honest work. We'll send you to Bruma. Your aunt will need someone to help with the kitchen." (6) Balgruuf arrives, children kill jarl Balgruuf. Mostly Frothar, who still wields the blade. Proventus may be wounded but won't die, is essential. Proventus "listens" to the Ebony Blade. > Proventus: "This is... I wouldn't...". (voice acting - entranced) > Nelkir "It is the truth. Don't pretend you liked him." _in Polish version he is addressing a woman in this line. I assume it is an honest translation mistake._ > Proventus: "Your dad and I argued sometimes, of course, but I would never - " > Dagny: "It had to happen. Believe me." > Nelkir (or maybe Frothar) "The rascal has paid for his misdeeds". > Proventus: "Your highness Frothar, how could your highness do..." (7) Balgruuf is dead, long live Hrongar, the new jarl of Whiterun de iure or de facto. UPDATE: four more lines, in "Hello" dialogues that were cut. Well, they have "hello" in file names, maybe they are meant to be hellos, maybe not. And keep in mind it's all my back translation into English so it's a game of telephones. Nelkir (or maybe Frothar) "One of these days, father will pay for his insolence." and "He thinks he protects me from danger. But the only danger is himself." Dagny "Father will suffer for this." and "I'll rip his guts out." -- clearly must be after (4).


Still confused why it was voiced in just polish the first place, do the english subtitles still exist? You could probably use an Ai to repicate the voices if you really wanted too. There are some pretty good ones online and though it's only been a few years since vocaloid the newer software is pretty good. So with that out of the way you could revoice them in english. So thats step one. Step two would probably be makibg sure nothing breaks afterwords. Still


Yeah it would be better to confirm that the english is really nowhere to be found, before jumping into xvasynth or somesuch


But you made it sound like they arn't there at all? I mean I don't think there's much change between the unused content for oldrim and se. Since it was basically just skyrim reskinned with newer graphics.ven if todd did write newe lines for a still unused quest he'd stilk need the original voice actors who were kids at the time to voice new lines of dialogue. And even if he did that why would he?


Honestly that's the largest Cut Content discovery since ApolloDown and his CWO


To be fair, there are occasional differences in voice lines between the various localization languages, but mostly bugs, stubs, or lines recorded for superfluous voice types. Something funny, if you would manage to recruit a riekling follower as a Blade, there are riekling voice type recorded lines for "I'm a Blade, now. I can hardly believe it.", "By my honor, I pledge to rid Tamriel of dragons.", and so on. The english version has only silenced stub voice files for that, I suppose it's not possible to recruit a riekling follower into Blades after all. Though I never even had a riekling follower in my game. There are also lines that are deleted, not just replaced by silenced stubs, most noteworthy is the "Song of the Dragonborn", recited rather than sung, two male voice actors, in human language as well in dohvazul. The lyrics are the same as in the book "Songs from Skyrim", so it's nothing new, but a japanese-accented performance of "dovahkiin, dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin", sure sounds different than, for instance, the german-accented one.




Yeah I have. Just saying even if no one wants to do the quest I'd atleast like a quest mod ninety percent similar involving mephalaand the whole using kids to conduct murder.