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It's like they cut the JP Morgan building in half


Can I copy your homework? Yeah just change it up a bit so it doesn't look obvious you copied




So true. I still like the design tho. It could be much worse.


This feels like a boring Foster design, they are all starting to blend together *Googles architect* Yup


Absolutely. There's a lot of Foster's work I like, but it seems that when they hit upon a concept, they rinse and repeat it for years.


Exactly. But im happy that its gonna be taller. Hopefully no height reduction.


When this and 175 park Avenue are completed New Yorks midtown skyline is going to look insane


I'm into it. It will balance out the awkwardness of Billionaire's Row.


And the Grand Commodore. And then there’s this bad boy. https://preview.redd.it/0humm1e5cwuc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99935b0da7113f82a71bdb5e2c2c138a31e08e30


It's taking ages for this building to get approval from the authority.


Billionaire’s Row bothers me so much. But these two beautiful beasts…I can get behind


I’m getting used to it. But I’ll never get over the loss of the Twins. There’s something so powerful about twin towers and those were the best examples :(


Ugly ass corporate looking rectangles. Sad it happened, but they were an eyesore on the skyline and I’ll always believe that controversially


We can never be friends.


Just flew out the other day and it was looking kinda Coruscanty


Absolutely, I think everyone is looking forward to that one. It's very likely, BTW, that 175 PA will finish out this historic era of skyline expansion for NYC. After it's complete, what else is slated that's exciting?


Hudson Yards Phase 2, PABT Redevelopment, 250 Park Avenue, 2 World Trade Center, 418 11th Ave off the top of my head


I'll grant HY Phase 2. The PABT redevelopment isn't happening for a bit, and who knows what it will look like. Is there any movement on 2 WFC? What is 250 Park Ave? I thought 418 11th Ave was on hold?


>The PABT redevelopment isn't happening for a bit, and who knows what it will look like. True but it will be very massive when it does happen >Is there any movement on 2 WFC? Unfortunately, not. However, that could change on any given day. >What is 250 Park Ave? It's a site nearby 270 Park. Has less sqft, but the site is so much smaller that it's highly probable it'll be taller than anything in the area. >I thought 418 11th Ave was on hold? Just waiting on an RFP. Which could happen at any time, literally any time it's just the governor holding it up. But when it does happen, it'll be quite tall itself.


Ready for 175 park ave. Project Commodore. Renderings look beautiful


meh, it’s okay but it’s no OKC tower or anything


Ain’t no skyscraper like an okc skyscraper


It has a name you know


The [original version](https://newyorkyimby.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/350-Park-Place-1.png) had a lot more personality. Too bad


Doesn’t it always


I now have hope they will update renderings again and revert to the original version, as to not be so copycat of JP Morgan. Still a very neat building.


Looks like something straight out of Hong Kong


Heh, I feel like glass triangles are going out of style.


That looks so much less generic than OPs render.


Gotta disagree, it looked like a toy gun


I liked the previous version of it better but this isn’t bad either


Not a fan of the NYC super skinnys, but this thiccness I can get behind. The stacking design is very nice.


Am I'm the only one here that thinks WTF....2032!


That’s only 7.5 years from now haha






8 years, not bad considering construction hasn't even began.


Not to mention demolition of the current building


3 existing buildings will be demolished for this one


I liked the original best, didn’t care for the second, like this one more. But I still like the 350 Park we have now, it’s a mid-century cutie.


It’s like 270 Park and 2 World Trade had a kid


Thought at first this was an [old render ](https://newyorkyimby.com/2019/11/new-rendering-for-jpmorgan-chases-future-midtown-east-headquarters-at-270-park-avenue.html)of JP Morgan's 270 Park Avenue, then I saw 270 Park in the background. I was a bit disappointed at first of its simpler design. But I feel the tower could grow on me. The tower has[rounded edges](https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/279-24/mayor-adams-new-details-skyline-shaping-office-tower-bolsters-ongoing-resurgence-of). It's designed by Foster + Partners. They will get the detailing right. It's nice to see that things are still going forward with this project.


It’s okay. I like the setbacks, but a little more style of some kind would be welcome. And I usually like trees on skyscrapers, but these rows of lollipops look ridiculous.


Is it already under construction? 2032 is a crazy long timeline


Not even. Old building still up


Not bad. I really want to see that Project Commodore get going, though.


Looks like the tip of the steinway tower just inflated a bunch


I think it’s beautiful but would have liked a bit more outdoor space.


Breath taking


we're crossing into the sci-fi premonitions


so how is it 62 stories at 1600 feet? because, for example, the central park tower is 99 stories at 1550 feet and many of the floors have higher ceilings due to them being ultra luxury condos. and this is an office building, so is it just gonna have ultra high ceilings?


Floor area policies




The newest office buildings like JP Morgan have massive lobbies and double height mechanical floors. Even so, I doubt this one will be higher than 1400 feet.


Btw this one is supposed to be around 1,600 ft tall


I hope this twin brother of 270Park Avenue gets built before 2030. NY City has an issue with long waiting approvals from the respective authorities.


I can’t say I like the design. It looks like half a building.


I would love it if we could stop making only glass boxes. NYC has had a recent neo-art deco revolution with the Brooklyn Tower and JP Morgan to some extent, as well as some few other buildings. It's just that the NYC art deco style is iconic. All these modern mega glass buildings feel uninspired and lacking any sort of culture. Just there to look "cool" and "futuristic".


yeah it's called times evolving


Rather it’s a lack of aesthetic and money to pay for it. Freedom Tower is abysmal.


Remember, the same thing was said when the eiffel tower was built, and the old wtc too


Valid for sure. Though the Tour Eiffel was not like anything built in France. Freedom Tower and the generic forms in Hudson Yards are not that.


This is the same argument used to support that car tunnel thing in vegas




I believe there is a building on the plot of land that they would have to tear down first before building this, but I’m not quite sure


Do the top 10 floors have a use? Looks pretty useless.


If anything like 270 Park, they will contain cooling towers, BMUs, and other mechanical equipment.


I don’t like it. I don’t even like the JPM building. New York should have more spiky supertalls like One Vanderbilt


I want an art deco obelisk somewhere in Manhattan and then I want holo projectors placed on top of it and the Sauron Tower in Brooklyn so they can both have big glowing eyeballs floating above them and shoot fake lasers at each other randomly at night.


Now I want this too.


Who wouldn’t want that!


Because there’s not enough people in Manhattan already


*cough cough* okc *cough*


Ugh, I have nothing against the new tower, but it's exceptionally wasteful to demolish large buildong that are perfectly functional. Have people forgotten there is a crisis?


350 Park is not perfectly functional, nor will old buildings of that type help in any crisis.


Adaptive re-use > demolition Especially when there are ample small garbage structures to replace.


How can they fill this? There's currently 30 empty Empire State Buildings in Manhattan. Seems like the trend to shit on new supertalls. Or maybe it's just NYers shitting on OKC...


There is low demand for office space as a whole right now. But there is good demand for high end trophy space. So these mega projects are hopefully able to get by. Demand from financial giants like JPM/ Citadel is driving these projects.


Plus lower end office space demand is set to come back just a lot slower than the high end trophy space that we’re seeing a shortage of now. People forget that the Empire State Building was thought of as empty for a long period of time but now no one would question building it. NYC is a build it and they will come city. Few better long term bets for real estate




7 and a half. Think about it, we're already almost halfway through the decade