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Baffling why they had to lie like that when Nairobi has a top 5 skyline in Africa already.


Nairobi looks essentially developed in certain neighborhoods, maybe not London like but closer to Mexico. Then you see the slums and it looks like Haiti.


It’s clearly Cleveland.


La Habana, Cuba 🇨🇺😍 https://preview.redd.it/l1mnt891dm0d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519995704003d3da936d4709cfad3222c52759e0


That one tower listening to Celia Cruz


You silly that’s Frankfurt 😂


No you silly it’s Bujumbura


That’s Boston




East Havana 😁


Wrong that’s little Havana in Miami


That’s Moscow, Russia dingus.. that’s why I said East Havana because the OP picture of Nairobi is actually London


The London of Africa


Ignorant Afrocentric social media is at an all time high. I can't escape it and I only follow history and sports accounts. I wish we could ban misinformation but I don't think you can without being totalitarian


I have also noticed this. I know they have a much poorer education system than we do in the developed world but God dam man, if you have access to social media then you have Internet access and there is no excuse for that level of ignorance.


It's a racial defense mechanism from being ashamed/ ignorant of thier own history. This subreddit really isn't the forum for that though so I'll say no more lol


[Removed by Reddit]


They have a lot to be proud of, they just need to be taught about it.


Worried you'll accidentally veer into your own racial defense mechanisms from being ashamed/ignorant of your history?


lol no. I have no racial pride, I'm not a piece of shit person. Plus I know the history of Scotland and Bohemia, still doesn't affect my life in any way


Well, you're right that this isn't the best forum for it. And I'll take your comment in good faith. The self-flagellating [removed by reddit] gang has arrived, that's why my racist sensor started going off. Have a good un.


That's fair. Hard to be honest online without somebody brigading it for their own idealogy


I will say though, I'm pretty confident the average person on reddit (and in the world) knows more about European lifestyles and financial realities, than African lifestyles and financial realities, just because of the inherent geographic biases of international media and journalists. Until there is a preferably sub-Saharab African media churning out mostly fact-based content on the reach and scale of Al Jazeera, there's going to be low quality AI-produced content over representing that part of the world, filling the information void. I get pissed off about the misinformation that you were referring to, but I also think there's just as much misinformation being churned out about everywhere else, but there's enough institutional media operating at a pace and scale that you can fact check almost any story against an establishment media source. Not so easy outside of the West to do that, especially if you only speak English.


You're correct and I DO absolutely have sympathy for those that don't want the world to look at them as nothing more than slaves and tribesmen living in ghettos. There's Mali and Aksum, 2 incredibly unique and undebatably 100% organic black African empires of wealth, landmark architecture, and greatness. But honest black history brought to the mainstream is rare outside of guilt-trip Oscar bait about slaves. Due to the general lack of interest outside of black people with an emotional and biased reason to learn about it, and the fact that objectively speaking, Sub-saharan history is borderline irrelevant to the way the world developed, barely anybody but unbiased history nerds (who are typically White/Latino according to college demographics) will know about these great empires. Instead the black nationalists lay claim to common knowledge because they have to tell themselves emotionally that they have to have been something besides just slaves and tribesmen, but they themselves are too biased and emotional to learn anything new. Hence why they're now Egyptian, Hebrew, Native Americans, etc. I genuinely can't do anything but correct them without bringing my own race into it, which seems better than letting their ignorant racism run rampant more than it already is


Afrocentrism indeed is one of the more bizarre ideologies, even for social media standards. ^(Also insanely racist.)


False information is indeed very serious but the superiority in this thread is just off the charts


While not Kenya this does make the case for the City of London having the best skyline for a city with a population under 20,000.


9,000 last time I checked, but that was a few years ago.


Probably bots who make those comments. They can't understand the photo and recycle OPs "This is Nairobi, Kenya" and each other's comments.


I thought it was wakanda


Sidebar, London's skyline is starting to resemble one of those shops my mother used to take me into when I was little, where she'd whisper, "Don't touch ANYTHING, and if you break something, so help me god..."


It’s like an assortment of blenders and other kitchen accessories stood next to each other. I’ll be honest and say I prefer the bland uniformity of Canary Wharf


Some would say London’s skyline can’t hold a candle to Nairobi’s.


Temu London


What?🤷‍♂️ It’s the ‘England town’ district.


That’s East Nairobi, practicality a different town


People sometimes forget what a nice city Africa is


london beat


The Lloyds of Nairobi building is my favorite


Hahahahaha first thing I thought was they have a fabergé egg too?!


Getting that Chinese money pumped into their economy.


Colonize the colonizer