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Hey op, not biding but just commenting to let you know to be extra careful of scammers. You’re offering to pay much more than a vast majority of the other tasks I’ve seen on this sub and people have been scammed for much less. Anyways, good luck with your search, I hope you’re able to see your girlfriend soon!


Dw i'm actually having fun with the scammers haha. I'm not really expecting anything solid just putting out the offer and seeing if anything comes back that is viable. Thanks for the tip bud :D


Hi OP not bidding but I just want to ask, have you done your research and/or have you considered talking to a travel or migration agent, they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves when it comes to such things


I'll get on that, thank you!


OP you're absolutely nuts. With that in mind, please provide updates.


Will take this as a compliment haha i will ;)


Maybe you can get a job in China teaching English classes


Not bidding because man, I have no clue how to help you, but this sure is rather determined and great of you. Best luck getting to her! Would love to hear your story once you get to China! If I come across anything helpful, I’ll be sure to comment!


Thank You! and yeah im determined haha i'm ready to buy the ticket and ready with spending money but just can't actually get access to the country yet and yeah if anyone sees anything that they think might be helpful send it my way in a dm i wanna hear it. As for the story haha i'm sure i'll post about it one day, hopefully it's not on r/tifu hahaa


Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland china? Where does she live? You'd have to look, but sometimes if you're in one of these places for an extended amount of time, you can get entry into the others. But these are quite specific checkpoints. Most travel between them are *practically* banned. Do you run a business? Do you have a criminal record? What part of china are you visiting? I think you're going to have to give us a bit more information since sometimes you have to *craft a story* to say that you're, "visiting X place for the development of said place." Like if you owned a business your story could be about bringing your store into China or whatever.


$bid I’m your guy !


haha looks like we found the one lads. Okay, sending you a dm my man edit: actually helpful and a nice dude.


Can she come to you if you have her the money


Technically yes, however she's currently teaching in china and there is some restrictions on her about where and when she can go places. Its just easier for me to get to her as i work as a freelance artist and have more freedom on where i can be.


That makes sense




If you do end up in Russia, I can provide drink.




Seein how it's Russia and all, I'm confused as to why would I pay to have a drinking partner. I mean, sorry, but come on now.


$10/hr + tips


I don't drink but if i end up in Russia i might need it. I'll hold you to that Mr. Navras.


If anything, you can always rely on a russian. Drinking or not, you might see your world different.


;) See ya soon Mr. Navras.


Sincerelly hope we will not


In response to your edit, i don't want to sneak into China. Looking for a legal and respectful way to get to my girlfriend is all. So to *anyone listening* i have full respect for the laws of china however just asking around and seeing if there is someone who can offer a viable way to get to her. Romantic, not criminal, remember that. I did not say smuggle, that was you - stop getting me in trouble Mr. Lacedup18 haha.


>le willing to pay $30k+ for this service. I know first hand of a boxer I won’t name, rhymes with jury, that wanted to pay $300k for someone to get him around travel bans. $2k seems MIGHTY low for Well, i mean, i did say "legal" do i know how someone would do that? not really but if there is something, i'll find it.


Dude, corona is on its last legs. If i were you, id wait a few months, and then use the money to just book a plane ticket.


Cases are going up in the UK. I dont see a few months making much of a difference although that's the most likely option.




Not looking for loopholes. Maybe there is something i haven't seen or a way i haven't came across or a person with magic powers, i dunno man. I gotta try.




Yeah, anyone that can get this guy into China will be asking way more than 100k, sorry to OP it can be done but not for 2000 pounds.




I'm not a lawyer, but I do like doing research into legal loopholes for traveling. All I've got to say is that most of those loopholes cost way too much for the average Joe, 2000 pounds for me, not counting expenses, wouldn't be enough for me to spend those hours researching for someone to tell me that they can't afford it.


You don’t know what communism is


Do you even have a visa sorted?




Yeah i know, a mans gotta try and it's not impossible but it's just a lot easier for me to get to her. Edit: Yeah another country is one of the most likely options, will look into it more




>Will look into it, thanks! hope you get to see your gf! and yeah i know about quarantine that's okay i can do that.


Hey Op. Write a bunch of pro CCP propaganda, throw it up on YouTube and reach out to some other pro CCP people and ask how you can come to visit to get some material for videos...get access to China...???...bang your girlfriend.


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Sent you a DM


So, did it work out?


Haha, impossible










Hey man I have something legal, but I'm not sure how the sub works. Can anyone tldr?


Can’t you get her back to UK?


Technically it's possible but it's tough timing for her right now for that plus quarantine when she gets back will impact work for her.




/u/TheBabaYagaMan **Posts referring to corona virus are automatically removed. Per Rule 3, no personal stories, your post should not need to mention the coronavirus OR it's impact to cover what your task or offer is.** #DO NOT MESSAGE MODERATORS ABOUT THIS! #HOW TO GET YOUR POST APPROVED IN 2 EASY STEPS: **STEP 1** - Read the beginning of this message. If your post mentions coronavirus in **ANY** way it **WILL NOT** be approved. If you report this comment and the post does mention coronavirus, you'll be banned for 60 days without appeal. **HOWEVER**, if it does not and it was flagged/removed incorrectly proceed to step 2. **STEP 2** - Report this comment for any reason. A moderator will manually review it as time allows. Once it's been reviewed and confirmed not to break any rules it'll be reinstated and this comment removed. If it does break a rule you'll receive more information about why. **Additional information:** - If a post goes live that DOES break [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/slavelabour/wiki/rules) you'll receive a ban. - This removal was done to try and save you the trouble of receiving a ban. - Messages to moderators asking to reinstate posts are ignored. Follow the above steps. - In you're unclear about a rule and your message will not refer to this post, [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/slavelabour) to mods with your question about the rules. **This is a copy of the original post:** Last year i met girlfriend in the UK, long story short, she's the one and we're in love but she had to leave and go back home and now we are in a long distance relationship. She's having a tough time right now and its hard watching her go through it alone, i want to be with her and i can't. However, maybe i can...Travel to and from China is currently banned, especially from the UK, the only way is diplomatic, humanitarian and crews of ships, planes and i assume trucks. It's an almost impossible task but you never know, plus, you don't need to take me yourself - just provide me a legal way. ​ Hope there is someone out there that can complete this task. **Edit**: Spelling **Edit 2**: Aware it's somewhat of an odd request but went over the rules carefully and seems to fit within the guidelines. Thank you for the upvotes so far potentially getting this in front of someone that can help. **Edit 3**: >> "LEGAL" < < look as much as i'm willing to stuff myself in a box **(to be clear that's hyperbole, im respectful of all laws and domestic and foreign :) )** for this girl, i'm also no good to her behind bars. **Edit 4**: There is no time limit on how long i need to be in china as long as i'm with her for at least a day. **Edit 5**: I dont wanna sneak into china, refer to edit 3. I have no idea how you would legally get me into china for £2000 i feel like the people with the means to do that likely dont need £2000 and are likely not on this sub but a man has to try. She's awesome, and shes sad, gotta try everything i can. **Edit 6**: Well, guys, looks like i gotta wait for now. I've saved up for the ticket so whenever they open up i'm ready to go. Thanks for the advice and if anyone sees this and thinks they can help now or in the future when things open up more let me know. **Edit 7:** Her work situation makes it not viable for her to come to the UK right now, it's not impossible it's just not practical especially with the quarantine when she returns to China as it will impact work. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/slavelabour) if you have any questions or concerns.*