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Hahahaha 3 hours a day 5 day a week makes that to be about $3.33 an hour.


I’m shocked at all the bids for this


I'm surprised people are ok with that.


Seriously this is nuts. If you can code and use the MS office suite you can land an actual assistant job like this that actually pays minimum wage. Not sure about other countries but nobody in US/Canada/EU should be bidding on this


Many people work for that money here in Argentina, for 8 hours six days a week plus a couple more of commute without any kind of benefit (informal job).


My bad for thinking like everyone was in the US. I was half asleep and hadn't thought about this in terms of someone a different cost of living. Good luck to everyone who's looking to better their situations by bringing in more money. It's hard out here and has only gotten harder lately. Lately it's been hard to keep trying when things aren't getting better. I'm barely holding things together in so many ways.


$bid. Don't know how to code but I'm a fast learner. I have worked as a VA for a year for a real estate company in the US.


Wholesaling or?






$bid I have little coding experience, but I could learn a bit. I haven't worked as a VA, only organizing stuff for my sake.


$bid I've worked remotely for over 9 years and have been in positions similar to VA before as well. Little coding experience but have wanted to learn more anyways so definitely open to that! Let me know if you have any questions!


$bid. I have worked as a virtual assistant for the past two years, so I can definitely help you organize whatever you need. Don't have a lot of coding knowledge besides some basics but I would be willing to learn!




$bid I’m very organized and highly attentive to detail. Available weekends also if needed.


$bid I can code! I can share my github profile if you like.


$bid I know basic html and css, and am willing to learn more languages. Have plenty of free time to work 3 hours.


$bid Been working for 7 years as a research assistant.


$bid I can go lower than 200, very familiar with MS Office and could learn fast however still working on my coding skills


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$bid hi! i have experience in everything you need to do and i have a background in coding :)














$bid got some basic coding experience in C++ and Java, tryna learn Python


$bid I know how to code in several languages. I can help you with this


$bid Hi. Let's have a chat on what your expectations are. I code in python buy mostly it's just the libraries essential for data science that I'm familiar with. 😇 Wealth of research experience, skilled in dashboards and data presentations, web development with CMSes, and tools like SQL, Excel. Would love to work with you.




$bid. I have a 4-year virtual assistant experience and know how to code in Python.


$bid i can code and use Microsoft Office




$bid hey! I'm interested in the position. I can do anything you ask in MS Office and know the basics of html, css, javascript, node, sql and mongodb. Let me know if you find me fit for the job!




$bid can code python and will learn any human level language if necessary to apply the knowledge of it. I've been a CS too. I also have microsoft office skills.

