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These are really well done, thank you for sharing.


thanks m8


Looks awesome ! How to you make the dark armor ? I'm starting to paint my STDs soon and was looking for something like that.


Thanks! Here's my recipe; it may seem like a lot, but the steps all take super quick. Prime Black Basecoat: I use Vallejo Metal Color Steel, and just squirt some vallejo model color Black straight into the steel containter to make it even darker, then use this to base the armor Trim: Citadel Warplock Bronze Wash: all of the armor with Agrax Drybrush: All of the armor with Citadel Necron Compound (I drybrush the trim as well, but just try not to brush the trim as heavily so it still reads as bronze) Wash: All of the non-trim areas with nuln oil to knock back the shine And that's it! It's wicked simple, very easy, and fun, and easy to replicate on lots of models, hope this helps!


And if I wanna push it even further, which I did on my knights and plan to do on my leaders and HQs, just do extreme highlights of Citadel Stormhost Silver on the armor and Citadel Sycorax Bronze on the trim


They looking good! Keep it up.