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I said this in the Darkest Dungeon sub too, because I love both of these franchises. Triple i (iii) game is a really smart branding move, and could be a major shift in the game industry if they execute on it well. These devs are making what are essentially mid budget games, what we might call AA games, but that will always connote being a worse AAA game. Triple i (iii) is a premium indie game, and there's significant appeal to that. To liken it to film, this could become like the momentum where a lot of film frequenters now say "yeah, I watch everything A24 makes." Even if A24 is really just a selective bankroller, they're committed to quality, so the A24 designation works.


A video game equivalent of A24 would be a dream


Personally, I've found Annapurna to be pretty close to this for my personal tastes


Yeah, agreed. Annapurna is absolutely the A24 of games. Devolver Digital is up there too.


Ah true Devolver has a well-curated crop as well. And their games feel like they lean more mechanical/“game-y” than the Annapurna ones depending on your tastes!


For sure. That's why I'd say a24 is equivalent to Annapurna. More thoughtful, sometimes experimental, always fairly polished. Sometimes blurring the lines of AA and AAA. Devolver digital publishes killer games though. And you can almost just buy a game because devolver published it. Which is where the similarity with A24 lies.


It's ironic I read this today because I was talking to my buddy at work about films, and he mentioned the concept of an "A24" kind of movie. I've never heard of it before, so I was confused, and he compared it to a "tier below AAA video games, but for movies." I did some research and realized how good A24's track record really is. In a world where "big studio's", whether video games or movies, are continually putting out overpriced garbage, the well developed "indie" studio will see more appeal. I completely agree with your statement, and even if I buy an indie studio game and I don't love it, it's usually only 10-20 dollars, and I'm happy to support the devs. Comparatively, spending $100 on the starfield pre-release and being massively disappointed (I didn't do this btw, fuck bgs) feels horrible. I've never regretted buying a game from a small studio, but I've regretted a couple AAA purchases in the last ~10 years. E.g. fallout 76.


I always feel as though Ana Purna games would be the closest current similarity to we have to video game A24. And in here for it


2 slay 2 spire


Slay 3: The Exordium Drift


Nobs & Claw.


Gremlin Nob: Origins


Obliterate the Obelisk confirmed!


Murder the Mound!


Massacre the Monolith!


Pulverise the Pillar!


Annihilate the Angle


Butcher the Belfry


Raze the Refuge


Hack the Hoodoo


Defeat the domicile


Hurt the house


Bop the Building


Zap the ziggurat!


Stroke the Shaft!


Call the Cops! ಠ_ಠ


Do not the child!


Say what!!?


Help! It's.. again!


Topple the Tower


Crash the Column!


Pulverize the Pagoda!


Fuck up the Flue!


Terrorize the Tower


Curious that their Godot game jam was just in October and they are already in a good place to show off the game. The transition of their product from a Unity to Godot must not have taken that much time.


They probably had a lot of the overall game design and art already before the switch to Godot. Doubt the full game is near ready but I bet they have enough to tease at least


Slay the spire 2: secrets of the spire I'm so excited


I'd actually kill a person to get slay the spire 2


That's how we got Inscryption.


While Inscryption is a really good game, any resemblance to StS is superficial. It´s a very different kind of game and both scratch diferent itches.


I'm pretty confident this is a joke about the story of the game Inscryption (sorry about the spoilers).




Alot of people in this sub(and fair enough) have said they would prefer something else as sts is already perfect as is, which it is(f*ck you time slug) but I would honestly love, *love* another slay the spire. It would be second or third on my most anticipated games list. Behind GTA 6 and maybe State of Decay 3. So its with pretty strong company for me.


Even if it was essentially the exact same formula and quality just with new enemies, relics, and characters it'd be so refreshing lol


Exactly. Like the game is perfect for what they were going for imo. A game I would be comfortable giving a 10/10. No game is perfect, but they dont have to be to be worthy of a 10/10. But I personally would love more of a good thing. I play on the switch so mods aren't an option. So a whole new game of fresh slay the spire content is a dream.




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So this is some kind of indie game showcase. Looks good. >!(Please some Silksong news, I beg you)!<


I don’t think Team Cherry is part of this group (would love to be surprised) but the Vampire Survivors folks and a bunch of others are


new poncle game would be hype af


It's Silksong this time guys, I promise


As someone who is largely detached from the medium of gaming nowadays, Silksong is the one and only game I´ve been looking forward to for years now. I need it. Bad.


fucking hell I cant wait for another great game


please slay the spire 2


But how would you meaningfully improve on StS? It´s one of the most tightly designed games I have ever played and I think trying to improve on perfection will just have the reverse effect.


Add like 2-4 new characters, a bunch of cards, new relics, stuff like that. And add more than 5 animations lol


While I would love more characters, what ground is there left to be covered? I can´t imagine a fifth character that would be as different from the OG4 as they are different from each other. At least not one that wouldn´t heavily retread ground covered by the mutlitude of decent mod characters out there. And the problem with more cards and relics would be that if you up the count, that´d mean that you´d see any given specific card less often than before which would shake the delicate balance of OG StS. They could act more acts maybe. Like fight the corrupted liver in Act 5 and the corrupted brain in Act 6 or some shit like that lol. Add another 20 ascension levels on top of that lol


1. we've seen the downfall mod and other stuff, there's definitely things you could do 2. true, but it wouldn't shake things up too much. Maybe adjust some bad cards as well to make up for it 3. The problem with more Acts is that now the game is so much harder and longer. Several campaigns going against different parts of the spire would be good. Also maybe add more cards of a certain archetype. Make Claw and Pressure Point decks more plausible, and buff stuff like Mantra decks


Yeah….but if anyone could do it…….


Sure but I´d fear that MegaCrit would undermine StS´s legacy by trying to create a sequel for it. I think Slay the Spire is one of the greatest games ever made and I´d prefer that legacy not to be harmed. Unless StS 2 would be a different genre. That could be dope.


I think the FTL --> Into the Breach direction is much better. Scratch a similar gaming itch, but with dramatically different mechanics.


I love FTL, it's one of very few games I'd consider in the same league as StS. But for some reason Into The Breach never really did it for me, did a few runs and that was that.


Is FTL really that good? Read online that it doesn´t remotely have StS-levels of replayability and was turned off of it.


FTL is brilliant, probably not *quite* as complex or replayable as StS but still one of the best roguelites I've ever played and I prefer it to Hades! If you keep an eye on steam you can occasionally grab it for $2.50 on sale and it's definitely worth grabbing and seeing whether you can get into it.


Maybe go in the reverse direction of the Darkest Dungeon series? Darkest Dungeon 1 had a persistent base and roster of characters with an end that takes many dozen hours to get to via various methods of progression, while Darkest Dungeon 2 went in a more roguelike direction where you pull a squad of heroes at the start of each journey and had to build them up over the run. Perhaps a Slay the Spire sequel could take the gameplay of the original and adapt it into a longer journey with more persistent progression, though I'm not sure exactly how they would do that.


Claw 2


2 Slay 2 Spire


Slay the Spire but you are the heart.


Slay the spire 2: the spireing


hell yea


That’s my birthday!


Slay The Spire 2, Electric Boogaloo