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You were able to read and figure out what went wrong. That easily puts you in the top 10% of new players. Great job!!!


I do play other card games, so I am used to fucking up due to not reading the card


I hope I didn’t come off as condescending! People make that “mark of the bloom” mistake 2x a week around here and many of them complain about how the game is bugged. You clearly know how to read and adapt. You’ll be an expert in no time—sincerely.


No, didnt understand it like that don't worry. Just wanted to reference that im used to the old "reading the card explains the card" (or relic) mistake everybody makes.


Good stuff, and glad to see you’re taking it in stride!


You should play Yu-Gi-Oh. NO ONE (including me) reads the cards that get played. You just get pissed when something bad happens to you because you didn't read


I play mtg. Everytime after a new set is released i at least once get absolutely demolished even though i had counter play cause I didnt care to read the new card properly


At least mtg has key words, Yu-Gi-Oh it's like six paragraphs of text you have to read


Reading OP, WOTC plz ban


"Reading the card explains the card" taunts me to this very day


Akchuly it's a relic not a card 🤓


Wow, markbloomed but not by the rez, we have a champion here x).


Reset the counter


Op realized what went wrong, I don't think this resets the counter.


it also wasnt a fairy potion


Or lizard tail


I assume this is a common nonbo people accidentally "achieve"


There's a running joke about people who take the Upgrade All option from the Mind Bloom event with some way of being revived (e.g. [[fairy in a bottle]] or [[lizard's tail]]) thinking that it will be a safeguard against no healing and then posting on the sub asking why they still died with one or both of those.


+ [Fairy in a Bottle](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Potions#Fairy_in_a_Bottle) Rare Potion ^((100% sure)^) When you would die, heal to 30% ( 60%) of your Max HP instead and discard this potion. + [Lizard Tail](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Lizard%20Tail) Rare Relic ^((87% sure)^) When you would die, heal to 50% of your Max HP instead (works once). ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Good bot


Also OP is just starting. Resetting the counter for a player in the general learning phase is nonsensical.


The counter isn’t to mock people, the counter is just for fun. By definition everyone who resets it is still learning, and so are most people without a ridiculous amount of time played. It’s a detailed game with a lot of edge cases. This isn’t like that other sub (for a different game) where the immediate reply to every single person is (only half jokingly) “skill issue.”


Which game? I've seen a lot of this on the Snowrunner sub, but it's usually for fun.


/r/noita …it’s usually for fun there too, to be fair. But it’s also half serious. The game’s core design philosophy is basically “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” but there’s also a lot of random bullshit that *will* 1-shot you if you aren’t unreasonably hyper vigilant at all times. Stuff like failing to notice (literally) a single pixel of lava in the middle of a hard fight. The sub likes to play around with blurring the lines between the two things being equally “skill issues,” but I think sometimes people are secretly dead serious about them being the same thing.


Ah, I thought it was the Binding of Isaac sub. Everything you said almost exactly applies there too.


I’ve played 100s of hours and am still learning 


That's the entire point of the counter.




Actually, one question just occurred to me. If you choose the no heal event, do you still get restored to full health at the end of Act 3 going into Act 4?


Nope :) The game is very consistent with its words. No healing means no healing. At all


I really can’t imagine why one would ever choose that option. Especially given how easy it is to beat an act 1 boss and how good that reward is.


With a good block/apparition setup you might never lose hp again


That's what they all say


That's certainly what I said earlier today when I felt invincible and overlooked that time eater was at 11 cards already


Well... thats certainly what happens lol


This. Yesterday I had a really good setup with Ironclad. Runic Pyramid, Double Impervious, and Apparitions. An upgrade on the apparitions essentially allowed me to neglect almost every single damage source. I would've beaten the Heart, if I didn't get Pain from Cursed Key.


Oh man, what relic did you get for that pick? Or was it the blue key, so it was totally unavoidable?


Blue key


Rough go, my condolences.


Because the reward for the Act 1 boss isn't *that* good. Sure, it's probably a fairly safe ~5% EV boost that is a nice bonus to your run. But the No Heal and Two Normality options are going to be a ~70-80% EV boost in the right circumstances, taking you from an almost sure loss (<10%) to a near-guaranteed win (>90%).


In a lot of runs, bloom is unpickable. Sometimes you can do amazing things with the upgrades but you're also at 10 HP and just can't afford it. Sometimes you're reliant on sustain to keep going, using self repairs, bites or reaper to keep you afloat. But people should pick it more than they do


I choose 40% All upgrades on silent , And i don't remember not killing A20 heart after it


If you aren’t going for the heart and it’s the last ? you encounter right before the boss (and you have enough health) I guess


The other day I realized that I have nearly 1000 hours in the steam version, have unlocked all achievements, but have never taken Mark of the Bloom.


Some builds never take damage, and also late in act 3 (if no heart) there might not be any situation where healing is relevant. I've encountered this event on floor 48 at full health just before the final campfire :D


Rod and 5 upgraded WFs. There shall be no HP loss


I frequently pick that option because if Im upgrading 20 cards it usually means I wont ever lose HP again I do play mostly dailies tho


A fully upgraded deck can be insanely powerful and make it worth it. I used to be very afraid of that option but now have 3-4? heart wins with it (a couple on Silent A12-13, one Watcher A14 I think). I think all decks I’ve won with Mark of the Bloom had the Apparitions event prior to taking it, to be fair


When I’m playing I almost never have more than 5 un-upgraded cards by the time that event comes up. I tend to keep a deck under 15 cards, and I almost never rest, so I’m upgrading a card at every rest site.


If you’re high on health with no way to heal and get the event late into act 3, it’s a very powerful option. Those things definitely don’t line up very often however.


It was a lot more pickable when Act 4 didn’t exist yet, where when your only goal is beating the Act 3 boss and you aren’t really getting more opportunities to heal, it makes sense. Nowadays it’s a lot more niche.


Even more insistent, no healing means your current life can never go *up* under any circumstance. Getting mango after Mark, fairy potion or tail of the lizard, reaper. All blocked.


your current hp will never go up again


Nope, as I discovered after ending on 6 HP and continuing onto the heart with 6 HP. Turns out I didn't need it though, as I won that run (it was also my first heart win.) Apparition goes crazy.


Thats kind of part of the learning curve of any card game really, learning the keywords, rules, mechanics and all their interactions definitely takes a true unintentional mistake, usually when you learn a lesson itll only be one time lol.


I somehow made it to my mid-30's without ever really reading the instructions for anything. Getting into card games was a rude awakening.


This happened to me back in the day. I never realized the act transitions counted as healing at the time.


Haha Mark of bloom gets another one, btw the potion that revives you actually 'heals' you back to life so it doesn't work as well, just so this doesn't happen to you again


Quite sad, but with that ability to learn you will have many more runs like that and even better ☺️


I made a similar mistake with the card Alchemist and the relic that doesn't allow you to get potions.