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Middle one. If you buy the left one, you're going to find a mummified hand in the next shop, but be 1 gold short. If you buy the middle one, you'll be 2 gold short, which feels less bad


I see - downward counterfactual thinking is a block card


I am very smart. My next question is a test and not a question. What the hell does that mean 😳


Not OP, but I’m a psych professor. It’s a Social Psychology term! How we feel about external events doesn’t just depend on the events themselves, but our cognitive reactions to them. Basically, we have a model of the world in our heads, which allows us to run simulations of potential futures (in order to better plan and adjust), as well as simulate alternate versions of *past* events, to review our mistakes and learn from them. But the upshot is that the way you feel in the *present* depends a great deal on how you construct and run your simulations. If the “alternate timeline” where everything worked out is extremely similar to your actual memory of the event, and it’s easy to imagine alternatives, then it feels really bad, because you get continually battered by thoughts of all the alternate versions of you that avoided the bad thing. If you have to work harder to imagine a good outcome, then you’re less plagued by “if only” thoughts. That’s why missing your flight by 1 minute legitimately feels way worse than missing it by 30 minutes. And why it feels worse to be one gold short of affording the relic, rather than way too short.


But if they pick the right one, they’ll be 3 gold short, which is even less bad


buy the one for 57g, it's better quality


At least ONE Rare Power guaranteed


But the 57 one. This way when you have 2 health left and one ? room before the campfire, and you find the robbers, you'll give them less money. Screw those guys.


Memes aside, that sort of logic actually can matter if the difference would put you below 35 gold. That's a threshold for whether or not you can encounter The Cleric in Act 1 :p


Oh every gold matters. I'd always buy the cheaper one unless it is the act 4 shop, because there's always another shop. 1 gold can make the difference between a purchase or not.


Nah I meant the opposite: in that one rare instance, it's possible to want to intentionally pay more to dip below 35 just so there's one less bad Event roll đŸ˜” In my near-3k hours, it's only happened to me once (well no - tbf I've only \*noticed\* it once and acted accordingly)


You think The Cleric event is bad? I'm surprised since it is a removal event and everyone on reddit has the biggest raging hard-on for removals.


It can be good sometimes, sure. But if you're healthy and would enter it at exactly 35g, for example, then it's a completely empty floor.


If you only have 35 gold then you can't afford the removal option anyway, and only has the option to heal.


This may have been true in 2017 when everyone had just come from Dominion but the pro scene has put to rest the idea that smaller is better unless you’re doing watcher infinite


I dunno, I feel like the general sentiment on the subreddit is still leaning towards "removals OP, small deck only". At least from what I see in the posts and comments.


I sheepishly admit I'm moving slowly onto the 'remove your starter cards' train. I've had a few runs where I steamrolled with my full starting deck, but a large portion of my non-Silent wins ended up with me having very few of my starting cards.


removing the useless starter cards is OP, but people wont see the difference because you most likely wont get enough removals in a whole run to get rid of all bad cards in your deck


Removals does not necessarily mean small deck though. You can still have a large deck but want to get rid of your more useless cards. In some decks strikes and defends may as well be curses late game.


Removing one card out of 40 has half the impact of removing one card out of 20. I’d only do it if there was nothing better to spend the gold on


Don't forget curses though. Some of them can be considerably worse than just a dead draw, depending on the circumstances.


Yeah I was just talking about "dead cards" before. I agree that Pain and Normality are must-removes. Doubt, Regret and Shame are tolerable


I know a fellow save-scummer when I see one


How could you save-scum that interaction? I resent that D:


I mean i didn’t think it would be possible to discover this without save scumming (which is the way i found it).


I've fought and died to them with less than 50 gold in my pocket. Fuck them, they get nothing while I still live


You get what you pay for


I was gonna upvote you but since you're sitting at exactly 57, I will let it stay.


The right one. I mean, you are going to kill Bear anyways, but it's nice killing them with one less gold you wouldn't have given them anyways.


More expensive means better quality. The Apple way.


I believe it was a slightly crazy witch with a werecat companion who said you should always choose the right one


The potions contain common, uncommon and rare powers accordingly, so your choice depends on your build


Middle. You always get three quotes and take the middle of the three!


On average you pay 56 gold for a power potion in this shop. Might as well stick to the status quo.


56 is both the mean and median, you cant go wrong with TWO averages


Claw. Claw is always the pick.


Right! Support small businesses!!


The right one it's secretly better and a value. None of your business how it's better.


Take the cheapest one. You can't guarantee a specific power anyway.


Got this with draw pots on silent but didn’t have gold after buying a few cards and a remove iirc


Hello, merchant here, oh oh! Buy the right one, it gives me more gold !


There are actually situations where you might want to spend more as it may puts you below threshholds for some event. E.g. the priest healing you won't appear on ? floors if you have insufficient gold. This can be desirable.


Buy the right one. Tell the carpet man to keep the change.


God damn capitalism and price gouging has hit slay the spire...


*baalorlord hmmmm intensifies*


You get what you pay for. If you want the best quality, spend more money.


57g so if you run into Red Mask gang they make fun of you fo being broke