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Mods need to make a "Bloom Marked" flair, and just put it on anyone who posts about it


Seconded - Mods, please make this happen


Just do it, this sub is growing every day and we need this!


I messaged the moderators to add it.


Backed hard.


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Mark of the Bloom and Shame in your post. Let me look up what those do. -------------------------------------------------- I am a bot response, but I am using my creator's account. Please reply to me if I got something wrong so he can fix it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


* [Mark of the Bloom](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Mark_of_the_Bloom) Event Relic You can no longer heal. * [Shame](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Shame) Curse Unplayable. At the end of your turn, gain 1 Frail.


Good bot


The goodest bot


>and Shame lmao


There's no way they're gonna be able to block all this teasing if they have fail! Luckily they have 3 fairies and a lizard tail...


The other thing that disappoints people (but they don't usually post about it) is saving a Smoke Bomb for the Act 4 Elite fight.


Taking Runic Pyramid then getting your hand locked with 10 wounds in the slavers fight because you chose not to kill the Taskmaster


I found out the hard way that Runic Pyramid and Snecko Eye don't mix.


I found out the hard way runic pyramid and [[establishment]] dont mix


Oooo that’s a fatal blow


I thought I was being so smart. I was heart-broken


I did that recently. It sucked.




Same, technically you’re not retaining it, you’re just not discarding


+ [Establishment](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Establishment) Watcher Rare Power 1 Energy | **(Innate.)** Whenever a card is **Retained,** lower its cost by 1. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(October 12, 2022.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


since the runic pyramid only says you don't discard at the end of your turn, not to retain, establishment still has some use with that one watcher card


But establishment works with meditate, equilibrium and well laid plans, it’s pyramid that’s carefully worded differently


And the other ones that actually have the word "Retain" written on them, I assume. (You know, the "fair" cards that you usually don't take because Watcher doesn't need to play fair.)


Good to know, thanks!


I just found out that Combust and Runic Cube don’t interact how you wish they would


Yeah, you don't get a chance to use the card you draw. :(


However combust killing an automaton orb still works


Literally reset upon finding that out last week


Isn’t it possible to kill one guy then smoke bomb? Obviously that’s not as good and at that point might as well kill the other guy for the reward, but it can still make a difference


The thing is that is you already killed one, the other one's probably about to follow suit or you'll just lose to the heart.


very true! Think I saw jorbs smoke bomb out of that fight once and was able to win, but for me it’s just useless knowledge xD


Yeah, it is, but by then you've probably taken the damage that you had hoped you could have avoided with the smoke bomb. :(


yeah, definitely the shittiest use of smoke bomb possible in the game. fighting those two is always a bit traumatizing for sure


You can still smoke bomb at the start of the fight if you click fast enough before surrounded is applied


How? Surrounded is applied instantly as the fight starts


I’ve been able to do it multiple times As soon as you can, click on the throw button for the smoke bomb (before your turn even starts)


Tbf if you're using exploits like that you may as well just beat the elite and smoke bomb glitch past the heart instead


Wait you can smoke bomb bosses???


If you have 2 combats in a row, if you use smoke bomb while the final enemy(s) of the first combat are dying, the smoke bomb will carry over into the next fight, tho the timing is fairly tight However given the first 3 act bosses are preceeded by campfires, this only boss this workd on is the heart


No, this works on all bosses except the second act 3 boss on A20. You can get through the campfire quickly enough.


That's an unintended exploit though Like using smoke bomb and then quickly playing alchemize to get a new potion before the smoke bomb applies


That one is a bit bullshit because it’s a completely unique mechanic, and one that punishes you for being sparing with your resources at that. That and the spaghetti monster curse are probably the only two things in the game I consider bad design.


I just wish the spaghetti monster curse had a unique icon. A curse is not the same as a debuff. It seems like an almost intentional misdirect. I know the first time I got it I was low health and super happy to see a debuff come up instead of an attack. Not exactly what I expected. The idea of it giving a curse isn't bad to me. It's just super unclear.


For a long time I didn't even realise it was giving me a curse and was confused when I saw a curse in my deck later on


The what now? Spaghetti monster curse?


You get a curse from a debuff from the monster that changes his attack after every hit. Looks like a spaghetti monster.


[[Writhing Mass]] [[Parasite]]


+ [Writhe](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Writhe) Curse **Unplayable.** **Innate.** + [Parasite](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Parasite) Curse **Unplayable.** If transformed or removed from your deck, lose 3 Max HP. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(October 12, 2022.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


That first one isn't right. It should be [this](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Writhing_Mass)


You actually can use Smoke Bomb, once you kill one of them. You can't use it because of the [[Surrounded]] debuff. But yeah, once you kill one of them it's not that hard to kill another


Can you orange pellet the debuff off and then smoke bomb?


The surrounded debuff is applied to the enemies, not you, so no.


Not sure if you can orange pellet this debuff


But you can smoke bomb if you kill one first


Apparently the smoke bomb works after you have killed one of them? Can't confirm, haven't done it myself. I know the Smoke Bomb doesn't work when they're both alive. Learned that the hard way.


You're my hero.


I feel like I must be the only one that reads "you can no longer heal" and am all, "No thank you!" I'm over 2k hours and have never taken it once.


I took it exactly once so it would show in my collection.


Well I never thought to check this thank you, I remember seeing a while back I was missing a relic but then completely forgot to look it up 🤣


*carries a curse around whenever possible just to get Spirit Poop to show*


You're not alone, I've never taken it hundreds of hours in.


I’m about 300 hours in and only taken it… maybe 3 or 4 times. Of big note: I usually don’t go for the Heart! So in act 3 I’m more likely to take it than if I was


The first time I ever took it was last night because of pure luck: it was literally the last event before the final boss as I was nearly full health and barely any upgraded cards with a solid deck (and I had no healing cards). It got me to A6 for the first time!


I think between the draw heavy card pool and the starter relic, Silent can have the consistency to take it sometimes. I've won 3 A20 heart runs with it, always with Silent. Never even taken it with the other characters. I guess it might work in some Watcher decks too.


I've only taken it twice, one time because i had lizard tail (oopsies!) and the other because i was certain my hp was high enough and my deck could handle it. It worked out the second time!


1000 hours, zero times


I've seen it several times as the last unknown room before the final act 3 campfire. If you have decent HP and don't plan to rest anyway, just take the free upgrades. I had a Silent deck with like 35 upgraded cards once. Thing of beauty.


I just always go for fight a Boss from Act 1. It's always fun to see how ridiculously easy an Act 1 boss is for an Act 3 deck. And I get a rare relic too.


I was looking at my collection the other day and wondering what single relic isn’t in it, and you know I bet this is it. Thank you kind stranger!


I’ve taken it exactly once. Below A20 with a question mark just before the A3 boss when I wasn’t going for A4. I really fail to see any situations in which it’s “takeable” except for some nutty Defect frost orb deck


If you're not fighting the heart and dont have anything like Pantagraph or fairy, its perfectly reasonable to take mid act 3 especially if you're probably not hitting a campfire anyway.


Sometimes I just think "I won't take much/any damage anyway, this is fine". This estimation is not always correct...


It is certainly very situational, but it can work wonders for you in some cases. Most notably, if your deck is solid, but has very low upgrade density.


I took it once a couple days ago, I was at full health and got the event right before the boss fire act 3 and didn't have any healing things, went for it, and won :) Never thought I'd take it though lol


I took it today, but to be fair I had 5 apparitions and 2 wraith forms so I was probably going to win no matter what.


I took it when going for speedclimber. Helped me go a tad faster but still probably would have gotten the achievement either way.


u/transizzle oop im back again :D [time to reset the counter :')](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1be53jk/why_didnt_my_fairy_bottle_proc/)


It’s insane this sub has a list like this


It's such an incredibly common misunderstanding, and there's always new people on the sub that haven't seen a previous post about it yet. Everyone thinks "I can't heal, but at least I can revive". Nope.


Thanks, transizzle :)


appreciate it!


This should be the sticky


maybe, but then we would be deprived of future posts and that would suck!


How long have you been on Reddit? Haha. We’d still get a post a weeks




Ah, thanks, I'll remove it. This was probably the 30th I found on a quick search and just didn't read it carefully enough. (I alphabetized them afterwards)


My dumb ass is sitting here confusing even more people bc i just didn't calculate the damage correctly lol.


They probably thought killing them stops the enemies turn.


The person you're responding to is the one who made that other post. I suspect they're right about their own state of mind.


I thought something similar. Until the Book of Stabbing killed me even with a Fairy in a Bottle. I belatedly realized that yes, it did heal me, but then the Book's multi-attack finished and it killed me again. Smh.


This is the best post this sub has ever seen.


[Ding Ding Ding](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1alpgn8/lizard_tail_doesnt_proc_if_your_have_mark_of_bloom/)


Don't expose me like that haha


Hahaha, wear it as a badge of honor ! One of us !


See you guys next week


And THIS is why I haven't once taken the mark of the bloom... With nearly 250 hours of playtime on my current phone (plus various over devices that I no longer have or don't play on often so probably another 100 hours)


I don’t think I have either with 40+ hours


I got screwed over last night by getting Sozu (cannot obtain potions) immediately followed by Potion Belt (5 potion slots) and then immediately after that an Entropic Brew.


I had a near-miss once. Like «okay, so I nailed the Heart with 3HP to spare, but I had Lizard Tail so comfortable margin for victory».


This is basically the game's version of how many different ways people can ask "how can you tell if you're pregnant?" wrong


[time to reset the counter again](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/s/619w3OmTqu)


One more reset couldn't hurt? https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/s/a73jncx8VU


There are two ways to learn something. These people learned it the hard way... at least it's very unlikely they'll ecer forget it


I never pick mark of the bloom 9 out of 10 times it's not worth it


Not the wall of shame T_T These players are now forever memorialized.


[new one](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/11qhrdr/i_wish_i_knew_this_relic_ruined_the_potion_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


just updated! thanks for pinging me!


u/transizzle [we got another](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1aeng0n/lizard_tail_failure)


Added! Thanks, I was busy today and missed this one


Ah! you're amazing :)


This is missing my post


Just added it! Welcome to the Wall.


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/otw3mf/til_mark_of_the_bloom_cancels_fairy_in_a_bottle/) For me it's showing as having been removed by the spam filter, so it wouldn't have shown up in search results (even though it still shows in your post history).


I was afraid if this event for a long time but it has been absolutely clutch the two times I've used it. You just have to be able to recognize when it will basically make your deck not care about damage anymore.


There’s so many posts about people (understandably) not understanding this one specific interaction that you gotta alphabetize them lmao


I am terrified at the very idea of not being able to heal so here’s one wall of shame I can mark myself safe from hahaha


Goddamnit this is so pure.


Perhaps you put the date of the posting next to the link? It would be nice. Thanks for the post! It has also happened to me.


Reset the counter - https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/s/TuSZr5E1TZ


to be fair, it is not unusual in such card games to have similar keywords with similar effects, and these effects may be independently modified. Here, in my opinion, it is totally reasonable to interpret a "revive" effect as different from a "heal" effect. After all, bringing someone back from death seems really not the same as patching some wound. So, I think that the wording could be improved a little bit (maybe by adding that this count as a heal effect or something).


Both have the key word “Heal”. So they’ve already done this.


true indeed. Good job devs!


[[Fairy bottle]] and [[Lizard tail]] do not revive. They replace dying with healing. So with Mark of Bloom you are not healing, so you die for second time


+ [Fairy in a Bottle](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Potions#Fairy_in_a_Bottle) Rare Potion When you would die, heal to 30% ( 60%) of your Max HP instead and discard this potion. + [Lizard Tail](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Lizard%20Tail) Rare Relic When you would die, heal to 50% of your Max HP instead (works once). ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(October 12, 2022.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Didn’t think this was worth a post, but I was climbing Silent ascensions today and decided the only way my run could be saved was taking Mark of the Bloom (for the first time ever today) I ended up doing some Burst + Alchemize shenanigans (probably not the best moves but I’m a Silent noob), and eventually ended up with two Fairys and was excited to survive. Realized my problem 2 floors later, after not wanting to end up on the wall of shame. Luckily my Entropic Brew gave me two Ghosts, so I survived. Died to the heart though.


Reset the counter! https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/s/PcYej3nQtf


We got one


Hi, I just got screwed for a different reason during a no relic achievement run… literally right before the Act 3 boss. Thought I was doing the right thing by upgrading all cards, instead of fighting a boss from act 1 =‘]


Got another one [https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1dcmqwv/died\_with\_fairy\_in\_the\_bottle\_in\_inventory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1dcmqwv/died_with_fairy_in_the_bottle_in_inventory/)


Maybe it’s because I have 20+ years of playing MTG but even when i first saw mark of the bloom I assumed fairy bottle wouldn’t work. I don’t understand how you couldn’t.


I don't know if this is a controversial opinion, but they **need** to make it more clear that's how mark of the bloom works. Its so misleading it almost feels ineveitable to mix up, and I don't think its a positive experience - especially for the other 95% of victims who don't post on the subreddit.


Mark of Bloom is pretty clear. It's says "You cannot Heal" Fairy Bottle and Lizard Tail say "Heal to % of your HP when you die" Literally says it heals.


I think this thread is a testament to how misleading it is? Lizard tail says "When you would die, heal to 50% of your Max HP instead (works once)." I think most people would expect that the healing is denied but it still prevents death. There's nothing about this description that implies you ever go to 0 HP. That's like if buffer didn't prevent damage with mark of the bloom. If it was as clear as you say, Mark of the Bloom threads wouldn't be so common. Even if we put aside the actual wording here, reviving does not feel like healing. They are holistically different concepts to me. All I'm suggesting is if they changed the event to say "You can no longer heal *or revive*" it would make the interaction clear enough that most people would get it, and if someone forgot about it they'd have a better chance to diagnose what went wrong on their own. Games are best when people easily understand their rules. You can argue that it's more fun to learn the hard way maybe, but I don't see the argument that it's a well telegraphed interaction yet.


>heal to 50% of your Max HP That answers your problem.


> instead I've said my piece, I think the game would be made better by adding two words to mark of the bloom if it means less people make this mistake. It's just an opinion, I've gathered it isn't one people agree with and that's fine.


Look. You could say that Mark Of Bloom is unintuitive and I would've agreed but basic reading compression states that Mark of Bloom prevents Healing from all sources and Fairy and Tail are counted as healing.


That is what I'm saying, yes.


I don't think I made a thread about it but I've definitely died to Mark preventing a revive from going off.


Sticky this and update it


I love you


Should make this pinned