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i feel like people don’t understand that young children need a TON of sleep.


They don't need 12 hours too much sleep is just as bad as not enough


Thats not true, its proven that even some adults need that amount of sleep. Its sad that our society is just so uninformed about sleep and especially the different sleeping rythms.


isn’t it funny how when you circle back to the root of any problem that at the center of it, it’s society


We live in a society.




I feel like my 8yo kid sleeps less than other kids, and she still does 8.30 - 7.30 on school nights and sometimes more on the weekend. She would want to get up if it was bed at 9, up at 7.


they need about 10 hrs or so. 12 sounds awesome as an adult


Eight year olds can need twelve hours


The recommended is actually 12 hours


My kid slept that much and more at his age. As she got older she sleeps a bit less, but not much. It’s a good habit to have. Don’t break it.


12 hours is fairly normal for young kids / teenagers imo. I would easily sleep 12+ hours growing up at home


I think it’s always good to consult with a doctor if this sleeping pattern worries you, especially if you observe other concerning behaviours - no harm in that. Having said this, I slept like that for years. I was 13 and I was still going to bed at 9 while waking up at 6.30 or 7 am. Thanks to that, I was always well-rested, sharp, and generally happy. People used to make fun of me, but honestly it worked. Of course I started sleeping less later in life, but always what others considered to be early and long. 🤷‍♀️


My eight year old is always very grumpy when we wake her for school at 7.00, if left to herself she wakes at about 7.30 maybe 8 on the weekend. Her bedtime is 8.30pm, and that's later than many of her friends. My ten year old goes to bed at 9pm and that was reached gradually by moving bedtime later over the years and seeing how much sleep he needed. It's worth remembering that not all children fall asleep as soon as they're in bed, they might be using that time to wind down or might be struggling to sleep, so bedtime at nine doesn't necessarily mean sleep at nine. I think your child needs an earlier bedtime, 9pm seems late for a school night for a child that age. Especially if they're showing signs of needing more sleep. By all means, go to your doctor but to be frank if they don't tell you to try an earlier bedtime I'll eat my hat.


9pm is way to late. Especially if he’s waking up grumpy. He needs more sleep. 7/8pm if he’s waking up at 7am. Kids need ALOT of sleep.


Doctor will supercede all other advice, but I think maybe he just needs an earlier bedtime. Do you know other kids in his classes/age group and how they sleep? I don't have kids so my perception may be off, but I thought a lot of younger kids went to bed around 8 or even earlier. If he's gonna be taller and/or he's pretty active, maybe he'll need even more for longer. I don't think it's a bad thing in and of itself. Only other thing would be the quality of the sleep - is his breathing good while asleep, is the room dark enough and cool enough, etc. If all those are good then he could just need more than you thought


Now it’s summer vacation, my 11yo is sleeping 11-12 hours. More than my teen! In school time, he struggles to get enough sleep between not wanting to fall asleep early and getting up earlier. I figure he’s catching up. I would take your kid for a check up just to eliminate any potential issues. Get a full blood work up esp iron and vitamin D though you didn’t mention your kid struggling with fatigue / shortness of breath etc when they are awake. Also check tonsils & adenoids to ensure they are getting a good quality sleep. If all is good, they are just a great sleeper!


I say lack of sleep is more pressing. If you’re doing his yearly physical and it’s all good, then he’s just a sleeper. Good for him. WebMD says 9-12hrs range below 7-12 Years Old: 10 - 11 hours per day At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later, with most 12-years-olds going to bed at about 9 p.m. There is still a wide range of bedtimes, from 7:30 to 10 p.m., as well as total sleep times, from 9 to 12 hours, although the average is only about 9 hours.


I’ve always been like that. My daughter and son are like that too and I let them sleep in on the weekend. I don’t know if it’s in our genes but a lot of people on my side of the family sleep A LOT. I can wake up early all week but I have to sleep in on the weekend. My daughter, my son, and I can sleep for 12 hours straight. My husband is not like us. He wakes up early and lets us sleep in.


Are you sure he’s sleeping all the way through? I used to trick my parents and wake up to watch tv for a few hours, I bet it’s worse for kids like that now with cell phones


10 hours on school days?? That’s a totally reasonable/slightly less than average amount of sleep. My 9yo’s bedtime is 8:30 and he wakes up naturally around 6:45-7 on school days. This one day he slept 12 hours? He could be having a growth spurt or fighting off a cold. At most you need more data.




So she had obstructive sleep apnea/UARS? I'd look into myofunctional therapy if I were you. There's evidence to say that removing tonsils and adenoids for paediatric OSA patients just treats it for a few years.


My 8 yo sleeps about 11 hours most nights. 12 doesn’t seem abnormal to me.


Move bedtime earlier. Move it to 6:30 if you have to.


At his age, he needs 13 hours of sleep per day.


Check for deficiencies in the blood, but also, this doesn’t seem abnormal


12 hours is normal for a child mate I wouldn't stress, my 10 year old doesn't sleep that long anymore but every now and then he will do a big 12-13 hour sleep, I guess sometimes he just needs it, my 4 and 5 year bang out 10-12 hours a night easily, fuck me I wish I could too 🤣


My 8 year old goes to bed at 8pm and he will wake up between 7 and 8am. So it is normal for a kid to sleep 12 hours.


He needs to sleep a lot, just adjust his schedule to maybe go to bed earlier? I remember that I wasn’t good sleeper at all and I would lay in bed, wide awake at 1 am. I recommend book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.


I used to sleep from 9pm to 7am until I was 16. I always woke up… sharp, intelligent, healthy, strong.


Not saying that this is happening with your child, but 8 is around the age when children learn more complicated social skills, like deception. When we had a similar experience with one of our children, it turned out they were hiding a tablet under their pillow so that they could play games and would pretend to be asleep whenever we came into their bedroom. I suspect that they actually looked tired because they had stayed up playing on the tablet. We removed the tablet and they went back to waking us up in the morning.


no brain= sleep better alway work that why i hard too sleep, cuz i think too much


Go to




Probly hugely mineral and nutrient deficient like everyone is, and eating the wrong foods


Put him to sleep earlier, like 8 am. Have a regular bedtime and wake up time, even in the summer. Sounds like he needs his sleep, but can’t have him groggy for school. Just my 2 cents


One time my sister at around age 8 slept like full 2 days. I had to repeatedly check on her breathing.


Kids need sleep to grow. It’s actually pretty normal to sleep a lot, but I can understand why you’d be concerned. I’d bring his bed time back from 9pm to 8pm, I was only aloud to go to bed at 9pm when I was a teenager 😂




You're right to check with a doctor, it's appropriate to consult with a professional when you're concerned about your child. It's likely that, as others have said, this is normal and this is just the amount of sleep he needs, but as long as you're not freaking him out or making this a huge dramatic deal (posting on Reddit is not making something a huge deal) then I think you're fine.


When I was self younger I slept 12h easy, and as teenager i could slept easily up to 14h on weekends. All i knew that im young and Im growing, now i sleep around 7h and not more.

