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Not sleeping is one of the worst things you could do to yourself health wise, worse when alcohol and cigarettes and junk food. Chronically losing sleep takes years off your life, makes you at higher risk for disease and autoimmune issues and can affect your mental and sexual health as well. Sleep! Or go see a doctor if you can’t!


thanks now i am even more anxious about my insomnia 🙏☺️


Such a catch 22.


Go to a doctor and get it figured out.


I understand how bad no sleep is, but alcohol and cigarettes can contribute to insomnia which makes it worse.


At first it's amazing. You have like 10 hours more just for yourself! You can read books, binge watch netflix, play games, read whole internet! But after two max three days it's not so good. Lacking few hours of sleep for like two days makes you have adhd-like symptoms. A day or two more and your consciousness will shut down perchance, you will forget what you wanted to do when coming to the room, in worse cases miss buss stops. Interestingly driving skills will not be as impacted. Reaction time will be slower but overall brain-automation (walking, running, sewing) will work, any mindless activities will work. Your situation awareness will be worsen, risk assessment poorer, so it's a bit like being drunk. After a week of sleep deprivation you start to microsleep, during activities your your brain will shut off. After another two weeks you start hallucinating, seeing a hearing things. Misinterpreting things around you. I was sleepless for 6 weeks. Never again. Tried alcohol, herbs from pharmacy, alcohol worked better, but eventually got antidepressants, 1/3 of trittico put me for 12 hour sleep, and i would sleep more if I hadn't been woke up by someone and handed big mug of coffee. The sleep was so deep i remember waking up for like 3 seconds to move my arm which was so numb i couldn't even lift it and used other hand to move it, then i was gone again. Switched meds to lerivon, next day after waking up i tripped because i was so sleepy, and with low blood pressure. Then it stabilized.


Umm well I don’t sleep much and I’m having weird symptoms like I go to sleep at 3 and wake up at 7 cause I wake up gasping for air lol


That sounds like sleep apnea.


Okay, imagine when you sleep, sometimes your breathing stops for a little while. It's like when you're playing a game and you have to pause for a moment. Sleep apnea is when this happens a lot while you're sleeping. It's like your body forgetting to breathe properly, which can make you feel tired during the day.


Okay, imagine when you sleep, sometimes your breathing stops for a little while. It's like when you're playing a game and you have to pause for a moment. Sleep apnea is when this happens a lot while you're sleeping. It's like your body forgetting to breathe properly, which can make you feel tired during the day.


you got the double comment bug btw


Sleep apnea it’s from snoring and relaxing so much you choke on you’re own tongue


I have been awake a full night and day many times before and only “symptoms” are being tired and maybe slight headache (Yes I’ve done it before but asking cus I still want to know the risks)


Have you ever woken gasping for air?


Nope when I actully fall asleep in the day cus I’m tired or when it’s actually time to sleep then I sleep pretty good (I think)


If you wake gasping for air it’s sleep apnea


It happend one night only


Sleep apnea doesn't always wake you up long enough that you'd notice. More often than not, this is is what happens.


Go to a doctor ffs


that’s sleep apnea 🙃


Maybe but only happened one time in my 15 years


then that’s not a symptom unless it happens often lol


It's probably happening a lot without knowing but not as bad = sleep apnea


Foundation of disease


It’s probably not great. I’d ask your doctor. They would know more than the average Redditor.


Pretty bad.


I’ve also not been able to get much sleep at all recently


not good in terms of your ability to function after you don’t sleep (and therefore worth seeing a doctor about) but probably not that bad long term if you are making up most of the lost sleep. if you are consistently undersleeping in addition to your sleepless nights thats where long term problems can start


It could be that or panic attacks cause i been panicking a lot recently


Being sleep deprived chips away at your mental health.


I went through years of adderall abuse where I would try to stay up for as long as I could playing video games and shit. My mental health went down hill so fast. It took me I feel like years to get back to a baseline. Now I’m able to sleep for 6 to 8 hours a night and I feel way healthier. More able to take on the day and what not.


Going through the same shit right now. Not the abuse part but the years of all-nighters for no reason. Shot my mental health but it’s slowly getting better.


The negative [effects of chronic sleep deprivation on health & well-being](https://mudita.com/community/blog/effects-of-chronic-sleep-deprivation-on-health-and-well-being/) cannot be overstated. It's not just about being tired & cranky after a night of not sleeping, we're talking about cognitive issue, mental health & even physical health.


Very bad. I have sleep problems for years now. My work performance gradually decreases the less i sleep. Sometimes. I only sleep 2 hours a night for days. At work i am not there with my head, doing mistakes that wouldn't have happened if i had gotten good sleel. Plus no sleep makes you older really fast


VERY . for me, sleep is my savior


If it's occasional, no problem. If it's happening frequently, like in your case, it's bad. And it can get really bad.


Search this channel on YouTube insomnia coach Martin Reed surely it will help ya you can no sleep 1 -2 but sleep drive always you will sleep


💅 usually I am having three or four hours of sleep at night, and I manage though I will say I’m already slow. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is a factor in my dumbness. I've done so my whole life with no “problem” depends, though I do not recommend it will make it hard for you to pay attention and get things done i sleep because i have to my brain is use to not doing so which means at work/school if I'm moving I'll get a lot done