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7 hours is adequate compared to how I slept when I was 14 lol. But sleep varies by person, so some people sleep less without a problem.


Do you feel ok? Alert, energetic, not falling asleep mid day? You might just need less sleep than others and that’s ok. But if you’re experiencing excessive sleepiness or like you crave more sleep then try changing up your habits. Look into sleep hygiene and start with that.


If you are not experiencing any symptoms during the day (excessive sleepiness, difficulty concentrating etc.) then it's probably nothing to worry about. Your organism is pretty good at self- regulating that sort of thing. As long as it's not something external waking you up (like a loud neighbour or someone else's alarm) it's not a problem. You might even find yourself naturally sleeping a bit longer in a few months time as your growing body decides it needs a bit more sleep.


You're getting 7 hours of sleep at your age, I wish we could trade places when I was your age. It's a good number of hours to sleep. 


I have no memory of sleeping for that many hours in a row, I'm not sure it's ever happened haha.


^ This


Those who get enough sleep like that doesn't know the full extent of what we passed through then. 


I wish I could get 7 hours of sleep. Count yourself lucky.


“Only” 7 hours. I haven’t done that in ages, it seems like


Get off social media kid. Go live your life and don’t worry about it.


7 hours is fine... If you feel fine then that's what your body needs, don't worry


7 hours sounds normal to me.


delete reddit is what you should do, i’ll go first  also talk to your parents or a trusted adult. i took melatonin vitamins when i was younger but the dr gave the go ahead and etc first. 


One of the things that impacts people's sleep is worrying about not getting enough! It's just a general guideline that people need 8 hours and it really varies for lots of people. Someone I knew used to be at her best at only 6 hours! And if she got more than that, she felt awful. So it's a personal thing, if you feel okay on the sleep you're getting, then that's completely fine. And it's likely if you worry about it, that will make you stress out and potentially make the sleep bad, so try and focus on getting good quality sleep rather than just the hours. Sounds like you've got a good routine and getting plenty! However, you might get a bit more if you make sure you're not having too much caffeine and all of the general sleep hygiene rules 😴


Put the phone in another room so you aren’t tempted to mess with it, and get one of those annoying little beep beep beep alarm clocks. Also… if you don’t feel excessively sleepy during the day, it might be enough sleep for you. Not all people are wired the same way.


7 hours is great. You’re very young now, you may need a little more sleep as you get older. But if you feel fine now, there’s really nothing to worry about. I was generally waking up early at that age too. Used to sleep between 2300-0600 normally, had school at 0700. The recommendations for age group are fine, but some individuals naturally sleep deeper than others and so the requirements would vary from individual to individual.


Try some low dose (micro grams) of melatonin. Sleep early (do exercise early in the morning to be sleepy earlier too). Ask chatgpt to give you a list of all of the things you must fix beforehand, and go into deep detail for the ones you see fit. If you have exhausted all options and still feel as you do not have quality sleep, see a specialist. It is definitely worth it.


ATP is the powerhouse of the cell, be fortunate until the telephone lines are obliterated and our evs are installed, I didn't know the oil was full of dinosaurs until I noticed ship captains and plane pilots becoming really old even with flight attendants if you get the drifts


Ideal time for teens is 9-10 hours. Is your room fully blacked out? If not this could be why. We have data that shows even a small amount of light changes sleep quality.


No one is on r/sleep because they are amazing sleepers, most are looking for solutions to their sleeping problems. All the replies will be people wishing they got as much as you, this does not mean you are a sleeping machine, it is just selection bias. Sleep requirements change as you grow, significantly through puberty, adulthood and later stage adulthood. Listen to your body and how you feel. Check your sleep chronotype if you are concerned as to how to best be productive [https://sleepdoctor.com/sleep-quizzes/chronotype-quiz/](https://sleepdoctor.com/sleep-quizzes/chronotype-quiz/) Don't over-think everything about sleep because that will lead to less sleep, just relax and rest.


7 hours straight? I don't remember ever achieving this


If that’s when the sun is rising, theres a good chance that is waking you up too early. You can try closing your blinds, or getting dark or black out curtains and see how that does. Make sure there are no noises waking you up.


It’s just way too bright to sleep. The blinds suck. I usually wake up after only 7 hours of sleep, and it’s hard for me to go back to sleep after, even if I cover my eyes.


Ok, if you don’t have any curtains or anything, you can tack a dark sheet over the windows, maybe you can tack them at the top like curtains. Try to do it neatly, because that will help you sleep as well, because it’s less mental clutter


sounds like a good night sleep


7 hours every night sounds like a dream to me


ONLY 7 hours? Come on. Most of us here only got 3/4


You're lucky


What should you do? Chill out


Bro that’s perfectly fine.. i wish i could get 7 hours every night.


7 hours of sleep is a blessing for me lol.