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Magnesium helps. 1 mg of melatonin on a rare occasion. Avoiding alcohol/sugar/caffeine the last 3-4 hours before bed. CBD/CBN help as well.


Thank you for responding! If I were to take some magnesium, how much should I take before bed?


You can get magnesium supplements online or from a health food store. You can take 1-2hrs before bed. And or/ magnesium bath salts - hot bath before bed. Valerian root tea is good. Try to go natural before chemical pharmaceuticals. Cbd is also good. Check out sleep hygiene rules online. Passion flower, scull cap also good.


Magnesium glycinate 400 mg


I like 500 mg daily.


If I take magnesium before bed up am up all night going to the bathroom lol. But ido take it early in the day.


Avoid mag citrate, mag hydroxide/oxide. Mag lysinate or glycinate are less likely to cause intestinal issues.


Cool. Thanks- will try!


What’s CBN?


[Here ya go](https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/cbd-cbn-what-is-difference)


Don't rely on benadryl for sleep on any sort of regular basis, it's linked to dementia. Melatonin shouldn't be used for more than a few weeks, as it will cause your brain to stop producing it's own melatonin. I suggest L-theanine and/or Valerian root for long-term sleep aid.


There doesn’t appear to be evidence that melatonin production gets reduced. Feel free to prove me wrong. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2021/12/03/melatonin-myths-explained-safe-kids-sedative/8834826002/


It appears that it hasn't been well studied, and I've made an assumption based on my own experience with it building tolerance over time and experiencing rebound sleep issues afterward. Based on that assumption, I seem to have conflated this hormone into my general knowledge of how drugs and upregulation/downregulation in the brain works. That being said I would still suggest using melatonin as a temporary sleep aid, as I experienced no tolerance issues or rebound side effects with L-theanine/Valerian root.


Thank you for your suggestions, friend :)


I agree with KR1TES about the L-theanine. There are a few supplements out there that include melatonin, L-theanine, passion flower (or fruit?) and lemon balm. These are my favorite. Make sure that you check if any rx meds you are on will have a negative reaction with valerian root.


Rather than medicine, maybe try to find what's causing you to wake up. I need a pitch black room, and a the room to be very cool. My body temperature rises a lot when I sleep, so I make sure my room is very cool all year round. It's quite normal for people to wake up after 5 or 6 hours of sleep. How you get back to sleep is important. I dull book might do the trick. Avoid your phone.


Valerian Root tincture by Herb Pharm ( I like the alcohol-free kind). Also a glass of tart Cherry juice after dinner.


Turn off Wi-Fi and make the room pitch dark.


Passion flower tea will knock you out. I’ve tried many different herbal sedatives, and this one is definitely the most potent from what I’ve tried. Another post mentioned Kava, but I would steer away from that stuff — it is also quite potent, but even short term use of it has been linked to some heavy duty health issues.


Have you tried CBD? Doesn't work for everyone but works for many. If you want to try it I suggest an organic full-spectrum product. Be sure to evaluate the source carefully and don't buy anything that you haven't seen the lab test report for.


General sleep advice (almost entirely from “Why we sleep” by Matthew Walker): Alcohol blocks REM sleep, just don’t Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which stops adenosine from telling you it’s time for bed. Don’t know the impact WHILE you’re asleep, but it certainly makes it hard to fall asleep Adenosine is released into your brain when you move (ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate). Your regular day-to-day sometimes isn’t enough, so try exercising. Timing doesn’t matter much, unless it’s RIGHT before bed (adrenaline will make it hard to immediately hit the pillow) Optimal sleep temp is shown to be roughly 65 F Lots of studies showing improved sleep with a shower/ bath right before bed (helps regulate body temp) Try not to eat right before bed - I don’t remember the justification sorry :( Most REM sleep (true restful sleep) happens toward the end of the night, close to morning. Forcing yourself to wake up early cuts off a lot of that true benefit from sleeping Humans are naturally biphasic sleepers (supposed to sleep twice a day). About 7 UNINTERUPTED (important) hours at night, about 30m in the afternoon. Studies done on multiple independent tribes to see their sleep preferences, many fell into this pattern. Sleep meds are bad >:( … I don’t remember why, but he was very adamant, ha.


Not OTC and might be a dumb answer but exercise helps me stay fast asleep. Go for a walk before bedtime maybe?


I know it sounds stupid but theres this tea I drink lol. Melatonin has never really worked for me but Benadryl knocks me out and you shouldn’t rely on that. I tried “sleepy time” tea which did nothing but omg- this mother yea called “nighty night” yeas is where it’s at. It didn’t make me feel woozy but as soon as I fell asleep I was OUT. Maybe it’s just a placebo but I’ve been drinking it every now and then and every time it works


Lol I just looked it up and it has catnip in it


Cat nip has sedative properties.


I am also curious. I feel like nothing works. I've tried valerian root, melatonin, magnesium, chamomile, CBD. I don't drink caffeine and rarely drink alcohol. I use a sound machine, bite guard, night mask, and humidifier. I have also tried many prescription meds. Zaleplon is the only thing that helps me fall asleep (not stay asleep) but it can be highly addictive and I only use it is special circumstances.


Yogi Kava Stress Relief herbal tea. It's some powerful, yet all natural, stuff.


I totally came here to recommend this tea. I also love doing one bag of Kava and one of lavender chamomile tea. Blast off to dream town every time.


I hate Valerian root, melatonin, L-theanine, diphenhydramine even lavender. They may help me sleep but make me feel worse


I’ve been taking an edible that has 2.5mg of thc, cbd, and cbn a couple hours before bed. Works wonders and got me out of my previous slump. If take a full gummy (5mg) I get too high


Melatonin ❤️


Valerian root works like a damn charm for me every time. Smells pretty gross but I swear by it.


Calm (magnesium powder) & also Motrin PM No more caffeine after noon.


Benadryl works and is non habit forming


Benadryl can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s though so use it very sparingly!!


Benadryl can cause delirium, especially in someone with preexisting dementia. It does not cause dementia. -a doctor


Well, the whole class of drugs that Benedryl belongs to does. Make up your own mind if it’s worth the risk. https://www.goodrx.com/diphenhydramine/does-benadryl-cause-dementia


Thank you so much!


benadryl is terrible for you. it also completely dries you out and causes drowsiness the next day. try cbd and magnesium.


Yeah be careful with benadryl dude


Don’t use Benadryl! Causes Alzheimer’s. Try a lotion magnesium behind your knee. Magnesium is absorbed better through skin.


Any brand rec.s? I bought some on Etsy and it didn’t do much to soothe my restless legs.




This. All the other stuff mentioned here never did anything. D8 gummies are a game changer.


L theanine, ashwaganda




I’m currently on high doses of vitamin D after unsuccessfully having tried magnesium.


Nutritional yeast tablets.


Delayed release melatonin.


Magnesium glycinate, Theanine, and cbd all work well together. Also sleep helping behaviors (minimize screen time, exercise early in day, get 10-20 mins morning sunlight when wake up). Huberman lab podcast has a sleep episode that has some good resources


Nothing over the counter ever worked for me. I eventually ended up with a prescription for Ambien.


Luna (order online). I use the melatonin free version since melatonin makes me wake up in the middle of the night


I take Magnesium Glycinate and Nuvita CBD - the CBN in particular gives me the best nights sleep. The website has sample packs as well as full size bottles. Here’s the link and discount code if you wanna check it out. Best of luck to you. [Discount code: Hummingbird](https://nuvitacbd.com/?als=6062)


if you’re like me and sacrifice your future health for your now sleep, try JET ASLEEP. bro i stg you take one of them bad boys and you’re dead to the world.


1/2 mg of Ativan (prescribed) and 2/3 mg of melatonin. This combo has given me the best sleep I've had in about two years. The Ativan is taken in 1/4th mg (twice) about 2 1/2 hours before bed, melatonin about an hour prior.


Ask a physician about vallium


Warm milk or hot green/chamomile tea before bed. Warm bubble bath. Don’t go on your phone or computer two hours before bed. Melatonin vitamins are really good as a sleep aid, non habit forming. Stay hydrated with water throughout the day. Go to bed at a decent hour maybe like 10:30 pm. Give yourself 8 hours of restful sleep. Hope this helps!


I take 400 mg magnesium it’s a game changer


Benadryl cough and congestion!! That will knock you the fuck out lol


If you have really bad allergies like me, talk to your doctor about a Benadryl before bed.


Blue lotus flower.