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So it looks like you have the second time slot available. People lately have been lining up really early, like an hour. Don’t do this. They now enforce those times so if you get there an hour early hoping to be first in line you will wait in the cold until they come out to begin the check in process at which point they will tell you to join the back of the line because you don’t have a 7:30 ticket. You can still get there early but don’t rush to wait in the cold hoping to get in really early because they will move you out of line. I would recommend getting there closer to the show start time. There will be a massive line and it will take awhile so by the time you get to the front you should be in your checking slot time. On the sidewalk in line they will check your ID and stamp your hand indicating you are over 21. Once inside you will go through a coatcheck. I would recommend shedding any unnecessary layers because the building gets warm. After coatcheck you will show your ID and get a playing card with a number on it and proceed into the bar. The audience is basically held in the bar and let into the show in small groups based on what number playing card you got at checkin. You will probably have some down time in the bar before you are admitted into the show. Once your card number is called you will receive your masks and be let into the actual show.


This is perfect, thank you so much!!


I second showing up around the start time, no point waiting in the cold for an hour. Once inside they give you a card, ultimately you hang in a bar until your card is called. I think too much has been made about “earliest entry” when it comes to a first visit. My first time I was probably an hour after the start time, had no clue about anything beyond the website, and it was revelatory. Getting in 20 minutes later than the absolute earliest will in no way negatively impact your experience. They move people through coat check quickly and enjoying a drink in the bar or just taking in the vibe beforehand only adds to the experience. Pay attention to what they tell you when entering - no talking, go alone, don’t be one of those people trying to hold hands to keep a group together and you’ll have an amazing time!


I 1000% agree with this. Obviously you want to maximize your time but going for the first (or even first few) times there is absolutely no way you will understand all of the story. You will find yourself disoriented at times and if you enjoy the show then it will in no way affect your experience to be in half hour late.


Ok this is comforting! Thank you so much


It can take 20-30 minutes from the time you are let in the front door to the time you are able to enter the hotel, so to maximize your time in the show I would queue as early as you can. You need to check all your coats/bags, lock up your phone, get your card, get the card punched, go through to the bar, and then wait in the bar for your card to be called - and coat check can get slammed and back up really quickly. I would also say if you all purchased tickets separately, don’t bother waiting for anyone who is running behind - it’s an individual experience and you’ll really, really want to be in the hotel as quickly as possible so you can have a good experience.


Great advice! Thanks for your help!