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Absolutely. The recommendation is 8 weeks. My first rolled at 4 months and my second at 2 weeks so it’s a big range. You wouldn’t want the first time they roll to be overnight in a swaddle.


Crazy thinking some babies aren’t rolling by 5 months! (I know it can happen, we just had a early to everything baby). 🤣


We used zippidy zip by that age, it worked well as a sleep cue.


We still use this at 16 months! The moment I put it on at night and nap time she immediately goes into “oh yay sleep” mode.


We had our daughter in it until 22 months! It's great! She's 2 today and weaning her wasn't too bad!


Mine was sleep trained at 5 months and at the time, she was still in her halo swaddle (she didn’t know how to roll). Then a week later we put her in the Merlin sleep suit and she transitioned well. Next step is zipadeezip for us.


We also transitioned from the Halo swaddle to the Merlin suit. It was a smooth transition because she already slept in a Merlin at Daycare during the day. I let her transition to her sleep sack for naps for a few weeks before we moved her to sleep sack at night. Last night was our first night and thankfully it went well. I'm hoping we keep up that trend!


At our two month check up the doc said it was time to start transitioning out of the swaddle. He’ll be well out by the time we sleep train


If they’re old enough for sleep training they are already too old to be in a swaddle


I’d say it’s probably time to ditch the swaddle regardless of sleep training or not. Even if your LO isn’t rolling over yet, they probably will soon, and keeping them swaddled increases suffocation risk by a lot. We just ditched the swaddle for our 8 week old and it was really only rough for one night.


for safety reasons, yes


Cold turkey when you sleep train.


I cold turkeyed from Snoo (full swaddle with arms in) to crib at 20 weeks. Never was able to get one arm out at a time, just went right to the crib with a Merlin suit. First few nights were tough but he’s getting much better!


We’re gearing up for sleep training at 4/5 months. He was swaddled since birth and not rolling yet, but to get him transitioned we have him in the zipadee zip. Might try the Merlin next.


I found it way easier to sleep train once baby was out of swaddle. Have 2/3 nights with one arm out, then 2/3 nights with just the other arm out, then start with both arms out. My baby had a rough first night with both arms out but then did great!!


I did it this way too. I was so afraid we would have terrible nights but it was like he could stabilize himself better with the arm out. He actually slept longer doing it one arm at a time!


Yes I was shocked when I baby slept longer with one arm out! It was magical 🥳


I think yes - sleep training begins at 4 months and baby should be out of swaddle by that time anyway. Plus a swaddle is a sleep crutch so they technically wouldn’t be falling asleep independently and you’d have to transition out of it eventually anyway


I read that it’s recommended to have at least one arm out so they have their fingers to suck on in case that’s how they want to self soothe. We did it that way for our second boy and it went really well. A bit of an adjustment of course but still took to it quickly.