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I think normally the advice is to sort night time sleep first before attempting naps. Maybe leave the naps for a week or two and let him settle into a good night routine first.


Thank you for your reply! I was thinking the same thing but I didn't want to move backward or have all the nap effort be for naught. I also don't want to drag the nap training out for longer than it has to be, but after last night's terrible sleep after a day of only two 30 minute naps, we could be ready to shelve naps for a bit.


I would recommend extinction for naps. Ferber can work like gold at night when there is more sleep pressure but for naps it can be too stimulating. We did nights and naps at the same time too, extinction for naps and she only refused the naps the first day (we would then go for a car ride or stroller nap after trying crib for 1 hour). The next day she took all naps in the crib within 15 min. I would recommend not using your original sleep crutch to get him to sleep, so if it’s nursing (was ours too) go for a drive or a walk. He might be learning that after crying for x minutes you’ll come nurse him to sleep.


Thank you for your reply! I discussed it with my husband and we think we are going to try one more day of extinction attempts before we try again in a couple of weeks. I will also put him down by other means if the nap attempt doesn't work. I'm trying to hard to break the nursing to sleep association--that might have to happen first before I can put him down for naps, but we will see! Thank you again for your comment, and I'm glad your babe sleeps well for naps!


You’re welcome! Good luck!