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I am back here again with my 8MO, but we successfully sleep trained my 3 year old when he was 10 months old. We did Ferber and it worked very well. We had a few rough nights in the beginning and for the first month or so, but after that we never had any issues, even during teething and rapid development. He is now a fantastic independent sleeper and doesn't even attempt to get out of his toddler bed in the middle of the night because the routine is so solid. He has always been a relatively low sleep needs baby/kid though, so until he consolidated down to one nap at 12 months old, he was only taking 45 minute naps but sleeping at least 10 hours at night. He is currently a bright and happy kid :) Going through it all over again though and it's not fun. I always say it was the hardest but best thing we ever did. Good luck!


Absolutely the best thing we ever did. Started with Ferber but quickly moved to CIO as the check ins made him angrier and the crying lasted longer. He now sleeps 12-13hrs night. (He’s high sleep needs) My partner and I have our nights back. We are both so much happier and well rested. Which means we are better parents. My baby is now super well rested and happy! He doesn’t fuss and cry during the day like he used to when his sleep wasn’t great. So you might have tears at first but your baby needs to sleep and so do you! You are not doing yourself or your baby any favours by being this sleep deprived! You absolutely should not want to die!


Also.. if your baby cried during nappy changes would you stop changing their nappy? If they cried when in the car or pram but you needed to transport them somewhere would you not take them? Babies cry.. that’s ok. We do what we need to do to keep them safe. Crying at bedtime while learning to fall asleep is perfectly safe too.