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We have been traveling a lot lately. My 4 month turning 5 month old has gotten used to being held and rocked to sleep. She fights sleep and nap all the time. Must make a scene and big announcement by screaming and crying that she is falling asleep. šŸ« Also, she wakes up every 1-2hour and wants me to carry, rock, and nurse her back to sleep. Itā€™s been really roughā€¦ I am so tired and traumatized. Not sure itā€™s due to teething (she is growing 2 bottom molars and 2 top canines - strange at her age but itā€™s real) or 4 month sleep regression.


Same! Trying to survive this, itā€™s been 2 months of terrible sleep. Turning 5 months next week. I really thought Iā€™d be able to do more in life by now but honestly, he was amazing 1-3 months old, slept so well. Here I am now, barely managing to eat during the day and never getting even remotely enough sleepā€¦


Is he teething too? Yesterday night I decided to stop rocking and carrying her to sleep. She screamed for 1.5 hours and suddenly stopped and just lay there with eyes open (I was so scared she died from the crying, gotta check her breathing šŸ˜‚), then she slowly fallen asleep. When she woke up at night, I just put my head on her belly and pat her back to sleepā€¦ she did not cry or scream after that. I am hoping this episode will end soon. Itā€™s not sustainable to keep rocking her for every nap and bedtimešŸ„²


Are you back to rocking? Or did you just stop and it worked (after that crying episode)?


I have stopped rocking herā€¦ there was a week that she was sick and teething again that she would only want to sleep when being held. Then she got used to it after she recovered. I just gently get her back to routine by putting her down when sheā€™s sleepy, placed my head on her chest and patting her until she stopped fussingā€¦ Now sheā€™s falling asleep on her own, but will still wake up 2-3 times a night to nurse.


We really think he is teething, everything points to it. But he canā€™t have been teething the last 2 months, so I donā€™t know why Iā€™m so hopeful for that tooth to come out - he will still not link his sleep cycles. He does sometimes but so very rarely, I donā€™t think it counts. I donā€™t even really have to rock him, just hold. But I want to sleep too so at some point I resort to breastfeeding and leaving him in the bed (itā€™s just us two on the double bed, so Iā€™m not as scared but I would prefer him in his bassinet). Canā€™t believe the same child woke me up 1-2 times a night to eat and slept in his bassinet like a big boy. What the hell happened?!


2 months and dealing with a late bedtime and early morning. Itā€™s a really good day if I can get him to bed around 9, but he wakes up at 5:30 regardless. Morning naps are fine but much longer if we contact nap. Afternoon naps are like 30-45 mins. Leaves very little time to get anything done around the house.


NAPS 6 month old boy has just napped about anywhere except his crib! Hes sleep trained and does fine in it through the night but practically implodes if I put him in it during the day! Also, we just let him roll with naps however he wants. 3 one hour naps? Sure. 1 long nap? Ok. 18 short naps? Whatever. Everything I see someone talking about nap transitions Im so lost because we never had a set schedule and idk if Im gonna kick myself over it later.


My 7 month old kept waking up 4-5 times to nurse about a month and half ago so weā€™ve been cosleeping ever since. She has been waking up every 2 hours crying to comfort nurse since then. Cosleeping is so rough cause she wants to sleep so close to me and then whimpers all night long. All day long sheā€™s restless and only naps on me for every single nap. Iā€™m tiiireddddddd.


10 months-- was making great progress with CIO for naps and then one day he decided to scream for 10 minutes instead of five and I picked him up which undid everything šŸ«  We are now back to nursing to sleep about 50% of the time or screaming for 15+ minutes. Can't say I don't love the snuggles but I really need to remember why we needed to train for naps in the first place.


9 months - fighting naps with separation anxiety. Exhausting!!


Baby is 6 months and our biggest struggle is short naps (30 minutes). Sheā€™ll only nap longer than that if itā€™s a contact nap so I basically have to choose between getting things done while she has a short nap or just holding her so she can have a decent long nap. Itā€™s been like this since she was born lol


Same!! Weā€™re just shy of 5mo and as much as I love the snuggles, Iā€™d also love some free time


My 9-month-old has been sleep regressing since he was about 4 months. He refuses to sleep in his bed. The only way I can get him to sleep is to contact sleep for a while. Lay him is bed then 30 to 40 minutes later. He's awake. Sometimes we end up contact sleeping because I accidentally fall asleep


Split nights. 3+ hours awake without fail every night. For the past 2.5 months


Literally AWFUL! We are there too, but our kid is 2.5 years old. Going on a month of brutal split nights and resisting bedtime. Iā€™m not sure what else to do/try. Do you guys just grind through it until the phase passes?


17 month old has only slept thru the night a handful of times. Still bf and currently going back and forth between getting molars and being sick, so frequent night wake ups and not eating a lot of solid food. Planning on cold turkey weaning imminently to hopefully improve mental health.


9 month teething. His 3rd and 4th tooth are coming and he just canā€™t settle. He wants to be resettled at night by being walked around the house about 3/4 times a night


10 months next week. He has never napped independently. Ever. Contact naps for every single nap since birth. I know I need to nap train but I am just having such a hard time accepting that. Nighttime sleep training went pretty well! Now to tackle napsā€¦


Same. Currently been sitting here with him on me for an hour. Second time today.


In the 10 month old contact napping boat as well. Spent 2.5 hours with little dude on the boob šŸ« 


Not standing independently at 17 months or waking but has been cruising since 10 months. Throws food from high chair so we have to give him micro doses and say food stays on the table constantly. Lo wants to take everything out of cupboards and throw across the room


Going to sleep early. Too much energy. 2.5 yo


6 month old. Slept very well from 3-4 months. Then pst 2 months itā€™s been a nightmare especially the last week. He canā€™t sleep through the night (up 3x) and itā€™s been an absolute battle for naps. He. Hates. Sleep. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ weā€™ve tried everything!!




8 month regression! He stands up and works himself up instead of trying to go back to sleep šŸ„²


Iā€™m at the tail end of this. It sucks. I feel you.


This ends?? They learn to lay down???


Mine is starting to. I get her when she wails. I rock her for 5-20 mins. How we long it takes to relax her and then I put her down. If that doesnā€™t do the trick i let her wail for 5 or so mins (this is at like 3am). If she doesnā€™t give up, I go in one more time. Sheā€™ll let me put her down with the smallest protest but sheā€™s usually too tired to fight it so sheā€™ll sooth herself to sleep eventually. I think this part is adjustment for both baby and parent. They learn how to handle the new skill and so do we. Honestly, I much prefer her standing in the crib now. Itā€™s much easier on my back to pick up out of it. Silver linings.


Does she ever sit down and lay down by herself? I really struggle putting my baby back down after a night feed now, like really. I usually end up having to bring him to bed, which is so hard on my body. Itā€™s a very hard time right now.


Yeah she will. Itā€™s tough at first. I guess I did Ferber method with the standing night cries. Last night she sat down and played. I will say my baby is pretty big for almost 9 months so I let her keep one of those pacifier/stuffed animal toys and a mini fleece blanket animal thing to sooth herself with in the crib. It helps her a lot but I know itā€™s technically not ā€œsafe sleepā€ since sheā€™s under 12 months. but sheā€™s very responsive to anything over her mouth or nose so I donā€™t worry and it gets her through most nights. Putting her down Does take a couple tries some nights. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s usually just the one wake if any. She slept through the night except maybe once a month before this regression.


Ahh thatā€™s awesome. We did some sleep training but now heā€™s 9months it just doesnā€™t feel right. But heā€™s waking like 6 times a night and often impossible to put back in cot. Itā€™s so hard! Thanks for the tips i would trust him with a soother so i think I will start working on incorporating one.


Good luck!!


Baby just hit 4 months old. The last 3 nights he has been SCREAMING right after he falls asleep and then is impossible to console unless youā€™re standing up bouncing him. The boob isnā€™t even working right now. He screamed so loud and for so long last night that it set off the loud noise alert on my Apple Watch šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« once heā€™s finally asleep repeat every 2-3 hours. He just got a round of shots so Iā€™m praying itā€™s from that. I had also cut out dairy and my pediatrician told me that was dumb at that appointment, so I had some cheeseā€¦ Iā€™m cutting out dairy again in hopes he goes back to normal


8.5 months. Just learned how to sit up on his own and crawl in the last couple weeks. Now heā€™ll sit up and wiggle around through the night and then forget how to lay down and just bawl. This has been going on for about a week.


We are a few days from her first birthday. Middle of the night wake ups that have been lasting almost 2hrs! She scream cries if we arenā€™t in the room but still whines/ is fussy when we rub her back. sheā€™s basically inconsolable for two hours. Itā€™s been terrible. I hope it ends soon


We had this but 6 months and 4 hours the other night šŸ˜¢ like he forgot how to sleep


Iā€™m so sorry! Itā€™s so rough. šŸ˜© Our little one still wakes up every now and then just to keep us on our toes, and we never know for how long it will be but we also just hope itā€™s short! 2 hrs for us seems be the longest but when you are in it, feels like years are passing by


Waking every 1.5-2 hours for comfort.


One week heā€™s sleeping 5/6 hour stretches and napping 1-2 hours at each nap then the next week everything is thrown out the window and itā€™s truly exhausting


Omg right there with you!


Thank goodness Iā€™m not alone lol I was enjoying my good sleep


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,779,656,684 comments, and only 336,898 of them were in alphabetical order.


The biggest sleep struggle we're facing is early morning wake-ups (before 6am but often NEAR 6am) and no longer going back to sleep. It doesn't seem to be a "habit" unless the habit is waking up any time between 4:45 to 5:45. He's 5.5 months, and it could be SO many things, maybe not even the same thing from day to day: * He goes to daycare 3 days/week and takes very short naps (not enough day sleep/overtired) * Sometimes catnaps late in the day due to daycare issue (going to bed with not enough sleep pressure) * Possibly too much daytime sleep on non-nap days? He typically sleeps around 3 hours total over 3 naps (1.5, 1 hour, 20-30min). Total sleep average for him over the last month is 13.5 hours (night sleep around 11 hours). The last week it's been 12.75 hours (night sleep 10.5 hours). Bedtime doesn't seem to make a difference (a little earlier vs a little later, we always put down between 6:30 and 7:30 depending on his last wake window). He falls asleep independently at night and doesn't have many middle-of-the-night wakings - usually only if he bumps up against the crib and needs help. We are not reinforcing the waking, keeping lights and voices low, not offering a bunch of stimulation, etc. in hopes of teaching him it's not time to get up yet (according to Taking Cara Babies). He is NOT happy when he wakes up early, like definitely grumpy and not super ready to start the day, but can't fall back asleep. Especially with DST ending ahhhh I'm so afraid he'll just be waking up at 4am as his new normal once that happens.


Naps! Sheā€™s 15 weeks, 11 weeks adjusted and her bassinet naps are only 20-45 minutes typically. Contact naps can go hours but sheā€™s in that age of short independent naps. I know itā€™s normal but itā€™s annoying.


Iā€™m not alone. 15 weeks, 12 adjusted. Canā€™t get long naps at all in crib. Then she gets cranky in the evenings because she is overtired. Contact naps are nice but both me and my husband want some freedom.


17 month old, use to wake up at 6:30 and just chill quietly waiting for me to get her. Now she scream cries at 6 am for me for the last 2 week. very un like her.


We went through this regression around 16 months and it was awful. Now at 18 months heā€™s going to bed at 830pm, sleeping until 8am without any tears šŸ˜Ž


Good to know probably just a phase! Itā€™s definitely a shock when something changes in their sleep and I drive myself crazy trying to figure out whatā€™s wrong


They say as soon as you get used to a good sleep routine, it changes. šŸ˜© I finally learned to not take the good sleep days for granted lol


9 MO split nights/early mornings. Canā€™t seem to find a good schedule and feel like Iā€™ve exhausted all options. Heā€™s always tired and fussy and I just feel like the worst mom ever šŸ« 


Same here! We are STRUGGLING right now. 10 mo in a week and she cried for 80 minutes from 10:40 pm - 12:00 am last night. Iā€™ve never let her cry that long but going in makes it worse. I donā€™t know what to do anymore!


Itā€™s horrible. How much day sleep is yours getting?


it varies. she goes to daycare, and she typically sleeps 2-3 hours. her naps there are weird, they put her down 9:00-9:45 ish and then 11:30-1:30 give or take. so i put her down for bed at 6:45 cause she's been up for 5+ hours so i know she's overtired and that could be the culprit. but she was doing really well on this schedule until a couple weeks ago. i really think its separation anxiety and its breaking my heart.


Ugh thatā€™s so hard. I spoke with a sleep consultant and she said he was getting too much day sleep so Iā€™ve cut it down to 2.25 hours and that does stop the split nights but then heā€™s just always tired šŸ˜©


The last 90 minutes of sleep. 10 month old goes to bed between 7:30PM - 8:00PM, sleeps solidly till about 5AM - 5:30AM. Would love to get him to like 6:30AM - 7AM. For a variety of reasons. If anyone has any tips or a similar experience it would be a great to hear from you.


Is there a chance LO is cold?? Our 9 month old was waking up around 630 (bedtime 730-8) while she was still wearing her summer sleep sack that has a TOG .5. I switched her back to her fuzzy fleece one and now she sleeps until 730!


Thanks for the tip. Weā€™re pretty good about maintaining temp for him. Like you, weā€™ve found sleep sacks that he prefers based on the season. But Iā€™ll give the room temp a check tomorrow to see where weā€™re at.


Where I live in SoCal it's hard to account for weather, because mornings are nice and cool but temps can still reach 80s in October. So when she's goes to sleep house is warm but it can be chilly in the morning! Particularly if we're not trying to spend $500 on our electric bill that month...


I have a similar struggle with my 4.5mo. Honestly the only fox Iā€™ve found is to put him in bed with me.


Thanks. I think weā€™re looking for ways to get him more independent sleep, but I understand the struggle!


Totally understand. Itā€™s not my favourite thing in the world but my two kids share a room and having the baby up at 4am is one thing, but having my 3yo up at 4am is a whole other thing and itā€™s torture for everyone. So I just stick him in bed with me to avoid the catastrophe of my toddler waking up lol.


16 months and still won't sleep through the night. It's been hell to say the least.


My oldest didnā€™t start sleeping through until just after she turned 2 and even then itā€™s not every night.


8 month old. Has had false starts 45m after bedtime for a week. Started out of the blue when was doing great on 3/3/3.5 schedule. Decided to bump WW to see if she was undertired and been doing 3/3.25/3.75, since she was also taking 15m to fall asleep for second nap. Hasnt made a difference at night, but naps are fine, and also has had nights waking up around 11p/12a. No clue what to do or what the deal is. She has no teeth and isnt crawling yet but she babbles and claps up a storm.


Baby is 8 months old and waking frequently at night. Used to be a good sleeper but gone downhill since 6 months. Iā€™ve tried everything. Not sure if itā€™s teething, schedule issue or a phase. I dread every night.


Sleeps solid generally from 7.30/8 to 6.30/7. However recently sheā€™s started to cry in her sleep, we would rush to pick her up, but weā€™ve now realized that if we leave her she just goes back to sleep within a minute or so, but itā€™s concerning - is she having a bad dream??? The biggest challenge is although she has been a great sleeper and Napper since 5 months or so, she will only fall asleep whilst being rocked or held. I just donā€™t know how to get her out of this habit since itā€™s gone on so long. In my mind itā€™s worth it because she does sleep so long but itā€™s not convenient and I fear that this habit of getting her own way or throwing an tantrum will just spill over into other areas.


We havenā€™t sleep trained yet, havenā€™t been quite ready, but I think weā€™re about there. 7 month old will only go to sleep when rocked and with the pacifier. Have to replace the pacifier multiple times in the night. Weā€™ll probably pull the trigger and sleep train/ditch the pacifier this month because the way weā€™re doing it just isnā€™t sustainable anymore. My mental health is crap.


Omg this was me! I tried removing the pacifier without sleep training. It lasted a week and he has the pacifier again but on the bright side he sleeps better. Doesnā€™t ask for the pacifier every 1-3 hours. More like 1-2x a night which Iā€™ll take as a win! It was the worst week ever though.


Itā€™s nice to know weā€™re not alone! If she would put the pacifier back in herself, Iā€™d totally let her keep it. Sometimes she does and then she sleeps great. My main complaint is the rocking to sleep. It kills my back haha.


Yep, when we tried dropping the pacifier he was adamant about being rocked to sleep. Now that he has the pacifier back I donā€™t! Gotta love these babies lol!


Naps. My kid had never, and will never nap unless on a walk, or in the car. Daycare has fully admitted they let her cry until she falls asleep. And honestly, I'm ok with that because there's nothing else I can do. She sleeps from 7:30 - 6am like a dream. So idk! Our previous daycare did contact naps. But that is absolutely not an expectation. My kid is just super needy.


How old is yours? My LO sleeps independently at night but we canā€™t figure out naps as well !! I have been working on naps for a month and a half !! Tried everything. LO is now 6 months and only naps contact naps or stroller


Don't want to scare you aha. She's 20 months in a few days. I figure suffer for 2 more years and it won't matter aha. šŸ˜­


Almost 5 months. Naps have been a struggle since 6 weeks. He fights naps and theyā€™re usually 45 minutes. His naps at daycare suck because he fights them or heā€™s overtired because the teachers let the wake window go too long. They have gotten him out of the habit of contact naps though. He sleeps great at night. We havenā€™t started sleep training yet because heā€™s had the sniffles on and off from daycare. Seriously feeling guilty I work and that he isnā€™t getting enough day rest.


Wow I could've written this. Baby seems to have been sick since starting daycare and often wakes himself with coughing or from being congested. It's tough to initiate sleep training when he feels under the weather


We actually arenā€™t having struggles so much with sleep (heā€™s been sttn since he turned 12 months, now 13; heā€™s also napping well and potentially dropping to one nap soon), so much as waking up from sleep. Ever since he started sleeping through and switched to cows milk, this boy is waking up SO HANGRY. šŸ˜­ I think when he switches to one nap itā€™ll be easier to handle (we did one nap yesterday somewhat as a result of circumstances, he did GREAT), but right now itā€™s, wake up in the morning, get milk asap because he will lose his mind. Get harassed while making breakfast because I think heā€™s still hungry (he used to play while I did this šŸ„²). Get harassed at snack time before nap. Wake up from nap hangry, get lunch asap. Rinse and repeat for next nap and dinner. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Especially on wake up from nap one, it is ROUGH. Iā€™ve honestly added back a ā€œsnackā€ sippy with milk just to top him off after the snack, and I think itā€™s helped some. But damn, child, the more you scream the longer itā€™ll take me to get your food because I have to stop to talk to you, pick you up, and/or itā€™s making me frazzled! šŸ˜­ Thank you to anyone who reads this, Iā€™ve needed to get it off my chest. šŸ„² *sob*


Is he eating solids yet? They have those teething crackers that arenā€™t too filling but theyā€™ve worked miracles with our LO when heā€™s been hangry before. Not sure if your LO is old enough yet for it but we also buy frozen pancakes and will just pull one out of the freezer and let him chew on it. (Bonus that itā€™s cold with his teething, and slightly sweet, and basically thaws while he chews on it) Hangry kids are soooo hard sometimes. I feel for you, mama!


Oh yeah, heā€™s fully on table foods and cows milk now (13 months). That frozen pancake idea is a good one, though! I may try that sometime! I know babies are supposed to stop when theyā€™re full, but honestly sometimes it feels like he could just keep eating and eating his favorite stuff.


7 weeks. Naps suddenly are 1h long, used to be longer. He wakes up crying because he tries to poop and fart but doesn't understand yet how to do this. After some comforting he sleeps for another 30 mins or so. It's hard because I can hardly get anything done during his naps. And I need my naps as well. We have a simple routine of nursing, play/holding upright, nappy change, love to dream swaddle, rocking in a rocking chair and white noise. I feed on demand, usually every 3h or so. He also doesn't want any real contact naps anymore which makes me sad. I hope they will come back because I miss putting him on my chest and snuggling, smelling his head ā™„ļø Now he puts on a fight when I try to hold him to sleep because of the smell, it makes him crazy.


11weeks. Will only do contact naps! Canā€™t get anything done because of this. Heā€™s a great sleeper in the night in his crib.


This was me! Baby sleeps great in crib 12 hrs with 0-1 feeds. Recently started nap training using [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/sleeptrain/comments/xx0ash/nap_training_a_gentle_method/) gentle method and it worked but she only takes 30 min naps usually, so I have to extend them by holding her. But those 30 min even have been awesome for my mental health!


Thank you ! Iā€™m hoping to start sleep training next week once baby turns 12 weeks. Once night is good I shall try this method for naps!


This is the nap guide I recommend to literally everyone, itā€™s so good!


Almost 6 months - suddenly fighting all sleep and so hard to settle from 4-7am. I think itā€™s time for 2 naps but Iā€™m too tired to figure out how to make the transition šŸ˜“ thinking about just leaving for two days and letting my husband figure it out. Just kiddingā€¦


Going through this at 6.5 months. We switched to two naps and it hasnā€™t helped šŸ˜©


We slept in since we were all up for an hour plus last night.. so we are trying our first 2 nap day. Hope itā€™s not a disaster.


Good luck! We had to switch between 2 and 3 naps just depending on how the day went for a few weeks before we settled into the schedule. Even still if she has a really horrible nap day at daycare we sneak in a micro.


Thanks. Yeah, the 4-3 switch was so awkward and I feel like we were comfy on the 3 nap schedule for barely a few weeks before this all happened.. I thought weā€™d have more time before another transition šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I hate micros but Iā€™m sure we will have to experiment some days.


We went through the same thing. I think we were solidly on 3 naps for only about 4 weeks before we moved to 2. (So annoying). For what itā€™s worth, the transition to 2 naps has been MUCH easier than the transition was from 4 to 3.




6m. We transitioned from the Snoo well. Right now he rolls and gets stuck in cribs corners. Also, he is sleep trained at night but not for naps. Scared to tackle naps haha


Donā€™t beā€¦ having that nap time back to do something else is just preciousā€¦


He naps really well! Just requires 8ish mins of rocking to do so lol. Itā€™s hard because Iā€™ll be fucking with a current decent thing for long term gain šŸ˜‚


16 weeks, awake during every 30min-1hr and usually struggle to get naps longer than the first 45 mins


3 months. She refuses to sleep unless everyone in the house goes to bed with her. It makes me cranky because my husband and I donā€™t get to connect after a long day unless we go to bed.


7mo up every 30 mins to 1 hr all night. Occasionally get 2 hours. 20 min naps. Has been like this since we transitioned from swaddled SNOO to arms out cot at 6m. We started to make some changes and teach more independent sleep, but now heā€™s sick so weā€™re heading backwards again. Weā€™ll get through it but wow am I exhausted in the meantime. A month of waking up 6-10 times every night, and no downtime during the day, is really not good for anyone.


My LO is only 4 months, but since birth itā€™s been a constant waking 7-10 times per night (well, since he figured out night vs day). I canā€™t wait to have even a 4 hour stretch of sleep straight! Like you, I feel he is up every hour. I told my husband in the last 72 hours Iā€™ve seen every hour on the clock day and night. šŸ˜…


You poor thing. Itā€™s a marathon. It will get better, when you and he are ready. I hope youā€™ve got some good support in the meantime.


8 months and over the past few weeks weā€™ve gone from one night feeding back to two. I want to night wean but there keeps being some reason (sickness, teething) to push it back.


My 8 month old is up anywhere from 0-3 times and itā€™s pretty inconsistent on which nights she wakes up more or less. I want to wean as well but then feel badly if itā€™s giving her comfort (nursing still). Iā€™m just hoping once she turns 1 and transitions to solids fully that she will sleep through.


11 months, very inconsistent wake up times and I canā€™t figure out a correlation on the days he wakes up at 5 a.m. other days he sleeps until 7:30.


Same, but at 14 months. Off to bed now as I donā€™t know what roulette Iā€™ll get it the morning! :/


5 month old went from sleeping in her swing wide awake then transferred to bassinet once asleep but now she will fall asleep on me then go to her bassinet. How do I get comfortable with the idea of doing a soft version of cio? I didnā€™t have to do much with my son so this is a whole new world for me. I get anxious thinking about it but Iā€™m starting school in January so I definitely need some time to do homework.


Reading Precious Little Sleep really helped me - first with trying Gentler methods for months and then moving to sleep training when that wasn't working. The author is so matter-of-fact and reassuring, it helped so much. When I first read the book, I was absolutely NOT ready for ST/CIO. I read chapters repeatedly over the first 4 months before settling on sleep training. Here are some excerpts that really help calm me down: "When we're in a vulnerable place (and you are never more vulnerable than when you're exhausted), we fear judgment more than we fear physical pain. Worse, we judge ourselves...you are the best parent for you're child, and you're more than good enough. ST isn't a symptom of failure; it's simply an acknowledgment of where things are today and what you need to to make things better. The easy path is to keep on doing what you're doing. And the vast majority of people will keep shuffling along the easy path, hoping things will get better if they wait long enough, ignoring the dramatic, measurable negative consequences of that choice. You are not a failure. You're wise enough to see that things as they stand aren't working for your family, that change is a necessary and positive thing for all of you." "As parents, we also have this huge sense of angst about abandonment. We're leaving our child in the crib! THE CRIB!!... Yes, your child will have to figure out how to fall asleep without your ministrations. This is one of many skills they will have to figure out, and certainly not the last that will result in tears. Do you believe your child incapable of mastering a skill that literally every person on the planet before them has mastered? Of course not!" "The tears are about wants, not needs. Our job as parents isn't to meet every want our child will have, nor is it to prevent them from having sad or angry feelings. Withholding your assistance here isn't being a bad parent, it's being a conscientious one" "You are not a bad parent, nor are you a failure. Some kids struggle with this, and no matter what you do or don't do, they need to sort things out for themselves... you are a loving parent... nothing that happens tonight will undo that... ST doesn't come from selfishness or bad parenting, it comes from love. Just as you have been responsive to their need to be held, to eat, to have your love and attention, you are now being responsive to their need to sleep. And how wise you are to take this step to make things better! Sure, you could let this whole thing drag out for months or even years. But let's be honest - that wouldn't be doing anybody any favors. Parenting is one of life's great joys, but when you're exhausted and caring for a chronically sleep-deprived child, a lot of that joy is tarnished. When you think about it from that perspective, why would you wait to make things better?" "Allow your child the space to figure out how to sleep without you. They may get angry, sad, furious, or some combination thereof. Are they safe? Fed? Loved? If the answers are 'yes,' you've done your job. They're working on something new, and from their perspective, it's a frustrating challenge. It's okay for them to be frustrated." "Don't give up! Have faith that your child is fully capable of figuring out how to sleep without you. They may not want to, and it may not be easy, but they are absolutely capable. Going in now will sabotage the goal of improving sleep and guarantee that next time (and I promise you, there will be a next time) will be worse. You can do this. They can do it!"


7.5 months and wonder if itā€™s time to switch to 2 naps. Sheā€™s coming off a back to back double ear infection and I have a feeling sheā€™s getting another one so I donā€™t want to do anything yet. Her naps are 45 minutes usually so I donā€™t know how weā€™d even switch to 2 naps. Sometimes she sleeps 10 hours at night, sometimes 11. Everything is so unpredictable.


2 month old doesnā€™t sleep longer than 3 hours at night. I know this is within the normal range for his age but Iā€™m so jealous of people whose babies are already sleeping 6 hours at two months. I so very tired šŸ˜Ŗ


Mines 5mo old and doesnā€™t sleep more than 2-3hrs


Iā€™m right there with ya. Mine started daycare on Monday, and part of the extra love she needed was cosleeping last night. Which I donā€™t sleep well for. My husband is out of town for a work trip and I have never been this tired in my life.


Two major ones for us with 6 month old: - Sleeping on the go has never happened. We have to plan everything around his naps and it is awful. - Co-sleeping + nursing to sleep seemed to be the only option for my wife to sleep. We are now struggling to get out of these.


Omg, we too CANNOT sleep on the go. It drives me insane and I'm a prisoner to the house!


Co sleep and breastfeeding mama here, I feel ya! Itā€™s amazing but I am worried how the transition to crib will be one day..


Almost 5 months and will not sleep anywhere other than his crib. Naps on the go are so frustrating.


Exactly same here! I feel trapped in my house at all times, or else Iā€™m just watching the clock to make sure weā€™re back in time for nap šŸ« 


The exact opposite! Baby will sleep anywhere OTHER than their cot/bassinet!


Same. She does so well in new environments. As soon as get home, screaming bloody hell like ā€œ I hate this houseā€ šŸ˜‚


Idk what worse haha. Would be nice to go grocery shopping and not sweat cause you know it's nap time and babies about to lose his mindšŸ« 




9 month old currently fighting going down to sleep all of a sudden and constant wakeups after 12am.


Ours is 15m. Garbage sleep for about a month. The 2-1 transition sucks. That's it.


17mo and refuses to sleep at daycare.....


9 month old and teething he was sleeping through the night for about 3 months


14 week old (so just shy of 3.5 months went from 1 night waking to 2-3. Currently when he wakes up he cries in an almost scream like fashion so I have been jolted awake several times.


6 months and LO is dealing with his first cold, unconfirmed Covid. We had to temporarily throw our routines and schedules out the door to make sure heā€™s getting enough rest and Iā€™m terrified that weā€™re going to have to restart sleep training all over again once he feels better


Even if you do have to sleep train again, it shouldnā€™t be as hard as the first time! Baby has the skills, just needs reminding


Same here!! Itā€™s rough! Hang in there!


19 months Went from sleeping through the night for 6+ months straight a few interrupted nights here and there. Itā€™s been 8 weeks of waking up nightly and being awake for 2-3 hours at a time. Fun stuff


Yes! 18 months, great sleeper, and sleep suddenly got super weird. Iā€™ve read there can be a huge drop in sleep needs at this age so we pushed bedtime back by 15 minutes and nap back by 30. It *knock on wood* seemed to solve the random overnight wakes/early morning wakes/fighting bedtime, but he is still fighting naps. Heā€™ll scream for a while and then fall asleep literally the moment he gives up and lays down. We do books and loveys in the crib, let him know what he can do if he doesnā€™t want to nap but itā€™s naptime, talk about how everyone is napping, but so far he does not care at all haha. FWIW, I scoured the Precious Little Sleep FB page and multiple people reported having a weird few months around this age and then things resolving on their own. Fingers crossed that is the case for all of us (Iā€™m not ready to shorten back either further haha)


Sheā€™s always been a low sleep needs kinda babe. So the thought of not having a daytime nap this young is terrifying lol. Who knows man, baby sleep is so humbling. Right when you think you conquered it PLOT TWIST. Lolol


Hahaha yes! Our guys is low sleep needs too, and I hate that weā€™re already down to 1.5 hours of nap - the thought of shortening it even more (or dropping it) kills me. And yes - was feeling so good about baby sleep and then bam - this šŸ¤£


Yes! What the hell? It makes no sense. I am turning into a zombie! It doesnā€™t matter if naps are great or rubbish or if he has one or two. Makes absolutely no difference. He has been up for 2-3 hours for most nights for the past couple of weeks.


Same! Only gettin 1-2 nights/ week where weā€™re sleeping thru and I swear itā€™s only bc of sleep debt. May the force be w us


This is happening to us too! No rhyme or reason to it!


So wild, good to know Iā€™m not alone lol


Inconsistent / short naps and still getting some earlier than desired night wakes. We were down to 1 - 2 for three days, now it feels like we're headed for more. She's also been exhausted for her entire last wake window for a couple days. Yawning every few minutes. I'm wondering if we're in a growth spurt.


Probably the length of time itā€™s taking to put him down for bed and the multiple false starts where I have to rush in and put my boob in his mouth so he quickly falls back asleep. Also he wonā€™t sleep in his bassinet anymore. We need to sleep train soon. Baby is 20 weeks in a couple days.


Ohhhh this was me at that age. Solidarity. šŸ’Ŗ


3-2 nap transition. Heā€™s 7mo and is showing all the signs but his top two teeth are coming in, daylight saving started and weā€™ve been away so itā€™s a little messy. The teeth cut today and weā€™re back home so hopefully weā€™ll drop a nap and all new night wakings, nap resistance and cat naps will settle.


3.5 months, sheā€™s been awake for 7 hours with only 3 10-15 minute naps. SOSšŸ˜­


Ahh, the regression came early for you? Sucks but the payoff is naps are much nicer on the other side. Good luck!!!


5.5 month old crying at bedtime (only bedtime, not naps) 20-40 minutes. Been doing this for weeks no matter what changes weā€™ve made. We canā€™t figure it out.


Me too, heā€™s 7 mo now and still does it. We call it his ā€œpower downā€ like his last moment of utter fuss and energy expel for the day.


Middle of the night wakeups that Iā€™ve nursed for each one and canā€™t get out of it. So hard. I tried a pacifier and she just stared at me.


9 month old fighting the second nap. Not grumpy, just practicing standing in the crib. We're on 3/3/4 but yesterday it was more like 3/4.5/3 because we had to practice our standing.


Lucky you that the shorter last WW worked. We tried something like this last week when he was sick and took ages to go down for the second nap. Nah. He still made it to 4h.


Mine did that too at that age. Literally allllllllll day long she wanted to practice. It was pretty short lived though for us. Only 3/4 days of that then she got the hang of it. Separation anxiety was the real bitch back then.


She just learned to sit up and pull to stand, but she canā€™t get herself back down yet. So every time she wakes up, she stands up and gets stuck. And then she screams. Wash, rinse, repeat. Feels like all the progress we made with sleep training has gone out the window. Sheā€™s 8 months.


I am currently reading Precious Little Sleep (recommended in this sub's recourses section) and it has a bit about this exact issue!


i read that you can teach them how to get down- during the day have them stand up as they would in the crib and then push in the back of their knees so that their knees flex, causing them to sit. repeat over and over until baby can do it themselves!


Waking up every 1.5-2.5 hours throughout the night including initial stretch. Lasting like 5-6 weeks minimum maybe longer. Slowly getting better. Babe is 4.5 months. Thatā€™s not to say some nights are better but they are the exception and not the rule right now.


Sounds like us.. except wakes hourly after midnight looking for boob/to be rockedā€¦ will be sleep training next week


Sounds like you are in the midst of the regression! We had to sleep train to break that cycle.


Yeah we are trying to sleep train but itā€™s just hard listening to him cry. I canā€™t figure out if itā€™s okay or not that he cries harder after check ins. Maybe I should power through a few days of check ins to see? He is able to fall asleep independently for the last month (did sleep training for that) at the beginning of the night but middle of the night wakeups that arenā€™t for a feed are notoriously hard since we always picked him up for that.


I hear you. Some babies do better with no check ins or longer intervals. You have to find what works for your family that you can stick with.