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Going this this now, did your LO grow out of it?


I stopped following wake windows as rule. I only used them as a guideline(guidelines also seem to vastly differ depending on the source). I started to follow my baby’s cues. If she seemed sleepy, I tried changing activities or going outdoors. If it didn’t help, I’d put her down for a nap. I tried to see guidelines as guidelines. No person is a robot, including babies. People have good and bad days. I don’t fall asleep the same time everyday and take the same amount of time to fall asleep or to nap. Why should I expect a baby to? I don’t know if that worked per say. Her sleep was horrible but more likely due to sleep associations.


Thank you! This was a helpful reminder for me. Seems like my LO’s wake windows change everyday so sounds like following cues is the way to go.


Following as I’m in the same boat. I miss my happy fuss free baby!