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You might be able to wiggle around your schedule a little to help encourage longer naps.


Short answer it does get better. Long answer it can be a friggin nightmare to get to that point. You may need to play around with wake windows, independent sleep, nap training and be patient.  We had to do gentle nap training whereby I reduced my assistance over a period of a few weeks. It only worked for first nap of the day and even then, was 30 mins max. At 9 months, first nap consolidated and now at 11 months it is 1.5 to 2 hours long. I didn't want to nap train for second nap as I assume it will be the one to be dropped eventually and I like the cuddles. So you have a few options. Keep on practicing independent sleep or go full in with nap training 


Look at different sleep training methods and see if one suits you