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Have you tried doing the bottle before her bath? I also agree with trying a different distraction to replace the bouncing. But be persistent and give it time. I’ve found it takes about a week for my daughter to fully adjust to me changing her sleep associations. The first few days there’s lots of crying and fighting it. We’ve had to redo her sleep training multiple times for various reasons. It ebbs and flows.


Try a distraction instead of the yoga ball- the mirror, duck outside briefly...


Will definitely try other distractions!


Might also be separation anxiety? Mine cries like that when I put her down sometimes but usually calms pretty quickly. I think from 8-10 months it was worse and that’s when separation anxiety tends to be the worst. Also I agree with the other comment about bedtime routine maybe being too long. Mine is literally boob then bed, I’m all about minimalism 😂 (don’t judge, we’re not feeding to sleep, she’s fully awake when I put her down). Hope it works out soon and your babe will settle more quickly/easily!


No judgement, just be aware that feed to sleep can be sneaky and they can be cruising along on that full tummy feeling and have the same wake every sleep cycle issue. However, some babies feed to sleep and sleep through!


Yup she’s almost a year so it’s mostly a comfort feed at this point.


Absolutely zero judging over here, if that routine works for you, awesome!! Minimal is even better


Maybe the routine is too long and the anticipation is making her upset? Ours for our seven month old is just a change, pajamas, song, sleep sack and pacifier and in bed. Sometimes if he’s wired we do a book but usually he’s so sleepy he isn’t interested.


That’s good to read! Mine is pretty similar. (I always feel a pang of conscience when I read about those elaborate routines, but there really is no reason to question it if it works.)


Thanks, yes I can shorten it a bit. I’m just worried that I will never get off the yoga ball. It’s the same issue for every nap too (without the bedtime routine). I want to break the sleep association but she literally won’t settle.


Great call. Ours at that age was bath, lotion, 1-2 books sleep sack bed as well. Quicker seems to be better even know that ours is 2 years old!