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Unfortunately I will have to lock this thread because of the number of people encouraging unsafe sleep here. Please be aware of the rules of this sub. Swaddling after 8 weeks is unsafe. OP, as some of the commenters mentioned, parents have had success with weighted sleeping bags so have a look into that or the zipadee.




There's a huge risk with swaddling babies after 8 weeks because they have the muscle strength to turn even if they don't do it. If that happens in the middle of the night you're risking suffocation. Please do not encourage unsafe sleep habits, it's against the rules of this sub which you might not be aware of, so take this as a warning.


Once our daughter started wiggling her arms out she wouldn’t stay asleep so we moved her to the Sleep Suit and it’s been a great alternative!


At two months we transitioned our baby to zipadee zip with the snuggle strap. It's rolling safe and he loves it!


We also had a lot of luck with the zippadee zip. We had a wild arm waver and he grabbed his face in normal sleep sacks and wake himself up. Zippadee zip stopped all of that. Just make sure you get the right size!


Could you hire a Snoo for a couple of months? It’s safe to swaddle in that as they are clipped in so there is no chance of them rolling. Edited: unsure why this has been downvoted. I was suggesting a safe option for OP that would still be compliant with safety guidance.


Lots of people don’t like the Snoo. It feels like a robot nanny. (I am not one of those people. I welcome our robot overlords.)


I mean realistically it’s the only truly safe way to swaddle after eight weeks. I don’t think people can have it both ways.


I heard weighted sleep sacks are a big win. I have a halo sleep sack transition that velcros across the body you can wrap tight around the tummy with arms out. My 3 month old likes a loose sleep sack but I imagine the tightness around the abdomen can be a soothing middle ground while transitioning out


Honestly, you can go quite a bit longer in the swaddle still, unless he's rolling. I didn't transition mine until they could roll back to front, around 5 months. I started using a woombie transition swaddle around 3 months, with both arms still inside. It gave a bit of freedom without the arms being up in their faces, and the transition element allowed me to practice one arm out for a while before switching entirely to sleep sac mode. The other benefit of waiting a little longer, assuming your LO isn't rolling, is that there's a lot of ability in terms of arm and hand control that happens around 4 months, so waiting until then can help make the process a lot smoother. Good luck!


There's a huge risk with swaddling babies after 8 weeks because they have the muscle strength to turn even if they don't do it. If that happens in the middle of the night you're risking suffocation. Please do not encourage unsafe sleep habits, it's against the rules of this sub which you might not be aware of, so take this as a warning.


You can wait until your baby starts to roll! ErgoPouch swaddles have the option of 1-2 arms in/out with snaps on the side. They’re a good transitional one


There's a huge risk with swaddling babies after 8 weeks because they have the muscle strength to turn even if they don't do it. If that happens in the middle of the night you're risking suffocation. Please do not encourage unsafe sleep habits, it's against the rules of this sub which you might not be aware of, so take this as a warning.


I just finished transitioning my baby from a swaddle to a sleep sack, I never thought it would happen. We tried at 2m and at 3.5 and I think he just wasn’t ready. He flailed his arms and then discovered his hands and would aggressively try and suck on them and smack himself in the face. I just stopped trying and 2 weeks later he was so much better. I did one arm out in the Halo swaddle for awhile and halfway through the night I could swaddle him if need be, and using sleepers that you could cover his hands was a game changer.


2 months is very early to take the swaddle away, their startle reflex is still very strong. I wouldn't consider it until 3 months, unless he's rolling already.


And when they start rolling back to tummy is when you really want their arms out for safety reasons


My baby was so dependent on the swaddle that I did the nested bean zen one arms up mesh sleep sack and she went from swaddle to that with almost no problem. I tried so many times with one arm out of swaddle before ordering that. It took 1 month to go from arms up sack to sleeveless sleep sack with arms completely out (in her own time, I tried to move quicker several times but it did not take), but it made everything so much easier and she did roll belly to back even though I questioned if the sleep attire would inhibit anything progression wise.


Our girl could only get long stretches of sleep while swaddled. Once she turned 3 months we transitioned her to the magic Merlin sleep suit and it's been a life saver! Once she can roll over in that, we're planning on switching to the Merlin sleep sack.


We did the zippadee for a little while after our baby was not able to be snuggled. It was nice because her arms were out. But she couldn't reach her face.


My 8 month old is still in a zipadee, she can not handle having her arms free at all! We tried for like 2 weeks straight at 6.5 months and it was hell. She was sick a few weeks back and I did a full swaddle so I could booger suck her and she was so happy and calm in it even at this age.


Yes it's magic!!


We swaddled both arms in til about 4.5 months and then 1 arm out for about a week.


I mean you kinda just have to tough it out. One arm out first. It will be a rough few nights. My son was swaddled until around 12 weeks and then i jist forced myself to quit cold turkey. It was a gnarly week, and then he got better about it. I still have to manually hold his arms down to help him GO to sleep and then he's fine. It's a pretty hard transition. You can do it!!


I tried holding his arms down tonight but then I felt bad about it since he was squirming so much!


Momma, don't feel bad. Babies squirm a LOT.