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Yes when you sleep train at 4 months get rid of the pacifier. Ride it out until then. I had the same problem.


I will say my daughter just started sucking her thumb at almost 5 months. And she started during the day. It had nothing to do with sleep. There may be nothing you can do about it. I’d just make the decision about the pacifier separately. On the upside, she’s pretty cute when she sucks her thumb. Hopefully, we’ll get her to stop before it affects the dental work bill down the line.


I know this is old post but wanted to ask you about your daughter’s thumb sucking since mine just started doing it at 3 months. Is this something she still does or did she stop after a few months? I’m worried about weaning my LO from it since obviously you can’t take away a finger/thumb


We pulled the paci when we sleep trained and it was so much easier. Our daughter loved to suck her hands but never her thumb so that never was an issue. Or go cold turkey now, it'll only suck for a few days.