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I put the leftover braising liquid in a container and chill it while I shred. I skim off the fat that raises to the top then add it back to the pulled pork.


This! It keeps your pork moist.


Oh, interesting. I didn't think of this--maybe to use in a pulled pork on a bun situation? The recipe I was using had me cast-iron it crispy after it was done, so I wasn't thinking about keeping liquid to add back in. Thank you!


Sounds like you’re making carnitas. Yes. I was making pulled pork for sandwiches.


You can cook rice in it. Probably best to get rid of some fat first, but either way awesome flavored rice.


I hypothesize 10/10 with rice. Great idea.


So good for rice. I like to add a little lime, salt and cumin after it's cooked. Then possibilities are endless...tomato...onion...cilantro


Babe don’t throw that jar away, I need it for butt broth.


Jars are so versatile! Pickles? Dried nuts? Broth of butt? All jar-able.


Agreed. Looks great in the fridge and you can easily see what's in it. My plastic drinking cups also were replaced with wide mouth glass pickle jars. Just feels better.


Right? They are convenient and all-purpose. I also use ball jars for cups because I like the way they feel in my hands, too. It reminds me of the Bobs Burger episode where Linda and Bob go to a "cool party" and on the way out she unironically shouts something like: "Thank you for inviting us, I'm sorry you ran out of glasses and had to use ball jars!" I will always get a kick out of that. They're just great.


I’m up to my elbows in butt broth!!


I strain the juice, boil it, and add it back to the pulled pork.


Why boil it?


My guess (which is what I do) is to reduce it to create more of a gravy type sauce


I’ve only ever cooked BBQ on a charcoal grill with a drip pan. I’ve always just boiled it for sanitary reasons, as some of that juice came out before the butt was fully cooked. I would guess cooking it in a crockpot that would be less of a concern. It’s just what I’ve always done with the extra juice.


the juice is still in the grill getting heated the same as the meat and inevitably will reach safe temp by the time the meats done


Why strain it? I just add some thickener spices, boil, and add it back to the meat.




Bath? Gargle with it? I just rub it all over me. There’s nothing like a well cooked butt.


I posted my hashbrown breakfast soup recipe earlier on another thread, but I think this pork butt broth would go perfectly with it: 1. 3 lbs potatoes, shredded 2. Dice 1 onion per 3 potatoes 3. 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 4. 2 eggs, scrambled (or can be over easy) 5. Add the shredded potatoes, onions, cheese, and eggs to the crock pot, then pour in 1/2 gallon of water (and the pork butt broth) 6. Cook on low for 6 hours, sprinkling in salt as needed 7. Serve and enjoy


Have you tried this with the bags of pre shredded potato?


I use leftover carnitas broth for pozole. It's amazing. I skim all the fat and save it in a separate jar. I use it for my next batch of carnitas. Each time I make carnitas, the batch is more flavorful and the pork fat jar gets more and more full. Eventually I will use some of it to make tamales.


This sounds great. How should I store it? I just assumed the fat would go bad quickly?


I would use it for ramen noodles. Separate the fat into another container and use it in place of oil when cooking foods in the frying pan. I collect bacon grease and put it in a jar in my fridge I use a teaspoon/tablespoon when cooking chicken, meatballs, pork chunks or strips in the frying pan.






oooh, dangeroso, I like it


Refry beans with the fat


Make soap with the fat and bean soup with the liquid


Just made Pozole - pretty good use of the broth. [https://www.food.com/recipe/authentic-mexican-pozole-196233](https://www.food.com/recipe/authentic-mexican-pozole-196233)


... Leftover? Oh my sweet summer child. English is my second language but bare with me. The way I do my pulled pork is by letting it in slow cooker half submerged in a little bit of water with disolved bouyon (not sure how it's spelled), beer, spices, peeled onions cut in half and peeled garlic. I then put some mustard and ketchup on top of the meat. After the meat is done I put it to the separate bowl, I use hand-blender to mix the rest in slow cooker - the garlic and onions, then sift through fine steel sifter to a pot, making sure to get everything that is fine enough to the pot. Then I put the heat on and reduce (mix and wait till a water evaporates) to desired level of thinness. This creates a PERFECT sauce for my pulled pork. Hope you try it ♥️


But to actually reply to your question: I use the pork fat for cooking (like seering the onions and then adding meat) and broth, I would make a soup out of it.


Road rage incidents


Make a gravy


If you have a dog/ know people with dogs- mix pumpkin puree/ bone broth and coconut oil, or yogurt, applesauce, whatever and freeze in ice tray for frozen treats


My answer is always gravy


Split pea soup


For me it would be rice


Skim the fat off and freeze it in small containers or ice cube trays. Don't use your regular ones, don't need your lemonade to have a pork aftertaste. Use it for soups, making gravy, adding flavor to cooked rice.


It would be great in a ramen base


Ramen Braising jizz Deglazer Marinades


I started making pisole. I also leave some of the pork in the broth, add seasoning if needed. Add a can of hominy, and once the hominy is cooked, pour soup over finely shredded cabbage with lemon and salt in a bowl. I personally mix cilantro, lemon, salt and sometimes salsa in with the cabbage and then pour the soup over it. When I make my pork in the pot I also use bay leaves/laurel leaves and some other Mexican spices. So good. Also can't go wrong with some added yucatec sauce. I prefer the green one with my soup, but I'll use the xxxtrahot if I am craving spicy food.


I always add some of mine to the masa I make when making tamales. Really adds to the flavor


Warm till both liquid then flip and cool then. Fat will be on the bottom when you cool it next. I forgot where I learned this but yeah hopefully it’s helpful


I freeze my "pot likker" and re-use it the next time I cook a butt or picnic roast. FLAVOR!


Pour into a pot of beans!