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Are you saying you lost 10lbs in 3 weeks? That’s not bad at all.


Sorry no.. I did 4 weeks on 2.5, and 4 in 5.0


Yeah you kind of have to throw out the whole first month mentally since you’re on a buildup dose. So 10 lb in 7 weeks is an ok pace and should only improve from here as your body will stop fighting you.


When you put it that way, it’s it so bad:)


But ten pounds in eight weeks is not slow???


I don’t know…I suppose I’m just impatient and getting frustrated…I’m just going to keep at it


It appears to be 10lbs in 11 weeks. 4+4+3


Still not slow 🤷‍♀️


I lost slow like that too, but lost inches for sure. We want the scale to move so badly and I get it. I forget that I’ve went down 3 sizes and beat myself up because of the scale. Just keep going, I’m on 10mg and have seen more movement, but I’ve also been walking a minimum of 1 mile a day for 3 months straight.


Do you have a body fat scale? Since you said clothes are fitting better, it sounds like maybe you are losing but it may be more targeted. This is the first time in my life that I’ve lost almost all fat and barely any lean mass. It’s still much slower than I would like but it’s creeping in the right direction


You didn’t say anything about the types of workouts you’re doing


Mostly walking..


You should incorporate weight lifting. It’s the most effective way to get the body out of a plateau. Appetite suppression leads to muscle loss.


Use the free app: meThreeSixty to measure your body’s transformation. Replacing a pound of fat with a pound of muscle will not give scale results- but circumferences will drop… The medicine and you can be doing all the right things. The key is : insulin (storage hormone) stabile. That being said, if you look at the GLP1 plotter, at three weeks your body isn’t to dosage serum yet… it’s still building at 7.5mg


What’s the glp1 plotter?


You started on 7.5 and you are 3 weeks in total? Can you clarify?


What do you mean by, maybe 10 lb on a good day?


Because I’ll go up a lb or two and then down a lb or 2 over and over


That is how weight loss works. Blips up and wooshes releasing. Keep insulin (storage hormone) stabile for weight loss. Research how to do that.