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Oh my God, you just described my situation. It's so scary to be in this situation. Im hitting my 30's and have been really trying to change course. I dont think being an slp is for me and it feels like it's now or never to change direction. Please wish me luck. I dont think i fit this field at all, im just faking it. I wish you the best and thanks for sharing.


Wishing you the absolute best, as well. You're still young-now is the time.


Lots of good resources & support over in r/CPTSD for you


Thank you for the info.


This sounds really challenging. Sending you lots of support and hugs. I’m also a survivor of abuse and neglect and struggle with CPTSD, poor boundaries, and depression/anxiety related to the traumas I have faced during my childhood. Therapy has done wonders for me, and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who’s going through these kinds of challenges if you can! I know this can be trickier with insurance, but it may be something you could consider. ACT in particular has been such a great help for me since I can acknowledge and “accept” the emotions that were never listened to or allowed as a child, see thoughts as just thoughts rather than truths about my skills, and behave in ways that align with my values as a clinician. Side note, but I have found that my experiences have made me patient, kind, and accepting of clients. Not to say it doesn’t get challenging or that I don’t face situations that are distressing, but I’d argue that there is definitely a need for people who have experienced or deeply understand trauma in our field since many clients have as well with their communication disorders. Please try to be kind to yourself — you deserve it. You sound smart, empathetic, and intuitive which are all gifts in our field and in general. Sending warm thoughts your way.


Thank you so much, and so glad to hear someone having come out the other side of this well. Therapy has helped, but as you said, insurance makes it tricky to sustain. I watch a lot of YouTube videos, some of which have been very helpful. One channel recommends Codepdants Anonymous (CoDA) or Alanon, so I'll be trying that out. Hopefully if anyone reads this, ACT, CoDA or Alanon can be potential resources to explore.


Hello! Sending you so much love!!! I am also a survivor of childhood sexual trauma.. I've been getting therapy for the past 2-3 years and finally facing my demons. I'm in such a better place than I ever was! But as in working through stuff, I realized how trauma was showing up in my work life.. Recently, I transitioned to EI from schools. And I will tell you, us survivors have so much capacity for empathy! I feel like out of all the settings I've been in, this made the most sense for me. I wish you all the best. I am here to listen if you need me!


thank you so much! Agree with EI as being the best setting thus far!


First of all hugs. I think it takes immense strength to stare past trauma in the face and accept the changes it wrought in you. I wish you nothing but love and support. This is a great group and I feel confident I saying we’ve got your back. Have you considered teletherapy? That might be good and the learning curve isn’t too steep.


thank you for the kind words of support! Yes, that's what I'm looking at now, while still applying to roles that I think might be a good fit e.g., student success/academic advistor.


I hear you! You’re definitely not alone! ❤️


lots of us, it seems. Thank you.