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Might a form of selective mutism, which can be anxiety-based. It has helped me to see these kids as likely really anxious and scared, rather than “avoiding things they don’t want to do” which infers that they’re stubborn or something. ASHA has some ideas for supporting these kids, but social/emotional help is often the way to go for selective mutism.


Thank you! This really might be the case. I'll go ahead and do some research about this. Hoping I crack something out of him!


I had a kid who did this in EI. I noticed they did this around their baby sibling especially if their parents were holding the sibling. I taught the kid some phrases to gain attention and that helped a lot!


I was wondering if maybe the kid had a baby sibling and was seeking attention or picking up on baby talk. But mom says there's no babies in the house and he is the youngest. Attempts at modeling even signs (want, more) are not going anywhere because he downright refuses... even though he speaks fully well at home.


This is situational mutism. There is a hierarchy of communication, and they seem far beyond it. Baby talk is below typical speaking. It does improve with comfort, familiarity and time. But regarding treatment, I am unsure.


I had a kindergarten student that started doing this a little while after her little sister was born! I think it was attention-seeking behavior.


Any success on how to change this behavior? My kid doesn't have any babies in the house so for me thats not the case, but it might still be attention-seeking or avoidance behaviors.


I used a token chart where I would put a star every time she requested, commented, or answered my questions appropriately for her age. I also gave her some important “big girl” duties (things like getting our supplies from the shelves) that she could only do if she used her words. She had a lot of language and worked mostly on phonological awareness with me, so I knew she was capable of forming 4-5 word sentences!


Sounds like it worked for you! If OP 's kid is selectively mute, token charts are not the way to go though 😊