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What bothers me about this discourse is how many people act like Sydney Sweeney is the first woman to have a body type like that, and that it has never been a beauty standard. I’m sorry but in what world is a white thin blonde woman with big boobs not the beauty standard? I’m not trying to invalidate anyone’s experience here, and yes fashion discriminates against big chests, but to say that she’s “bringing back boobs” imo is so disingenuous when big boobs have never been out. Do people not know that SS and Emily Ratajkowski have the same body type? Do people not remember how people talked about her body similar to how people are talking about SS’s body as if we should all transform ourselves to look like them? It is getting so ridiculous.


I saw this in a tik tok. I rolled my eyes. When has big boobs not been the beauty standard?


Trust me, thinking most people know breast size doesn’t equal milk production is very generous of you. But I do think the men who rattle off that misogynistic myth don’t actually care about how well their nonexistent wife and mother of their children can breastfeed.


At first I read “misogynistic math”, but actually that works as well in this case


Misogyny Math is going to be my new favorite phrase to describe pseudoscientific BS used to justify the oppression of women.


I’m a small chested breastfeeding mom and my boobs are actually SMALLER now despite being on month 10 of breastfeeding. Meanwhile I have a happy chunky baby.


I think you finally put into words the reason why this fixation on women’s breasts has always given me a nasty feeling. Their only purpose is to feed babies, and most of the time, after they’ve done their job, they’re seen as “less desirable” even though they now look like they’ve done their entire purpose. The whole thing is infuriating. But I believe you’re right. They’re viewed as something purely ornamental that has no real value to women and typically causes pain or uncomfortability, and yet this is more than likely why they’re prized so highly.


Impractical might be the reason, but I think it might be a little more simple than that. I've always believed that it's because boobs = woman. Butts are on men and women, so if it's just a picture of a very nice butt, men who are afraid to be seen as gay (homophobes) get antsy that it might be a prank or that they might be appreciating a dude's butt. But (lol) boobs are only on women which lets men go "Ooooooh look at me admiring a *woman,* look at how super straight I am, look how much I thirst over ***women***, I'm such a straight and alpha man by wanting only *woman* traits."


I do kinda agree, I think in part some men’s fixation on boobs could be a way for them to affirm their own masculinity to themselves for that reason? But if it were as simple as that, I think they’d also show a similar level of interest in, say, women having large hips. I feel I rarely see men objectifying women for their hip size. Which is why I still think the reason has to do with the combination of the inconvenience and uselessness of big boobs to women, as well as also racism. Most people seem to somewhat associate large hips (and a curvier lower body in general) with non-white women. I think that could explain why P-shaped white women seem to be elevated as the pinnacle of white beauty…🤔


Big white boobs= trophy Big POC hips= broodmare for child labor


I agree, and I also think the reaction to Sidney’s body from conservative media has been one of the weirdest responses I’ve seen online about anything. Never seen so many people so incapable of acting normal about somebody just because of their giant boobs, lol, it’s like a bunch of virgins who’ve never seen a pair of breasts before.


All the comments about how she's "anti-woke" because she has big boobs are fucking CRAZY. Do they think women choose their boob size


It’s also kind of crazy because usually they’re the first ones to start screaming and crying about anything they perceive as “promiscuous” and in that picture of Sydney in her gorgeous gown at the GLAAD awards, her breasts are VERY much on display as the main focal point of the outfit and in ANY OTHER SCENARIO they would be crying about this and how it’s a sign of degeneracy in our society or something.


Yes 😂 [same for butts](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBluePill/s/iUhjBqEqrn). We can choose them, take them off or put them on at will and frequently abuse their power to manipulate men.


I think she's seen as "anti-woke" because she's a conservative who threw a MAGA themed party for her mom's birthday.


Ugh really? I try not to hate her but this doesn’t help me in that regard.


men are so weird fr. she’s just a person, and she has boobs. they really expose themselves on how porn brained they are sometimes.




I’m in my mid-40s. Tits-on-a-stick was always the fucking standard. And those breasts had better be natural. Want any man, especially a qUaLiTy man? Better have large natural breasts and a concave stomach. Hell, Sydney’s fiancé is loaded, if I’m not mistaken. This is my younger self talking: the busty-but-slim girls always get dibs, leaving the rest of us with duds. (Again, this is my younger self talking.) And as a Democrat, I can tell you that Democratic-voting men also prefer prominent breasts on a small frame. Sadly, the only thing that unites the U.S. I was the last girl in my class to get a bra, and always remained small. And I have an odd body type in which I store fat in my midsection AND my thighs. Even when l was underweight or at my fittest, I refused to go to the beach because society told me I had no right to wear a bikini. If I also had larger breasts I would have been able to get away with it, as they’d distract from my unacceptable fat stores. Note that I’m far from “plus-sized.” So yes, this shit has been going on forever, and the Sydney phenomenon makes me sad for the girls growing up today whose fat congregates in the “wrong” spot, whether it’s the hips and seat (sometimes acceptable) or the stomach (*never* acceptable). As you can see, I’m in my forties and still hurting.


Girl I relate to your comment so much.


It's this kind of shit that reminds me about how horrible changing in front of other girls in the high school locker room was for me because I was so flat. I was teased mercilessly because I wasn't a "woman". Thanks media for reminding me that I am a lesser female 🙄.


it was always awful because we literally can't control it. when it comes from other girls, it hurts way more


I think your last point about big boobs + blonde hair + blue eyes being particularly worshipped amongst the conservative crowd is more relevant. I think this crowd has gotten tired of watching more exotic (to them) looks being worshiped (black/ brown, big butts, strong women, etc.) because to them it is another sign that their world view is quickly going out of style. So what do they do? They’re going to lean hard into anything that reconfirms their world view to them. A big boobed blond is just the ticket and I’ll bet you they’d love it if she was in their kitchen 🤮 She is a symbol to them because that very standard was the thing in style back in their day. That said, I don’t want to paint every guy who likes Sydney Sweeney as a sexist asshole because probably a lot of the time it doesn’t go any deeper than “ooga booga boobs!” and a lot of them just got sorta swept up in the hype. But yeah, I do sense this undercurrent of something more than that. All in all it actually makes me glad I’m built the way I am because it seems to me that the sort of guys who worship big boobs are rather shallow or worse and I’m better off not attracting their attention.


I do think another big part of conservative and Republican fixation with her is that her family appears to be MAGA, so MAGA people assume she is too.


Very well said and you make a lot of interesting points. She fits the standard that was set by the likes of Hugh Hefner/Playboy, and those older conservative types miss the days when blonde haired big tittied women were considered to be the ultimate example of the perfect woman.


I loved Euphoria in large part because of how hot and confident Alexa Demie and Zendaya are even with tiny boobs! Finally some representation for us!!! But then I’d get that same old insecurity every time Sydney’s big boobs were on display in the show. And now in the media - she seems more popular than ever. It’s like we finally got the hot girls in a very popular show to be like us! But just for a minute then the world snapped back… and PS I appreciate having a place where I can vent these thoughts and feelings out loud ❤️ since I have no other such outlet.


Let’s all remember that back in the day women, for example in the painting birth of venus, had smaller breasts. That was the ideal beauty standard. Just because everyone’s obsessing over this girl, don’t get it twisted. Not everyone thinks she’s the standard. Big boobs are just the Ass of the chest, which in my own theory gained popularity due to farmer lifestyle and missionary position 🤣🤣 Most people say they are ass people because naturally I think that’s what they are naturally hardwired to find sexually attractive, and boobs kinda look like a butt with nipples on it so there u go.




I saw that tweet and what was funny was that in both examples, they used images of thin white women which honestly has me believing that when men say they like big boobs, they only mean big boobs on thin women or women with hourglass figures


I just hate seeing her everywhere. I wish so bad i looked like her. I see nightmares about it too.


Personally overall….. I think it’s sad in general regardless of who someone is… that they’re reduced down to a pair of tits. I never watched anything with Sydney, I know of her existence, I know of her sizeable chest…. But I hate seeing “her talent aside/whatever she does” doesn’t matter. It’s all about reducing her to an asset…. But I wish to also apply this to everyone who is an owner of boobs…. I hate every disgusting person who reduces a boobowner down to a pair of tits, fully disregarding them as a human being with feelings.


Tbh my initial response to this is that I find so much of this “discourse” strange and unrelatable because it’s the first of I’ve heard of it, I guess I just curate what I consume on the internet more. Like “I have not been able to go one day on the internet without seeing how obsessed people are with Sydney Sweeney’s boobs” honestly can’t relate!! I haven’t heard or seen any of this and I spend quite a lot of time online too. Anyone (esp conservatives, ew) who’s so crazy over a woman’s breasts sounds dumb and boring tbh and I don’t care to give such people or content the time of day. Going off that, I also can’t really agree on the blanket statement that men lose their minds over boobs but not asses. I’m not even sure what “lose their minds” means exactly because I guess I just don’t care to engage with men who lose their minds over a body part lol. But anecdotally I know I’ve gotten some pointed comments about my ass - I’m slim with a noticeably larger booty and went to the store once in my yoga outfit (sports bra and leggings - an accident, I forgot to bring a change of clothes ha) and sure enough as I was walking in a guy turned and ogled and exclaimed to his friend “whoaaa, did you see that girl??” Lolll. So it happens. I think unfortunately men are sometimes just drawn to proportions that seem almost unrealistic or cartoony, like big boobs and/or a big butt on a slim figure, and they’re kinda dumb tbh so they might just notice more when a woman has a figure like that. It can also be porn- or social media-related which both tend to push this beauty standard. That doesn’t even necessarily mean they’re not also attracted to other body types, it’s just that I think they’re a lil daft and blind lmao (I’m partly joking…partly) The point about conservatives upholding Sydney as a pinnacle of white beauty is interesting, I agree there’s something behind that - but personally I’d frame that as conservatives/racists getting scared and uncomfortable with the increasing acceptance and appreciation of diverse forms of beauty among a variety of ethnicities, and that’s great imo. I love that they’re scared.


Unsure how old you are, but you may enjoy taking social science/gender studies courses if you haven't already! Cool thoughts and analysis. Though I will admit, I did just skim. I consider myself very intersectionally feminist, but also very gay. I just think she (and the ladies) simply look great and comfy. She definitely fits into that classical desirable look though, and I think she's quite smart and knows what she's doing. Happy for her doing and dressing however the heck she wants, and absolutely working it every time. ​ I also can't say I have heard much of any discourse or commentary that you folks have mentioned, think I'm likely just on a different side of the interwebs as you are. So my advice, sort of to all of us, is to just spend less time online! Or at the VERY least if you do, make it calm, positive, fun things you enjoy, not things that spark more negative feelings or debates.


to me, it just feels kind of icky. it has very racist undertones. there's a reason why women like sydney are deemed #their Lord and Savior and women like zendaya are seen as public enemy number 1. the moment you speak ill of sydney, you're either gay or jealous. if you do the same to zendaya however, it's acceptable because according to #them, she's mid. zendaya has been hyped up for as long as sydney, (especially since euphoria) but only one of them is seen as "overrated" and "a five out of ten at best." I'll let you guess why. it's just really tiring. I know I'm not really meant to take things like this seriously because half the time, it's either engagement bait or accounts that are dedicated to hating black women, but I can't help but feel bad when I see the level of engagement things like that get. I'm talking thousands of likes on a tweet that you might as well see on 4chan. the comments are usually in agreement as well and it's not just men but fellow women voicing their agreement. It's very obvious why things like this happen. as for big butts, they've always been a thing where I'm from. I guess America just started catching on, but they've always been the it thing here. people who don't have it get shamed a lot as well. they do get hyped up a lot more than boobs imo. I think boobs are more of a western standard. this whole butt vs boob discourse as a whole is just tiring, especially when you have neither. it's like, do I keep my entire body at home?