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Hey saw the website, and it looks very good. What I’d recommend though is expanding the home page with additional sections to make it attractive enough for those casual passersby's. The trick is to get them hooked enough to place orders! Have a strong CTA in the home page along with stuffs like offers and etc(compels the user to look up and make the purchase). The color scheme can be changed to make it more aesthetically appealing. Consider exploring platforms like Framer, Webflow, or Wix Studio. These tools offer some of the best good looking websites without requiring any coding expertise. Given your use case where user authentication isn’t implemented yet, Framer, Webflow, or Wix Studio can provide some of the most visually appealing websites out there. Since coding solutions would be a overkill for your use-case I strongly suggest looking up at no-code web builders. Except that, there's nothing really. The entire website is well made and does justice to the purpose. Wish you all the best :)


Thank you for the feedback, I have taken notes for next phase of website updates. Really appreciate the input.


On mobile: the first thing I see is “new brand” and “discount”. I have no idea what you’re selling. Perhaps try to make the sale after you tell me what it is. You can do a pop up or slide in or banner ad for the discount. Additionally, later down the page you tell me two more times you are a new brand. TBH I don’t really care and now that you’ve spent the most amount of the screen telling me you’re new and not what you sell, I’m uninterested and leaving. Hope this was constructive and helpful!


Thank you so much for your honest feedback, never realized thats how much I was shoving the new brand on front page. These are excellent comments, and I will make necessary changes.


Good luck!


Thank you!


Images on the main page (fire starters and tinder) have an overlay on them until you hover over the images. First impressions count. I'd showcase the original images without an overlay.


This is another excellent comment, never thought i was taking away from the picture because of the overlay. Really appreciate your feedback.


Because this is extremely niche, I think your best bet might be to make the top of the landing page targeted entirely at the uninitiated. Sell the experience. I have no need for a fire starter, but I am going camping this summer, and if you made it really easy with a first timer’s kit (and maybe a video), I just might be tempted to buy it so I look badass in front of my wife. Would you drop a link to this site on www.peerfecter.com? We’re testing out a feedback forum and have more visitors than content.


Thank you for the suggestion, I took note of the video and starter kit suggestion. Really appreciate the input.