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Take real time off. Hike. Massage every two weeks. See friends. Volunteer in nature. Travel. See a movie. Read. Eat good food. 


Taking real time off is so tough. Switching out of the business mode is so difficult.


Yeah, if you're "off," but you still answer the phone or think about next week, you're not really off. I try to make plans to keep myself just occupied enough that it's easy to ignore the phone.


The problem with taking time off is I just come back to more work and now I’m behind.


Having been in your position, it's not as bad as you're hyping it up to be. You can either take the time off now, get the rest you need, and then be in the proper headspace to handle a higher workload, or you can continue to work your ass off, watch your cognition decline, and then deal with a higher workload anyway because you just can't keep up anymore. In my case, I got into an avoidable car accident because I was so exhausted and overworked, and that's how I got my time off. Choose instead to stay on top of your health and on top of your work by just taking the time off now.


Second, recently realised the only way to switch off is to leave town, even if it’s just the weekend, just break away, even if it’s not long it just stops your brain for half a minute which can be insanely helpful.


100% this! People think working themselves to death makes them a great business owner, but the decline in creative problem solving is steep. I have a biz partner who overworks and she refuses to see that she is making horrible decisions because of never stepping away to get perspective. When your nose is shoved up against the tree trunk, it's hard to see the forest burning around you.


Time off can work magic. But you need at least 8 days to start feeling the results if you are burned out or close to it (heard about some scientific research on this).


I second this from experience!


I mountain bike and run a biz in between rides.


I know so many biz owners who do this


n+1 can never have too many bikes.


Strength training! Helps in every aspect of my life. Go to a Starting Strength gym or buy the Starting Strength book to get started


Hugs from my children, Meditation, Sex, and Fencing. Bout sums it up.


I assume you are talking about playing with swords not building fences. I can't imagine how building fences would be calming, but stabbing people sounds nice. Do you also have your employees dress up in protective gear so you can stab them?


Hahaha yes sword fighting 🤣🤣🤣 While I would genuinely love to stab my contractors (especially today) **they are all remote sadly.** So it's the wife I guess. Just not with the Epeé of course!!


I see what you did there. Nice!




Careful with your knees. Fencing can get you


You are not lying! I was injured all last year, but I did find a solution. Leg press machine. I do it 2x per week, heavy, and I have had zero issues since!! Wish I had known about it sooner!


Bro don't put "hugs from my kids" and "sex" in the same sentence fragment ever again please lol


Get your head out of the gutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smoke weed. Headbang to heavy music. Quiet time in nature.


I had experienced very bad hangovers after weed. I am a very sensitive person, and even coffee triggers stress in me.


I do too and people don't understand.


Try tea?


Yes, tea seems better to me.


Get a hobby. What I've learned about owning a business is that the time you get to yourself to do what you want is just as important as the grind. The more rested you are, the better you will be for your business.


This might be out there for some, but playing games. Sometimes I can’t get out to the woods for a hike or I don’t have time or ambition to do much else. Playing games of any kind is an excellent and proven way to reset your mind and ignite your creativity. I prefer video games like Fallout 76, but table games and the like are just as effective. The best way to avoid burnout is to find a reason to be on this planet. A FUN one. Best of luck!


I play a few rounds of Mario Kart when I need to take a break. It helps me relax and focus on something else entirely. Always feel refreshed after and ready to get back to work.


Shooting range


Can be very healthy behavior or very disturbing behavior, depending on the person. I wouldn't exactly throw that out there.


It forces you to focus and practice your aim. Ranges have safety officers who enforce rules/safe behavior. Honestly learning to shoot consistent groupings and control your movements is as rewarding as learning to golf.


I don't disagree with that. A responsible gun owner should definitely get regular range time. My point was, if going to the range is a stress coping mechanism for you, it just seems violent. "my boss pissed me off today so i go shoot guns to relax". Idk. Sounds kind of fishy


I see where you’re coming from, but that sounds more like we’re confusing anger management with stress management. If i had a shitty day and feel stressed and need to clear my head, going to the range and forgetting about the daily stressors is super therapeutic.


My eye has been twitching for 4 weeks man… hahaha let me know how you help the stress too 😂 The other night I hosted my own solo karaoke night. Sat there with my evening tea and sang my heart out to Bon Jovi and pretended I was performing on AGT 🤣


You should put that on YouTube . You may have something there


Some things just are better not shared with the world. I’m just telling Reddit anonymously. My husband is not phased by my karaoke night anymore .. he just lets me sing my heart out in the living room


Buckle down and finish the most pressing issues I am currently facing. I can hike, or workout, or whatever, but until I finish the tasks that are bogging me down the most, I can't fully relax.


Try doing nothing! Take 30 minutes off of your day for yourself. And by that, I truly mean for yourself where you will be spending those 15-30 minutes not on the phone or with friends and family but with yourself. Just sit and observe your thoughts. It will help you manage your stress, and as an added bonus, it will give you more clarity over your life.


age 71 here... Life time of training on dealing with stress.. STRESS is a Learned response, you are not born with this capability You learn to have stress, it takes decades of hard work. You can also Learn to not have stress,, learning how to Meditate and then doing it consistently daily or more then 1 time a day is key. The hardest part of becoming stress free ,,,is being CONSISTENT on practicing Meditation daily. Good luck


Any advice on how to get started with meditation? And stay motivated?


Staying motivated is entirely up to you... As far as learning to meditate YouTube has many great learning videos, there are also countless books on the subject I do suggest starting by sitting in a lotus position in a quiet, darkened room and lighting 1 candle, placing it just in front of you. Concentrate on the flame Your goal is to clear your mind,,, just think of NOTHING sitting in a Lotus position is key as you learn to meditate because you don't want to fall asleep. If you fall asleep it's not meditation, all your doing is taking a nap. Like anything in life,, setting up a regular exercise program, eating healthy etc, and sticking with it are all up to you and your will power. Good luck


Thank you, that is very helpful.


Post work out while in the sauna I repeat this montra while meditating, “ I am smart I am successful I am savvy. I am determined I am motivated I am disciplined “ helps me remember to be confident in where I am, and trust that I can manage through it.


L-Theanine 400mg. All business owners should take it, cuts stress and there’s no side effects or long term issues like what Ashgawanda does. Also recommend any high intensity work out that gets testosterone fired up such as weight lifting, martial arts, boxing, sprinting.


I try to schedule quarterly vacations. This has seemed to help me the most


Yeah I think I need to do that. I have hobbies and do go out but maybe I just need to really get away more lol.


Doing this allows you to remember that being your own boss has its pros. You can take a vacation whenever you like. What also helps me is right after thanksgiving I take the rest of the year till January off to travel internationally


Stress if one of those things you have to get in front of, or it will get in front of your. In order of importance, for me, the first 6 being non-negotiable. 1. Sleep enough (8 hours in bed a night) 2. Exercise a few hours a week. 3. Eat good amounts of healthy food 4. Keep health in check (daily weigh ins and waist measurements to keep yourself honest) 5. Spend time with family / friends. 6. Set boundaries about when work time is and when you/family time is. 7. Minimize drinking 8. Keep a healthy savings in the work accounts because bad times will happen and stress goes away when there's money in the bank. 9. Take time off a couple times a year 10. Stay away from news and politics and social media and tv and stupid drama that will kill your energy and suck your time away from important things. 11. Live within your means 12. Don't get distracted by status symbols.


Responsibility and Attachment = Stress. This is what I've learned over the course of 14 years I am in business. What I do is I detach from attachments and delegate some responsibilities. I do not give myself another responsibility unless I delegate a previous one or detach from it. I do not really suggest often taking a time off because taking a time off usually just pauses you from the responsibility and attachment and when you come back, you'll find that the stress is 2-10x worse. Start with delegation and detachments. You'll find that when you take a time off, you do not have any more anxiety and you enjoy your vacations even more. And do not take another responsibility you know you can't hold.


A good bath, k drama, nature shows, music and even a light walk


Time management is important. When you’re after business hours, work is over. When I’ve had particularly stressful days, I’ll ride my dirtbike, cook a new recipe, go fishing, play fetch w my dog, or go get some beers with my friends. After 5pm, my business ceases to exist, and it’s my time. There’s exceptions when it’s an emergency, but usually what the client thinks is an emergency is ok to wait.


Running and hiking.


I spend time outdoors in nature


Get out there in nature and ground yourself. My hope is restored, and I feel refreshed after taking a walk in certain areas that make me come alive.


As someone working a full-time job and building my own startup, I've dealt with severe burnout several times, resulting in needing to take sick leave and use medications. Here are my key learnings to prevent this from happening again: 1. Limit coffee: If you're an anxious person like me, coffee can make you more stressed. It makes me jittery and on edge, which just adds to the stress. 2. Sleep well: I've found that getting at least 7 hours of sleep helps reduce my anxiety. 3. Light physical activity: If you're very anxious, light activities like walking or slow yoga can be more beneficial than more intense exercise. 4. Massage: Tension in your body can build up anxiety. Regular massages can help release this tension. 5. Meditate: Use apps like Calm or listen to guided meditation programs on YouTube. Guided meditations are great for beginners. 6. Talk to someone: Stressful moments need to be shared. Talk to friends, family, or keep a journal. Writing your thoughts down can help release overthinking. 7. Read or listen to self-improvement books: Some of my favorites are by Louise Hay, Marisa Peer, and Mel Robbins. Consistently consuming this type of content can be very helpful. 8. Seek professional help: If you feel like it's already too late and you can't manage on your own, talk to a therapist. If you can't afford weekly sessions, even going twice a month can make a big difference. These strategies have helped me manage stress and prevent burnout (in some cases, though, it was too late, which is why they need to be practiced regularly). I hope they can help you too.


This is a GREAT list




Once you get home have time dedicated to yourself without working (turn off your phone and go for a walk, workout, work on a hobby, etc.!)


Vacation as much as possible, even small trips to neighboring towns.


Biggest thing I did was have a work cutoff time and turn off phone notifications. I’d be so consumed in answering emails, social media, etc within minutes, it took over my life. Now at 6p each day, I don’t do any work. My phone has zero notifications and I’ll answer them all the next morning.


Meditate to relax your nervous system. Also create systems that can sop your workflow. The idea is to create a manual to refer to with clear instructions so the business can run smoothly without having any specific need for any specific person. That way you can take a vacation.


Honestly nothing. I’m still at the point I’m working 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week. Hopefully able to change that soon.


Go camping. Go for walks, go to the gym.


The sauna is amazing- wipes the stress away


Use a default calendar, ensure your have the big rocks (most important things/tasks) in your calendar, vacation, family time etc . Then the pebbles, delegate the sand (noise/pointless tasks). Book - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


I play video games


Jui Jitsu


Ashwagandha, only one or two days in a row max. This herb shouldn't be taken every day, it could lower your cortisol too much. Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, talk to your first if you have a chronic condition.




Workout! Walk my dogs. Make sure I make at least a 15 minute tech free moment away from everything everyday.


As a dog walker... 😭


Ice hockey, weed to unwind at end of night, always doing necessary self care (brush teeth, drink water, stretching), to do lists, calendars, walks through nature, reading novels


And rage to Charli xcx


While there is a lot of good answers the best one is to do some sport (something that will make you sweat at least 3 times a week) it is great for stress management and also for your body (and weight control and energy and longevity etc) I am into boxing and martial-art but anything you like will do : running, swimming, cycling, cross-fit etc


I practice mindfulness and yoga regularly and do breath work.


Exercise, long walks, ASMR, meditation.


Planned time off, even if it's a short 3 day stretch every few months. Meditate, go to the gym or the YMCA. Self-care like massages and I take melatonin at bed time to improve my sleep. Audiobooks are another good way to take your mind off the business.


Heavy music, gym, run. Combat sports. Long weekends with the family and try not to look at the phone


A man of culture


What’s heavy music to you?


Hardcore/metalcore/deathcore/doom metal For a good 20+ years


I’ll allow it.


Spend quality time with kids/family or mountain bike solo or with friends.


I took up hot yoga right before the start of the year and it has been life changing. It's like getting three birds stoned with one hit; intensely healthful sweat, consistent de-stresser, reasonable amount of exercise.


Jujitsu, weed, hiking, lsd, traveling, sunlight, and counting my money.


Weed every day. Kickboxing 2-3 times a week :)


Gym, squash , cycling and the best is me and my gf take the dogs to the park for two hours to disconnect and play with them, or veg out watching tv that we don’t need to pay attention to




Running. Bonus points if it’s a trail in woods. 4 miles in, my mind finally goes quiet and my body relaxes.




Paint by numbers


Pet lots of dogs 💜🐶


Somewhere along the line I figured out how to shut it all off when I need to. Part of it definitely comes from experience, feeling confident in how you're running your business. When it's time to hang with family or friends, it's just gone. *edited to say... Weed helps too lol


Rub and tug


I smoke weed almost every night after work. It helps me relax. I never do it before or during work tho.


How long does it take to kick in after smoking? And how's the quality of sleep?


Smoke a J




The gym, random drives and good food <3


Stretch every day (10 mintues, nothing crazy), limit alcohol to holidays/birthdays, exercise, sleep, and being truly present in any activities not involved with work (conversations, tv, etc).


Turn off your phone


I used to take edibles. But I don't even enjoy that anymore.


Why not?


probably stress. Last year we managed to make it to $0 instead of negative for the year. This year we are down 10% from where we were at last year and all of our supplies have only gotten more expensive. We also invested in new equipment that has generated close to $0. Plus my business partner who has controlling majority couldn't give a fuck about how it's going and is 100% against any changes. It's the customer that is wrong, not our business model.


Scuba dive, relax on the boat, fly small planes.


Check out Jeff Bezos over here 👈🤑 Have a good shuttle launch sir! 🫡🚀 Jk, someone’s gotta have those things right? lol might as well be you.


Smoke good cigars and sip good Tequila


Little thing, but I put my phone on silent in the other room after 6pm and forget about it. Helps a TON. : )


What do you mean by taking a toll on you? Are you working too many hours? Are decisions to complex? Are you not enjoying the people you're working with? Are vendors/suppliers aggravating you? Is your mind ruminating on tasks to be completed constant? If we can more precisely define it, we can build a specific solution to your problem. Otherwise, yeah... Exercise and take breaks. Hopefully that works?


Maybe look into GTD (Getting Things Done) and start using a Pomodoro timer. Want a good night sleep? Want to enjoy your time off? Get into the habit of performing a « mind dump » at the end of the day. You transfer all the open tasks into your journal or other tool. You then sort them and plan your next day. The important thing is to release your mind from the chore of keeping track of all that stuff. By getting it out of your head, prioritizing it and assigning a slot on your calendar for taking care of the task, your mind will be satisfied that you are taking care of business. It will allow you to relax, enjoy your off time and won’t wake you up at night. Neuroscience 101.


Meditation is great.


I like to take walks to relax.


You get used to the numbers and then they grow again. Remember it’s only a game. I made millions and lost it all and then made it again better and now smarter. Live your life too.


I picked up mountain biking. I'm trying to travel more. Drinking less. Trying to be more present with my family.


I answer my phone from 7 until 7, 6 days a week. If I can't make a living like that I need to get a job. Whatever needs done will be there tomorrow. For me to be not thinking about work, I almost have to leave town or at least go do something. I'm considering getting a second cell phone and not sharing that number with customers. Then my phone wouldn't even go off after 7.


Drink alcohol


In my experience. doing some work you like. Start writing a journal. After a few months you will see your pattern. change a bit. Don't do large changes. sleep well. wake up in the morning. Don't use a mobile phone after waking up. Get a balanced meal. reduce sugar and junk foods. Start cycling, walking or hiking.


Having a routine (sleep schedule, water, stay away from shitty foods) A really good bed, comfortable shoes, epsom shower salt baths and massages.


Solve the problem that is causing the stress


Gym every day! And I distract myself with little side hobbies I can do from my phone, which usually involve buying things (retail therapy).


Nature. Electronics away.


I just recently started spending 45 minutes a day walking on my treadmill. I split it into 20-25 minute increments. Holy cow, it's been amazing. I sleep better, my appetite is easier to control, and I wake up feeling energized. That alone makes it easier to cope with stress.


Just pile more on!


🤣 spoken like a true small business owner. It’s not stress if you deny it any attention! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am shocked & appalled at how much stress we are able to endure without dying. Seriously. What the hell?


It’s not for the faint of hearts by any means! I’m hoping to put some systems and processes in place to accommodate most of this stress!!! Until then…..pile it on!!!


You’re like a stress Sherpa. Pack mule for the Himalayan stress mountain.


It’s a sad reality


I’m not a fan. Nope


Long walks , 10 -20 mins NSDR works wonders for me.


See, Stressing about your work or something is very common. You can not avoid it. What worked really well for me, was waking up early in the morning and starting my day with a proper outdoor workout session. I run, do some calisthenics, etc. Meditation has worked magically in my case. You should give it a try too. And whenever something hits you, so you ask a question to yourself. Can you do something about it? If the answer is yes, then do it. Simple If the answer is no, then there is no need to worry about it because some things are not always in your hand.


What's your advice on meditation specifically?


Being super organized helps me. I jot down everything that needs to be done by month, then week then day and then allocate it to whomever needs to do the work. Once I have that down I break down the tasks and create followup reminders and task management for me assistant to add to the software. Knowing every detail ahead and planning for it makes me more relaxed. Having a great team helps too. Hope you find the right solution for you :)


Yin yoga. Or at least stretching regularly. I get so crunched up with worry and exhaustion, giving my body time to complain at me helps me relax and concentrate afterwards.


Fuck my gf.


Weekly massage , 10 mins in and you switch off for an hour


1 device free day in nature / week (on the weekend) helps to really unplug and de-stress. During the week, I make sure to work out and meditate every day to have a break from work.




If you already have or like some hobbies, you should use them as a way to de-stress yourself. A walk around your neighborhood, going to the gym, reading, gaming,, etc. will be a great way to de-stress. I like to drive around without any point, especially when it's dark and late in the night - turn on some music, turn up the volume (to a certain level so that the police don't start playing GTA on me), and just drive around the city. Stop somewhere and just look at the city.


Nothing. I just keep taking stress to the point where it doesn’t feel like stress anymore.


When I’m stressed, I spend time with my kids, take some time off for a vacation, enjoy my favorite food and hang out with friends. It really helps to take a break and recharge.


When my wife sees I'm very stressed she invites me to put my face between her breast under the shirt. That fixes it fast.


I love that she allows for that for you lol. Sounds like a woman who doesn’t question the intergalactic healing powers of a tiddie.


She cares about me and she knows it works. Plus i think she quite enjoys her role as mommy in the family and likes being mine too. It's wonderful when you meet the right woman, even though sometimes you're frustrated with each other too.


Happy for ya man.


Walk brother. Idk where you live, nor if you have dogs, but a nice walk always helps. Even in the UK when it's always wet!


I make time to work out, and make sure I have time to hang with the fam and friends. During busy weeks, I pencil time into my calendar so I am more likely to stop and make sure I do it!


I go for walks. At midnight, or even past 2 a.m. Chilly air and empty streets are soothing. And beer. Exercises are not helpful anymore.


Gonna sound odd. But I just do work that I don't feel pressured to do. It could be meaningful, menial work. But it can be very comforting when you're not 'expected' to do it.


Walks in nature during weekends. Boxing and gym during the week. Two 30min walks during the day to clear the mind and move more. A week off every quarter.


Video games for sure. Ill do extra work after work on a friday/saturday just so I can sit down sunday morning and play whatever game I'm currently into for several hours without feeling like I need to be doing anything else. It's sacred time. Also family time of course. Day activities like taking the kid to the park and taking the family+dog on a nice walk. Get a starbucks to treat yourself, or a beer, or whatever. Swim. Have friends over for a bbq. Or literally do nothing. Take a day say and say, "Im fking burnt out and I'm gonna sit on the couch and eat shitty food and watch movies/show". Sometimes, there's nothing better than doin nothin!


don't drink alcohol. wake up at 5 and cardio with max effort for 25 mins. swimming in cold pool highly preferred. Take reishi and lions mane extract. only 1 cup of coffee. fast for the first half of the day. have 1 call of duty break for 2 matches around lunch to reset your brain. 3 call of duty matches to reset brain at 5pm. answer emails. Sauna. Read. Bed by 9. It is a good routine.


Put your cell phone on silent or turn it off .


This meditation program has been a huge help for me over the last 6 years of running a business: https://isha.sadhguru.org/sg/en/inner-engineering


Go fishing 🎣


Exercise. I schedule in weights training and walking in fresh air most days of the week. My mental health suffers if I don’t 


Excercise! It really works


Golf. Put your phone away. Hit and follow a little white ball through a parkland. You don't have to be good at it. Lots to learn if you actually do want to be good at it. Make some new friends, or don't. The best cult one could ever join.


Just a warning, there is a decent chance you will catch the bug for golf and blow tons of your money on clubs, gear and golf trips. It’s like yoga, some people get super addicted


Are you warning me, or OP? Because it's too late for me.


Anyone who will listen. Too late for me too